Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Wednesday Briefs: In Pieces #34 (8.7)

Good morning and Happy Hump Day! If it's Wednesday, then it must be time for more flash fiction from the Wednesday Briefers! We're a group of authors who bring you our finest flash fiction every week, 500 to 1000 words, inspired by one of our prompts.

Salvation is still playing at the birthday party of a young man with wealthy parents, and Ryan is beginning to see what kind of attention Ben draws from his fans. Can he live with that, or will it make him jealous? See what's going on in this week's chapter of In Pieces. Don't forget to visit the other Briefers and see what's up with them. Their links follow my tale! Enjoy!

In Pieces #34 (8.7)

As it turned out, Ryan’s fears were groundless. Ben had Miles well in hand, and was keeping the infatuated  young man at what Ryan considered to be a safe distance. Ben was letting Miles’ friends take selfies of themselves with him, and all of the young people were clamoring for his attention, eating it up. But when Ben spotted Ryan coming toward him, his face lit up with unmistakable joy.

Ryan had intended to hang on the fringe of the group and take the photos for the host,  but Ben would have none of that. He bounced up to Ryan and welcomed him with a warm kiss, drawing a few giggles from the young people, as well as comments of “Hey, can priests do that now?” which were answered by a snarky “He’s not a real priest, dumbass.”

“I’m supposed to take some pictures for Mr. Champlain,” Ryan explained to Ben. “I’ve got some good ones already, but I thought he’d like more.”

“Cool. That means I’ll get to see you in action.  Want me to hold your laptop?”

“Sure, if you don’t mind.”

“Anything for you.” Ben kissed him again, then Ryan handed him the laptop. If he’d thought he’d have a problem getting Miles’ friends to pose, that idea dissipated as they enthusiastically fell in with his suggestions. Even Miles was unexpectedly good-natured about it, although he did glare at Ryan just a little when Ben kissed him. But he got over it quickly, and everything went well.  Afterward, Ben walked Ryan back to his seat, kissed him again as he whispered, “Tonight,” and returned to the stage.

The second half of the concert went very well. Ryan found himself transported by the incredible sounds Salvation was putting out. He’d never heard music quite like it before. How could they fail to become very successful with such talented performers in their midst, especially Ben?

Of course, if he was going to be completely honest with himself, it was thoughts of Ben as much as the music that had him floating on Cloud Nine. That and the implied promise of his parting words. What else could it mean other than tonight was going to be their night? Years of wanting and waiting would finally come to an end.

Salvation was a huge success. Their audience was reluctant to see the concert end, but when Mrs. Champlain told them a buffet had been laid out for them on the verandah, the promise of food was enough to take the sting out of their disappointment.

“You’ll join us too, won’t you?” she asked Ben. Ryan could tell he would rather not, but he gave her a gallant smile and said they’d be honored, although they couldn’t stay long. That seemed to satisfy Mrs. Champlain. She turned away and began to herd the young people toward the house.

“Sorry,” Ben apologized. “I know it’s late, but I didn’t want to be rude…”

“No, it’s fine. Are you sure you’re not too tired? I mean, everything still needs to be broken down, doesn’t it?”

“Yeah, it does, but I think a small break won’t hurt. I bet the food’s good, if this house is anything to go by. C’mon, let’s find out.” He linked his arm through Ryan’s and they trailed the other band members at a comfortable pace.

“What did you think? About the band, I mean?” Ben asked, almost shyly.

“I think you’re all amazing,” Ryan said honestly. “I think you’re all going to be big stars someday. And I think you are incredible.” He couldn’t praise the group enough, and especially Ben.

“Everything I’ve done, I did for you.” Ben stopped suddenly, forcing Ryan to stop as well. Ben’s eyes seemed to glitter unnaturally in the bright lights from the house, probably because of his contact lenses. “I wanted to prove myself, to be someone you’d be proud to be with. You have no idea… the last ten years… I’ve missed you so much. I was so afraid that after all that time… that you wouldn’t…”

“Wouldn’t what?” Ryan prompted when Ben’s words trailed away.

“Wouldn’t want me.” Ben’s voice had dropped to the point where Ryan could barely hear him, but he heard him well enough to know what he’d said.

“Not want you? That wasn’t ever going to happen. I’ll always want you, Ben.  All the years without you, all the time we’ve been separated have been agony for me. Not knowing where you were, what you were doing or thinking. I was sure you’d find someone else, someone better—”

“There is no one better for me than you, Ryan, so don’t even think that.” Ben pressed their lips together and every other question Ryan had wanted to ask melted. Not now. Some other time. This was their time.

Nothing could ever separate them again.

to be continued

Now go see what the other Briefers are up to!

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