Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Wednesday Briefs: Bad Karma and the Family Plan #46 (9.4)

 Good morning and Happy Hump Day! If it's Wednesday, then it must be time for more flash fiction from the Wednesday Briefers! We're a group of authors who bring you our finest flash fiction every week, 500 to 1000 words, inspired by one of our prompts.

As you'll recall, circumstances have conspired in such a way that Ethan and Vinny and Sarah and Uncle Benny will be staying with the family longer than expected. There is one member of the group who is less than thrilled at this outcome, though. See what's going on in this week's chapter of Bad Karma and the Family Plan. Don't forget to visit the other Briefers and see what's up with them. Their links follow my tale! Enjoy!

Bad Karma and the Family Plan #36 (9.4)

Sarah and Alex came down the stairs just as Maureen was saying, “Well, then, looks you’ll be able to stay for dinner after all.” She sounded very happy, and I couldn’t blame her. She had her whole family together for the first time in a long while, even if the circumstances were less than ideal.

“We’re staying for dinner?” Sarah turned inquisitive eyes to Ethan and me.

“Yeah, looks like we’ll be here for a few days,” Ethan replied. “Things have come up and Anderson thought it was best.”

She and Ethan exchanged glances, and I could tell she understood something was going on and we would tell her later. She shifted Alex from her hip to the floor before a sudden thought must have struck her.

“Oh but where’s everyone going to sleep?” she asked as she straightened up.  “And what about clothes and stuff? I don’t know if I have enough pull-ups for Alex.”

“I’m sure we can make a quick run to the store, can’t we?” I turned to Ethan and he nodded.

“We can, absolutely. And as for sleeping—”

“They’re kicking me out of my room for you!” Joey belligerently interjected. I couldn’t tell if he was really trying to start a fight or he was just stupid. My inclination was the latter.

“Stop it!” Maureen said sternly. “You’re a guest here as much as they are. And I’m sorry your circumstances are what they are. But I won’t allow you to take it out on everyone else, do you understand me?”

Whoa, looked like Maureen had definitely found her voice. She wasn’t putting up with shit from her husband or her older son. Good for her!

“Straighten up that room and get what you need for tonight, then help Sarah up with her things.”

I noticed that Sarah didn’t look particularly bothered at Joey’s outburst. She turned to her mother and said, “Thanks, Mom! All my stuff is in the trunk, Joey.” That last was, of course, aimed at her brother.

“We can bring those in,” Ethan quickly said. I suspected he didn’t want Joey touching our rental car. Besides, our stuff was all there too.

“I’ll help too,” Benny chimed in. He already had Alex comfortably ensconced on his lap

Well, that was settled.

“Can I help with dinner, Mom?” Sarah asked.

“Sure, honey, that would be nice.” The two women headed toward the kitchen. Joe Jr had thrown himself into his father’s armchair and sat in sullen silence. Not as though I expected him to help with anything. As of one accord, Ethan and Benny and I exited through the front door. I couldn’t help but wonder if the agents Anderson had spoken about were in place even now, watching us.

“I’m so sorry to cause everyone so much trouble,” Benny said as we hefted everything from the trunk.

“Don’t even think that,” Ethan assured him. “You’re family, and that’s what counts. And once this is all over and done with, I hope we get to see a lot more of you.”

“You can count on that,” Benny said. “I’ve missed everyone so much. It feels so good just to be back with y’all.”

“Ditto, Uncle Benny, ditto.”

“Once this is over and I figure out what to do with myself… well, I guess we’ll take it from there.”

We filed back into the house with our baggage.  Joey looked as though he hadn’t moved a muscle and deliberately avoided making eye contact.

“Joey, is the spare room ready for Sarah and Alex?” Ethan asked. I suspected he knew the answer to that as well as I did, though.

Ethan’s brother made no immediate response. At least not until he saw Benny take up a position beside his chair. I would have wilted under that stern glance, and I suspected Joey was made of less sterner stuff.

At first Joey pretended not to notice, but he couldn’t pull that off for long.

“Your brother asked you a question,” Benny said in a quiet voice.

Joey opened his mouth and closed it quickly, sliding out of the chair without a word. He skirted his uncle and reluctantly made his up to the stairs. He was almost at the top when he responded with, “You can’t tell me what to do. You’re nothing but a jailbird!” Not waiting for a reaction, he disappeared out of sight.

The three of us looked at one another of one accord and burst out laughing.

I guess when it comes to family, you have to take the bad with the good.

to be continued

Now go see what's up with the other Briefers!

Cia Nordwell

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