Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Wednesday Briefs: Dracula #31(7.1)

 Good morning and Happy Hump Day! If it's Wednesday, then it must be time for more flash fiction from the Wednesday Briefers! We're a group of authors who bring you our finest flash fiction every week, 500 to 1000 words, inspired by one of our prompts.

Dracula seems a little restless, and it doesn't help that a storm is brewing. See what's happening in this week's chapter of Dracula. Don't forget to visit the other Briefers and see what's up with them. Their links follow my tale. Enjoy!

Dracula #31(7.1)

The decision to disembark had been an impulsive one, but one not out of keeping with his nature. Stretching his long legs after being cooped up in the hold of that miserable boat, trapped among the various barrels and crates of sundries the smuggler was ferrying up the river—some of which smelled rather foul—felt good. He did not deal well with confinement of any sort, although few knew of this idiosyncrasy as he found it easier to dissimulate than to reveal truths regarding himself. Sometimes in the middle of the night, while Avram slept, Dracula would wander through the forest outside the castle, seldom venturing as far as the village, however. At these times, he felt more at home among the denizens of the night, over many of whom he held sway, than he did with most people, Avram being the exception. Unfortunately, he did not always have the luxury of the splendid isolation he preferred. As in the current circumstances.

He stole a cautious glance at Avram, attempting to gauge his temperament. He understood, without having to be told, why Avram was less than enthusiastic concerning their proposed destination. But there was little he could do about that. At the moment, their options were limited. This was not like their previous travels, which had been better planned and well organized, even if their objectives were the same. Neither of them had anticipated the circumstances that impelled their hasty departure in the middle of the night. To make matters worse, their available funds were precarious at the best of times. Even he realized that, and he generally did not disturb himself regarding mere financial matters.

“Avram,” he began, surprised at his own hesitation.

“Yes, Nico? Did you change your mind? Do you need to feed now? I will see what I can do.” Avram, as always, was very solicitous of his well-being. Sometimes he wondered how he had come to deserve such devotion.

Before he could respond, a chill wind gusted about them, penetrating the thin veneer of the disgusting garments that he couldn’t wait to shed. He raised his head, instantly on the alert, as he reached out with his senses. The air pressure around them had suddenly begun to drop and the sound of thunder rumbled in the distance. Why hadn’t he noticed this impending change in the weather before? Because he’d been too distracted by other thoughts. A storm was headed in their direction. They should probably get under way soon. Where was that idiot boatman?

Resisting the urge to growl, Dracula waved off the idea he might be hungry with one hand. “No, I am fine, I assure you. I just wanted to say—”

. “Maybe we should return to the boat and wait for Andrei there.” Avram glanced about them warily, as if he too sensed a disturbance. “I’m sorry, what were you about to say?”

What had he been about to say? That he was sorry for what had happened, sorry for what was probably going to happen in Vienna… sorry for everything that had occurred thus far in his miserable life, although he wasn’t sure where that last thought had come from. He was Dracula… he was above such useless emotions.

Or was he?

to be continued

Now go visit the other Briefers and see what's up!

Cia Nordwell

J Ray Lamb



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