Monday, September 16, 2024

Book Review: One Piece, Vol 17: Hiriluk's Cherry Blossoms by Eiichiro Oda


One Piece, Vol 17: Hiriluk’s Cherry Blossoms     

Author: Eiichiro Oda

Publisher: Viz Media

American release date: March 4, 2008

Format/Genre/Length: Paperback/Manga/Action Adventure/216 pages

Overall Personal Rating: ★★★★★


King Wapol, the ne’er-do-well, pretend pirate has returned to Drum Island and intends to retake his throne, and especially his castle. He is very angry that Doctor Kureha has moved in behind his back. Not only that, there is a pirate flag, symbol of the late Doctor Hiriluk, flying there. That has got to change. Luckily, Luffy has no intention of allowing this idiot to besmirch the banner, and neither does the reindeer Tony Tony Chopper, who has some very amazing abilities of his own! Unfortunately, Wapol is not without his own secrets. Turns out, he ate some devil fruit too – the munch munch fruit – and he can eat anything!

Below, in the village, it turns out that Dalton is not dead, just injured, and Usopp offers to carry him up the mountain to the castle, to seek the doctor’s help. But to Usopp’s dismay, Zolo grabs Dalton and heads toward the mountain. Usopp has no choice but to follow, angrily, as he shouts, “I was about to get serious!” Luckily, before they get too far, another mode of transportation becomes available! Onward they go!

Nami decides that three days in bed is long enough, so she gets up, only to encounter King Wapol, who has entered the castle. She flees from him, and he is too fat to follow. But he has a very unique cure for that which involves eating himself. Suddenly, he’s a whole lot thinner than he was!

Once the situation on Drum Island is resolved, it’s time to head toward Alabasta, to save Princess Vivi’s kingdom!  Little are they aware that someone else is on their way, none other than the top member of Baroque Works, Sir Crocodile!

I think the biggest take-away from this volume of One Piece is the growth of and addition to the crew of Tony Tony Chopper. The reindeer man learns to open himself to others, particularly Luffy and his crew, and he comes to realize that there is a whole other world waiting to be explored, places where he can use his medical talents. And that he is worthy of having friends! I think he will make a fine addition to the story and look forward to seeing more of them. Another great volume of One Piece!


Saturday, September 14, 2024

Saturday is Horror Day #183 - Megan is Missing

 Megan is Missing

Megan(Rachel Quinn) and Amy(Amber Perkins) are best friends. Megan's other friends don't understand what she sees in Amy, and they are very harsh toward her. They won't want Megan to invite Amy to any of their parties, but Megan insists. Megan likes boys, where Amy is rather shy around them. Megan likes to chat with them online, and she has an ongoing chat with one she really likes, Josh (Dean Waite). They video chat, but she hasn't seen his face, because his camera is broken. But he does send her a picture of himself and she thinks he is cute, so she agrees to meet up with him.

Megan is never seen again.

Two weeks later, Amy goes missing.

Megan is Missing is a cautionary tale that all young people should watch about the dangers of talking to strangers on the Internet. And how much of a bad idea it is to meet up with one in a not public place. This was hard to watch, because what happened was so brutal, and I couldn't help but think of my own kids, who luckily are older and wiser than that. But Megan, like most teens, thought she was invincible and nothing could harm her. Both she and Amy ignored the biggest red flag of all - the broken camera. He even lied about how it happened, offering two different stories - another red flag. They should have done a reverse search on the photo he sent Megan to see if it came off the Internet somewhere. And Megan should never have agreed to meet him behind a store, where it was poorly lit and out of view of anyone else.

I thought the movie was well done, and the girls who played Megan and Amy did a good job. The true horror lies in the last twenty or so minutes, and I warn you, it's hard to watch. But I'm sure there are other predators out there like this one, so it's an important lesson to pass along. I'll give this film 4 Stars.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Wednesday Briefs: Dracula #27(6.4)

 Good morning and Happy Hump Day! If it's Wednesday, then it must be time for more flash fiction from the Wednesday Briefers! We're a group of authors who bring you our finest flash fiction every week, 500 to 1000 words, inspired by one of our prompts.

After a hard night's work, Dracula sleeps while Andrei and Avram converse. See what's happening in this chapter of Dracula. Don't forget to visit the other Briefers and see what's up with them. Their links follow my tale! Enjoy!

Dracula #27(6.4)

“Someday I’ll be married, I suppose. My brothers too.” Andrei didn’t sound overly excited at the prospect, more resigned to its inevitability. What society expected, even in such a small place as Bistritz. “Still, it would be nice to know some of those ladies,” he added wistfully.

“Some of them are nice,” Avram admitted. To be honest, his acquaintance with the ladies who frequented the seamier sides of Vienna was limited and was usually on Nico’s behalf, never his own. Not in a sexual way, either. But occasionally, his needs weren’t easily met by other methods, and there were women who didn’t mind being paid for their blood. Avram let them believe his employer was a bit eccentric but harmless, and Dracula always blurred their minds so that their time together was a fond memory. He never harmed them or took more than he needed. He never availed himself of their services, but sometimes, while he waited for Nico, Avram found himself in conversation with other young ladies of the same ilk, a not unpleasant experience.

Thoughts of Nico led him to wonder when he should wake him. Or should he let sleeping vampires lie?

While debating the matter with himself, Avram was surprised to notice that Andrei had lowered the sail and was poling the boat toward a wooded area on the north side of the river. Once he maneuvered the vessel into position near a huge Hungarian oak near the water’s edge, he dropped the anchor. “I have to make a stop, Avram, I won’t be long.”

Avram understood immediately. Andrei had more business to conduct. Not surprising that he should have arrangements with other villages along his route toward the Danube. So far, they had not crossed paths with anyone else on the river. This place seemed secure enough, and he was sure the smuggler would return soon. They were far enough from Bistritz now that he didn’t believe anyone had followed them.

He watched Andrei until his figure disappeared among the many trees that sheltered them from view, hiding whatever homes might be nearby, if any. These oaks were so magnificent, he couldn’t help but admire them. Many such trees were to be found in the area around Bistritz. He and Gunther had spent many pleasant hours as boys beneath their shade, talking or reading. Sharing a meal, or flasks of ale, whenever they could acquire them. Sometimes evading Nico, when Avram was less than inclined to study, which was often enough. He had to chuckle, remembering how much of a pain in his guardian’s tuchus he must have been in his youth. Ah well, that was a long time ago. Those days were well behind him now.  He yawned and turned his gaze away from the shore then almost jumped in fright to discover Nico standing there.

“Oy vey, Nico! Do I need to bell you? Or do you just want to give me a heart attack?”

The vampire chuckled in amusement. “Be grateful I wasn’t an enemy with foul intent. You’d be dead by now for all the attention you’re paying to your surroundings.”

To his chagrin, Avram couldn’t argue with that, much as he would have liked to. He did need to be more aware of his surroundings. This was no pleasure cruise they were taking.

“You’re right. I’ll be more careful in future.”

to be continued

Now go see what's up with the other Briefers!

Cia Nordwell

J Ray Lamb


Saturday, September 7, 2024

Saturday is Horror Day #182 - The Deliverance

The Deliverance


Ebony (Andra Day) is having a hard time with life. Her husband is off in Iraq and she isn't sure when or if he's coming home. She is doing her best with her three kids, Andre(Anthony B. Jenkins), Nate(Caleb McLaughlin) and Shante (Demi Singleton), but that hasn't been easy. Ebony has had substance issues and she always seems to be just one step ahead of CPS trying to take her kids away. On top of that, she has her mother Alberta (Glenn Close) who is suffering from cancer and goes for regular treatments. Alberta has the men chasing after her, despite her age, and she is both sassy and outspoken.

The family has moved three times in the last year, due to circumstances, and she is hoping this time they'll be able to stay longer, put down roots, and provide greater stability for her kids. But strange things have begun to happen. Dre is talking to himself, although when pressed he says it's his friend Tre - the boy who lives in a hole in the basement. All three kids are acting up in school in horrifying ways, although they've never been behavioral problems before, and Ebony is at her wits' end trying to figure out what is wrong with them and is there some kind of evil presence in their home that is causing this?

My first problem with this film is that I could never muster up enough sympathy to care about the characters, not any of them. I didn't feel any emotion through the film, just one level throughout. Maybe the pacing could have been better. Or maybe the script. I have to ask what the hell was up with Glenn Close? At first, I thought she was meant to be playing a black woman, but that wasn't the case. And why she was a man magnet is beyond me. The plot seemed full of holes, including the one in the basement. And the explanation concerning Lucifer and the fallen angels that became demons and now one of them is in the children was totally simplistic and rushed. It felt like they didn't have any better idea than some generic demon. Why that house? I know it's based on a true story that took place in Hammond Indiana. I also know the family involved has been trying to milk what happened and that perhaps things were not quite the way they told it.

I was not scared and I was not impressed. I expected so much more based on what people were saying on Reddit. One person even suggested Glenn Close deserves an Oscar nod for her performance. I totally disagree.  On the whole, it was okay, worth one watch but I wouldn't do it again.  I'll give this film 3 Stars.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Wednesday Briefs: Dracula #26(6.3)

 Good morning and Happy Hump Day! If it's Wednesday, then it must be time for more flash fiction from the Wednesday Briefers! We're a group of authors who bring you our finest flash fiction every week, 500 to 1000 words, inspired by one of our prompts.

Avram enjoys a brief respite, conversing with Andrei while Dracula is at rest below. See what is happening in this week's chapter of Dracula! Don't forget to visit the other Briefers and see what's up with them. Their links follow my tale! Enjoy!

Dracula #26(6.3)

“So you are traveling to Vienna?” Andrei asked between hearty bites of bread and cheese. He offered a hunk of the cheese to Avram as well, who accepted it, appreciating its salty flavor.

“We are,” Avram replied cautiously. He had no reason to think the smuggler would betray their whereabouts. Not like he wasn’t aware of their destination anyway. He knew what the next leg of their journey was and where his cousin would conveying them from there.  But Avram was concerned that the man not possess any information that could potentially bring him trouble. Maybe he was just being paranoid, but better he should err on the side of caution than see an innocent person be hurt.  Truth be told, he didn’t believe the villagers would even have the desire to track them down, much less the extra resources. Why would they bother? Out of sight, out of mind. Life would go on as usual for all concerned. Not like he and Nico hadn’t left the village on its own before in order to travel. The difference this time was the circumstances under which they were leaving. Normally they would be scrounging for funds that would enable the nobleman to continue his entitled lifestyle. This was that, but also the need to distance themselves from the unfortunate situation and any possible repercussions. The death of the blacksmith and his poor wife would be the topic of gossip and speculation for some time to come, no doubt.  By the time they returned, hopefully not so much. The greatest uncertainty in the whole affair lay in not knowing how long this self-imposed exile would last. He was trying not to think about that.

“What is Vienna like? I have never been there myself. From what my cousin says, there are many interesting things to see there.”

That was probably true… if you had money. And weren’t Jewish. Antisemitism was far from dead in the Habsburg empire, and Vienna was no exception. Although there did seem to be some relief on the horizon, as more enlightened thinkers published their philosophies. Writers such as Voltaire and Locke, Hobbes and Mary Wollstonecraft, among others. He owned a few volumes of their works… or, rather Nico did, although Avram was sure he never read them and only purchased them to please Avram. Ironically, while Voltaire advocated freedom of religion, and rejected the notion of the Jews as “Christ killers’, he was also antisemitic in that he hated Jews for what he considered to be their innate, degraded character. As Avram explained to Nico, he read Voltaire, despite that, because he preferred to see all sides of an argument, and not make judgments without obtaining sufficient information to do so.

“To be honest, we don’t go out much. We stay with some people Dracula knows, and our time is taken with them.” That was technically true, although far from telling the entire story.

“He’s told me there are many pretty ladies there. Ladies who will… well, you know… allow you liberties.”

Avram could have sworn Andrei was blushing. He and his brothers were still young, and lived together, which made it easier to run their smuggling operations.

“I’ve heard that too,” Avram agreed. Actually, he’d a number of those ladies where they were going. They were called courtesans.

A rose by any other name…

 to be continued

 Now go visit the other Briefers and see what's up with them!

Cia Nordwell

J Ray Lamb


Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Book Review: The Way of the Househusband, Vol 12 by Kousuke Oono


The Way of the Househusband, Vol 12       

Author: Kousuke Oono

Publisher: Viz Media

American release date: August 20, 2024

Format/Genre/Length: Paperback/Manga/Comedy/168 pages

Overall Personal Rating: ★★★★★


When another baseball shatters a window in the Boss’ home, he becomes fed up and determined to do something about it. So he sends for the troops, his purpose to go to war. Tatsu and the others arrive on the field to face their opponents – a baseball team of youngsters, who promise to “crush them inta dust.”  Can age hold its own in the face of youth?

Masa decides he wants to be a YouTube content creator and hopes to grow it to be his main source of income, as he explains to Tatsu. Tatsu notices that Masa’s view counts are rather sad, though. As Tatsu is visiting and relaxing with Masa, Masa suddenly starts filming for his channel, and announces he has his first guest – none other than Tatsu, who is taken by surprise. Masa’s intent is to review convenience food items, but maybe Tatsu wasn’t his best choice?

Tora is annoyed to find new competition for his crepe cart in the form of a nearby oden cart. He and Tatsu come down a little hard on the owner of the cart, especially considering the poor guy hasn’t even had a customer yet and isn’t doing very well. So Tatsu and Tora decide to help the newcomer out by critiquing his food.

A group of parents and kids, including Tatsu, are attending a traffic safety class being given by Officer Masaki and the police department mascot, a monkey named Fuzz. Masaki demonstrates safety by putting Fuzz into dangerous situations so he can explain what to do if that happens, but Tatsu is having none of it, and butts heads with Masaki, concerned over the mascot’s own safety.

It’s Halloween, and Tatsu is determined to show the kids the ins and outs of trick or treating!

While taking tea with some of the women from the committee, Tatsu reveals that a Starbox Coffee has opened in their town! They decide they need to check this out and hurry over there, only to be met by a rival gang with the same idea. The leader and Tatsu get into a contest to see who can outdo the other with their orders.

Tatsu and Masa are on a mission to thoroughly clean Tatsu’s apartment. But when Masa mistakenly tries to burn one of Miku’s Policure figurines, she decides to bring in an expert to show them how it’s done.

Miku invites Tora’s sister, Koharu, to go with her to buy a Valentine’s present for Tatsu. Koharu buys a chocolate making kit and Miku decides to help her so they can both give chocolates. Miku has a unique style, perhaps influenced by Tatsu, and she turns the experience into a game of Russian roulette for Tatsu and Tora, who are less than thrilled at spending time together.

Another great volume of The Way of the Househusband. Tatsu is always up to something and it’s invariably entertaining. By now, everyone has become a familiar character and I look forward to seeing them all and what they are up to. I never get bored, and I look forward to the next volume, which I have already pre-ordered.



Monday, September 2, 2024

Virtual Book Tour: Alexandr by Chris DeBrie

 Good morning, everyone! Please welcome author Chris DeBrie to Full Moon Dreaming today! He is here to talk about his new book, Alexandr. Chris will be awarding a $20 Amazon/BN GC to one randomly drawn commenter via Rafflecopter during the tour. The more you comment, the better your chances of winning. To find the other stops on his tour, go here. Don't forget to look for the Rafflecopter at the end of this post!



Chris DeBrie



GENRE:  Graphic Novel Thriller





Alexandr is a professional hitman with one client. His recent marriage to a childhood friend has him ready for retirement. But he doesn't yet realize that his final target is different than all the rest. Follow Alex into a version of Earth which includes superhumans, witches, and otherworldly beings. DeBrie brings you dozens of characters and situations, seemingly all on the same course to destruction.





AUTHOR Bio and Links:


DeBrie has published more than fifteen comic books and novels, including the mystery “Cap’n Random”. He has produced music for rockers and hip hoppers, coached youth basketball, hoards a special Swedish meatball recipe, and tutors elementary school students. Call him a multihyphenate, or a jack of all trades, master of none… your choice. Find us on socials by typing “With Lurv” into your browser.






a Rafflecopter giveaway