Saturday, August 3, 2024

Saturday is Horror Day #177 - Infested


Kaleb (Theo Christine) hasn't had an easy life. Almost 30, he's fighting with his sister Manon (Sofia Lesaffre) over the inheritance left by their late mother, an apartment located inside a rundown French apartment building. Although they are at odds, she attempts to help with the maintenance of the apartment. Kaleb is also estranged from his one time best friend Mathys (Jerome Niel). Kaleb's one passion is exotic animals. He has a number of them in his bedroom, but he becomes upset whenever his sister turns off the power to his room because it endangers his animals. To help make ends meet, he resells designer footwear illegally.

One day, Kaleb acquires an unusual spider. He takes it home and makes it as comfortable as he can. But 

the spider gets loose, to his chagrin. He searches for it high and low throughout the apartment building. Which is when he discovers that this is no ordinary spider - not only does it reproduce rather rapidly, but each generation is progressively bigger than the one before. But the worst part is that they aren't afraid of humans, and will be more than happy to kill them...

I ran across this French film on Shudder and I didn't know what too expect. But I was pleasantly surprised by what I saw. The characters are well-written and interesting, especially Kaleb. He seems much younger than his years would indicate, but in some ways, he also seems worldly-wise as well. He tries to portray himself as tough, but you know he is hurting inside for the people in his life that he has loved. I thought the acting was good, as was the direction and editing. And spiders... already creepy by nature, these spiders would paralyze me with fear too. There are scenes where I don't know what I would do, and I'm very glad not to have to decide or be in that situation.

Altogether is was an enjoyable but creepy film to watch. Probably not advisable for people with arachnophobia. I give this film 4 Stars.

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