Monday, August 17, 2020

What's Happening: A Long Overdue Update

I haven't updated in quite a while, figured it was about time I did. I'm about halfway through a four day weekend, so here goes.

I don't believe there is anyone who isn't aware of the global pandemic which is consuming the entire world at this moment, as it's still very much ongoing and still very much a problem. I will say I am very fortunate in that I have not stopped working at all, and in fact, I go to the office every day. Not everyone in my company can say that. Some are working at home. I could write a whole post on my thoughts about that, and how I think some people are taking advantage of the situation to basically screw around under the guise of working. But then again, there are a few who actually come to the office that I can say the same about, and these disreputable, lazy, unprofessional people are not the subject of this post, so let's forget about them.

Am I happy about what's going on? Of course not, who would be? At first, along with a lot of people, I felt that people were making a tempest in a teapot. I have since changed my mind (although many haven't). While I was not in favor of wearing a mask, I was persuaded by my daughter, basically guilting me into it for love of me and concern for my health. Who can argue with that? I couldn't. She even went so far as to order two masks for me, which I now use religiously, including while at the office (other than eating or drinking, which isn't possible). I err on the side of caution, and wear my mask from the moment I leave home until I return. I believe we all need to do this until this current crisis is over, even though we don't know how long that may be. The more people who refuse to cooperate, though, I think the longer that shall be.

Which brings me to my next topic - Sturgis. Yes, the annual motorcycle rally held in a small town in
South Dakota. Normally, I pay no attention to the event. It's far away and of no interest to me. But this year I became alarmed to discover that despite the government banning groups of 50 or more, this rally was still going on (it ended this past weekend, btw). What is really mind-blowing is the estimate of 250,000 attendees... if not more.  Say what? A QUARTER OF A MILLION people assembled in one place, at a time when 50 is not allowed. Who the hell thought that was a good idea? Not to mention they aren't requiring face masks? Or social distancing? Are the authorities crazy, or are they being paid to put people's lives in jeopardy?

Well, it's probably some of both reasons. I found out that although most of the residents didn't want the rally to be held this year, one of the event's vendors threatened to sue if it didn't happen. I don't remember which one and I haven't been able to find the same article again. But someone put profits before human lives. There were some who said that South Dakota's COVID numbers are low.

Just wait, they won't be.

There was also an attitude of Fuck COVID, we do what we want to do!

I want to tell these chowderheads just how stupid they really are, but I don't think they have the intelligence to appreciate that, so why bother. Personally, I wouldn't care if they all got COVID, anybody who attended the rally (and sorry, Smashmouth, that includes you for having the stupidity to play there and for also saying Fuck COVID). My concern isn't for these morons, it's for the people they'll infect when a QUARTER OF A MILLION motorcycle assholes return home, scatter across the country, and back into mainstream America.

What then? Spikes, of course. Numbers shooting up. More deaths. And for what? So a bunch of motorcyclists could party hearty, get their drink on, act up like little boys (and girls), and have sex (don't even tell me that wasn't going on and that isn't a way to spread COVID when normally even shaking hands is off-limits).

I wish there was a way to quarantine them before they got outside of Sturgis, but realistically speaking, there isn't. So all we can do is brace ourselves for the deaths which will surely follow.

On top of that, they want to open the schools, even though many states don't require masks be worn by children under nine, under the delusion that they won't spread it. Seriously? Do you know anything about children? Kids spread everything. They tend not to wash their hands if they don't have to, aren't the best at keeping good hygiene at school, and do not practice social distancing. So naturally throw them all together and see what happens instead of continuing with the virtual - and safe - education they were receiving.

Yes, these are difficult times we're living in. This is a situation unknown to any of us. No one alive today remembers the Spanish Flu of 1918 which claimed some fifty million lives. But refusing to take precautions, ignoring the warnings and doing what you want is not the answer. If it was just the stupid ones who got sick and died, I'd be okay with that. Their choice. But it's not.

It doesn't help to have the politicians throwing verbal rocks at one another. It doesn't help to have a president who makes such unhelpful suggestions as inject yourself with Lysol (and later retracts that as sarcasm once he realizes that wasn't a great idea).

Speaking of politicians, we have an election coming up in November. Our chance to get rid of that idiot in the White House. But how will that work out when normally the polls are jammed for any presidential election? My state offers the option of mail voting - but you have to get the ballot notarized? First off, the banks are closed. Second, fuck that. I'm not paying to vote (even if I could find a notary).  So what to do? I know Trump opposed mail voting because he can't mess with that like he can the other methods. Russians can't hack the mails, can they?

I have a friend who thinks the whole thing is a political stunt, and that after the election COVID will go away. Wouldn't be the first such stunt right before an election. I just don't know who would go to such extremes to get re-elected (coughTrumpcough).

Well, here we are. I was going to talk about other stuff but I think I'll do that later.

I have no doubt we'll get through this. That someday life will return to some semblance of normalcy. Maybe complete normalcy with them, although I wonder. But the longer we take, the harder it will be. And that means everyone has to cooperate.


To all of you out there who proudly claim that COVID is a hoax, or Fuck COVID, or whatever slogan you're using this week, I suggest you stay away from the rest of us and hurry up and die. Sadly, I know that won't happen, much like the anti-vaxxers (a rant for a different day).

To the rest of you - take care and hang in there. We'll get through this together.

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