Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Wednesday Briefs: In Pieces #87 (20.5)

Good morning and Happy Hump Day! If it's Wednesday, then it must be time for more flash fiction from the Wednesday Briefers! We're a group of authors who bring you our finest flash fiction every week, 500 to 1000 words, inspired by one of our prompts.

Ryan and Ben are spending time on the band's break with Cassie in St. Louis when Liza shows up unexpectedly on Cassie's doorstep, still attempting to drive a wedge between Ben and Ryan and take Ben home with her. See what's going on in this week's chapter of In Pieces. Don't forget to look for the other Briefers and see what's up with them. Their links follow my tale! Enjoy!

In Pieces #87 (20.5)

Liza visibly flinched at Ben’s words, as if she’d been struck. She pressed one hand against her bosom in a melodramatic expression. But her eyes told the true story, battling between barely repressed anger and shock.

Cassie spoke up, filling the void. “You have ten seconds to get off my property before I call the police,” she said. “I don’t think they’ll be impressed when you tell them you lived here ten years ago. If I have to, I’ll get a restraining order against you. Don’t think that I won’t.”

Liza opened her mouth, then seemed to think better of it and quickly closed it again. She drew herself up to her full height, with what dignity she could muster. She made one final attempt, reaching out one hand toward Ben, as if she intended to stroke his cheek. He drew back, out of reach. With a final glare for Ryan, she pushed her way past him, headed toward a dark sedan parked on the street. 
Entering it, she quickly drove away.

Ryan released the breath he’d been holding. He wanted to believe they’d heard the last of her, but he had a bad feeling she wouldn’t give up quite that easily. They would deal with that later, right now he was more concerned with Ben.

Once Liza was out of sight, Ben collapsed against Ryan, as if all the strength had run out of him. Alarmed, Ryan wrapped his arms around his trembling lover and held him tightly.

“Come on, let’s get inside,” Cassie said, ushering them toward the house. Moving swiftly, she reached the door before they did, unlocked it and held it open as Ryan helped Ben inside and onto the sofa in the living room. There they sat together, arms around one another, as Cassie turned on the lights. She left the room but quickly returned, bearing a bottle of quality bourbon and three glasses. She set the glasses on the table, poured a little in each one, and handed theirs to Ben and Ryan. They downed them neatly. Ryan felt the burn of the liquor in his throat, but it was a good burn, warming him inside.

“Everything’s going to be all right,” he assured Ben. “You did great. I’m so proud of you.” He gave him an encouraging smile.

“I’m proud of both of you,” Cassie said. “I’m so sorry that happened. When I suggested you come back to St. Louis, I had no idea she would ever come here looking for you. I’m sorry, no offense, but there is something not quite right with her.”

“None taken,” Ben quickly replied. Personally, Ryan thought saying Liza was not quite right was putting it mildly. The woman was flat out crazy. But he wasn’t going to be the one to voice that. No sense in rubbing salt in Ben’s wound.

“I’m sorry that happened too,” Ben continued. He drew in deep breaths, sitting up straighter, his voice a little stronger. “I’ll understand if you want me to leave. You don’t need—”

In reply, Cassie threw her arms around both young men and hugged them. “Never,” she said fiercely. “We’re your family now. I don’t want either one of you to leave, especially because of someone like her.” She kissed each of their cheeks, then returned to her seat, pouring three more glasses of whiskey before she did. They drank them down without argument.

“I know I promised you dinner on the Hill tonight,” she said, “but I’ll totally understand if you’d rather stay here instead. We can always order in, go to the Hill another night. Up to you.”

Ryan and Ben exchanged looks. Ryan would agree to whatever Ben felt comfortable with. He was just afraid of Liza following them and maybe causing a scene in public. He was more concerned that Ben might not be up to going out.

“Would you mind if we stayed in?” Ben said at last.

“Of course I don’t mind,” Cassie assured him. “We can go another time. What sounds good?”

They decided on pizza and chicken wings and salad, and Cassie placed the order online before turning back to them. “Before dinner gets here, I wanted to talk to you. Maybe this is a good time for that, in light of what just happened.”

Ryan was mystified at her words, and he knew Ben was just as confused as he was. But he trusted Cassie implicitly. Whatever she had to say couldn’t be bad, even if there was some time to Liza. He took Ben’s hand in his and took comfort from Ben’s warmth.

“I didn’t say anything to you sooner, but I’ve been talking to Marge,” Cassie began.

That was a huge surprise to Ryan. “I didn’t know you knew her?” he said at the same time Ben said, “You know Marge?”

She smiled at them both. “I do now. I think she’s a pretty wonderful person, and she thinks the world of you both. And Salvation.”

Soothing words badly needed.

“Marge is a very wonderful person,” Ben agreed. “I don’t know what we’d do without her.”

That thought was sobering. The question now was what were they going to do without Liza’s backing? Disband Salvation temporarily? Maybe even… he tried not to think it, but he couldn’t push away the idea of a permanent break-up.

“Like I said, she and I have been talking, and I understand your situation. Financially, I mean.” Cassie took a deep breath. “And I’ve decided to become your new investor.”

Did she just seriously say that?

to be continued

Now see what's up with the other Briefers!

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