Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Wednesday Briefs: Dracula #36(8.2)

 Good morning and Happy Hump Day! If it's Wednesday, then it must be time for more flash fiction from the Wednesday Briefers! We're a group of authors who bring you our finest flash fiction every week, 500 to 1000 words, inspired by one of our prompts.

As if Avram didn't have enough to worry about, now Andrei has seen things he shouldn't have. At least not for his and Nico's safety. Will he tell? Only time will tell. And what is Dracula up to now? See what's happening in this week's chapter of Dracula. Don't forget to visit the other Briefers and see what's up with them. Their links follow my tale! Enjoy!

Dracula #36(8.2)

“All I ask,” Avram began again, but Andrei quickly interrupted.

“I know what you are asking. And out of respect for Father Gunther, I won’t say a word.  And for you. But not for him.” He spat in Dracula’s direction, although it was a meaningless gesture as the vampire was nowhere in sight, resting below deck. Despite his brave words, though, Andrei spoke softly, as if fearful of being overheard.

That would have to do, Avram decided. He was fairly certain, though, that Andrei would manage to communicate at least some of his apprehensions and beliefs regarding his passengers to his cousin. For that, he couldn’t blame him.  He would just have to deal with any potential problem as they arose, and hope that Nico did nothing else he should not. At least not within sight of the man who was providing their next form of transportation.


The sun was just beginning its fiery descent into the horizon before them when Andrei poled the boat to a stop and set the anchor. Avram saw no sign of the man they were to meet, but he also wasn’t sure precisely what the smugglers’ arrangement was.

“We are early,” Andrei announced to Avram. “He will arrive in the morning. In the meantime, I’m going to visit with my family. You are welcome to join me.”

Although he didn’t say them, the words but not him hung palpably in the air.

“Thank you, but I shall stay here. We’ll be fine,” Avram assured him, although he knew Andrei didn’t really care if Nico was fine or not. He couldn’t really blame the smuggler—the vampire’s manners were not always the best, and it was useless to argue with him about them. Although he could be most charming when he chose to be, or when it was required. And he would need to use all that charm where they were going.

“As you wish. Take care, Avram.” With a quick nod, Andrei disappeared over the side of the boat and slipped away into the encroaching night.

Mere moments after the smuggler was out of sight, Nico casually emerged onto the deck. Not very subtle, was he?  “Good evening, Nico.”

“Avram.” The vampire nodded as he gave a cursory glance about the deck, as if to ascertain what he already knew.

“He won’t be back until morning,” Avram volunteered. “His cousin won’t be here until then either, so Andrei is staying the night with his family. I assume they live nearby.”

“Better for me then.”

Avram narrowed his eyes at his employer. What was he up to now? And how would his actions get them into any further trouble than they were already in? But Dracula’s expression revealed nothing.

Avram hesitated for a moment. He rose from where he’d been sitting, the groan from his aching bones testifying to the fact that he hadn’t moved in a while, and cautiously approached the vampire. “Better for you what?”

“Perhaps better for me you should not know.”

Avram swore he could see a smirk on those well-formed lips. He rolled his eyes and shook his head in disdain. “That has never been and never will be in our best interest, Nico. I would rather you tell me now and save me the trouble of cleaning up some mess after the fact.”

When Nico flinched, Avram wondered if perhaps he had gone too far.

No, he didn’t really think so.

to be continued

Now go visit the other Briefers and see what's up!

Cia Nordwell

J Ray Lamb










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