Friday, March 21, 2025

Book Review: Parable of the Sower by Octavia E. Butler


Parable of the Sower       

Author: Octavia E. Butler

Publisher: Grand Central Publishing; Reprint edition

American release date: April 30, 2019

Format/Genre/Length: Paperback/Dystopian Fiction/368 pages

Overall Personal Rating: ★★★★★


Lauren Olamina is fifteen years old, the daughter of a Baptist preacher. She lives a sheltered life with her family inside a gated community in the Los Angeles area. But sheltered is a relative term as the world has become something virtually unrecognizable from what it once was. Drastic global climate change and a series of economic crises have proven to be too much for mankind to handle and society has disintegrated into lawless chaos. Mere survival is a struggle and the luxuries of yesterday but a dream. What is left of any government is of no help. If you want police protection, you have to pay for it, and there is no guarantee you’ll receive it. Building on fire? The fire department will charge you for the water to put it out.

Lauren lives with her father and stepmother and three brothers. Her birth mother was addicted during her pregnancy to a drug that caused Lauren to become hyperempathetic – she can feel other’s pain, and that is not a good thing. Even living in a gated community isn’t a perfect solution. There are problems within and problems without. Junkies and others break in to rob and harm people. A new drug, called Pyro, causes those who take it to enjoy setting fires, so that is what they do.

People dream of leaving the state and heading north – to Oregon, Washington, or even Canada. But there is no guarantee that safety lies up North, or that other states will allow people inside their territory.

Lauren has listened to what her father preaches all of her life, but at fifteen, she no longer believes in his religion. She has her own ideas about how things work, and she begins to write them down. She calls it Earthseed, and at the core is her belief that God is change. She keeps her writings secret, and she also prepares a pack of necessities, in case she has to leave in a hurry.  Her forethought proves to be propitious when an unexpected calamity drives her away from her home, heading who knows where. Now it’s a question of how she can survive, and who can she trust?

This is my first time reading Octavia Butler, but it won’t be my last. She is an excellent writer who draws you into her world so that you quickly become immersed.  The dystopian world she describes is eerily similar to the world we now live in, although written in 1993. But the book itself begins in 2024, which is unnerving at times, and continues up through 2027. I have to warn you that it is a bleak story in many ways, where the rich have everything and the poor are fighting for scraps, with little protection or guidance. It’s almost as if she could read the future.

I like the basic concept of Earthseed, but I would make one change in her philosophy. I would not refer to any God, for that term is really outdated and archaic, but I think Life works instead. Life is change. And that we know to be true. If this is our future, it is bleak indeed. Change needs to happen, and quickly. There is a second book in the series, which I intend to read. I’m hoping for a happy, or at least a happier ending. This book is well worth reading. And hopefully someone will come away from it with ideas on how to keep it from happening.

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