Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Book Review: Assassination Classroom, Vol 20: Time to Graduate by Yusei Matsui


Assassination Classroom, Vol 20       

Author: Yusei Matsui

Publisher: Viz Media

American release date: February 6, 2018

Format/Genre/Length: Paperback/Action Adventure Manga//192 pages

Overall Personal Rating: ★★★★★


Despite all the best efforts of the students, the inevitable end for Koro Sensei has arrived. A giant laser has been put into place, aimed at the teacher in a trap he cannot escape, set to deploy just before dawn. The students urge their teacher to take them hostage and flee, but that isn’t really an option. So what else is there to do but celebrate Koro Sensei’s birthday!

Then, just when they thought the situation couldn’t get any worse, it does – in the form of Yanagisawa and his other creation, the Grim Reaper who took Koro Sensei’s place and who is destined to be the next Koro Sensei! The mad scientist claims that his second monster is twice as powerful as his first. He ridicules the students for bothering to show up to what he sees as a hopeless situation and doesn’t hesitate to threaten them in order to see if Koro Sensei will protect them or himself.

And now the final battle begins….

While there is another volume of the series, to all intents and purposes, this is the last one, at least as far as Koro Sensei’s story is concerned. Not like we didn’t know it was coming, we did, from the very beginning. Doesn’t make it any easier to take or accept.  I’ll admit that I cried, even though I’ve read the books before.  RIP Koro Sensei.

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