Sunday, March 9, 2025

Saturday is Horror Day #208 - Berberian Sound Studio

 Berberian Sound Studio

Gilderoy (Toby Jones) is a British sound engineer hired to work on an Italian film he believes to be about horses, The Equestrian Vortex. But that illusion is quickly dispelled when he finds himself actually working on a horror film involving witches, priests, and torture. Not that either the producer, Francesco (Cosimo Fusco) or the director Santini (Antonio Mancino) will admit to that. In fact, Santini pompously proclaims it is not a horror film, it is a Santini film!

Things begin to go wrong from the outset. Gilderoy tries to be reimbursed for certain expenses he incurred on his way there, but is given the runaround. The room he was promised turns out to be a cubby hole within the studio. Uncomfortable with the film to begin with, Gilderoy's only connection to reality are the letters from home he receives from his mother. But before long, the line between reality and film begin to become hopelessly blurred.

This film is probably not for everyone, but I found it very interesting, especially with the peek behind the scenes into the sound end of movie making. We never see the film that is being made, but we get a pretty good picture from what we hear. The various actors come to the studio to record their lines, and some to record unusual sounds that the characters make, such as a demon. I was fascinated to see what sorts of things were used to produce the sounds that correspond to what we see on the screen.  For example, someone being drowned was made by swishing clothing around in a tub of water. Gilderoy stabbs heads of cabbage to imitate a stabbing in the film. 

I'll admit that while the concept is unique, the delivery is somewhat flawed and at times confusing. Gilderoy undergoes a transformation from the timid little man he was at the beginning of the film, but it isn't really clear why he changes as he does, or why this horror film that everyone says isn't a horror film affects him so. The ending itself it ambiguous and I had to look up an explanation. Still, I found it a very interesting film and I think it won't disappoint. I'll give this film 3.75 Stars.

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