Monday, March 10, 2025

Book Review: Gender Queer: A Memoir by Maia Kobabe


Gender Queer: A Memoir       

Author: Maia Kobabe

Publisher: Oni Press

American release date: July 5, 2022

Format/Genre/Length: Hardback/LGBTQ Memoir/256 pages

Overall Personal Rating: ★★★★★


This graphic novel is the memoir of Maia Kobabe. Ey wanted eir family and friends to understand eir being non-binary in a way they could comprehend and hopefully accept. Eir struggle to find an identity for emselves began early, at a time when there were few role models to look up to. Although everyone automatically identified em as female, ey did not feel that way, but it’s very hard to get other people to understand what you yourself don’t completely understand.

 Maia has a very engaging voice, and a great storytelling style. I liked er artwork as well and appreciated eir honesty as ey bared eir soul in the pages of this book. The people in the United States are going through a difficult time right now, with trans rights being not just pushed aside but discarded. No one seems to matter to the current administration, other than the wealthy. It’s important for everyone to gain a better understanding of transpeople, rather than fearing them and trampling on their rights. This is also an important book for young people who might be struggling with their own identity to know they are not alone.

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