Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Capture (The Enforcer's Series #4) Review

Capture (Enforcer’s Series #4)    

Author: Ravon Silvius
Publisher: eXtasy Books
American release date: February 15, 2014
Format/Genre/Length: E-book/M/M Steampunk Romance/175 pages
Overall Personal Rating: ★★★★★

Kenneth and Thorn have been summoned to Arktaine to give their testimony before the council and turn over their prisoner, Marle, who has remained obstinately silent. Thorn is concerned that his words will be regarded less than Kenneth’s and, indeed, they spend far less time questioning him and do not wish to hear all he has to say. Why is the Circle of Ten even present at this hearing?

Kenneth tries to smooth things over, but there is just so much he can do. And when the sentence is given, it’s really a joke, and leaves a bad taste in both their mouths.

At loose ends until they are given a new assignment, they realize they can investigate on their own. And they are not satisfied with how things stand. So they start to poke their noses into places other people think they do not belong, and the unthinkable occurs when Kenneth is captured. Now Thorn must fight to rescue his lover, having no idea where’s he been taken or by whom—and  he can’t trust anyone. Kenneth’s life hangs in the balance, and Thorn is terrified he might actually lose the man he loves.

This is quite an intense addition to this series, as Thorn strives to rescue his captured lover. There is a great deal of development and realizations in this book. We watch Kenneth struggle with things he’s never had to deal with before. His eyes are opened to many things, and they aren’t pleasant. We watch Thorn grow and blossom, as their relationship grows even stronger as they adjust even more to one another, increasing their already tight fit. We also see that magic doesn’t necessarily equate to power, neither does lack of it equate to helplessness.

I am so totally in love with this series and these characters. As long as the author keeps writing them, I’ll keep reading them. This is a great series if you enjoy steampunk and magic, and fighting against all odds to achieve your dreams. But most of all, this is for people who believe in the power of love.

Can’t wait for the next volume, hope it comes out soon.

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