Thursday, March 27, 2014

Tease Me Thursday #3: Revelations

Hello and welcome to Tease Me Thursday!

Today, I'm going to give you a little taste of Revelations, which is my alternate history m/m romance story about Judas & Jesus.


Today's excerpt is from Jesus' POV. He and Judas have argued, and Jesus is upset and confused.

            Judas, why do you have to be so difficult? Why can’t you simply be happy with what we have? Why do you have to be this way?
            Sometimes I don’t understand that man. I admit it—he confuses me. I’m not perfect, although I do strive to perfection. I’ve a long, long way to go before I get there, and I realize it.  I’ve so very much to learn.
            Judas, why cannot you love Mary, love everyone? You seem so very…angry. I wish I knew how to please you, to bring a smile to your face. Your very lovely face. I try my best, and sometimes I do succeed. But not nearly often enough.
            Tell me what to do, tell me how you feel, really feel…
            Father, I’m so very confused. Why does Judas confuse me like no other? What am I supposed to do here, how can I make things right between us when he isn’t even speaking to me?
            I understand that being your son comes with grave responsibilities. But you’ve counseled me that I’m also a man, like other men. Is this where the confusion arises, from these feelings I don’t understand? Please send me some sort of sign, tell me what to do, how to feel. How to deal with my feelings.
            Father, please counsel me. I know this is a selfish request, when so many others are in need of you, but perhaps a moment of your time? A father/son thing?

Available in ebook and paperback at Amazon and MuseitUp Publishing.

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