Saturday, April 30, 2016

Virtual Book Tour: On the Outside

Author Name: Louise Lyons

Book Name: On The Outside

Release Date: April 30, 2016
When Craig Ferguson is released from prison after a year’s sentence for fighting, he returns home to his father and brother, and the family business. Throwing himself back into the life he left, with family, work, and women, Craig tries to forget his time on the inside, but there’s one thing he just can’t get out of his mind.
Cell mate, Rocky Kirk, still has six months of his sentence to go, and after a year together in a tiny cell, Craig misses him more than he cares to admit. He does his best to forget, but when Rocky is released, and arrives on Craig’s doorstep, homeless and hurt, everything that happened between them comes flooding back.
Craig’s family takes in Rocky, now known as Kirk, and gives him a home and a job, but he’s reluctant to join in with their partying, and never seems entirely comfortable in their home. A few months later Kirk announces he has to leave, and when Craig presses him for an explanation, Kirk blurts out that his unwanted feelings for his friend are hurting him too much to stay. His admission changes everything, but Craig’s uncertainty, and fears of his father discovering their secret, threatens to ruin anything that could develop between them.

Pages or Words: 34,000 words

Categories: Contemporary, Gay Fiction, M/M Romance

I turned away from him, barged past Dad, and took the stairs two at a time. The bathroom door shook in its frame when I kicked it shut behind me. My temper rapidly subsided, and I risked a peek at myself in the mirror above the sink. The color in my face faded, leaving me pale and wild-eyed, breathing hard. What the hell just happened?

I replayed the scene in my head, starting with the almost-kiss between Stuart and Catherine. Was there something between them? Was it really nothing? Was I pissed off because she was supposed to be dating me, or was I actually hurt? I didn't feel hurt. It didn't seem that important anymore. She probably wouldn't want to see me again after my outburst and I wasn't convinced I minded all that much. What the fuck did that say about us? The more I thought about it, the more I realized I was only angry with myself, mostly because when I’d finally got what I wanted, I didn’t want it that much anymore.

"Craig?" A gentle tap came on the door. Kirk.

My rapid heartrate escalated, and I scowled at my reflection. "Leave me alone."

"Come on, that hand needs looking at."

Sighing, I sat on the edge of the bath. "Come in."

Kirk slipped into the room and closed the door behind him. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, just fucking brilliant."

"I'm sorry."

"You didn't do anything."

"You know what I mean. Do you think there's anything going on with her and Stuart?"

"How the fuck should I know? It looked like it, didn't it?" I shrugged and blew my breath out hard. "I don't fucking care anyway."

"I thought you liked her."

"Yeah, well. Maybe I should have stuck with the one-nighters."

"You don't mean that. I thought you wanted a relationship."

"I don't wanna talk about it." I didn’t want to think about it anymore either. My hand stung like a bastard, and I noticed for the first time that blood was dripping all over the tiles under my feet. Before I could move, Kirk grabbed a folded towel, placed it on my knee and laid my hand on it, palm down.

"There's a lot of glass in there."

"You reckon you can get it out?"

"I'll try." He found tweezers and tissues in the bathroom cabinet, and dropped to his knees at my feet. Some of the droplets of blood soaked into his jeans and I grimaced.

"You're getting blood on you."

"It'll wash." He dabbed carefully at the back of my hand, and the tissues turned red. "This looks bad. You might need stitches."

"I'll be all right." I clenched my teeth as he plucked out the first glass splinter and looked around for somewhere to put it. I reached for Dad's can of shaving foam and flipped off the lid. "Put them in there."

Kirk dropped each tiny piece of glass into the lid, and I counted eighteen pieces before Dad spoke from outside the door.

"Do you need to go to the hospital?"

"No. Thanks. Kirk's fixing it."

"Right. Good." His feet thudded on the stairs as he returned to the football match.

"I'm missing the match."

Kirk looked up at me and grinned, his brown eyes twinkling. "You'd rather bleed to death than miss the football?"

"Yeah, probably."

"I think I got it all."


"The glass. I think I got it all out." I dropped my gaze as he dabbed at the myriad tiny wounds with the wad of tissue. "Does it feel like there's anything still in there?"


"I think I saw some bandages in the cabinet." Kirk got up and rifled through the cupboard. I stayed where I was until he kneeled down again and placed a dressing on the back of my hand. "Hold that there a minute."

"Were you a paramedic in a previous life?"

"I did a first aid course a few years ago. I can remember most of it." He wrapped a bandage around my hand, binding the dressing in place and making a surprisingly neat job of it. When it was done he stayed where he was, and I realized he was holding my bandaged hand in both of his and stroking my palm with one thumb. A few strands of hair had escaped the knot on the back of his head, and I had a sudden urge to tuck them behind his ear. I held my breath, staring at the top of his bent head. The only sound in the room was his breathing, and the intermittent drip from the bath tap that had needed fixing for a while.

"Thanks." The word came out croaky, my mouth so dry I could barely speak at all.

"No problem." Kirk jerked away, dropping my hand as if it had burnt him. Snatching up the wad of tissues, he tossed them into the toilet, and used the bloody towel to mop the floor. I stayed where I was until he opened the door and left me alone. His bedroom door opened and closed, and I made my way downstairs. I felt less concerned about my likely imminent break-up with Catherine, than I was about the moment in the bathroom.

What the hell happened? Maybe nothing. Maybe something. Did he still think about what happened between us and try not to? Jerk off and try not to remember me fucking him? Did he feel anything when he held my hand and stroked my palm, then jumped away? Jesus Christ. My heart hammered, and this time when I told myself it didn’t mean anything, and that I just kept remembering the person I’d been close to on the inside, it didn’t work.

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Meet the author:
Louise Lyons comes from a family of writers. Her mother has a number of poems published in poetry anthologies, her aunt wrote poems for the church, and her grandmother sparked her inspiration with tales of fantasy. Louise first ventured into writing short stories at the grand old age of eight, mostly about little girls and ponies. She branched into romance in her teens, and MM romance a few years later, but none of her work saw the light of day until she discovered FanFiction in her late twenties.

Posting stories based on some of her favorite movies, provoked a surprisingly positive response from readers. This gave Louise the confidence to submit some of her work to publishers, and made her take her writing “hobby” more seriously.

Louise lives in the UK, about an hour north of London, with a collection of tropical fish and tarantulas. She works in the insurance industry by day, and spends every spare minute writing. She is a keen horse-rider, and loves to run long-distance. Some of her best writing inspiration comes to her, when her feet are pounding the open road. She often races into the house afterward, and grabs pen and paper to make notes.

Louise has always been a bit of a tomboy, and one of her other great loves is cars and motorcycles. Her car and bike are her pride and joy, and she loves to exhibit the car at shows, and take off for long days out on the bike, with no one for company but herself.

Where to find the author:

Publisher: Louise Lyons
Cover Artist: Simon Searle

Tour Dates & Stops:

Rafflecopter Prize: eBook from Louise’s backlist, plus a $5 Amazon gift card

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Virtual Book Tour: Transformation

Author Name: Dusk Peterson

Book Name: Transformation
Series: The Eternal Dungeon
Book: Two
Can be read as a standalone

Release Date: March 28, 2016 (Reissue of the story)

"Every psychologist of our day knows the origin of transformation therapy, though many prefer not to speak of it. It is considered embarrassing to be forced to admit that your primary tool for curing patients was developed by a group of torturers."

The Eternal Dungeon, a royal prison where criminals are transformed, has lost its leadership. The duty of returning the dungeon to normal falls on two Seekers (torturers) who are already burdened with their own problems. One Seeker is struggling to understand why an old love affair continues to gnaw at him. The other Seeker is faced with his greatest challenge: whether to risk the man who is most precious to him in order to save his own abuser.

A winner of the 2011 Rainbow Awards (within the "Eternal Dungeon" omnibus), this tale of love and adventure can be read on its own or as the second volume in The Eternal Dungeon, a speculative fiction series set in a nineteenth-century prison where the psychologists wield whips.

The Eternal Dungeon series is part of Turn-of-the-Century Toughs, a cycle of alternate history series (Young Toughs, Waterman, Life Prison, Commando, Michael's House, The Eternal Dungeon, and Dark Light) about adults and youths on the margins of society, and the people who love them. Set in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, the novels and stories take place in an alternative version of America that was settled by inhabitants of the Old World in ancient times. As a result, the New World retains certain classical and medieval customs.

Pages or Words: 110,000 words

Categories: Alternate Universe, Gay Fiction, Historical

"Has the High Seeker said anything that it would be useful for me to know, Mr. Taylor?"

After a minute in which the Codifier gave him a pointed look, Elsdon seemed to remember that he had been asked a question, for he said wearily, "No, he . . . he is concerned about the dungeon, of course. That is what he speaks of most of all – his concern that he has once again abandoned his duties. It's no use trying to make him think about his own health; he won't center his thoughts on himself. So instead I've been trying to make him think about . . . us. Him and me."

"You're perfectly right," said Mr. Bergsen gruffly. "Make him remember his love-bond with you, and that will keep him from losing touch with this world."

The Codifier picked up a pen, rolled it between his fingers for a moment, and said, with the finality of a magistrate about to pass judgment, "Do you have anything else you wish to add, Mr. Taylor?"

Elsdon looked as though he would have liked to speak, but he said nothing. Weldon felt pity enter himself as he watched the High Seeker's love-mate. It must be like waiting to see whether your loved one would be hanged. If the Codifier ruled that the High Seeker's renewed illness and long absence from searching prisoners was grounds to remove him from his work as a Seeker . . . Every man in this room knew that it would be a sentence of death to take that from Layle Smith. Yet, as always, the best interests of the prisoners came first.

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Meet the author:

Honored in the Rainbow Awards, Dusk Peterson writes historical adventure tales that are speculative fiction: alternate history, historical fantasy, and retrofuture science fiction, including lgbtq novels and young adult fiction. Friendship, family affection, faithful service, and romance often occur in the stories. A resident of Maryland, Mx. Peterson lives with an apprentice and several thousand books.

Where to find the author:

Publisher: Love In Dark Settings Press
Cover Artist:  Dusk Peterson

Tour Dates & Stops:

Rafflecopter Prize: An e-copy of “The Breaking” (first story in the series)

Virtual Cover Reveal: Lurking in the Shadows anthology

Title:  Lurking in the Shadows
Edited by: Jaidis Shaw
To Be Published:  June 28th, 2016
Publisher:  CHBB Publishing
Genre: Horror, Fantasy, Paranormal

Embrace the darkness.
Murderous entities, haunted houses, screaming banshees, and sympathetic necromancers are just a few of the chilling things you’ll encounter in this anthology. Follow our authors into the shadows … if you dare. 
Stories featured in this anthology include the following:
“An Empty Building” by Jacqueline E. Smith
“Bump in the Night, Inc” by Melody Black
“Dorcha Scath” by Liz Butcher
“Living Nightmare” by Savannah Rohleder
“Lizzie” by Tania Hagan
“On Two Lane Roads” by Shelly Schulz
“Release” by E.M. Fitch
“Revenant” by Stacey Jaine McIntosh
“Scream for the Night” by Gina A. Watson
“Too Young To Kill” by Lily Luchesi

On Two Lane Roads:

On Two Lane Roads is a short story about Andrew Kane, and his partner Casey who work for the shadowy Alabaster Order. The two are pawns in a game against the forces of darkness, often pitted against creatures of Hell and the darkness that lurks in peoples' souls. Against standard procedure, Andrew and Casey are sent back to Andrew's home town to deal with an urgent case--one that will test Andrew more than he's ever been tested.

Shelly Schulz has been published in the anthologies Bitter Blackout, Dark Light 4, and Lurking in the Deep. She is an accomplished horror writer crafting things that go bump in the night. Shelly maintains a blog about writing, books and comics while posting flash fiction weekly with an online group. Aside from her writing group, Shelly leads a Girl Scout troop, or chases her nieces and can be unearthed professing her love for the anti-hero. The brooding skies and dark forests of Shelly’s home in the Pacific Northwest supply fertile land for her writing.

Add Lurking in the Shadows to your GoodReads TBR!

Giveaway Details:
There is a tour wide giveaway. Prizes include the following:
  • Kindle copy of Death Love Lust by Various
  • Kindle copy of Destiny Awaits by Jaidis Shaw
  • Ebook copy of The Cure by Tania Hagan
  • $5 Amazon Gift Card
Giveaway is International.

Ends May 1st at 11:59PM (EDT)

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Wednesday Briefs: Moving Forward #32 (7.6)

Good morning and Happy Hump Day! If it's Wednesday, then it must be time for some flash fiction from the Wednesday Briefers! We're a group of authors who bring you our finest flash fiction every week, from 500 to 1000 words, inspired by one of our prompts.

In this week's episode of Moving Forward, things come to a climax between Marshall and Lee as they end their first night on the cruise!Don't forget to see what the other Briefers are up to! Their links follow my tale! Enjoy!

Moving Forward #32 (7.6)

Marshall watched Lee with a growing amazement as he drizzled chocolate syrup along Marshall’s body, over the mounds of whipped cream. Half expecting the chocolate to be cold, he discovered it was room temperature, and far from unpleasant.

“Want a little shot of this?” Lee asked, once he’d saturated Marshall with the stuff.

“Hell yeah,” Marshall said.

“Open up,” Lee instructed. When Marshall obeyed, Lee held the bottle over him and squeezed the sweet syrup into Marshall’s waiting mouth.  Marshall swallowed as it as fast as Lee slowly poured it.

“That’s enough, don’t want to give you a belly ache,” Lee said as he set the bottle aside.

Marshall wasn’t about to argue. While it tasted good, he wanted to see what else Lee had in mind.

Lee began with Marshall’s nipples, which were buried beneath small mounds of creamy goodness. He licked circles about the nubs, which hardened at his touch, then sucked one into his mouth. The warmth of Lee’s mouth, combined with the sweetness of the chocolate and whipped cream, was a turn-on.

After Lee finished with one nipple, he performed identical ministrations on the other, then reached for Marshall’s lips and kissed him long and hard. Marshall moaned when Lee’s tongue entered his mouth, his kiss sweeter than ever. 

When they came up for air, Lee said, “Wonder what that would taste like with hot sauce?”

“Might be too much for you, old man,” Marshall teased. Lee’s eyes gleamed as he acknowledged the challenge.

“I’ll show you who’s an old man,” he murmured before he began to lick the chocolate from Marshall’s chest, his teeth lightly scraping Marshall’s skin and sending every nerve ending skyrocketing with pleasure. Goddamn, that was good.

Lee took his time, as if he was determined to lap up every bit of the syrup he’d covered Marshall with, and Marshall didn’t mind. He was enjoying the journey far too much to complain. They had all the time in the world, after all. Nothing else to do but enjoy one another.

Lee’s head dipped lower and lower, as he followed Marshall’s treasure trail. Marshall fisted his hands into Lee’s hair and arched up into his mouth. He was close to coming and he knew it, but he was determined to hold on as long as he could. Lee was making that difficult, however.

Lee tongued Marshall’s cock without taking it into his mouth. His hands caressed Marshall’s balls, rolling them expertly before he licked them as well, with long lingering swipes.

“You’re so close, I can feel it,” Lee murmured in a lust-laden voice.  “Spread your legs a little more. But don’t come. Not yet.”

Marshall obeyed, and was rewarded when Lee pressed his thumb inside Marshall. When he added a finger, Marshall tightened his muscles around Lee’s digits, fighting the urge to release without permission.

But it wasn’t easy. His balls were already tightening. He drew long shuddering breaths in an attempt to stem the tide.

“You’re so tight,” Lee murmured, brushing his lips along Marshall’s erection, the vibrations threatening to drive Marshall over the brink.

“Goddam, Lee,” he moaned.

“Goddam what?” Lee licked a path along the underside of Marshall’s cock, up to the head. None of the sweet stuff was left, already devoured.

“Just goddam, that’s all,” Marshall said hoarsely.

Lee moved his fingers faster, pressing harder inside Marshall. Just before Marshall thought he’d lose it, Lee said, “Come for me, boy,” and he swallowed Marshall’s cock whole, down to the root.

That was all Marshall needed to hear. He arched his back, his fingers holding tight to Lee’s hair as he came, long and hard. Lee never stopped sucking until he swallowed every last bit, by which time Marshall was panting.

Less urgently now, Lee licked the base of Marshall’s softening cock, then kissed the tip. “Damn, you’re tasty, boy,” he said, crawling up Marshall’s body and claiming his lips. Now the chocolate flavor was augmented by the taste of Marshall himself as they kissed long and hard.

Lee drew back far enough that Marshall could look into his eyes, so dark they were almost purple. He knew they had unfinished business, he just didn’t know how it would happen.

Lee swiftly reversed their positions, and now he was on bottom, and Marshall straddled him. “You’re gonna ride me, boy,” he said. He took Marshall’s hand and placed it on his weeping cock. “Think you’re ready for me?”

“You know it,” Marshall said. He was plenty stretched and he knew Lee knew it too.

“Then you know what to do…”

Marshall stroked Lee as he positioned himself above him, guiding him to the rim of his hole. He felt Lee’s cockhead nudge his opening. Then he slid down onto it, taking Lee inside of him in one move, until his balls slapped wetly against Lee’s flesh. Oh damn, so good.

Lee reached for his hands, for balance, twining their fingers together. Marshall began to rock back and forth, grinding into Lee. He was gratified at the expression of pure pleasure which shone from Lee’s beautiful eyes.

Lee arched up, meeting Marshall’s thrusts with his own. “Oh yeah,” he encouraged Marshall, “fuck yourself real good.”

Marshall squeezed his muscles tighter about Lee, eliciting a moan.  For just a moment, Marshall considered reaching for the syrup and pouring it all over Lee, but then decided against it. He’d try that later. He just wanted to make love right now.

“Kiss me,” Marshall requested, leaning toward Lee, which changed the angle, seating Lee a little deeper inside him. Lee raised up enough to meet Marshall’s lips, thrusting inside him with a growing urgency.

Lee’s orgasm was long and hard, and when he was done, they collapsed together in sweaty content.

“Good thing I had them bring extra sheets.” Lee grinned. “Let’s take a shower and make the bed.”

“Sounds perfect,” Marshall agreed.

To think, this was only their first day on the cruise. Marshall couldn’t wait to see what came next.

to be continued

Now see what the other Briefers are up to!

Virtual Book Tour: Feather Falls

Author Name: Evelyn Elliott

Book Name: Feather Fall
Series: Spell Slave
Book: Two

Release Date: April 22, 2016

Hero and criminal. Brute force and subtle charm. Jonathan White and Crow Belcane are polar opposites, but if they want to rescue the man they both love, they’ll have to work together.
After visiting his former lover, Crow knows only one thing: he loves Regis and he will do anything to reclaim him. But before his very eyes, Regis is abducted. Kidnapped by high-end slavers. Only Regis’s infuriating partner, Jonathan—a dangerous vigilante—is willing to help.
To infiltrate the slave ring, Jonathan and Crow disguise themselves as master and pet. As a slave, Crow is pushed to his limit. He’s chained, branded, whipped, and forced to obey Jonathan’s every order. But the longer he spends at Jonathan’s feet, the more natural his disguise begins to feel—and the more he likes it. As much as he hates Jonathan, they make a good team.
Both of them are devoted to Regis. Despite the overwhelming attraction between them, Jonathan is unwilling to betray his partner, and Crow is unwilling to come between them. But once the three of them are together again, all bets are off.

Pages or Words: 65,000 words/260 pages

Categories: BDSM, Bisexual, Fantasy, M/M Romance, Romance, Menage/Poly

Crow followed Jonathan to the lodging house. Jonathan looked like he was going to explode with rage the entire walk home. Crow prayed they didn’t come across anyone looking for a fight.
When they strode in, the woman at the counter scowled. “Your boy’s only been gone two days,” she said to Jonathan. “Already bringing whores home?”
Jonathan waved her away. “He’s a friend, Marta.”
“Friend,” she muttered. “Yeah, all right.” She sniffed. “Long as you send him on his way when you’re done with him. Don’t want him harassing my patrons.” She bustled down the hall. Crow stared after her in shock.
“She thought you were a prostitute,” Jonathan said helpfully. He opened the door, then locked it behind Crow. Immediately, he went to the back door and swept it open. He went into the garden and hugged Chartreuse around her neck. His grip was white, and his entire body was rigid. “Fucking slavers,” he muttered. “Fucking disgusting.”
Crow leaned against the doorway, arms folded. “Why did the innkeeper think I was a prostitute? Do you often pick up whores?”
Jonathan rolled his eyes at the joke. But he relaxed a little, and he went back inside with Crow. He shut the door. His fingers rested on the knob. “So,” he said.
“So,” Crow said.
Jonathan looked away, hands clenched. “I need a favor.”
“A favor?”
“Will you teach me how to—” Jonathan grimaced. “How to be charming.”
“Charming,” Jonathan said, like his teeth were being pulled. “It’s just this—this thing you do. I mean, let’s be honest with each other for a moment. You’re a terrible person, and yet every single person that meets you instantly likes you. How do you do that? Show me. I need to improve my acting skills.”
Crow didn’t want to teach Jonathan anything. But they were in this mess together, and if Jonathan slipped up and ruined his disguise, then they would both be in terrible danger. Crow saw on the bed. “Fine. Come here.”
Jonathan circled the bed like a wary animal. He sat far away from Crow.
“First lesson,” Crow said. “Body language.”
“What? Why does that matter?”
“You need to relax. If you look nervous, everyone else will become nervous, too.”
“I don’t feel relaxed,” Jonathan groaned.
“You don’t have to feel relaxed. You have to look relaxed.” Crow leaned against the headboard and splayed his legs. “See? Like this.”
“I can’t fake it the way you can.” Jonathan popped his fingers, then cracked his neck. He stretched his legs out, then touched his toes. Finally, he rolled his shoulders and let out a breath. He did seem a little less tense now.
“Good,” Crow said. “Now. Lesson two. Just be nice. Observe people. Give them compliments. Listen to what they say. It’s easy.”
“Of course. I mean, that’s how I seduced you the night I met you.”
And the room became weirdly silent.
The night they’d met. Right. The night Crow had waltzed in, spent a few minutes talking to Jonathan, and then stripped his pants off. Crow winced. It was probably a raw wound for Jonathan, considering the fact Crow had—at the time—been part of a plot to kill him. He shifted to the middle of the bed. He crossed his legs. “Look at me.”
“I want to teach you about sexual tension. It’s important. We need to investigate the House of Red Silk, but if we stall too long, Madam Karis might realize we’re up to no good. You must keep her attention. If she becomes impatient, pretend to be interested in a slave.”
“Interested? How do I do that?”
“Like this.” Crow leaned in. He lowered his eyelashes and tilted his head a little. His gaze slowly went from Jonathan’s hands, to his chest, then—ever so slowly—he met Jonathan’s eyes and held them. The air between them felt thin as paper, as though if he moved one inch closer, the barrier between them would tear.
Jonathan jerked back.
His face was unreadable, but his eyes were wide, pupils blown. Crow put his hand on Jonathan’s arm, and Jonathan jerked. “Tension is a sense of anticipation,” Crow said. “Stretch out that moment. Make it clear you want him.”
Jonathan skirted away to the edge of the bed. “Oh, come on,” Crow said. “If you can’t do it with me, how are you going to do it with a stranger?”
“I keep thinking about that time you threatened to skin me,” Jonathan snapped.
“That happened once.”
The light outside had faded. Twilight lit the garden. Crow felt exhausted from his façade. He got up to draw the curtains.
“No, wait,” Jonathan said. “I….”
Crow glanced back.
Jonathan had a painfully awkward look on his face. He blew out his breath. “Sorry. You’re right.” He got up. He rubbed his face. When his hand moved away, his expression was cool again. He scanned Crow’s face, then—hesitantly—touched Crow’s jaw, then his collarbone. He crowded Crow against the wall. Their chests didn’t touch, not quite.
Heat flickered through Crow’s body, and he was aware, powerfully aware, of how long it had been since he’d trusted someone to touch him. He shuddered.
Then Jonathan pulled away. “Like that?”
“Yeah,” Crow said. “Like that.”
Jonathan shut up and went to bed. He lay fully clothed on the mattress, alone by himself. Crow swept up a pile of blankets and dumped them on the floor by the wall. He burrowed into his little nest and closed his eyes. He didn’t sleep. Where was Regis? Locked in a cage somewhere? Sold?

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Meet the author:
If you encountered Evelyn Elliott, you’d see a small soft-spoken woman wearing a sundress. At first, she seems like a perfectly normal woman. Do not be deceived.
Her hobbies include watching grisly horror movies, torturing her characters, and tending to her flower garden. She enjoys long walks in the park and collecting the souls of small children.
Whenever she reads a book, she always roots for the villain.
Avoid her at all costs. Certainly do not locate her Goodreads. Do not dare friend her on Facebook, either. She will only corrupt you.

Where to find the author:

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press
Cover Artist: Christine Griffin

Tour Dates & Stops:
4-May: Love Bytes

Rafflecopter Prize: Win a signed print copy of ‘Feather Fall’ by Evelyn Elliott!