Monday, April 20, 2015

Guest Blogger: Shyla Wolf

Please welcome author Shyla Wolf, who is here to tell us about her new release, Shadows Horizons. Don't forget to look for the Rafflecopter at the end of this post!

Love is a flame we embrace with open arms.

Kiera, a young warrior, adopted off the streets and raised by a group of psychic brethren—encounters the first pangs of infatuation after rescuing a computer prodigy.
Her destiny entails protecting the life and work of Carlin, genius geek, along with a mate who will pull her from death’s clutches.
From the moment she saves Carlin’s life, fate steers her into a series of events that opens her world to the sensuous allure of danger and desire.
Carlin, an electronics scholar, develops the means to bring this country to its knees. Lacking evil intent, his intellects pushes him to test the limits of possibilities.
Kyley, kidnapped as an infant, is the means to an end for Roth. Her psychic talents are the key to unleashing biologic, chemical, and financial terrorism, inducing total anarchy in the USA. A collector of psychic talents, he enjoys indulging his inner sociopathic OCD.
Kyley’s years of abuse at Roth’s hands have yet to crush her spirit, buy if Roth isn’t stopped soon, chaos will reign, destroying all within its path.
Taylor’s strong telekinetic power and military background have allowed a  seamless blend with the paranormal force working to help others with psychic abilities. When he happens upon a terrified young woman in a restaurant making a bid for freedom, they’re both set on a new path, filled with death, destruction, hope, and passion.
Two groups of warriors, their unique skills unknown to mankind, live and fight in the shadows with courage and honor, to preserve our way of life. Their incredible stories are a spirit-stirring journey that speaks to the dreams we all share.


Carlin strode beside his bodyguard through the dimly lit parking garage fidgeting with his keys. “Adam, this does not make it to my top five favorite places to visit.”
A rat skittered across the floor in the shadows, and he imagined it turning a gimlet-eyed stare on its intruders. Filth, gas, and pizza from a nearby restaurant thickened the air, reminiscent of the alley apartment he occupied during college. Small pools of dingy light challenged macabre shadows for dominance—and lost. Clashing of the bleak rays and murky silhouettes added an ominous, prophetic feeling he couldn’t shake. Water stains mingled with the shadows to create fleeting two dimensional monsters. Carlin was not a fan of Rorschach. Crap, I haven’t been spooked like this in years.
Adam shrugged. “Sir, as your bodyguard, I admit this isn’t my idea of a secure location either, but it is the closest enclosed parking available to meet with your client. The open street leaves you too vulnerable. As much as you cherish your privacy, I’m surprised you agreed to help at all.”
“He’s a college buddy, needed help with a simple, high-tech security task. Seems twenty-first century technology left him in the dust.”
“Next time, why don’t you at least suggest meeting during the daytime?” Adam’s narrowed eyes and tilted head as if listening to a far-off sound—usually spelled trouble.
Next time, remind me a proctologist’s exam would be more enjoyable, okay?” Sweat beaded his forehead despite the cool December breeze drifting over the graffiti-covered knee wall.
“Yeah, I’m feeling it too. Let’s get the hell out of here.”
Carlin’s skidding on a badly patched piece of concrete prompted his bodyguard to scan the area around them. Dirt and crumbles skittered, their audio report echoed off the walls.
"Watch your step, sir, we don’t need to broadcast our location." Adam murmured as he reached out to steady him.
“You know…” Carlin muttered, “Folks generally think of me as a good analytical and concrete thinker. Perhaps whatever higher power gifted me with intuitive abilities for logistics and computers decided on a mental tariff—common sense.”
"My sixth sense says trouble’s GPS has already locked on. Stay close.”
The gentle slide of Adam’s gun from its shoulder rig compelled Carlin to suck in the cool night air, searing his lungs.
“Sir, instincts are the best survival tool we have. They’re rarely wrong. Better safe than sorry.”
Sharp chirps split the silence, Carlin’s cell threw his heart rate into overdrive. Hair on his nape prickled as he fumbled in his pocket. With an all-thumbs equivalent, he extracted the nuisance and hit ignore.
Massive pillars supported the five-story concrete structure. Rounding one to his left, his foot stalled mid-step when Adam snatched him sideways. The colossal thug he almost plowed into blended into the shadows.
“Jesus!" The man personified hulkish features with abject malice in his gaze. The split-second observation brought Carlin a rush of adrenaline. "You're huge!" Brown hair pulled back in a ponytail swept his shoulder giving the look of a mob enforcer. A bulge of pitted, tanned skin separated a straight line of bushy eyebrows. Dark eyes appeared to hold a terrible knowledge and gave his hard stare a cold calculating look.
The brute’s gaze raked Carlin's body head to toe. Chipped yellow teeth appeared as his thin lips pulled back in a wide grin. "Time to meet your maker, prodigy." He mimicked Carlin's sidestep in a lightning-fast move and knocked Adam's gun from his right hand. Its ricocheting underneath a nearby Toyota produced multiple tin-like clinks.
Time seemed to fracture. Adam's left arm shoved Carlin to the side. His assailant took wily advantage in that flash of time. He watched his bodyguard go down hard from his attacker's leg sweep.
One blink and a dagger appeared in the thug's hand. Its arc and swift speed toward his belly made it little more than a glimmer in the weak light. His neurons couldn't fire fast enough to follow its passage. Two feet stood between Carlin and a trip to his maker, complements of this walking nightmare.

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Life teaches us many lessons. One of the most important ones Shyla’s learned is to take the time to enjoy family and friends. Our circumstances change on a daily basis. However small the differences may seem, they add up over time. Through a lifetime of various trials and tribulations, she’s discovered the enjoyment of sharing her stories with those that would relish participating in the journey of extraordinary people through their everyday lives.

After years of employment in various fields including medical, law enforcement, and private investigations, Shyla’s experiences inspired the stories she brings to life. From the horrific to the awe-inspiring, life’s lessons affect us all, regardless of the virtual walls we build or the blinders we don.

The way we incorporate these into our daily life helps determine our character and how we affect those around us. A simple and small kindness can go a very long way and have a profound effect on others.

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