Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Virtual Book Tour: Pivot and Slip

Please welcome author Lilah Suzanne, who is here to discuss her newest release, Pivot and Slip. Lilah will be awarding a $25 B&N GC to one randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during her tour. A free download of an Interlude Press eBook title or an author/book swag pack (US only) will be awardly to one randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter at each stop during the tour. The more you comment, the better your chances of winning. To see the other stops on the tour, go here. Look for the rafflecopter at the end of this post.

You’re marooned on a small island with one person and one item of your choice—who is that person and what item do you have?
I’d pick my husband because he’s tall and can reach coconuts, if it comes to that. I also happen to like having him around. And I’d bring a phone, so we can get off the island as soon as possible as I’m a big fan of Wifi and indoor plumbing.

Which musical would you say best exemplifies your life – and which character in that musical are you?
I think I’d be Mary Poppins, because I like to strive for the same no-nonsense approach to whimsy.

Take these three words and give me a 100 word or less scenario using them:  night, union, minute

It’s more difficult at night, when the darkness outside bleeds into the darkness inside and Felix feels like he’s suffocating under the heavy press of it. He goes over and over that fight; what went wrong, how he would fix it if he ever got the chance. He never will. Jack talks about the union of mind and body, so how can he not feel as broken on the inside as he is on the outside? “Breathe,” Jack would tell him, so Felix does. In then out, and for this minute, this moment, he’s okay. That has to be enough.

You’ve just been let loose in the world of fiction, with permission to make love to anyone you want. Who do you choose and why?
“Deathly Hallows” era Ginny Weasley. I don’t think enough people appreciate how smart and amazing she is, first of all. Secondly, while Harry is off collecting horcruxes, someone needs to be there for her. We can all use comfort during dark times. And who doesn’t like a redhead?

What is your idea of how to spend romantic time with your significant other?
I’m a homebody, so I love the time we spend together doing nothing special, just enjoying each other’s company. Domesticity turns me on.

When you start a new story, do you begin with a character, or a plot?
Character. My stories tend to be very character driven, so I like to have their voices down and a sense of who they are before I even begin sketching out a plot. I build the story around them

If they were to make the story of your life into a movie, who should play you?
Anna Kendrick. I feel like she would get me.

Who’s your favorite horror villain and why?
I’m a huge wimp and cannot watch or read horror at all! I’m a little traumatized just trying to think of one.

Do you have an historical crush and if so, who is it?
George Harrison, though it makes me sad to think of him as a historical figure.

Is there a story that you’d like to tell but you think the world isn’t ready to receive it?
One of the things I like about the romance genre is that there are a lot taboos that can be explored, and done in a way that feels very human and accessible. The power of story telling. So I think even if it’s a story that the world isn’t ready for, it can be done in a way that lends itself to understanding. So no, not really.

Pivot and Slip
by Lilah Suzanne



Former Olympic hopeful Jack Douglas traded competitive swimming for professional yoga and never looked back. When handsome pro boxer Felix Montero mistakenly registers for his Yoga for Seniors class, Jack takes an active interest both in Felix’s struggles to manage stress and in his heart, and discovers along the way that he may have healing of his own to do.

Faced with the ghosts of his athletic aspirations, can Jack return to his old dream or carve out a new path, and will their budding romance survive the test of Felix’s next bout in the ring?



Felix settled his hands on Jack’s shoulders, positioning him directly in front of the punching bag. “Now, plant your feet, like that, yeah. And bend your knees.” Felix’s hands slid from Jack’s shoulders and down his arms as he moved in closer, speaking into Jack’s ear from behind. “Keep your arms tucked in. You always want to remember to be defensive and not just go in for the attack. Keep your guard up.”
Jack bent his arms in front of his face and tried bouncing on his toes, though he imagined the effect was more Tigger than Tyson. Felix chuckled, his warm breath puffing against Jack’s neck and spreading heat across his skin.

“Focus on using your shoulders and legs for strength.” Felix’s hands trailed back up, from shoulder to shoulder, then fleetingly touched Jack’s thighs. “You have really strong shoulders. I always admired that about swimmers.” He lips brushed Jack’s ear. “Always had a thing for blonds, too.”

Jack shivered with the touch but narrowed his eyes and tried to focus on sending energy to his core, on breathing deeply, on trying not to think about the heat of Felix’s body; the tremors left in the wake of his hands; the heady scent of him, inviting and inebriating; his voice murmuring low in Jack’s ear, breath hot against the shell. “Excellent focus. Now, Jack.”

He hit the bag one-two, one-two, one-two, the blows reverberating through the gloves and his skin and humming in his bones.

“Good, right?”

Jack turned, his eyes finding Felix’s hopeful and searching.

“Yeah,” Jack replied. “That was… pretty intense.”

Felix circled around him and reached out to remove the gloves from Jack’s tingling hands.

“That was power. Strength. The only time I ever felt safe was when I was fighting, as strange as that sounds.” Felix tucked the gloves under one arm, opening and closing one dangling strap with a harsh rip of velcro.

“It makes sense,” Jack shrugged. “Like you said, you have to keep your guard up.”

Felix offered a half-smile. “Maybe I could try letting it down a little.”

Jack’s heart gave a little flutter in his chest. “Well in that case, I solemnly swear that I will not knock you out.”

Felix tipped his head, eyes low, lips softly curved.

“I think it may be a little too late for that, Jack.”


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Lilah Suzanne has been writing actively since the sixth grade, when a literary magazine published her essay about an uncle who lost his life to AIDS. A freelance writer, she has also authored a children’s book and has a devoted following in the fan fiction community.

Lilah Suzanne on the web:


Twitter: @lilahsuzanne

Pinterest: pinterest.com/lilahsuzanne

Facebook: facebook.com/pages/Lilah-Suzanne/653282624749516

Goodreads: goodreads.com/author/show/8281044.Lilah_Suzanne



  1. Apart from loving the cover, I enjoyed reading this excerpt from this book, the interaction was intense and at the same time very sensual. I would be interested to read how their relationship develops and this book is certainly on my wish list, thank you for a great giveaway :)

    1. Thanks, I really appreciate it! (and isn't that cover amazing? I'm so lucky.)

  2. Ha! Anna Kendrick is so sassy...I'm sure she would get you :0

  3. I'm eager to read this!


  4. I loved the the excerpt! And the cover is so appealing. Thanks for the giveaway!
