Saturday, February 15, 2025

Saturday is Horror Day #205 - Possum


Philip (Sean Harris) is a disgraced children's puppeteer. He returns to his childhood home, scene of much trauma, and has to deal with his past, including the uncle who raised him, Maurice (Alun Armstrong). Philip has a bag which he always carries. It contains a massive puppet of a spider with a human face. Philip tries over and over to get rid of the puppet, but finds himself unable to do so. When a heinous accusation is made against him, he has to face the truth, even if that involves unpleasant truths from his childhood.

Possum is something of a slow burn creepy film as opposed to one filled with jump scares and gore. I 

found it clear that the puppet in the bag Philip always carried represented the trauma he couldn't leave behind or get rid of, no matter how hard he tried. As did the closed room in the house that he refused to enter, no matter how many times his uncle taunted him to do so. This movie has to do with taking control of the past and coming to grips with it, with a bit of revenge thrown in for good matter. Sean Harris plays Philip, the tortured puppeteer. I had seen him previously in the Borgias, as their master assassin. I thought he did a good job of playing Philip, leaving me wondering if he had done anything he needed to regret or not.

The spider puppet is truly creepy, so kudos to the creator for that. So is the poem about Possum, the spider, which is recited throughout the film. Admittedly, this film won't be for everyone. But if you are willing to pay attention and pick up on the cues, and understand its slow pace, you will be able to enjoy it. I'll give this film 3.5 Stars.

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