Saturday, September 14, 2024

Saturday is Horror Day #183 - Megan is Missing

 Megan is Missing

Megan(Rachel Quinn) and Amy(Amber Perkins) are best friends. Megan's other friends don't understand what she sees in Amy, and they are very harsh toward her. They won't want Megan to invite Amy to any of their parties, but Megan insists. Megan likes boys, where Amy is rather shy around them. Megan likes to chat with them online, and she has an ongoing chat with one she really likes, Josh (Dean Waite). They video chat, but she hasn't seen his face, because his camera is broken. But he does send her a picture of himself and she thinks he is cute, so she agrees to meet up with him.

Megan is never seen again.

Two weeks later, Amy goes missing.

Megan is Missing is a cautionary tale that all young people should watch about the dangers of talking to strangers on the Internet. And how much of a bad idea it is to meet up with one in a not public place. This was hard to watch, because what happened was so brutal, and I couldn't help but think of my own kids, who luckily are older and wiser than that. But Megan, like most teens, thought she was invincible and nothing could harm her. Both she and Amy ignored the biggest red flag of all - the broken camera. He even lied about how it happened, offering two different stories - another red flag. They should have done a reverse search on the photo he sent Megan to see if it came off the Internet somewhere. And Megan should never have agreed to meet him behind a store, where it was poorly lit and out of view of anyone else.

I thought the movie was well done, and the girls who played Megan and Amy did a good job. The true horror lies in the last twenty or so minutes, and I warn you, it's hard to watch. But I'm sure there are other predators out there like this one, so it's an important lesson to pass along. I'll give this film 4 Stars.

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