Thursday, June 30, 2016

Virtual Book Tour: Daniel & Erik's Super Fab Ultimate Wedding Checklist

Author Name: K.E. Belledonne

Book Name: Daniel & Erik’s Super Fab Ultimate Wedding Checklist

Release Date: June 23, 2016

When Daniel gets caught up in the demands of a cheeky wedding planning app, his fiancé Erik grows frustrated with his preoccupation with adhering to heterosexual traditions. Will Daniel’s groomzilla ways give them the wedding of their dreams, or ultimately lead to their relationship’s demise?

Pages or Words: 53,000 words, 188 pages

Categories: Contemporary, Gay Fiction, Humor, M/M Romance, Romance, Rom Com

“I think Aurora is disappointed in me.”
“What?” Erik rubbed at his eye. It wasn’t even early morning, judging by the weak light coming through the blinds from the streetlights. “Who?”
“Aurora. The wedding planning app.” Daniel lay on his back, wide awake and staring up at the ceiling.
“The wedding planning app is not a sentient being. It has no feelings or opinions.”
“I feel like she's judging me. I’m sorry if I woke you up.”
“Oh my god, go to sleep.”
“I can't. I'm never going to sleep ever again.” Daniel tugged the blanket higher up his chest, folding his arms over it and exhaling heavily.
“You're being dramatic.”
“I've got too many things buzzing in my head. There's too many things I'm going to forget to do.”
“I thought that's why you had that damn app, so you don't have to remember anything; it's all right there saved on your tablet.”
“Yes, but I have to remember to put everything in it. Daniel rolled over. She doesn't just know everything—”
“A: She is not a she. It is an it. B: What are we doing tomorrow?”
“Oh my god, what is the point of sharing the app calendar if you're never going to look at it?” Daniel wailed.
“I look at it. It's just crammed so full of everything that I have no idea what's going on when.”
Daniel blew out his breath. ”Look, I know you don’t like the calendar. We’ve been over that, but I don’t know how else to keep track of all of these appointments and deadlines.”
“I told you, we could color-code them, or something,” Erik rolled to his side and punched at his pillow.
“Aurora doesn’t give you that option.”
“Well, it should.”
“I agree, but there’s nothing I can do about that.” Daniel bunched his pillow up under his head. “Tomorrow, we have four appointments to meet with caterers: two in the morning, two in the afternoon.”
“Why so many in one day?”
“It's the only day we both have available this week, and I am not going to make any decisions about the food at our reception without you there to discuss it.”
“Seriously, you could just make a choice, and I'll live with it.” Erik rolled over.
“I don't want you to just 'live with it,' Erik. Daniel tried to keep his voice neutral, but failed. This is our wedding. I don't want you to just 'live with it.’”
“Why are you getting so worked up about it?”
“We only get one chance at this. Everything needs to be perfect.”
“You're going to drive us both crazy, you know that, right?” Erik tugged the blankets back up over his shoulder.
“Well, then, we'll both be crazy.” Daniel squinted up at the ceiling. He was so tired of making these decisions. Why were there so many options? Why were there so many decisions? The planning was getting on Erik's nerves; he was getting on Erik's nerves. Erik was getting on his nerves. They were both just a pile of irritated nerves because the to-do list didn’t seem to be getting any smaller.
Daniel’s phone chimed with another notification from Aurora.
New Private Message from: MommyMargie.
His mother probably had another ludicrous suggestion for the reception, or a passive-aggressive reminder of the hymn that she and his father had had played at their wedding, that their grandparents had had played at their wedding and that she expected to hear at his wedding. Or maybe his parents had decided to paint the living room green. Who knew?

Buy the book:

Meet the author:

K. E. Belledonne is a writer, editor and translator. A native New Englander, Kat spends her spare time listening to Glenn Miller records, reading history books and cheering on her beloved Red Sox. Her first novel, Right Here Waiting, was published by Interlude Press in 2015.

Where to find the author:

Publisher: Interlude Press
Cover Artist: C.B. Messer

Tour Dates & Stops:










Rafflecopter Prize: Grand Prize: $25 Interlude Press gift card, 5 first prizes of an e-copy of Daniel & Erik’s Super Fab Ultimate Wedding Checklist

Virtual Book Tour: 26 Hours in Paris

Please welcome author Demi Alex, who is here to tell us aout her new release, 26 Hours in Paris. Demi will be awarding a digital copy of 26 Hours in Paris to a randomly drawn commenter via Rafflecopter. The more you comment, the better your chances of winning. To find the other stops on her tour, go here. Don't forget to look for the Rafflecopter at the end of this post!

26 Hours in Paris
by Demi Alex


GENRE:  Erotic Romance



One day to see the sights.

One night to change your life. .
Magazine writer Kathryn Taylor is traveling from New York to Paris for work. But the flirtatious Frenchman she left long ago is waiting at the airport--and he wants to play. . .

No one can guide Kat through the sensual city's delights like Marko Renard. He let her get away once, and now he's determined to make her stay--even if he has to tie her down. He will wrap her in cashmere, tease her tongue with chocolate, and take her to the peak of the Eiffel Tower . . . But can he convince the bohemian beauty she belongs with him, in his luxuriously decadent world? In business, he's the master--but it's Kat's body and soul he truly longs to rule. He has just enough time to show her the pleasures of the boulevards, the boulangeries--and the bedroom. To finally get her to just say oui, he'll have to seize the day--and the night. . .



“You calling him?” Justin stepped out of his office and sidled up behind her. A woman couldn’t have a moment with her own thoughts in her own office when she worked with three of her best friends. Paul’s Justin, her Justin, with all his mathematical genius, was City Wing’s accounting department.


“Why not?”

“Because,” she replied, pretending she was too absorbed in the printouts about the Eiffel Tower to give the question more merit, “this is about work. I need to prove that people find love in Paris, not recapture a lost possibility. I’ve worked my ass off to get to where I am. I’m not screwing it up by spinning my wheels over something, someone, that’s never going to happen.”

“Right. If that’s how you really feel, you need to get laid by a real man and let the overseas god go. Your man from the past is the reason nobody else is enough for you. You know you’re measuring these poor guys against a dream guy. Let him go, or invite him back.”

“Past,” Kathryn said, regret swelling in her chest. “It didn’t work then. It’s not going to work now.”

“He emailed you—”

“Stop, Justin. This isn’t about me and Marko. It really isn’t. Plus, we’re just friends.” It didn’t matter how she felt, because she knew she loved him, had always loved him, and would probably always love him. What mattered was that there was an ocean between them. “We’ve always been friends and will always be friends.”


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Demi Alex writes steamy romances, blending emotional fulfillments of the heart and carnal desires in her work. Born in Athens, Greece, and raised in her own version of a big fat Greek life in New York, Demi was infected with book and travel bugs early, and currently admits the only therapy for this condition is to combine the two in fictional stories that allow her characters to let loose and experience all they crave. She attended SUNY at Stony Brook, and after changing her major numerous times, graduated with a degree in Public Policy and International Studies. Her characters are loosely based on people she encounters while she travels or during the time she spends matching homes to owners as a Realtor. She simply has a passion for matchmaking that can’t be put to rest.



Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Wednesday Briefs: Moving Forward #41 (9.4)

Good morning and Happy Hump Day! If it's Wednesday, it must be time for some flash fiction from the Wednesday Briefers! We're a group of authors who bring you our finest flash fiction every week, from 500 to 1000 words, inspired by one of our prompts.

This week, more lovemaking from Marshall and Lee, as the cruise continues. See what they're up to in Moving Forward! Then don't forget to see what the other Briefers are up to. Their links follow my tale!  Enjoy!

Moving Forward #41 (9.4)

Kissing was more than a preamble—it was something special in itself. They’d spent three long years doing nothing else, when Marshall was too young for lovemaking. So kissing had become the expression of their love, and even now, Marshall savored the feel of Lee’s mouth on his.

As they kissed, they pressed their bodies together, rubbing against one another, bringing each other from a slow simmer just until they reached the boiling point, then starting all over again.  Marshall rolled Lee onto his back, straddling him without breaking their kiss.

He continued to rub against Lee suggestively, Lee’s moans vibrating through their joined lips. Seeing Lee like this—spread out beneath him, and obviously turned on by what they were doing—only served to heighten Marshall’s own pleasure.

Coming up for air, he reached for the tube of lube as he caught his breath. He wanted to stretch Lee before he entered him. Lee had never bottomed before Marshall, so he was still new to this and damn tight. Marshall would never take a chance on hurting him. They’d found a tropical scented lube online, which seemed fitting considering where they were. Marshall flicked the cap open and squeezed some on the fingers of his right hand.

He slid back a little, into the space between Lee’s legs. Lee gently stroked Marshall’s cheek.
“You know you’re goddamn sexy?” he said.

Marshall warmed at his words. “Funny, I was just thinking the same thing about you. Spread your legs a little more, willya?” Lee obeyed without question and Marshall inserted one finger cautiously. Damn, Lee was even tighter than he remembered, and he felt like warm velvet around Marshall’s finger as he slid it inside.

“More,” Lee said. “I can take it.”

Marshall added a second finger, scissoring both fingers to relax Lee’s guardian muscle. Lee gave no indication of discomfort, so Marshall pressed farther until he found what he was looking for, touching the small bundle of nerves.

“Goddamn,” Lee moaned. “That’s it. Right there.”

Marshall continued to touch Lee’s prostate, producing more and louder moans, as Lee’s swollen cock began to leak pre-cum. He loved the expression on Lee’s face, the pure enjoyment he displayed, and he loved knowing he was responsible for that look.

Finally, he withdrew his fingers, and poured out more lube, readying his own cock, flush with desire, to enter Lee.

“You want me to move or stay right here?” Lee asked.

“I want you right there,” Marshall said, “so I can look at your face while I make love to you.” He locked his eyes onto Lee’s beautiful blue eyes, dark with lust. “Wrap your legs around my waist,” he instructed, and Lee gave no argument, doing everything he was told, as Marshall entered him in one smooth thrust. Lee gasped and Marshall stilled.

“No, don’t stop,” Lee insisted. “It’s good.”

Marshall continued, taking it slow, until he was fully sheathed inside of Lee. This was perfection. This was complete and utter bliss. And judging by the look on Lee’s face, he thought so too. He never felt as close to Lee as moments such as this, when they were physically united. Marshall wished this moment could last forever.

He leaned in and kissed Lee softly. “I love you,” he whispered, “so much.”

“Love you too,” Lee responded, “very much.”  His breath was warm on Marshall’s lips. He nipped at Marshall’s lower lip before sucking it into his mouth. Marshall fisted his hands in Lee’s hands and held him tightly. Lee’s tongue licked  the spot where he’d nipped, and then he meshed their mouths together with a growing urgency, fanning the flames of desire once more.

Marshall pulled out then pushed back in again, hard, knowing that was just how Lee liked it. Belatedly, he remembered he’d intended to suck Lee off. He’d gotten too excited at the idea of being inside of Lee to remember.  Next time, he vowed. He wrapped his hand around Lee’s cock, and began to pump it. He didn’t hear Lee complaining that he’d forgotten anything.

Lee’s moans became deeper, more urgent, and Marshall knew he was close. He fisted him harder, even as he allowed Lee’s tongue entrance into his mouth, the two tongues tangling slickly. He felt’s Lee’s release, felt his cock spasm inside his fist, as he came long and hard. Marshall continued to thrust inside of him, knowing he couldn’t last much longer. Sure enough, a few more pushes and he fell over the edge, filling Lee until he had nothing left to give.

They collapsed together in a sweaty tangle of limbs, breathing hard, arms wrapped about one another as they rode their mutual high.

“That… was… incredible,” Marshall said.

“It was,” Lee agreed. “You’re getting pretty damn good at that. You should do that more often.’

Marshall basked in Lee’s praise. He liked the sound of that, liked the way it made him feel as Lee’s partner—his equal.

“Want to take a quick shower and hit the hay?” Lee asked. “Got a big day again tomorrow. Then on to the next island.”

“Sounds perfect.”

They didn’t move right away, content to hold each other. The shower would be there when they got there.

to be continued

Now go see what the other Briefers are up to!

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Wednesday Briefs: Moving Forward #40 (9.3)

Good morning and Happy Hump Day! If it's Wednesday, it must be time for some flash fiction from the Wednesday Briefers! We're a group of authors who bring you our finest flash fiction every week, from 500 to 1000 words, inspired by one of our prompts.

Alone at last, whatever will Marshall and Lee do? Find out in this week's episode of Moving Forward. Don't forget to see what the other Briefers are up to. Their links follow my tale! Enjoy!

Moving Forward #40 (9.3)

“Then maybe you should get naked,” Lee suggested. Moving his hand between them, he palmed  Marshall’s swollen cock. “Looks like someone wants a little attention.”

“You know it,” Marshall moaned.

“Then be ready by the time I get out of the bathroom and you may just get your wish.” Lee winked and headed off. Marshall didn’t waste any time stripping out of his clothes. He set everything carefully aside for later. They’d have to do laundry, at some point. He remembered seeing facilities marked on the map of the ship, one on each level. Something to worry about at another time.

Lee hadn’t told him to do anything but strip, so that’s what he did. If Lee’d wanted him on the bed, he’d have said so. This truth was born out by Lee’s approving nod when he came out of the bathroom.

“Good boy,” he murmured.

Marshall watched Lee’s every move as he removed every article of clothing he wore and stacked it with Marshall’s. When he turned toward Marshall, he noticed Lee was just as hard as he was. Always good to know.

“How’d you like to take the reins tonight?” Lee asked.

Marshall’s eyes widened. Lee was offering to let him top? That didn’t happened very often. Not that he was complaining. He sure wasn’t about to turn down the opportunity of being inside Lee for a change. “Hell yeah,” he blurted out, which produced a smile from Lee. Damn, that man had a beautiful smile.

“Then you decide what position you want me in,” Lee said. “Don’t forget the lube. We packed plenty of it for a reason.”

Indeed they had.

There was no question in Marshall’s mind what position he’d choose. He wanted to be able to look into Lee’s handsome face while he fucked him. Some might consider the missionary position old-fashioned, but Marshall loved it. It provided an intimacy that was lacking in other positions, although these had their points as well, at other times.

But not right now.

“I want you underneath me,” Marshall said, once he’d retrieved a tube from their luggage. “But first I’d like to suck you off.”

“You would, would you?” Lee asked, his hand going to his cock. Marshall reached out and arrested his movement.

“That’s mine tonight,” he said softly. “And yes I would.”

Lee instantly withdrew the offending hand. “All yours,” he agreed. “Just tell me what you want me to do.”

Marshall knew exactly what he wanted first. “Kiss me,” he instructed Lee, taking the lead. “Kiss me like you’ll never let me go.”

“As you wish.” Lee pulled Marshall into his arms and fused their mouths without hesitation. Marshall loved the familiar taste of Lee, loved the way their mouths fit perfectly together, just as their bodies did. He nudged Lee slightly in the direction of the bed. He understood, breaking the kiss long enough for them to situate themselves. They lay facing one another, pressed as close together as they possibly could before beginning their kiss anew.

to be continued!

Now go see what the other Briefers are up to!

Monday, June 20, 2016

Virtual Book Tour: Hector and Steele

Author Name: A.C. Katt

Book Name: Hector and Steele
Series: New Mexico Series
Book: Two
Can be read as a standalone

Release Date: June 21, 2016
FBI Special Agent Steele Adams has been living with Sandoval County Sheriff Hector Gomez for six months. They are occasional bed partners. Then one afternoon Hector gets a call for a domestic dispute that leaves a bad feeling in his stomach. He arrives to find a man, obviously high on meth, waving a gun around, kicking, beating and shooting at a ten-year-old boy lying on the rockscape of the front lawn. The father goes to lock up but when Hector tries to take the boy, his younger brother, Felipe, runs out screaming for Matteo not to leave.
Both children are seriously abused by their cruel, drug addicted parents and Matteo has been taking care of his brother for years. Hector is a certified foster parent and he winds up asking for and receiving both boys into his home. In falling in love with the boys, Hector and Steele realize how much they love each other. Everyone is safe and happy until the Penas’ get out on bail.
Pages or Words: 54,033 words

Categories: Contemporary, Fiction, Gay Fiction, M/M Romance, Romance


Hector Gomez answered what he thought to be a domestic violence call. The neighbor who called it in sounded hysterical. As the Sheriff of Sandoval County, he took too many calls for domestic abuse. They usually involved alcohol or drugs but something in his cop’s gut told him this was different. He pulled into the driveway, got out of his Explorer, and saw a wild, glassy-eyed man standing on the rock-strewn lawn, waving a gun, and beating a ten-year-old kid about his body. The man wasn’t drunk, he was high. He had the kid on the ground, kicking him in the ribs, groin, and legs with steel-toed boots. The gun waved threateningly in the child’s face, which the kid tried to protect with waif-thin arms.
The man and the youngster appeared to be of Hispanic origin. The boy had rolled up in a ball in the front of the house, clothed in nothing but holey blue jeans and a thin T-shirt. Although only mid-November, New Mexico was experiencing an early cold snap due to the enormous El Nino build-up in the Pacific. He jumped from his Explorer and quickly shouted at the man to step away.
“I’m going to kill you, you little faggot.” He pulled the trigger as the boy tried to roll away. He fired the gun a second time, barely missing the boy.
Gomez’s backup, Deputy Edwards, fired a warning shot. The man turned to Edwards and pointed the gun. Hector shot the weapon out of his hand. The man fell next to the boy and spit in the kid’s face. After Edwards helped him separate the man from the boy, Hector instructed him to call a bus and the Children, Youth, and Families Department
“Take him to UNM Sandoval. After the medics are through with him, book him and hold him for arraignment on attempted murder, child abuse, child endangerment, resisting arrest, and anything else you can think of to throw at him.”
While waiting for the second bus so the EMTs could take the kid to the hospital, he got a blanket from his trunk and draped it around the boy whose chest heaved with sobs.
“What’s your name, son?” Hector knelt and put his arm around the boy’s shoulders.
“Matteo. Matteo Pena.”
A woman at the storm door shouted obscenities in Spanish, prominently featuring the word maricón, a derogatory term for gay.
Suddenly, a small boy of about five came barreling out of the house and threw himself onto the older boy. “What did he do to you? Are you okay? You can’t leave. You can’t leave me alone with them.” He sobbed as he held on tight to his brother.
“I demand that you let me take my younger son back into the house. Felipe, come.” She grabbed the kicking and screaming child, gave him a casual slap, and dragged him back through the door.
“Matteo, Matteo, please. You can’t leave me here.”
The brother, clearly fearful and still sobbing, raised his face to Hector. “What do I do? She’ll take this out on Felipe, and he isn’t strong enough to handle her or him.”
Hector put his arm around the kid’s shoulder again. “Your father, such as he is, will be in the county lockup, at least for the night. We can figure things out in the morning. I won’t let him hurt your brother.”
“But she will. She isn’t as strong as him, but she’ll use the belt to hurt Felipe for coming out of the house.” The boy’s chest heaved as tears ran down his cheeks unchecked. “Why was I so stupid? Now Felipe is going to get punished, and it’s my fault. They weren’t supposed to be home.”
The kid turned his head toward the little boy still crying at the door. “Felipe, don’t get into trouble. I’ll come get you. I won’t leave you alone for long.”Hector Gomez answered what he thought to be a domestic violence call. The neighbor who called it in sounded hysterical. As the Sheriff of Sandoval County, he took too many calls for domestic abuse. They usually involved alcohol or drugs but something in his cop’s gut told him this was different. He pulled into the driveway, got out of his Explorer, and saw a wild, glassy-eyed man standing on the rock-strewn lawn, waving a gun, and beating a ten-year-old kid about his body. The man wasn’t drunk, he was high. He had the kid on the ground, kicking him in the ribs, groin, and legs with steel-toed boots. The gun waved threateningly in the child’s face, which the kid tried to protect with waif-thin arms.
The man and the youngster appeared to be of Hispanic origin. The boy had rolled up in a ball in the front of the house, clothed in nothing but holey blue jeans and a thin T-shirt. Although only mid-November, New Mexico was experiencing an early cold snap due to the enormous El Nino build-up in the Pacific. He jumped from his Explorer and quickly shouted at the man to step away.
“I’m going to kill you, you little faggot.” He pulled the trigger as the boy tried to roll away. He fired the gun a second time, barely missing the boy.
Gomez’s backup, Deputy Edwards, fired a warning shot. The man turned to Edwards and pointed the gun. Hector shot the weapon out of his hand. The man fell next to the boy and spit in the kid’s face. After Edwards helped him separate the man from the boy, Hector instructed him to call a bus and the Children, Youth, and Families Department
“Take him to UNM Sandoval. After the medics are through with him, book him and hold him for arraignment on attempted murder, child abuse, child endangerment, resisting arrest, and anything else you can think of to throw at him.”
While waiting for the second bus so the EMTs could take the kid to the hospital, he got a blanket from his trunk and draped it around the boy whose chest heaved with sobs.
“What’s your name, son?” Hector knelt and put his arm around the boy’s shoulders.
“Matteo. Matteo Pena.”
A woman at the storm door shouted obscenities in Spanish, prominently featuring the word maricón, a derogatory term for gay.
Suddenly, a small boy of about five came barreling out of the house and threw himself onto the older boy. “What did he do to you? Are you okay? You can’t leave. You can’t leave me alone with them.” He sobbed as he held on tight to his brother.
“I demand that you let me take my younger son back into the house. Felipe, come.” She grabbed the kicking and screaming child, gave him a casual slap, and dragged him back through the door.
“Matteo, Matteo, please. You can’t leave me here.”
The brother, clearly fearful and still sobbing, raised his face to Hector. “What do I do? She’ll take this out on Felipe, and he isn’t strong enough to handle her or him.”
Hector put his arm around the kid’s shoulder again. “Your father, such as he is, will be in the county lockup, at least for the night. We can figure things out in the morning. I won’t let him hurt your brother.”
“But she will. She isn’t as strong as him, but she’ll use the belt to hurt Felipe for coming out of the house.” The boy’s chest heaved as tears ran down his cheeks unchecked. “Why was I so stupid? Now Felipe is going to get punished, and it’s my fault. They weren’t supposed to be home.”
The kid turned his head toward the little boy still crying at the door. “Felipe, don’t get into trouble. I’ll come get you. I won’t leave you alone for long.”

Buy the book:

Decadent • Amazon • ARe  Smashwords

Meet the author:

AC Katt was born in New York City’s Greenwich Village. She remembers sitting at the fountain in Washington Square Park listening to folk music while they passed the hat.  At nine, her parents dragged her to New Jersey where she grew up, married and raised four children and became a voracious reader of romantic fiction. At one time she owned over two thousand novels, until she and her husband took themselves and the cat to New Mexico for their health and its great beauty.
Now, most of AC’s books are electronic (although she still keeps six bookcases of hardcovers), so she never has to give away another book. AC is a late bloomer, however, she claims to have found her niche writing LGBT romance.
She hangs out at and; where she keeps her blog.  To get snippets of new releases and Works in Progress subscribe to AC Katt’s Kattery by sending an e-mail to

Where to find the author:

Twitter: @ackatt

Publisher: Decadent Publishing
Cover Artist: Lex Valentine

Tour Dates & Stops:

Rafflecopter Prize: Both books in the New Mexico series