Thursday, January 28, 2016

Virtual Book Tour: A Kind of Truth

Author Name: Lane Hayes

Book Name: A Kind of Truth
Series: A Kind Of
Book: One

Release Date: January 8, 2016
Rand O’Malley dreams of superstardom. He hopes to one day sing the blues like a rock god. Moving to New York City and hiring a new manager are steps to make his dreams a reality. But nothing moves as fast as Rand would like, and everyone has opinions, which include he keep certain pieces of himself quiet if he plans on making it in the Big Apple. Like his bisexuality.
Will Sanders is a gifted musician who dazzles Rand with his ability to coax gorgeous notes from an electric guitar one moment and play the piano like a professional the next. He’s a geek, but Rand isn’t concerned about Will’s pressed exterior clashing with his tattoos. His focus is music.  Yet there’s something about Will that makes Rand think there’s much more to the quiet college student than he lets on. As Rand’s dreams begin to materialize, he’s forced to reconsider his priorities and find his own kind of truth. One that might include Will.

Pages or Words: 82,000 words

Categories: Bisexual, Contemporary, Erotica, Gay Fiction, Humor, M/M Romance, Romance

Excerpt for A Kind of Truth by Lane Hayes:
Watching Will’s face turn pink then red was extraordinarily entertaining. I nudged his elbow playfully and tried to gain control of my smile before it threatened to take over my entire face.  When I couldn’t take the building pressure of emotion, I winked at the girls then leaned in and kissed his lips, loving that I took him by surprise.  The elevator doors slid open a moment later.  Will stepped into the empty corridor and gave me a wide-eyed incredulous stare.

“I cannot believe you just did that.”

“What? Kissed you on an elevator?  It’s not like farting, ya know.” 

Will huffed a sigh that clearly said he thought I was hopeless before turning to walk down the hall.  “I was talking about the underwear comment but yeah, the kissing part was awkward too.  No one wants to watch two people going at in a confined space.  And besides, we’re supposed to be playing this strictly straight while we’re in public.”

He stopped to unlock the door to the classroom then pushed it open, pausing to give me a perturbed look before he moved inside ahead of me. I barked a quick laugh as I set my guitar on the back table and shrugged my jacket off. 

“First of all, that was hardly going at it.  It was a peck. You were the one advertising I left my clothes at your place in front of a couple cute girls.  And who said anything about playing straight?”

“Were we not in the same room two mornings ago talking about this?”

“We were.  In fact, we were naked in your bed.  Decidedly un-straight. But the way I remember it, I was one who was holding back the gay while you were the one going for it.  But let’s go back to the elevator. I think you purposefully blew my cover back there with those girls.  Were you jealous?”

He snorted and rolled his eyes.  “You’re unbelievable.”


“It wasn’t a compliment,” he quipped as he made his way to the piano.  

“Well, the next time you announce you’re holding my underwear hostage in a crowd, all bets are off, baby.” I gave him a lascivious once-over and waggled my eyebrows before tightening the strap on my guitar.

Will chuckled.  “I’ll keep that in mind. But I’m pretty sure your tighty-whities never came up. My comment was perfectly innocent. There’s a big difference between hats and underwear.” 

“I’m on to you, Will.  You wanted those girls to know something’s going on between us.  They’re probably talking right now.  Bet they’re wondering if we’re in here having sex.  Hell, they could be outside that door listening.  Maybe we should give ‘em something to talk about.” I made a show of unbuckling my belt and the top button on my 501s.  “Is there a camera in this room?” 

“Keep your pants on. I’ve got two months left till graduation and I’d prefer not to get kicked out of school, please,” Will said primly, smacking my hand away.

“You won’t get kicked out.  I doubt we’d be the first anyway.” 

I rezipped my jeans and started to back up, but at the last second, I reached out to cup his chin between my thumb and forefinger.  I traced his jaw and let my thumb roam higher to caress his cheekbone just under his glasses. His eyes fluttered shut.  I loved the contrast of his fair skin and darker lashes and eyebrows.  He was so damn pretty.  And those lips.  They were sensuous.  That was the word. I leaned in and brushed my nose against his.  I could feel his breath on my lips.  The urge to plunge my tongue inside and take what I was very sure we both wanted was strong, but I waited for his permission.

When he didn’t respond, I let my hand fall to my side and started to pull back.  Maybe he really was serious about propriety in the classroom. I wasn’t used to curbing my impulses to suit someone’s else’s sensibilities. I’d spent twenty-five years doing only what I wanted.  Screw anyone else.  Now here I was, attempting to hide my gay side publicly while trying to follow Will’s lead in private. It felt strange, I thought, just as Will launched himself at me. 

I grunted in surprise when he wrapped his arms around my neck and crashed his mouth over mine. He softened the connection and tilted his head as he raked his fingers through my hair.  I responded but let him control the tempo. Until he tentatively licked my lips. Fuck, he tasted sweeter than I remembered. Like peppermint candy or hot chocolate.  I pulled him flush against my chest and slid my tongue alongside his, twisting and colliding in a passionate fusion.  When he gasped for air I pulled back only to have him grind his hips into mine and lick my jaw. He swayed into me with a moan and lost his footing. 

“Steady there.”

Will was sexier than he knew, which spelled potential danger for me.  It was better to let the music take over for now.

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Meet the author:
Lane Hayes is grateful to finally be doing what she loves best. Writing full-time!  It’s no secret Lane loves a good romance novel.  An avid reader from an early age, she has always been drawn to well-told love story with beautifully written characters.  These days she prefers the leading roles to both be men.  Lane discovered the M/M genre a few years ago and was instantly hooked.  Her debut novel was a 2013 Rainbow Award finalist and subsequent books have received Honorable Mentions in the 2014 and 2015 Rainbow Awards.  She loves red wine, chocolate and travel (in no particular order). Lane lives in Southern California with her amazing husband and the coolest yellow Lab ever in an almost empty nest. 

Where to find the author:

Facebook:   Lane Hayes
Twitter:   @LaneHayes3

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press
Cover Artist: Aaron Anderson

Tour Dates & Stops:

Rafflecopter Prize: $20 gift card from retailer of choice and choice of book from Lane’s backlist

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Wednesday Briefs: Moving Forward #19 (5.1)

Good morning and Happy Wednesday to everyone! If it's Wednesday, then it must be time for some flash fiction from the Wednesday Briefers! We're a group of authors who bring you our finest flash fiction every week, between 500 and 1000 words, inspired by one of our prompts.

This week, in Moving Forward, Marshall and Lee reach their destination, the cruise ship Wandering Star in Galveston. Join them there for the start of their cruise. Don't forget to see what the other Briefers are up to! Their links follow my tale! Enjoy!

Moving Forward #19 (5.1)

The Wandering Star was the most beautiful ship Marshall had ever seen. Never mind that it was the only ship he’d seen up close and personal. That didn’t matter to him. This was the ship he and Lee were taking an actual honest-to-God vacation on, and that’s all that mattered to him.

The night before, they’d dropped off Denver and Dustin at their hotel and then gone on to their own, where they relaxed in their room and screwed around, then took a short nap before meeting the other two men for dinner at a nearby diner.  After that, they went to a tavern and knocked back a few drinks before heading back to the hotel for the night.

This morning they’d driven down to the Port of Galveston, where Lee had pre-arranged for parking, and then headed to the cruise terminal. They stood in line with the other men who were going on the cruise. Everyone was in high spirits as they waited to present their boarding documents and identification. Next stop was security, where they went through an X-ray machine, and then were directed to the check-in line.

Marshall had never seen so many rules and regulations, and all of it just to get on one ship.

At check-in, they presented their ID and documents to the representative of the cruise line, filled out a health form, and received their cruise card, which served for boarding and as a room key and onboard credit. They were also given a schedule of the day’s events, and a handy map of the ship.
Finally, they boarded the Wandering Star.

“We’re going to head down to our cabin,” Denver said, “maybe get settled then check out the ship. Catch up with you later.” He tugged at Dustin’s arm. He seemed reluctant to part company, but Denver persisted, so Dustin finally left with his cousin without comment.

Lee turned to Marshall. “We could go down to our cabin, too, but the luggage won’t be there yet.” He consulted the map in his hand. “Or we could just go up to the Panorama Deck. I bet it has a great view.”

“Let’s do that.” Marshall thought that idea sounded like a winner. He’d rather be alone with Lee—relatively speaking—than be forced to fend off Dustin’s company any more than he had to. Luckily, the two couples had gotten cabins on completely different floors. Marshall had been half afraid he’d find out they were next door to one another. This was much better.

It was a beautiful day to head out to sea. They stood together at the railing. Marshall glanced up into the turquoise sky. Not a cloud in sight, just the sun, a growing lemon drop, rising above the horizon. There were other cruise ships in port, as well as a number of smaller vessels, but these paled in significance beside the Wandering Star, at least in Marshall’s estimation.

Other men lined the railing in close-knit couples, many of them hand in hand. Maybe the single guys were inside, scoping out the bar or something. There’d be time for that later.

“Have I remembered to thank you for taking me on such a great trip?” Marshall turned toward Lee, closing the small distance between them. He wasn’t afraid of showing affection in public here. Hell, the ship was full of horny gay men—some with partners, some without. Nobody would even bat an eye at them.

“You have, but I’m sure you can show me again, later on, in our cabin.” Lee grinned as he circled Marshall’s waist with his arms, bumping hips. As if they were doing an intimate two-step, but without the music.

“You know I will.” Marshall ground himself boldly against Lee, claiming his lips. They kissed, long and hard. Marshall leaned his head contentedly on Lee’s shoulder. He slid his hand into the back pocket of Lee’s jeans, comforted by the feel of Lee against his palm.

“You remember we won’t leave port until tonight, right?” Lee reminded him.

“I remember. I just like being out here, that’s all. Just like being with you.”

They stood there for a while, then decided it was time to check out the cabin and see if their bags had been brought in yet. Lee checked the map. “If we head down this way, I think those elevators will take us closest to where we want to go.” There were elevators situated throughout the ship for the guests’ convenience. Getting around the large ship would not be a problem.

Once inside the elevator, Lee pressed the button marked Empress Deck, which was the seventh deck. “I did some research before I bought the tickets,” he confessed. “I liked the looks of these rooms. I hope you will too.”

“I know I’ll just love it,” Marshall said.

“I thought, seeing how it’s your first cruise, and mine too, that we should be able to look out on the ocean every day.”

Didn’t that sound like a great idea?

Once they left the elevator, they turned a couple of corners until they found themselves in the right corridor. Room 7256 was just a few doors down, on the side facing the ocean. Lee used the card to open the door.

“Go ahead,” he prompted Marshall. “Check it out.”

Marshall didn’t wait to be told twice. He rushed inside, boiling over with curiosity to see the room they’d be sleeping in for the next week. Their cabin had a large bed. Marshall thought it might even be king size. Small wooden tables were on either side, and there was a couch which he thought might fold out to another bed. A dresser with mirror, and a door which he discovered led to their private bath.

But the most astounding feature of all….

“We have a balcony!” Marshall cried out. “A real honest-to-goodness balcony.”

“And it’s all ours,” Lee said.

Marshall threw his arms around Lee and kissed him soundly.

to be continued

Now go visit the other Briefers and see what they have going on!

Virtual Book Tour: The Shining Ones

Author Name: Dusk Peterson

Book Name: The Shining Ones
Series: The Eternal Dungeon
This is a side story to the series.

Release Date: January, 2016
"He was skilled by now at making innocuous remarks in the presence of the Shining Ones. Nobody had even guessed that he knew what they were."

The Eternal Dungeon is filled with prisoners who shine like the sun.

No one knows this except Barrett Boyd, a guard notorious for having survived a disciplinary punishment that should have killed him. He is also notorious for his rebellion against the authorities of the royal prison. At a pivotal time in the Eternal Dungeon's history, when abusive practices of the past may finally be abolished, Barrett finds himself drawn to the mystery of a younger guard, Clifford Crofford, who claims that he and Barrett are love-mates.

Barrett has no memory of this. He has no memory of anything before his punishment. What does the past matter, compared to Barrett's determination to protect the prisoners? But Barrett cannot ignore his bond with Clifford, and the closer that Barrett comes to Clifford, the more the danger arises that Clifford will question Barrett's sanity. . . .

This novelette (miniature novel) of disability and love can be read on its own or as a side story in The Eternal Dungeon, an award-winning speculative fiction series set in a nineteenth-century prison where the psychologists wield whips.

The Eternal Dungeon series is part of Turn-of-the-Century Toughs, a cycle of alternate history series (Dark Light, Waterman, Life Prison, Commando, Michael's House, and The Eternal Dungeon) about disreputable men on the margins of society, and the men and women who care for them. Set between the 1880s and the 1910s, the novels and stories take place in an alternative version of America that was settled by inhabitants of the Old World in ancient times. One of the series in the cycle, Waterman, combines elements of the 1910s with retrofuturistic imagery from the 1960s.

Pages or Words: 12,000 words

Categories: Alternate Universe, Historical

"I don't want you to mistake why you're here."

Clifford quickly shook his head. "No, sir. I know you're not inviting me into your bed. But we can be work partners, can't we? To be able to work with you again – to help you fight to protect the prisoners against abuse . . ." He took a deep breath and said more steadily, "I want that more than anything else in my life."

It would have been easier if he could have told Clifford the truth. If he could have said, "Everyone believes that my brain was changed, and it's true. Ever since this dungeon's High Seeker nearly beat me to death for shielding a prisoner against his cruelty, I've seen the prisoners here in a way that no one else sees them. I've seen the light that shines within them, as bright as a sun. I've seen how wondrous they are, and how fragile at the same time. I've dedicated my life to serving them in the only way I know how. . . . And I am dedicated to you as well. You are the only one, besides the prisoners, who shines with that deep, bold light. I am your servant, now and forever. I'll give you anything that I can – anything that will please you. Anything but the love of a love-mate, for if I touched you for more than a few seconds, I would die of the exquisite pain.'"

He had always possessed enough sense not to say that to Clifford or anyone else. Always, from the first few weeks of his awakening.

Meet the author:

Honored in the Rainbow Awards, Dusk Peterson writes historical speculative fiction: alternate history, historical fantasy, and retrofuture science fiction, including lgbtq novels, original slash, and other types of diverse fiction. Suspense plays an important role in many of the tales; the conflict in those tales is both external and internal. Peterson's stories are often placed in dark settings, such as prisons or wartime locations. The mood of the stories, however, is not one of unrelieved gloominess; romance, friendship, family affection, and faithful service are recurring themes. Visit for e-books and free fiction.

Where to find the author:

Goodreads Link:
Publisher: Love In Dark Settings Press
Cover Artist: Dusk Peterson

Tour Dates & Stops:

Rafflecopter Prize: E-copy of the story

Virtual Book Tour: What it Takes

Author Name: Jude Sierra

Book Name: What It Takes

Release Date: January 14, 2016
The connection was instantaneous.
Mere moments after Milo Graham's family relocates to Cape Cod, he meets Andrew Witherell—launching a lifelong friendship built on a foundation of deep bonds, secret forts, and plans for the future. When Milo is called home from college to attend his domineering father's funeral, he and Andrew finally act on their mutual attraction. But doubtful of his worth, Milo severs all ties with his childhood friend. Years later, the men find themselves home again, and their long-held feelings will not be denied. But will they have what it takes to find lasting love?

Pages or Words: 274 pages

Categories: Contemporary, Gay Fiction, M/M Romance, New Adult, Romance

Andrew gladly lets Milo drive his car; he hates driving, especially when he can play radio DJ and watch the scenery go by. He looks at Milo: the way the fading light before dusk changes the tone of his skin; the way the muscles of his arms stand out and his lips curl as he sings along, awfully, to the radio. Milo smiles at him and Andrew flashes a brief one back, wonders how obvious he’s being, and looks back out the window at the slipping sand that spills onto the road and the ramshackle businesses along the road.
        “So what got this bee in your bonnet?” he asks suddenly.
Milo shrugs. “You sound like my grandma.”
        “Awesome; I like her. Let’s focus.”
        “So... okay.” Milo clears his throat and his fingers tighten on the wheel. “I um, think I have something to tell you. But I’m—”
        “Is everything okay?” Andrew interrupts, scanning his memory for any signs of additional distress Milo might have displayed in the last few months.
        “Yeah. Well. I mean, um… whatever. But I—”
        “What? You’re worrying me.”
        Milo sighs and pulls into the parking lot of a restaurant with a giant crab on the roof. “I can’t do this and drive.”
        “Okay,” Andrew says slowly, then unbuckles his belt and turns to face him. Milo’s face is a little drawn.                
        “So, I think I might be gay,” Milo blurts. “I mean, I know. I know I am.”  
        There’s a full minute of silence in the car while Andrew tries to work the words out. Static screeches in his ears, fleetingly numbing his reaction. Focus. He has a few seconds to control his face, to tamp down that sprout of irrational hope seeding despite the chaos, and be ultimately supportive.                
        “Um.” Andrew licks his lips and tries to pull himself together. That seedling wants to grow into something bigger, and he can’t let it. He looks at Milo’s face, which has morphed into something more vulnerable and worried. Hope is a hollow bell in his chest, ringing loud and dissonant; he wants to vibrate out of his skin with the inappropriateness of his own reactions. This is about Milo, not him. “You aren’t worried that I’m mad or something, are you?” he manages to say.
        “I don’t know. Um, your face is doing... a thing,” Milo replies.
Reflexively Andrew puts his hands to his cheeks. His fingers are cold. Okay, so he definitely doesn’t have his face under control. “No, I... wasn’t expecting it, that’s all.” Andrew’s brain, sometimes faster than his mouth, is careening backward. “Maybe I should have had a clue.”
        “Well, for starters, you kissed me back.”

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Meet the author:

Jude Sierra began her writing career at the age of eight when she immortalized her summer vacation with ten entries in a row that read "pool+tv." She first began writing poetry as a child in her home country of Brazil, and is still a student of the form.

As a sucker for happy endings and well-written emotional arcs and characters, Jude is an unapologetic bookaholic. She finds bookstores and libraries unbearably sexy and, to her husband's dismay, is attempting to create her own in their living room. She is a writer of many things that hope to find their way out of the sanctuary of her hard drive and many that have found a home in the fanfiction community. 

She is currently working on her Master of Arts in Writing and Rhetoric and managing a home filled with her husband, two young sons, and two cats. Her first novel, Hush, was published in 2015 by Interlude Press.

Where to find the author:

What It Takes will be published by Interlude Press on January 14, 2016. Connect with author Jude Sierra at, on Twitter @JudeSierra, on Goodreads at, and on Facebook at

Publisher: Interlude Press
Cover Art: Nelli I
Cover Design: C.B. Messer

Tour Dates & Stops:
21-Jan: Molly Lolly, MM Good Book Reviews

Rafflecopter Prize: $25 Interlude Press web store gift card + WIT ebook; plus__5 eBook editions of WIT