Monday, June 29, 2015

Monday Flash Fic #1: Derailed

Good morning and Happy Monday! My friend Denise pointed me in the direction of a Monday Flash Fic group on Facebook. The idea is to write a 500 word - no more - flash fic inspired by a picture which they posted. I thought I would give it a whirl, so here is my first fic. It's called Derailed, and it was inspired by this picture:

Derailed by Julie Lynn Hayes

Jarrod stared at his e-reader in disbelief. His words. Words he’d written.

But that wasn’t his name below the title.

Love’s Lost Fury was Jarrod’s book. His erotic romance story about two men deeply in love, and their complicated relationship.

So why was Edward Sharpe credited as the author?

Eddie. His ex-roommate and ex-lover.

Warm tears prickled Jarrod’s eyes. Tears of frustration. He clutched his hair and yanked on the strands,, seeking relief. It was either that or toss the e-reader toward the rails. Luckily, common sense prevailed over destruction of property.

His train had just chugged out of the station. Jarrod should have been on it. He’d  intended to visit his parents, spend some time with them. Instead, he sat alone on the platform, dying a little bit inside.
How had Eddie done this? More importantly, why?

Was he so bitter at their break-up? So jealous of Jarrod’s talent that he felt he had to steal it for his own?

And was he going to just sit there and let him get away with it?

Oh hell no.

Jarrod swiped at his eyes.  He set the e-reader on the cobbled ground and pulled out his phone. Opening his contacts, he thumbed down until he came to S. Sharpe, Eddie. Why he’d never removed the bastard’s number was a mystery to Jarrod. But today that was a good thing.

The idea of hearing Eddie’s voice sickened him, but Jarrod knew it had to be done. Eddie needed to know what to expect—nothing less than Jarrod’s fury, as well as the full weight of the legal system. They had laws against this sort of thing. Plagiarism. Piracy. Theft of intellectual property. He’d sue Eddie, and he’d sue his publisher. And anyone else he could think of.

He pressed the number and waited.

Eddie answered after only two rings. “J-Jarrod?” He sounded incredulous. Probably couldn’t believe that Jarrod had found out so quickly. And had the balls to call him.

“Yes, it’s me.” Jarrod barked.

“W-where are you?”

“At the train station. Why’d you do it? How could you take my book away from me? It’s all I had left.”

A long silence.

“Jarrod, please. Don’t do this. Please.” Eddie sounded sad. Almost contrite. But Jarrod wasn’t about to fall for that.

“Jarrod, don’t move, okay? It’ll be all right. I promise. I sent for help.”

Help? What?

Eddie released what sounded like a strangled sob. “They’ll be there soon. Oh God, Jarrod. I’m so-sorry. So sorry.”

Another voice broke in. A woman’s voice. Harsh and unyielding. “Jarrod Fox, you leave my Eddie alone. It’s not his fault he wrote a bestseller and you couldn’t. Not his fault they had to lock you up when you went nuts and stole his identity. You go back where you belong and just leave him alone.”


Jarrod dropped his phone at his feet. “I won’t go back!” he screamed.

He could hear the sirens, a low rising wail that drew steadily nearer.

Want to read more Monday Flash Fics? Go here.

Virtual Book Tour: Brick by Brick

Author Name: Cate Ashwood & L.J. LaBarthe

Book Name: Brick by Brick

Release Date: June 29, 2015

They say that time heals all wounds, but losing Parley, his one true love, left Zach with a hole in his heart that no one else can fill. After forty-eight blissful hours alone together as teens in an abandoned house, Parley disappeared. Parley is what he is, and the pray-away-the-gay camp his parents ship him to won’t change that. However, finding the balance between accepting his true nature and not losing his family means tough sacrifices.
Sixteen years later, Zach is thunderstruck when Parley stands on the front doorstep of his house—the house that had been their refuge, which Zach restored. But Parley isn’t alone, and Zach wonders if he’s found Parley only to lose him a second time. If they can overcome the terrors of the past and the situation of the present, maybe they can build a new relationship just as Zach rebuilt the house—brick by brick.

Pages or Words: 62,000 words

Categories: Contemporary, Fiction, Gay fiction, M/M Romance

ZACH FELT as if he was floating. He’d been planning this escape for weeks, but now that it was actually happening, it didn’t seem real. He chanced a quick look at Parley as they merged onto the highway. What could possibly be better than running away with his best friend?
He’d had his doubts that Parley would actually come with him. After being turned down the first time, Zach had prepared himself for disappointment, but now they were leaving together and Zach couldn’t have been happier.

“Where should we go?” Zach asked. He had some vague ideas in mind, but he wanted his friend’s input more than anything.

“I don’t know. Somewhere we can’t be found?” Zach was right on board with that.

“That’s a good idea. We’ll go for a bit on this highway, then we’ll exit and take some back roads, maybe head toward the interior.”

Parley dropped his head back against the seat. “Perfect.” After a time, he said, “I still can’t believe we’re doing this.”

“I still can’t believe you came with me,” Zach countered.

“I can’t either. I must be insane.”

“Or brilliant. It’s usually a fine line,” Zach teased.

“My parents are going to have an absolute meltdown once they’ve found out what I’ve done. They’re going to be so upset.”

Parley’s voice was quiet, barely above a whisper. Zach had seen him like this once before when he’d thought he’d lost his weird CTR ring with the spinner chain in the band.

“It’ll all be okay.” Zach tried to soothe him, to bring him back to the present, and rested a gentle hand on Parley’s knee. “Everyone flies from the nest sooner or later. We just did it in an unconventional way. I really do think this is what’s best, though, for both of us.”

Zach’s reassurance seemed to work. Parley blinked slowly a few times and then a somewhat disheartened smile crept onto his face. “I know, but my family is just… different.” 

Sales Links:

About L.J. LaBarthe:
L.J. LaBarthe is a French-Australian woman, who was born during the Witching Hour, just after midnight. From this auspicious beginning, she went on to write a prize-winning short story about Humpty Dumpty wearing an Aussie hat complete with corks dangling from it when she was six years old. From there, she wrote for her high school yearbook, her university newspaper, and, from her early teens to her twenties, produced a fanzine about the local punk rock music scene. She loves music of all kinds and was once a classical pianist; she loves languages and speaks French and English and a teeny-tiny smattering of Mandarin Chinese, which she hopes to relearn properly very soon. She enjoys TV, film, travel, cooking, eating out, abandoned places, urbex, history, and researching.

L.J. loves to read complicated plots and hopes to do complex plot lines justice in her own writing. She writes paranormal, historical, urban fantasy, and contemporary Australian stories, usually m/m romance and featuring m/m erotica. She has won a Rainbow Awards Honorable Mention and another award for Best Historical Gay Novel.

L.J. lives in the city of Adelaide, and is owned by her cat.

Where to find L.J LaBarthe:

Twitter: @brbsiberia

About Cate Ashwood:

Cate Ashwood wrote her very first story in a hot-pink binder when she was in the second grade and found her passion for writing. Her first successful foray into romance writing came five years later when she wrote her best friend, who was experiencing a case of unrequited love, her own happily ever after.
Cate’s life has taken a number of different and adventurous roads. She now lives a stone’s throw from the ocean, just outside of Vancouver, British Columbia with her husband, her little boy, and their two cats. Her life is filled with family and friends, travel, and, of course, books.
Where to find Cate Ashwood:
Twitter: @cateashwood

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press
Cover Artist: Bree Archer

Tour Dates & Stops:

Rafflecopter Prize: An e-copy of ‘Brick by Brick’

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Review: Lord Heliodor's Retirement

Lord Heliodor’s Retirement  

Author: Amy Rae Durreson
Publisher: Dreamspinner Press
American release date: May 31, 2015
Format/Genre/Length: E-book/M/M Fantasy Romance/52 pages
Overall Personal Rating: ★★★★★

Lord Adem Heliodor has been sent into retirement, but it’s not exactly his choice, it’s the queen’s. But he can hardly argue with her. He knows he’s not the same man, ever since the Screaming. Still, it’s hard to accept being put out to pasture and not being a part of things any more. Which makes him a bit testy. Which explains why the new librarian accidentally dropping books on his head rubs him the wrong way.

Heliodor has been closed to love for many years, after his time with a certain handsome guardsman who left for war and never came home. But life is funny, and things can change, and Heliodor finds himself in the middle of things again—and fighting for life and love once more.

This is a very short story, but oh, how wonderful it is. I fell in love with Adem and Cory, and was sorry to see their story end. I pray the author has more adventures in store for them.

She sweeps us into their lives and makes us love them, and root for them to stay together.  It’s very well written, and it’s a definite twist on the traditional Regency story. I shall be looking for more stories by Amy Rae Durreson in the future.

Friday, June 26, 2015

Virtual Book Tour: Long Change

Author Name: V.L. Locey

Book Name: Long Change

Release Date: June 26, 2015
Collegiate superstar goalie Boone Crockett seems to have the world at his feet. He’s rich, handsome, attends an elite college and is a hot prospect for the pros. Pity all that is a front for a deeply closeted and troubled young man.
All Boone’s life plans are shattered when flamboyant ex-figure skater Preston Gordon, an orange-haired twink, shows up to audition for the team’s mascot position wearing sequins, scarves and toe picks. His moves on the ice send Boone into his own pirouette of frustrated and reluctant desire.
As senior year progresses Boone slides deeper and deeper into a dangerous depression, Preston’s sensual strength the only thing he has to hold on to. If Boone can’t keep from plunging through the thin ice he’s skating on, it could take a twink to make the big save.
Reader Advisory: This story has graphic sexual language and scenes—no closed bedroom doors (or other rooms) here!
A Romantica® gay erotic romance from Ellora’s Cave

Pages or Words: 70 pages

Categories: Contemporary, M/M Romance, Sports

We stood side by side at the sliding door that looked out over a snow-covered campus. It was beautiful, untouched and pure. I was rather glad now that I hadn’t done the head in the stove thing. We talked between swallows, spoons hitting bowls the only noise aside from the heater coming on from time to time. I liked watching the way Preston’s hair fluttered around his face when hot air blew down from the vent directly above us. He handed me his empty bowl, then unlocked and opened the slider.
“Dude, heater’s on,” I pointed out. He crouched down. I inhaled. The air was brittle like a dead leaf and cold with a light scent of snow on pine. It was an odd sensation, the cold blowing in to blend with the warm cascading down from above. It wasn’t unpleasant at all. The patio was blanketed in four to five wet inches. Preston stood up. His head turned slowly. I looked over at him, a sated smile trying to curl the corners of my mouth. He was patting a perfectly formed snowball.
“Don’t even think about it you mother—”
Snow filled my mouth, nose and eyes. Preston shrieked. I sputtered, shaking snow out of my eyes, then dashed after him. He was fast and proved hard to get a hand on. After a few laps around the furniture in my living room, the dipshit ran out into the hall. I didn’t hesitate. I couldn’t. I had ice particles dangling from my eyelashes. Vengeance would be mine. We thundered down the steps, his high-pitched squeals of laughter and my warning growls seeming extra loud in the ghost town of a dorm building. The side exit flew open. I barreled out on his heels. The snow was freezing on my bare soles. Preston hissed a nasty curse when his naked tootsies hit the white stuff. He slowed just enough. I tackled him from behind. He went face first into the fresh fluff, all the air leaving his lungs with a loud “Oof!” when I landed on his back.
I clawed up a nice handful of snow as he frantically tried to free himself. I had him pinned, one arm picking up wet powder, the other holding his face into the drift. Wicked laughter boiled out of me when I shoved that snowball down his back. His scream was piercing. He kicked like a wild man, his arms flailing to the sides. I flopped down on him to ensure the snow was plastered to his back.
“Get off! Oh, fuck me, that is so cold! You asshole!” he shouted.
I stayed where I was, splayed over his back, my hand down the back of his shirt, chuckling steadily. I rolled off a moment later still bubbling with laughter. The sky overhead was filled with snow clouds. You know those huge white ones that blow over, drop some flakes, then continue on to let the sun shine down on the freshly carpeted world? Eyes closed, chest heaving, heart lighter than it had been in months, I spread my arms and legs out, inhaled the unique scents of winter and Preston and enjoyed the tickle of new snowflakes touching my cheeks.
“I hate you.”
I rolled my head in his direction and opened my eyes. “Really?”
His mouth rolled into a perfect pout. He was such a pretty thing, even with snow-frosted bangs.
“No,” he huffed as he dashed at the melting snow on his chin. “I should, though. That was heartless!”
“I’ll warm you back up if you want.” The offer slid out of me before I could stop it. A snowflake landed on the tip of Preston’s pixie-like nose. I so wanted to reach out, touch the perfect flake, dry his nose then pull him down for long, wet kiss. Instead I got to my bare feet, standing now in the shadow of the moisture-laden cloud overhead. “I didn’t mean to say that out here.”
“You can, you know,” he said, extending his hand to me. I looked around the quad, the creeping stink of worry now mucking up what had been a perfect moment. “You can say you want to warm me up, or that I have a cute ass, or anything else you want to say. Go ahead. Say it again.”
I shook my head as I hauled him to his feet. Damn, my feet were cold. I turned from him then walked inside, my head low, my mind filling up with concern over my stupid behavior. What the hell had I been thinking, chasing him outside then rolling around in the snow with him as if we were straight lovers.

Sales Links:

About the author:

V.L. Locey loves worn jeans, belly laughs, reading and writing lusty tales, Greek mythology, the New York Rangers, comic books, and coffee. (Not necessarily in that order.) She shares her life with her husband, her daughter, two dogs, two cats, a flock of assorted goofy domestic fowl, and three steers.
When not writing spicy romances, she enjoys spending her day with her menagerie in the rolling hills of Pennsylvania with a cup of fresh java in hand. She can also be found online on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and GoodReads.

Where to find the author:

Publisher: Ellora’s Cave
Cover Artist: Allyse Karam

Tour Dates & Stops: June 26, 2015

Rafflecopter Prize: E-copy of ‘Long Change’ by V.L. Locey

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Cover Reveal: Prickly Business

Author Names: Piper Vaughn & Kenzie Cade

Book Name: Prickly Business
Series: Portland Pack Chronicles
Number: One

Release Date: July 27, 2015

Some people might call Avery Babineaux a prick. He’s a hedgehog shifter from an old-money Louisiana family with a penchant for expensive shoes and a reputation for being a judgmental snob. His attitude is why he and his fated mate are estranged. Not that Avery cares. He doesn’t want to be mated to some blue-collar werewolf anyway. Or so he keeps telling himself.

No werewolf likes to be looked down upon, least of all Dylan Green. He doesn’t need a mate, especially not some snotty hedgehog who sneers at his custom motorcycle shop and calls him a grease monkey. But when Avery gets into trouble with a shady loan shark, Dylan can’t stand by and let him be hurt—whether he wants the brat or not.

Yet once Dylan steps into Avery’s world, he realizes there’s more to Avery than his prickly exterior, and that unexpected vulnerability calls to Dylan’s protective instincts. The sassy little hedgehog needs a keeper, and despite their horrible first impressions, Dylan starts to believe he might be the wolf for the job.

Pages or Words: 97,000 words (approximately)

Categories: Contemporary, M/M Romance, Mystery, Paranormal, Romance

Sales Links:

About the authors:

Piper Vaughn Bio
Piper Vaughn wrote her first love story at eleven and never looked back. Since then, she’s known that writing in some form was exactly what she wanted to do. A reader at the core, Piper loves nothing more than getting lost in a great book—fantasy, young adult, romance, she loves them all (and has a two thousand book library to prove it!). She grew up in Chicago, in an ethnically diverse neighborhood, and loves to put faces and characters of every ethnicity in her stories, so her fictional worlds are as colorful as the real one. Above all, she believes that everyone needs a little true love in their life…even if it’s only in a book.

Kenzie Cade Bio

Kenzie Cade was born and raised in the South where she spends her days in the sometimes stressful field of private medicine observing interesting people and committing them to memory for later use. When she isn’t reading, experimenting with recipes, or being distracted by social media, Kenzie spends time with her family, friends, and the Pomeranian/Long-haired Chihuahua mix who likes to keep her company while she writes. As a young girl, Kenzie dreamed of princesses and their white knights. As an adult (or sort of adult), she dreams of princes and their proverbial white knights, which she attributes the fellow Arkansan S.E. Hinton and her novel The Outsiders. Writing to keep the fictional voices at bay, Kenzie enjoys the journeys her characters travel to find their happy endings, and she loves the challenge of writing a great love story. Contact Kenzie at You can also find her online at her blog:; on Facebook at; and on Twitter at

Where to find the authors:

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press
Cover Artist: Reese Dante

Tour Dates & Stops: June 25, 2015

Rafflecopter Prize: Copy of the ebook or paperback (when book is released) & $10 gift card to Amazon, ARe, or Barnes & Noble (Winner’s choice)

Virtual Book Tour: Shadows Fall

The Questions
1)      You’re marooned on a small island with one person and one item of your choice—who is that person and what item do you have?
I’m such a nerd… I’d say my kindle. ;-) and my hubby of course. He’s the only one I can stand to be around in extended periods of time.

2)      Which musical would you say best exemplifies your life – and which character in that musical are you?
The only “musicals” I’m really into are operas, and they’re all too fantastical or tragic to resemble my life. IRL I’m just a regular gal.

3)      Take these three words and give me a 100 word or less scene using them:  frock, noun, guitar
I’m pregnant. I can’t brain words right now. That sounds like such a cop-out, but during the first trimester I have no brain function—okay I’m exaggerating a tiny bit, but still. I’ve got two more weeks before things should start clearing up. J

4)       You’ve just been let loose in the world of fiction, with permission to do anyone you want. Who do you fuck first and why?
Oh wow, that’s tough since I mostly read m/m these days. Umm, I guess I’d plop myself down in the middle of Charlie Cochet’s THIRDS and hope one of them threw me a bone. *giggle*

5)      What is your idea of how to spend romantic time with your significant other?
I would probably say going to a movie in an actual theater. It sounds lame, but with a toddler and one in the oven, it’s a luxury we’ve gone without for a while. We just recently went to see Jurassic World in the theater and had a great time.

6)      When you start a new story, do you begin with a character, or a plot?
It’s different each time. There’s no telling what will pop into my head to start a story. With Shadows Fall, the character of Titus came first, and I built the story around him.

7)      If they were to make the story of your life into a movie, who should play you?
I’d have to go with Scarlett Johansson. My hubby likes her for obvious reasons, but I like her because of the way she’s been campaigning lately for women to be seen as more than sex objects in the film industry.

8)      Who’s your favorite horror villain and why?
Probably Nosferatu – again, nerd alert. I watched the silent film as a kid and it always stuck with me as one of the creepiest things I ever saw.

9)      Do you have an historical crush and if so, who is it?
Hmm… ask my husband, I am definitely not a history buff. But if we’re talking historical fiction, then I’d say Sherlock Holmes. And not just because of the awesome actors that have played him through the years.

10)   Is there a story that you’d like to tell but you think the world isn’t ready to receive it?
I’d absolutely love to do a trans* story someday. I wouldn’t say the world isn’t ready for it so much as the market may not be, or I’ve just yet to find it. Mainly I’m still educating myself on the subject and building up a knowledge base so that when I do write one, it will be as true to life as possible.

Author Name: J.K.  Hogan

Book Name: Shadows Fall

Release Date: June 10, 2015

A gift—or curse—gives Titus McGinty the unwanted ability to talk to ghosts. When he starts seeing the same few apparitions repeatedly, appearing with similar gruesome injuries, he begins to wonder what they want from him.

Detective Charlie Hale has a serial killer on his hands. On the loose for weeks, the Queen City Slayer has left the police nothing to go on, no forensic evidence other than what he wants found. The city is running out of time.

The crisis brings Titus and Charlie together—Titus stumbles upon a body and finds himself a suspect. Their budding romance is tested as they are sucked into a web of underground laboratories, restive spirits, and religious fanaticism. They’ll have to work together to find the identity of the killer before he takes his next victim…Titus.

Pages or Words: 102,000 words

Categories:  Contemporary, Crime Fiction, Fiction, Gay Fiction, Romance, Thriller

I always hated walking home alone at night on the deserted city streets. But I couldn’t ask my employees to do something I was scared to do myself, so I’d taken the late shift. In the dark, the wandering dead became nothing but sliding shadows and hissing whispers. The phrase 'jumping at shadows' is apt, because there were things in the shadows.
Those things slithered around me, feeling much more insidious in the murky stillness of the nighttime city. Hands in my pockets, I gripped my four inch pocket knife that I always carried. Fat lot of good it would do me against mule, but there was a killer on the loose after all.
It was ill-advised, but I still blasted my music inside my headphones. I didn't want to hear what the spirits had to say in gloam. I mostly kept my eyes glued to the sidewalk in front of me—don't stand out, don't make eye contact, make yourself invisible—but I cast glances all around my periphery to keep aware of my surroundings.
A tall, skinny man approached, heading toward me on the opposite side of the sidewalk. He wore dark jeans and a black hoodie with the hood pulled up, casting his face in shadow. I found that odd, as it was one of those warm, humid nights the Southern springtime was famous for. His dark eyes glittered at me from the empty void where his face should be, obviously a trick of the poor lighting.
As he passed me, he clipped my shoulder, throwing me off balance. I wanted to turn around and yell, but self-preservation intervened. I could probably take him in hand-to-hand, but he could be packing for all I knew. I put my head down and kept walking.
I yelped when a spirit appeared in front of me—unlike what movies and television showed, they didn’t usually just pop up. He was a young man, probably about my age, with pale skin, black hair, and eyes so blue they seemed otherworldly… and he was gorgeous. I blinked, hoping he’d disappear. No such luck.
He turned his head towards the building beside us that was being renovated, the entrance to which was blocked off with caution tape. Stretching out his left arm, he pointed to it, and I could see bone-deep gouges in his wrist and forearm. He glanced at me again. Look.
“Not tonight, okay?” I mumbled, trying to step around him. In the blink of an eye, he disappeared and rematerialized right in front of me. See!
“No,” I said, getting angry. I walked straight through him. Usually when I passed through a spirit, I just felt a slick, oily cold sliding through my body—but this burned like a vat of acid had been dumped over me. I screamed and fell to my knees.
He appeared in front of me again. As I looked up at him, still reeling from the pain, it occurred to me how new he must be. When a mulo first left its body, it still maintained some measure of its humanity. It was able to take and maintain a corporeal form more easily than the older spirits, and the ability faded with each day since its passing.
He pointed again and this time, his eyes took on a pleading quality. I could practically feel his anguish.
Struggling to my feet, I brushed myself off and sighed. “Fine, I’ll look. But then you need to leave me the hell alone. I ducked under the caution tape strung across the doorless entry of the run-down building. It was almost pitch black inside, but I got a vague sense of sawhorses and scaffolds. Tip-toeing for some inconceivable reason, I made my way into some kind of vestibule or foyer. I didn’t notice anything that this mulo would be so desperate for me to see, but I couldn’t really see much at all.
My foot hit something solid and I was afraid to go any further into the dark. Who knew what kind of hazards were strewn about the construction site. I dug out my iPhone and swiped it to turn on the flashlight app. A bright light shone out of the camera flash and illuminated the dusty room in front of me—and the man lying all too still on the floor.
I screamed for the second time in five minutes, stumbled back against a plastic-draped scaffolding and dropped my phone. I assumed it landed screen up, because the room was suddenly plunged back into darkness. With my skin crawling, I felt around on the floor for the hard case. Instead, I grabbed a cold leg.
“Holy God!” I shouted, scrambling backwards and sideways until my back hit a wall. My pulse pounded and my head was spinning with the urge to pass the fuck out, either from fright or hyperventilation. My muscles were on lockdown, frozen into that gray area between fight-or-flight, but I knew I had to find my phone so I could get the hell out of there.
And the body… I’d have to call someone. I poked around with the toe of my shoe, carefully avoiding the area of blackness where I thought the body was. Finally I felt the phone. I dragged it across the floor with my foot until I was able to pick it up. Everything was illuminated once again. “Oh thank God,” I said.
But once there was light, I could see him again. His head was turned to face away from me, but I knew that it was the guy from outside. Obviously he’d wanted me to find his body. It was laid out like a sacrifice, arms stretched out to reveal the deep cuts on his arms. I shivered. My brain was finally catching up to the situation, and I realized it was entirely possible that the killer could still be here.
I quickly got to my feet and lurched toward the dim light pooling at the doorway. As soon as I was out of there, I pressed my back up against the cool façade of the building and panted to catch my breath. I see the dead all the time, but I’d never actually seen a dead body before. I wasn’t sure what to do; the only thing I could think was call Charlie.
With shaking hands, I pulled up his number on my phone—I may have entered it from the business card he gave me after chasing Jay out of the shop. I pressed send and he picked up on the first ring.
“Who’s this?”
“Titus.” My voice was shaking and I was embarrassingly close to tears. “I need help.”
“Tell me where you are and I’ll be right there.”
I rattled off my general location, already soothed by the sound of his voice, the confidence in it. “Please hurry,” I said.
“Stay put, I’m on my way.”

About the author:

J.K. Hogan has been telling stories for as long as she can remember, beginning with writing cast lists and storylines for her toys growing up. When she finally decided to put pen to paper, magic happened. She is greatly inspired by all kinds of music and often creates a “soundtrack” for her stories as she writes them. J.K. is hoping to one day have a little something for everyone, so she’s branched out from m/f paranormal romance and added m/m contemporary romance. Who knows what’s next?

J.K. resides in North Carolina, where she was born and raised. A true southern girl at heart, she lives in the country with her husband and young son, a cat, and two champion agility dogs. If she isn’t on the agility field, J.K. can often be found chasing waterfalls in the mountains with her husband, or down in front at a blues concert. In addition to writing, she enjoys training and competing in dog sports, spending time with her large southern family, camping, boating and, of course, reading! For more information, please visit

Where to find the author:

Publisher: Wilde City Press
Cover Artist: J.K. Hogan

Tour Dates & Stops:




















Rafflecopter Prize: 

an e-book copy of Shadows Fall