
Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Wednesday Briefs: Dracula #25(6.2)

 Good morning and Happy Hump Day! If it's Wednesday, then it must be time for more flash fiction from the Wednesday Briefers! We're a group of authors who bring you our finest flash fiction every week, 500 to 1000 words, inspired by one of our prompts.

Dracula and Avram are on their way, having been provided with safe passage by Father Gunther. Think Dracula is grateful? See what's happening in this week's chapter of Dracula. Don't forget to visit the other Briefers and see what's up with them. Their links follow my tale. Enjoy!

Dracula #25(6.2)

Avram had intended to remain awake, in case Nico should want him for something. But the gentle rocking of the boat, coupled with the warm sunshine that spread through his weary limbs like an old familiar friend, lulled him into a dreamless sleep. The flapping of wings woke him with a start.  He opened his eyes to find Andrei sat next to him, a large loaf of bread in his hands. As Avram watched, the man would break off a piece and toss it onto the rail, after which a large pelican would swoop down, snatch it up greedily, then fly silently away, no doubt to await the next morsel.

“Feel better?” Andrei swiveled his head toward Avram before helping himself to some of the bread. Avram noticed a fair-sized hunk of cheese also rested on the man’s thigh.

Avram nodded. “How long was I asleep?” Avram’s first thoughts ran to Dracula, feeling almost guilty that he’d not managed to stay awake. But he knew if his employer wanted something, he would make his wishes known—the vampire was not shy in that regard.

“Not long. Maybe an hour.”

 Avram sat up and stretched his back until he felt it crack. The floor of the boat was not exactly the most comfortable of beds. Not that he wasn’t grateful to both Gunther and Andrei in assisting Nico and himself into removing themselves from a difficult situation. Matters could have ended much worse. He was not one to kvetch, unlike certain vampires he could name.

“Want some?” Andrei indicated the bread in his hand. Avram’s mouth watered at the sight. It did look good.  He nodded and Andrei passed him a hunk of the crusty bread. It wasn’t warm, of course, but it tasted delicious, considering he hadn’t eaten since the night before, when he was at the alehouse with Gunther. This would certainly hold him for a good while, but it was Dracula he was worried about. Not that the vampire fed every day, and not like he couldn’t control his appetite when he chose to, but he didn’t want to find out what Nico’s limits were, either. He’d have to find a way to get him some blood, or at least have it near at hand should it be required.

“Do you want some… for him?” Andrei asked. He never used Dracula’s name, Avram had noticed, as if by not doing so, he wouldn’t be acknowledging this current Count Dracula as his sovereign and ruler of the area. Sadly, Dracula had little actual authority beyond Bistritz and its inhabitants. That was one of the reasons why he was poor, although you wouldn’t know that by observing his spending habits.

Avram knew he had to be circumspect with regard to Dracula, as if he were an ordinary mortal embarking upon an ordinary journey (despite the fact they were stealing away in the middle of the night).  A very spoiled and despotic mortal, but human nonetheless. Besides, this might tide him over at least until Avram could obtain proper nourishment for him. “Thank you,” he said, accepting the generous offer and setting it aside for Nico.

Andrei rose, dusting bits of bread from his pants. He put his finger in his mouth, wetting it before holding it up in the air. “Ah, a westerly breeze.  Perfect.” He quickly set the sail and adjusted the tiller before flopping back onto the deck. He cocked his head as he regarded Avram almost quizzically.

“Tell me something, Avram.”

Avram gave him a cautious glance before replying, “And what would that be?”

“Is he always like that?”

Avram chuckled in relief that the question was no worse, and also not unexpected. There was no doubt that Nico had been rather dramatic the night before. It was a wonder that they hadn’t been discovered before they’d even begun. Haply, they had been blessed with good luck and none the wiser of their departure.

“No, just sometimes,” he admitted. “I know you don’t really have reason to know him, but he isn’t normally as bad as that.” Usually just when he doesn’t get his own way.

 to be continued

Now go visit the other Briefers and see what's up with them!

Cia Nordwell

J Ray Lamb


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