
Saturday, August 10, 2024

Saturday is Horror Day #178 - Paranormal Activity

 Paranormal Activity

Katie and Micah move into their dream home in San Diego. But something is not quite right. There seems to be someone... or something else.... there. When Katie reveals that she has been followed by a demonic entity since the age of eight, Micah is skeptical. But he wants to reassure her, so he sets up cameras all over the house and they call in a demonologist, a Doctor Frederichs. He leaves this feeling no more reassured than when he arrived. Katie quickly tires of Micah constantly filming her. And when he suggests they bring in a Ouija board, she emphatically vetoes the idea.

However, it quickly becomes obvious, even to Micah, that something is going on. The camera is capturing 

evidence of paranormal activity, but they can't see the entity, just its tracks. Such as slamming doors. Noises in the middle of the night... and foot prints. Katie knows it's useless to run, as the thing will just follow. What's a girl to do?

This is a very low budget film, as the action takes place all within this house. But don't let that fool you into thinking it can't be a good movie, because it is. I know the reviews are split on this one, but my opinion is that it's very scary just because it is so believable, and you can imagine yourself in this situation - and that is a terrifying thought. The actors weren't working from a script, they were given guidelines to work within, which makes the dialogue all the more realistic. After living through this terror for days, I would be losing my mind too. Imagine someone is in your room, watching you sleep, but you can't see them. And then it pulls on your sheet...

 I plan to rewatch all these films. I'll give this one 4.5 Stars. 

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