
Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Wednesday Briefs: Super Trooper #31 (7.1)

Good morning and Happy Hump Day! If it's Wednesday, then it must be time for more flash fiction from the Wednesday Briefers! We're a group of authors who bring you our finest flash fiction every week, 500 to 1000 words, inspired by one of our prompts.

Things are going well for Chan and Evan. They're living together in Evan's condo, living the dream, and Chan couldn't be happier. See what's going on in this week's chapter of Super Trooper. Don't forget to visit the other Briefers and see what's up with them! Their links follow my tale! Enjoy!

Super Trooper #31 (7.1)

Living with Evan was like a dream come true.  Like achieving the happy ending in a Hollywood romance, the happily ever after kind.  Chan didn’t even mind moving his belongings into Evan’s condo. The stuff he’d decided to keep, anyway. They’d looked over everything they owned and discussed what to keep and what to part with. For the most part, everything Evan had was newer or in better shape, but Chan wanted to bring some of the smaller pieces, which Evan had no problem with.  In fact, he encouraged Chan to keep as much as he liked. They put some of his furniture into storage, at least for now, and donated most of the rest to the local Goodwill.

The best part about living together? Evan’s beautiful face was the last thing Chan saw before he went to sleep at night and the first thing he saw in the morning. Even when Evan had a later schedule, he got up at the same time as Chan, and they ate breakfast together. Chan did most of the cooking. On nights when Evan had to work late, he made sure to have dinner ready whatever time he got home, waiting to eat his own meal until Evan was there.

Could life get any better than this? Home now had an entirely different feel to it, one which revolved entirely around Evan.

They made love… a lot. Chan felt as though he existed in a state of perpetual bliss. His co-workers teased him about his constant smile, but he didn’t mind. They all knew about Evan. In a town as small as Tucker Falls, some things were hard t conceal. Not that he tried to hide anything. Even if he’d wanted to, his feelings were more than obvious when Evan switched his banking to the savings and loan where Chan worked, and he came into the office to sign everything.

Chan introduced him to his co-workers. After Evan had gone, a few of the tellers—both male and female—had commented on how good-looking Evan was, and how much they envied Chan. Chan had never had anyone who was jealous of him before. He did get a couple of disapproving looks from some of the older female employees. After all, this was Texas, and not everyone approved of same sex couples. But the branch manager told Chan not to worry about them, they were jealous that Chan’s man was hotter than their husbands, which made him giggle.

Although they ate at home most of the time, they still liked to go out for dinner sometimes, sampling the different cuisines offered by the restaurants of Tucker Falls. For a fairly small town, there was a fairly diverse food scene, and they loved to explore it. Barbecue was a given, of course. It was impossible to live in Texas and not run across the state staple. Some traditionalists only rubbed salt and black pepper on their meat and considered sauce as unnecessary. But you could get it on the side, if you requested it. Of course the portions were huge, but Chan was used to that. Everything in Texas was larger than life.

And Evan was no exception to that rule, he could honestly say.

One Friday morning, about two months or so after he’d first moved in with Evan, Chan was rolling out of bed when he heard Evan’s phone chime. He turned toward his lover, hoping it wasn’t bad news. Most of Evan’s texts were work related. As Evan grabbed his phone and glanced at it, Chan couldn’t help but pray it was nothing serious. Judging by the expression on Evan’s face, it wasn’t. Chan felt himself relax.

“Roy wants to know if we want to meet him and Dustin at Partners tonight? Maybe get something to eat, shoot some pool, just hang out? What do you think?”

Chan gave the matter serious consideration. He’d already been introduced to Roy and Dustin, who were friends of Evan’s, as well as Lee and Marshall. In fact, they were there the first night he and Evan had seen one another there. When everything all began for them. Nervous at first, they had all made him feel at home. He and Evan fit right in, to his delight.

“I would like that,” Chan said at last. “What about you?”

Evan gave him a damn warm smile for so early in the morning. Chan could easily get lost in that smile. “I like showing you off,” he admitted. “Plus I like them.”

“I like them too.” Chan easily returned Evan’s smile. “I would also like some chicken wings.” 

Partners made some extra spicy wings that he loved. Not everyone could handle such heat, but he and Evan challenged themselves to see who could go the distance. Sometimes Chan even beat him.

“Sounds like a plan.” Evan texted their acceptance then looked up from his phone as he walked around the bed to where Chan still stood. “All set. I’ll go start the coffee.” They had a single-serve coffee make that they loved, especially since they didn’t have to wait for an entire pot to brew, and they could have a cup with breakfast.

Evan reached for Chan’s lips and kissed him firmly. “Good morning, sexy,” he said.

Chan resisted the urge to melt into the other man’s arms. “Good morning, kancha.” That had become his pet name for Evan, ever since Kamal had referred to him as such. The nickname had stuck… at least in private.

Today was going to be a good day.

to be continued

Now go see what's up with the other Briefers:

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