
Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Wednesday Briefs: Super Trooper #30 (6.3)

Good morning and Happy Hump Day! If it's Wednesday, then it must be time for more flash fiction from the Wednesday Briefers! We're a group of authors who bring you our finest flash fiction every week, 500 to 1000 words, inspired by one of our prompts.

While Chan and Evan are visiting Chan's family, Chan accidentally lets slip their new living arrangements. Will everything go sideways now? See what's happening in this week's chapter of Super Trooper. Don't forget to visit the other Briefers and see what's up with them! Their links follow my tale! Enjoy!

Super Trooper #30 (6.3)

Evan thought Chan’s family was great. Warm and welcoming, and very down-to-earth. He was very glad they’d come, even though meeting a significant other’s family didn’t exactly fall within his wheelhouse.  Only because he’d never dated anyone long enough to have a significant other. He was touched that Chan wanted them to meet him, even if the meeting had been brought about by circumstances beyond their control. Everything had turned out well, even so. Although he had to admit he felt a little tension drain after they’d eaten and the children had all dispersed to their own activities. He didn’t dislike children, and certainly not Chan’s siblings. He just wasn’t very comfortable around them. He hadn’t been able to handle other children even when he was a child. He pushed the thought away, focusing on the present.

The present where Chan had just let slip that they were going to be living together.

Well, that cat was certainly out of the bag, wasn’t it? Although they hadn’t discussed it, he’d assumed that Chan would want to tell his family at some point. He was glad that their living arrangements were already out in the open. He didn’t like deception, whether by lying or by sins of omission. But now the question was… how would Chan’s parents take the news?

Apparently Evan’s concerns were for nothing. He watched Aarti carefully, looking for signs that she was upset or unnerved, or whatever mothers became when their sons tell them they’re moving in with another man who just happens to be his boyfriend. Now live-in boyfriend.

Never missing a beat, Aarti leaned across the space that separated them and patted Evan’s hand. “Welcome to the family, Evan,” she said. Her smile was both warm and welcoming.

Balji was bolder than his wife. Seated on the other side of Chan, he gave Chan an immediate high five, followed by, “Way to go, Chan!  Congrats!”

Evan noticed Chan’s adorable blush, but he never stopped smiling and returned Balji’s high five without hesitation. They’d accepted Evan without hesitation. That had to be a good sign, right?

They’d stayed a little longer, but finally had to go. The next day was a work day for both of them, and they had things to do before they could retire for the night. Including a practical discussion of ending Chan’s lease, and the disposition of both their furniture. Evan would never assume that Chan should get rid of his furniture just because his was already in place. If they were to have an equal relationship, there needed to be give-and-take, and discussions. This was a new world for both of them, he knew.

“Do you mind if well the children of your new situation?” Aarti asked her son.

Chan and Evan exchanged glances. Naturally, this had not been discussed between them.

“What do you think would be best?” Evan was quite willing to defer to Chan’s opinion.

Chan seemed unsure of himself. Evan reached for his hand and gently squeezed, offering his reassurance.

“That would be fine, of course,” Chan said. “Tell them if they have any questions, I’m only a phone call away.”

 “Of course,” Aarti said. “Don’t worry. They’ll be fine with it.”

Evan wondered how she knew that, but he didn’t question her judgment. He and Chan helped to clear away the tea things for Chan’s mother, then washed the delicate dishes despite Aarti’s protests that they were guests.

“Not guests, family,” Evan echoed her own words, and she had to laugh.

Finally, Chan’s parents walked them to the door and they bid their final farewells.

The ride home was a very comfortable one. They maintained a companionable silence until they pulled into the parking space in front of their new home. Once Chan had put the car into drive and removed the key from the ignition, he turned toward Evan and laid his hand on Evan’s thigh. It seemed as though he wanted to say something. Finally, he said, “Thank you.”

“For what?” Evan was baffled.

Chan didn’t answer immediately. “For everything,” he said. “For being a part of my life and allowing me to be a part of yours. For the way you made my mother love you instantly and she did not freak out that we’ll be living together.”

Evan felt his cheeks warm at Chan’s praise. “I love you, Chan. You’re very special to me. I’ve never felt this way before.” He raised Chan’s hand to his lips and kissed it tenderly. “I would do anything for you.”

“And I you.”

Evan could hear the sincerity in Chan’s voice. They came together for a heartfelt kiss before they exited the car to enter their home.

to be continued

Now go visit the other Briefers and see what's up with them!

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