
Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Virtual Book Tour: Daddy's Girl

Please welcome author J.M. Kelly, who is going to talk about her newest release, Daddy's Girl, and she's also bravely answered my infamous Rick Reed questions. The author will be giving away a gift basket of some of her favorite things, including a $25 Amazon GC and a signed copy of The Foreign Affairs anthology from Turquoise Press to a random commenter during the tour. The more you comment, the better your chances of winning. To see where her other stops are, go here.

The Questions
1)      You’re marooned on a small island with one person and one item of your choice—who is that person and what item do you have?

A boat maker and a book on…boat making. Hey, I have to be pragmatic. I can think of a handsome man to corrupt under the palm trees, but let’s be honest. After a day or so, the attractiveness factor is practically null, unless you’re armed with a ten gallon jug of mouthwash and razor blades that will never dull on you.

2)      Which musical would you say best exemplifies your life – and which character in that musical are you?

Dr. Horrible’s Sing Along Blog. I’m absolutely the hapless Billy/Dr. Horrible, except I don’t (always) have
the urge for world domination.

3)      Take these three words and give me a 100 word or less scenario using them:  vowel, toothpick, profit

Oh, I’m terrible at this kind of thing.

If I had a dollar for every toothpick I never used in life, the profit would be through the roof. And also, can I buy a vowel?

Sorry. I deeply apologize for the horrific lameness present in those two sentences.

4)      You’ve just been let loose in the world of fiction, with permission to do anyone you want. Who do you fuck first and why?

I’d have to be a rebel and do Moriarty over Sherlock Holmes. I mean, if Holmes really looked like Robert Downey Jr., then sure, I’d be all over him. But I suspect Moriarty would be a lot of fun, what with all that evil genius going on.

  5)    What is your idea of how to spend romantic time with your significant other?

I don’t think I’m a very romantic person. When I think of spending quality time with someone, it isn’t about wine and roses. I’m less interested in a man with all the right moves, and more interested in someone who can make me laugh.  My perfect night would be to order a pizza, watch Twister, and sprawl out on the couch with my (currently imaginary) significant other.

6)      When you start a new story, do you begin with a character, or a plot?

Usually the character appears to me first. There is a general plot idea, but the character idea pops into my head and develops as I mull over the concept. As the character develops in my head, so the plot begins to unfold.

7)      If they were to make the story of your life into a movie, who should play you?

Tina Fey. She’d be able to nail the awkwardness that haunts my life.

8)      Who’s your favorite horror villain and why?

I don’t have one character in particular, but I do have a thing for zombies. I firmly believe there has to be a zombie apocalypse someday, just because we’ve made so many jokes about planning for one. Karma is going to make us pay for all the snark about the walking dead.

9)      Do you have an historical crush and if so, who is it?

Does it count as historical if the person died recently? I have, since I first began watching Storm Chasers on Discovery, had a tremendous geek crush on Tim Samaras, engineer and storm chaser extraordinaire. I loved his dedication to his work, and I loved his goofy discomfort at being in front of a camera.  Unfortunately, his luck ran out in May, and his team was killed in the El Reno, Oklahoma tornado. Talk about absolute heartbreak, when I heard the news he was gone. I am still mourning this loss and will for a long time. He made being a geek so very cool, and I don’t know what I’m going to do without his tweets from the field anymore.

10)   Is there a story that you’d like to tell but you think the world isn’t ready to receive it?
Oh, absolutely. I just can’t tell you about it, because eventually I will work up the nerve to just write the damn story already.

J.M. Kelley


Sometimes, returning home isn’t about confronting your past; it’s about discovering your future.

Janie McGee, the black sheep of her family, is free-spirited, uninhibited, and never one to stay in the same place for too long. When Janie learns her father, Joe, is gravely ill, she reluctantly returns home to rural Pennsylvania to care for him. Joe’s neighbor, David Harris, sports a pocket protector, collects coins, and is addicted to Antiques Roadshow. Everything about him rubs Janie the wrong way, from his nerdy wardrobe to his enviable friendship with Joe. And to make matters worse, her father thinks they’re perfect for each other, proof positive of how little Joe knows his own daughter…or so Janie thinks.

A shared devotion to the elder McGee begins to close the gulf between Janie and David, but a burgeoning romance opens the door to new problems and unexpected consequences neither could foresee. Joe, however, remains steadfast in his resolve to show Janie that Daddy knows what’s best for his little girl. Can Janie finally open her heart to David while watching the first man she ever truly loved fade away?


The interloper entered the room. His eyes widened when he caught sight of Janie, and he raised his hands up in front of him.

“Don’t think I won’t hurt you!” Janie shrieked, holding her ground.

“Joe might need that the next time he buys a pair of shoes,” the man said. His eyebrows arched theatrically while he gave Janie an appraising once over. His eyes lingered on her chest, she noted, which bolstered her resolve to kill him if he made any sudden moves.

Great. Janie tightened her grip on the shoe stretcher. Pervert.

The man stayed where he was and plastered an expression on his face that Janie assumed conveyed harmlessness. “You shouldn’t bean me with that. I doubt they make those anymore. It would be a shame to break it.”

Janie held the stretcher up higher, wincing as it wobbled flaccidly over her head. “If you knew my father, you’d know he only buys shoes once a decade. Who are you, damn it?”

“David Harris.” He slowly lowered his hands and took a step back. “I live next door. For the record, your father bought a pair of shoes last month. Are you Janie?”

Janie narrowed her eyes. “You’re David.”

A bemused smile curved his lips. “Were you expecting someone else?”

Almost certain she wasn’t about to be attacked, Janie dropped the stretcher to the bed. “I figured you’d be an octogenarian like my dad.”

“Your father is in his seventies.”


“That would make him a septuagenarian.”

Janie blinked. “Oh,” she said. “Well, I rounded up. Sue me. What are you, anyway, the vocabulary police?”


Three years ago, native Pennsylvanian J.M. Kelley packed her bags and moved south. Now, the wannabe Carolina Girl can’t speak a single sentence without adding the word y’all at the end of it, and regards a blast of snow flurries as a doomsday-level event.  When the day job allows, and when she can pull herself away from George Takei’s Facebook fanpage, she likes to go on writing jaunts to her favorite lake, or a local coffee shop with delicious shakes and questionable Wi-Fi connections.

J.M. Kelley is a proud recipient of a Carrie McCray Memorial Literary award, and is a member of The South Carolina Writers Workshop and Romance Writers of America (PAN). Readers interested in more information may visit her website at



Daddy’s Girl purchase links:
Turquoise Morning Press:
Barnes & Noble:


  1. That was a lot of fun thank you. The boat builder, & associated book, is certainly very sensible.


  2. Replies
    1. Yes, thanks so much for hosting, Julie! I appreciate it.

  3. J.M....Your interview answers are hysterical. I, too, am the ultimate pragmatist who'd want that boat builder with me...and one who can chop down the trees himself and the item I'd want is a bag of tools! LOL.
    catherinelee100 at gmail dot com

    1. I totally thought of the toolbag after I sent the interview back. But then, I figure if the Professor on Gilligan's Isle can make a radio out of coconuts....

  4. I love your answer to the first question, I had a good laugh.


    1. Had to go with a rare burst of logic, Ingeborg ;)

  5. Thank you for sharing your fantastic interview! I found myself laughing quite a bit! :) I love this tour!

    andralynn7 AT gmail DOT com

  6. How very clever and funny about the boat builder and book about boat building. Say that fast five times. My first thought was McGuiver. LOL. Actually my real first thought was Luke. I am nothing if not predictable. I appreciate that your answers are always so witty. Love the sense of humor.

  7. Sorry for the late post. I’m playing catch-up here so I’m just popping in to say HI and sorry I missed visiting with you on party day! Hope you all had a good time!
    kareninnc at gmail dot com
