
Monday, June 17, 2013

Guest Blogger Megan Johns

Please welcome today fellow Muse author Megan Johns, who is going to talk a little bit about Italy and her
newest release, A Shore of Secrets. I was privileged to meet Megan at Muse when I became her editor. A Shore of Secrets is a wonderful book, and I loved it! I'll also tell you a little secret - by the end of the book, I was in love with Giovanni myself! Make yourself at home, Megan, while I get us some capuccinos to drink. Readers, keep reading to the end, there will be a giveaway!

The Land of Love

The Republic of Venice was the pleasure capital of Europe in the 18th century. Venice became a must on the Grand Tour of Europe for young men coming of age, owing much to its social vices. The renowned Carnival, gambling houses, and beautiful courtesans were huge attractions. Small surprise Italy developed a reputation as the land of love. Even Shakespeare based his most passionate story about falling in love here—Romeo and Juliet. It is also one of the reasons I chose it as the setting for my romantic novel ‘A Shore of Secrets’.

Venice is home to the renowned libertine Casanova.  He became so famous for his complicated and elaborate affairs with women that his name is now synonymous
with womanizer. However, more recent studies of him reveal a more complex character who, although a notorious seducer, was also seduced. He loved the women he had affairs with. He wasn't just a cad who bedded a woman then left her. He had rich relationships with women.

The image of amorous Latins owes much to Casanova. It seems he was not so much a callous libertine as a man in love with love. And who could resist that? As for Giovanni Renaldi—the hero in ‘A Shore of Secrets’—he is no Casanova, but he is powerfully intense and passionate in his own way.  I admit to falling slightly in love with him, so how can the heroine possibly resist?

BLOG TOUR DATES 17 June – 05 July
AUTHOR BIO:  I live in a pretty village in the UK countryside, complete with a duck pond and stocks on the village green. With our daughter now grown up, my husband and I are empty nesters, apart from an adorable Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and some neighbouring alpacas.
I always enjoyed writing, but juggling family life and a lecturing career left little time. Only when life began to slow down did I start writing in earnest.
My reading tastes are eclectic. I enjoy Joanna Trollope because of the pithy way in which she deals with contemporary issues, also Rosamunde Pilcher and the late Maeve Binchy are firm favourites. I like to explore most genres, however.
In my own writing, I aim to focus on writing contemporary romance novels ‘with teeth’.
TAG LINE:  ‘In all secrets there is a kind of guilt.’ Can Abi learn to trust, and Giovanni to forgive?

TAGS: Romance, contemporary romance, women’s fiction, Italy, Venice, holiday resort, British heroine, secrecy, trust

‘Italia! Oh Italia! Thou who hast the fatal gift of beauty.’ Byron
And Venice is exquisite. Nor is the beauty confined to the place. Hotelier Giovanni Renaldi is tall, dark and devilishly handsome. Yet holiday representative Abi seems immune. Crossed in love, she is in no hurry to fall again. Plus his arrogance is so infuriating.
Surely the discomforting feelings he evokes can only be guilt at covering for his naive sister’s secret lover?
When passion finally wins through, the thrill of their lovemaking is soon wrecked. And Giovanni, proud and fierce defender of his family since inheriting the role of patriarch, is enraged to learn Abi has colluded with his sister.
But Abi quickly discovers her secrecy is nothing compared to Giovanni’s. As the family’s closely guarded secrets begin to unfold, she is sucked into their internal wrangling.
 Is nothing what it seems in this clandestine community?
And can love triumph over the turmoil of scarred lives?

SHORT EXCERPT: The piazza hummed with activity. A huddle of guests outside the hotel seemed in good spirits, despite their various states of undress. From beyond them, however, the shadowy image of a stretcher emerged. Abi’s stomach clenched. Pushing a path through the crowd of onlookers, she rushed toward it.
  “What’s going on?” she protested as the tall, imposing figure of Giovanni Renaldi appeared from nowhere to block her way.
  “Nothing to worry about,” he informed her in a manner so crisp it verged on brusque.
  A needle of pique worked its way through her veins and she regarded him head-on. He might be the epitome of Italian suave and sophistication, but any appeal was annihilated by his infuriating manner.
  “So, why the ambulance?”
  “There’s been a minor incident, that’s all. It’s just a routine check-up.”
  “Routine? At this time of night?” Her voice rose in sharp protest. Something about his demeanour struck a chord.  “If it’s one of my clients, I need to know what’s going on!”
  He regarded the shoes still dangling from the crook of her fingers and pitched her a severe look, as if addressing a child. Uncomfortable under the weight of his gaze, she wriggled her shoulders and looked away.


The entrance to the Casa Mia was to the right of the piazza, now buzzing with early evening activity as people spilled out to join in with the pre-dinner passeggiata. A slow-moving river of holidaymakers glided along the pedestrian-only shopping street, reputed to be the longest in Europe. From time to time, a group would dip out of the main flow to browse around one of the endless shops that lined the route. Others scanned menus on display outside the equally proliferate restaurants. Women in fine, tailored dresses and elegant gold jewellery promenaded arm-in-arm with designer-clad males. And then there was the younger set, exchanging playful banter, eager to show off their fashionable clothes. Families, too, strolled in convoy, at one in their low-key unfussy holiday attire. It was that type of resort. Nobody looked out of place.
  She paused to retrieve the note from her bag and scrutinised the writing to check she had not misread anything.
  “Hey, Abi!” A voice sounded from behind her.
  Turning, she acknowledged the client with a bright, “Hi. Everything okay?”
  “Great.” The woman’s low-cut dress revealed angry red strips across her breasts.
  She hunched a resigned shrug, accustomed by now to her clients’ ingrained disregard for the strength of the sun. Despite repeated warnings, it was an endemic madness for which the farmacia had an endless supply of high-strength creams. Thank goodness. The added complication of clients with severe burns would make her job intolerable. In the event, life was not so bad.
A trail of deep, pink bougainvillea escaped from the dense curtain of colourful bracts enshrouding the entrance to the Casa Mia. Stooping to push it back, she allowed a small smile to curve her lips.
  “Ciao.” A disembodied voice chimed the moment she stepped into the foyer.
  She turned to acknowledge Francesca beaming a broad smile from over in the dining room. The young girl’s perfect, naturally white teeth dazzled even from a distance.
  “Ciao,” Abi responded, her spirits lifted as ever. Francesca’s vitality bubbled over clear and bright, as refreshing as a mountain spring.
  “Come stai? Okay?” With careless abandon, the young girl threw down a handful of cutlery and proceeded to lay the table.
  "Così." Abi twitched a little shoulder shrug.
  Stopping her frenetic activity, the Italian girl fixed an earnest gaze on her. The brown eyes were anxious, almost child-like, as if a dimmer switch turned down the light in the youthful face. "Problema?"
  "I've come to meet Mr. Henderson." Abi swept the vicinity with vigilant eyes and then lobbed her a wink.
  A discordant clatter of cutlery resonated through the air. Francesca was by her side in no time. "He is no happy?"
  She grinned at the young girl, so fresh-faced and eager to please. Despite her best intentions, Francesca was like a butterfly—beautiful and graceful, always flitting here and there so you could never be certain what she was likely to do next.
  "Francesca!" Another disembodied voice echoed from the depths of the dining room, this one harsh and impatient. "Tavola!"
  "Un momento!" Rolling her eyes, Francesca blatantly disregarded the command.
  "It's okay. Mr. Henderson knows I'm meeting him here. You go back to the tables and I’ll wait." An oblique smile played at the corner of Abi’s mouth, reassuring the younger girl, and she pulled Rosa’s note from her bag, creased into neat folds, despite its dog-eared state.
  However, the voice was upon them before there was time to act. Giovanni's tall, dark form loomed out of the shadowy interior, the short sleeves of his crisp, white shirt a vivid contrast to his deep olive colouring.
  "Francesca!" A spark of temper lit his eyes to flaming gold and, with a commanding nod, he ushered his sister back to her abandoned duties.
  "Hallo." He turned to Abi, his annoyance curbed, and he adopted the cool, crisp, business-like manner that was his usual demeanour. "Can I help you?"
  His tone was mild, yet when she lifted her gaze she was hit by the piercing intensity of his stare. Her heart gave a little leap.
  "Thank you. I already have an appointment to meet Mr. Henderson here." Unsettled by the sensation of being scrutinised and assessed, she glanced aside. With a dry cough, she cleared her throat and endeavoured to regain the equilibrium he had destroyed. Her eyes shot back to him. “Actually, yes, you can help.  Maybe you could explain what happened last night? I need to complete a full and accurate report. There are a lot of unanswered questions at the moment.”
  He turned his watchful stare on her again. “It was nothing of any consequence. The fire alarm in the kitchen was triggered by some smoke from a pan.”
  “At one o’clock in the morning?”
  “Signor Donadini was making himself a snack. We hoteliers often have to eat at odd hours.” His manner remained bland, despite his obvious impatience.
  “And the ambulance?”
  “There was a minor mishap and the pan caught fire. Signor Donadini burnt his arm whilst putting it out and I insisted he should have the wound checked. There’s no need to make a drama of the situation.” Swiping the air with his hand as if to erase the words, he signalled the matter was closed. His body language defied her to question him further.
  A surge of anger threatened Abi’s equilibrium again. She, and not he, should be in the role of assessor. Yet Giovanni oozed authority from every pore. Not for the first time in his presence, she found herself struggling to maintain a professional standing.  She caught his ironic smile, as if he was enjoying her discomfort.
  “Is that all?”
  “Hmm...” Her tone was sceptical, conveying she was far from convinced, and her combative gaze clashed against his.
  For a fleeting second, his eyes seemed to spark. What the hell went on behind them she couldn’t begin to imagine. The moment passed. With one bat of his long lashes, he renewed his assault with a stare so icy it would have frozen a geyser.
Author's Other Works:
‘The Path of Innocence’, published by Devine Destinies
Short stories in the anthologies ‘Writers on the Wrong Side of the Road’ and ‘The Speed of Dark’ published by Chase Enterprises Publishing. BUY LINK CLICK HERE

 Megan is offering a giveaway, a copy of A Shore of Secrets, to one lucky commenter! Don't forget to leave your email address!

 Thanks for stopping by, Megan, please visit again!

Until next time, take care!

♥ Julie


  1. I'm especially delighted to be here today with my lovely editor Julie Hayes.
    Many congratulations, Julie, on your terrific 5 star review for 'Revelations'.

  2. The book sounds great. And italy, anything Italian I love. BTW, I'm on my way to Rome in two weeks...:) Thanks for the great giveaway!
    tessa dot bamberg at kolumbus dot fi

    1. I'm so envious, Tessa, and I hope you have a great time in Rome!

  3. I'm still waiting to go to Italy. I love going with you though :) The book sounds like a fantastic read and on my TBR, along with Italy on my bucketlist :)

    1. Thanks for dropping by, BK. Always good to see you!

  4. A SHORE OF SECRETS looks wonderful. I'll have to visit Italy in my reading for now.

