Good morning everyone! Please welcome author C.S. Edwards to Full Moon Dreaming! She is here today to tell us about Love Potion #999. She will be awarding a $25 Amazon?BN GC to one ramdomly drawn commenter via Rafflecopter during the tour. The more you comment, the better your chances of winning. To find the other stops on her tour, go here. Don't forget to look for the Rafflecopter at the end of this post!
Love Potion #999
by C.S. Edwards
GENRE: Paranormal Romance
you hear what happened when a witch doctor met a witchologist in a bar? Well,
mayhem ensued! What else did you expect? It's all because everyone had too many
Gnome Island Iced Teas, not to mention the cloud of intoxicating glitter that
put everyone under the table even if they didn't drink a drop. But the real
punch line in that fateful tale were the two potion-filled arrow toting cupids.
For one witch, after that night, stuff got real.
You see, the witch
doctor was none other than the famous apothecary and alchemist, Betsy
Babington. She's a celebrity! Famous, successful, single, and... bored. Before
she walked into that bar, Betsy was itching to change things up. So, she
enlisted her coven of misfits and two mischievous cherubs to make a rogue love
potion recipe — destined to be the next big thing in her famous potions brand.
She never once thought about making Love Potion#999 for herself! Definitely not!
Well, maybe she did, just a little...
For the whole truth,
you'll have to read the story. All I can really say is some magical historians
have said Betsy Babington's tangle with the trouble of Love Potion #999 was
like opening Pandora's box. Now that was a little extreme. For the folks who
were there, it was more like a weekend in Vegas.
“It definitely makes a statement. Doesn’t it? The silver
color is so regal,” Jessica said.
“Beautiful.” Lola drew the word out in a muddy Central
European accent.
“Agreed. I’m super pleased with this one. I think it’s going
to do really well.” Betsy sighed.
“That was not convincing at all. What’s up, Betsy? Do you
not like the vials? They are the finest crystal we could get.” Ron held a
sample size vial up in the air. The sun, streaming in from the bank of floor to
ceiling windows in the apartment, hit the silver potion, making it dance like
liquid glitter.
“Of course, I do. I think this potion is great. It’s just…
well, I wish we could do something really different. Something super cool and
interesting. A potion for the ages. You know. One that would change
everything.” Betsy raised an eyebrow.
“Like what?” The coven responded in unison.
Betsy paused for a split second before she slid the tattered
loose-leaf paper out of her pocket. “Like this.”
The coven stared at the wrinkly, yellow sheet. Its scripted
writing danced across the page, captivating them all. No one spoke. No one
looked away.
“It’s a love potion. We’re going to make the magical world’s
first love potion in 200 years,” Betsy said.
AUTHOR Bio and Links:
I was born in
Ashland, Kentucky, the youngest of three children, and grew up in the small
Eastern Kentucky town of Inez. I moved to Lexington to finish high school.
Attending Transylvania University for two years, before graduating from Hollins
University in Roanoke, Virginia - with a degree in Economics - go figure! After
a stint in New York City, I moved back home to Kentucky and have since built my
life around family.
Living just
outside of Cincinnati with my husband, Sean, and our five amazing kids, and a
precious goldendoodle, I work hard to find time to balance family, work, and
My first
passion is weaving mysteries and I'm working on several new fiction projects
now. This past year, I also found great joy in creating useful journals,
trackers, and planners. I have big plans for publishing more of these creative
notebooks in the future! As always, I cannot wait to share my next novel with
you. I hope you enjoy, and welcome hearing from you!
The Questions – please choose at least 5
2) Which musical would you say best exemplifies your life – and which character
in that musical are you?
Musicals! Who doesn’t love them? Well, I do, and for my
life, I’m choosing the magnificent -- Movin’ Out – the rock show based on the
best music ever by Billy Joel. Seeing this show was my own virtual walk though
some of the best songs ever written. I loved every minute and sang along – I’m
sure the folks seated near me were not pleased! Music is one of my biggest
inspirations in writing, so I can’t help but think a musical about music is
just fitting for my life. Of course, my character would be the Piano Man, who
orchestrates the entire story – because I’m not only an author, but I’m a bit
of a control freak and like to be in charge. It’s perfect all the way around.
3) Take these three words and give me a 100 word or less scene using them:
hammer, saucer, traffic lights
Cindy watched Corey Kyle Soto toss his rainbow-colored
sledding saucer against the traffic light pole, and dust off his jeans. She pushed
her hair behind one ear and leaned into the pole. Puffing a long string of
frosty air between her parted lips like cigarette smoke, she sighed, hoping
he’d look her way. He was by far the hottest boy in 9th grade. Cindy
was not that hot. But maybe he wouldn’t notice. Corey grabbed the saucer and
said, “you wanna take a turn with me?” Her heart thumped like a hammer. She
nodded and said, “sure.”
4) What is your idea of how to spend romantic time with your significant other?
Romance is like art – all in the eye of the beholder.
Some of the most romantic times with my husband have been simple pleasures like
a walk in a park holding hands, or a lazy afternoon drive just to get out of
the house. When you can spend time doing nothing and laugh, talk, and even just
enjoy the silence, you’ve found your better half. There is one special thing we
do each summer – we get re-married – not formally, but usually by a friend who
has specifically gotten ordained (usually online) just for the occasion. We
don’t stick strictly to the date we were married, but pick a weekend that suits
everyone’s’ schedules. We don’t go anywhere fancy – it’s been in our backyard,
on our porch, etc. It’s sweet, simple and sometimes hilarious – and the most
romantic thing my husband could ever do in my eyes.
5) When you start a new story, do you begin with a character, or a plot?
Character – always. I’m not much of a plotter. I do have
an idea of how I want my stories to go, but that changes as they unfold. That’s
not to say I don’t know the ending of the stories. I always know the ending.
It’s just the middle that is fuzzy. For me, not having a very defined path for
a story leaves a lot more room to develop the characters – or really for the
characters to develop themselves. Sometimes I’m just as surprised by what a
character does or says as anyone else. That makes writing the meat of a book
really exciting.
6) If they were to make the story of your life into a movie, who should play
I think my movie would be a dramady – with a lot more
laughs than drama! So, I’d have to say Sandra Bullock. She’s the perfect
combination of serious, sassy, smart, and sweet that I would want to be
portrayed as the movie me. LOL. Plus, she has the whole clumsy thing down – we
all saw her in Miss Congeniality – and that fits me perfectly. She’s not afraid
to snort-laugh, eat pizza in her sweats, and dance like she doesn’t care who’s
around. All things that would be musts when being C.S. Edwards.
9) Is there a story that you’d like to tell but you think the world isn’t ready
to receive yet.
Wow. This is a BIG question. Honestly, I would hope that
our world is ready to receive any idea. I’m a dreamer that way. I’d prefer to
think there are ideas so amazing they just haven’t been conceived yet. But when
they are, we’ll all gather them in with open arms and minds. If you can’t tell,
I’m more of a glass ½ full gal, which lends itself toward the truth that we can
handle anything – ideas and stories might provoke healthy debates or
disagreements, but we should always be ready to listen. Otherwise, we stop
learning. My husband would tell you I’m not ready to tell you the tale about The Drawbridge – but one day I will.