Sunday, July 31, 2022

Film Review: Young Detective Dee: Rise of the Sea Dragon

 Young Detective Dee: Rise of the Sea Dragon

Dee Renjie (Mark Chao) is newly arrived in the Imperial Capital with the intention of joining the Court of Judicature and Revision. There is tension in the city due to the attack of a mysterious sea monster which destroyed many ships. Empress Wu Zetian (Carina Lau) has charged Yuchi (Feng Shaofeng) with solving the problem within ten days. A courtesan is also arriving in the city, Yin Ruiji (Angelababy), who is to be a sacrifice to the creature. Dee overhears a plot to kidnap her. As he fights the kidnappers, Yin is kidnapped another sea creature who is more humanoid than the one she is meant to be sacrificed to. Dee rescues her and the creature escapes. Yuchi has Dee arrested and Yin put into protective custody, but Dee is able to escape with the aid of a friendly medical assistant Shatuo (Lin Gengxin).

Yin is visited by the sea creature again, which is when she realizes who he is - her missing lover, Yuan Zhen (Kim Bum). Masked thugs attack the house, but luckily, Dee, Yuchi, and Shatuo arrive to save the day and Dee is able to rescue Yuchi. Yin covers for Yuan so he can escape, then tells Dee the truth abut her lover. Dee, using his remarkable powers of deduction, deduces that the culprits come from the small war-ridden nation of Dondo, who plan to use Yuan to poison the imperial tea and kill the emperor. They find Yuan and take him to the Imperial Doctor Wang Pu (Kun Chen), who uncovers the cause of Yuan's transformation and is able to cure him.

But how to deal with the enormous sea dragon that is still menacing the kingdom?

This film takes place before Detective Dee: The Mystery of the Phantom Flame. This is Dee's first case and Mark Chao's first appearance as the detective. I loved this film from the beginning. I thoroughly enjoyed the first film and was not disappointed with this one. The action is fast-paced, young Dee is as delightful as his older self, and just as clever. Watching him square off against the Empress is a delight. Keep a special eye out for the appearance of Kun Chen as Doctor Wang Pu. He is just delightful (and he has a monkey arm. You'll have to watch to find out why).

There is a third movie in the series, and hopefully will be others, and I will watch it, for sure. In the meantime, I'll give this film a strong 4 Stars.

Saturday, July 30, 2022

Saturday is Horror Day #72 - The Perfect Host, The Grudge 3

 The Perfect Host

Career criminal John Taylor (Clayne Crawford) is in a bit of a pickle. Injured in a bank robbery, he's on the lam, seeking shelter and relief for his pain. An attempt to buy the product he needs at a small store goes horribly awry when it's held up by someone else. His name and picture are unexpectedly being broadcast on the news, so he has to lie low. Limping into a fairly posh neighborhood, he spots a postcard from Australia in a mailbox, and it's signed Julia. He goes to the door, pretending to be a friend of Julia's. The homeowner, Warwick Wilson (David Hyde Pierce) turns him away at first because he is busy and is going to host a dinner party. But then he relents and admits Taylor.

Distraught over John's predicament, as the robber claims to not be able to reach his cousin, not to mention he's been mugged, and he's injured, Warwick insists he stay for dinner. John decides he doesn't like Warwick's attitude in regard to the mess he's making on Warwick's floor with his still bleeding foot. When his description goes out over the radio, John knows the game is up and threatens to kill Warwick if he doesn't shut up and let him spend the night. Just one night.

That's when things go rather sideways...

This is a very clever, very entertaining film, with a wickedly unexpected performance by David Hyde 

Pierce. If you only know him as Niles Crane, younger brother of Frasier Crane, be prepared to see a different side of the actor. The story is full of twists and turns, the writing is very enjoyable, and everyone does a great job. But the star of this show is undoubtedly Hyde Pierce. I didn't see a lot of this coming. My advice is to not assume anything, simply go with the flow. I give this film 4.5 Stars.

The Grudge 3

In a Chicago apartment building where a family was brutally murdered, things are not going well. Tenants are leaving - not surprisingly - and times are tough. A group of siblings are trying to hold on, Max (Gil McKinney), the building manager, and his two sisters, Lisa (Johanna Braddy) and Rose (Jadie Rose Hobson). Lisa is about to leave for an internship in New York. Excited at the prospect, she finds every opportunity to have sex with her boyfriend Andy (Beau Mirchoff) in various vacant apartments in the building, almost including the one where the family died. Rose is just a young girl with medical issues of the breathing variety. She is often cared for by older neighbor Gretchen (Marina Sirtis).  Max is feeling the pressure of Lisa's imminent departure as well as the pressure put on him by the building owner to get new tenants or he will bring in a management company and Max will be out of a job.

In Tokyo, Kayako (Aiko Horiuchi) realizes that bad things are happening in the apartment building in Chicago, things that are the fault of her sister, Naoko (Emi Ikehata). Against the wishes of her husband, she flies to Chicago and applies for an apartment in order to have a pretext to enter the building. Lisa discovers a woman taking pictures in the dead family's apartment. She turns out to be Dr. Sullivan (Shawnee Smith) the doctor of the only surviving member of the tragedy, Jake (Matthew Knight).  Lisa is dismayed to learn of Jake's death. Also, Rose has spoken of seeing a boy in the building, but there are no boys there.

More bad things begin to happen, including the death of Gretchen, and tensions are rising. Is the grudge being carried on, and how can it be ended? Kayako knows that she is the key to that.

To be very honest, this film was neither very interesting nor scary, and the writing and acting left something to be desired. I thought Jake was overacting from the moment I saw him and it was very annoying. The others almost seem fresh out of acting school. Rose is tolerable, though. I watched it because I want to watch the whole series. Luckily it's short, only an hour and a half. I hope the next (and last) entry in the series is better. I have some hope because it features Demian Bechir, whom I like. In the meantime, I give this film 2 shaky Stars.

Thursday, July 28, 2022

Virtual Book Tour: Complicating Roy by Megan Slayer

 Good morning everyone! One of our favorite authors is back! Please welcome Megan Slayer to Full Moon Dreaming! Today she is going to talk about Complicating Roy!  Megan will be awarding a prize pack featuring a bracelet and necklace made by her to one randomly drawn commenter via Rafflecopter during the tour. The more you comment, the better your chances of winning. To find the other stops on her tour, go here. Don't forget to look for the Rafflecopter at the end of this post!


Complicating Roy

by Megan Slayer




GENRE:   Contemporary LGBTQ Erotic Romance






Complication doesn’t always have to be a bad thing.

Duke Charles needs a break. He’s tired of life on the road and never having a place to settle down. He decides to head to Norville for a rest in his childhood home. Once there, he realizes his life isn’t quite so relaxed—he’s not only inherited the house, but a cat to go with it. When his friend from high school sends him on a date, he finds out how complicated life can be…in a good way.

Roy Mars likes his life as an artist. He paints, sells work and takes his cat, Raphael, for walks through Norville. He channels his emotions into his art…until he goes on a date and meets Duke. His uncomplicated life gets thrown into chaos, not least because Duke has rabid fans who insist on knowing every detail of his life.

Can Roy handle a little complication in the form of Duke, or will he quit before he finds his forever?







“Why don’t you get a boyfriend? Let him film you. I know a guy who’d be perfect for you,” Erik said. “He’s quiet, sweet, and loves the law. His name is Francis and you’d love him. Francis and Roy has a good ring to it.”


He loved his brother, but this pushiness annoyed him. “I’m good. I don’t need to be introduced to anyone.” Besides, he’d met Francis and wasn’t a fan.


“You’ll like him.”


“I’m fine.” How many times did he have to say that?


“You need to stop being picky,” Erik said. “You’ll price yourself out of the market and be lonely.”


“So? There’s nothing wrong with being picky. It means I know what I want and won’t settle for less.” He stopped pacing. “I need to go. I want to take Raphael home before I go to Dye Hard Style. I’m supposed to show work at Crush Gallery tonight and want to look my best.”


“You can’t take Raphael there? James won’t mind.”


“Maybe not, but Raphael would rather go home.”


“If you’re seen out walking Raphael, maybe you’ll attract a man who will love you and can stand your cat. If he doesn’t know you have a pet, with your luck, you’ll meet a guy who hates cats. Then where will you be?”


“Besides confused by your statement?” He pinched the bridge of his nose, then began to clean up the studio. “Love me, love my cat. No budging. Speaking of not budging, the mayor still wants that painting? I’ll leave it by the door for you to pick up. You can deliver it to him since he likes you more. I need to go, okay? I made the appointment for five and it’s a quarter after four.”


“Is it because James has a dog? I hear he got a dog.”


“Which is why I’m taking Raphael home—another reason why. I need to go. Is there anything else?”


“Nope. Have fun. I’ll get the painting to the mayor, but you need to do something interesting and put it online,” Erik said. “Film yourself.”


“Right.” He hung up on his brother. Why did Erik have to be such a pain in the ass? He affixed the walking harness and leash onto Raphael after he finished putting his brushes away. Once he tucked his keys, wallet and phone in his pockets, he turned off the lights and locked up. He headed down to the street.


People seemed to like watching him walk Raphael. How many people walked their cat? Not many.


He and Raphael crossed Memorial Park to his apartment. He took Raphael inside and ensured his water was fresh. He filled Raphael’s bowl with kibble. If Raphael wasn’t happy, then neither was he.


“Are you good?” He took the harness and leash off Raphael. “I’ll be back, okay? I’m getting a freshen up.”


He watched Raphael eat. “You’re a good boy. I wish I could find the human that liked me in the same way. Then I’d get Erik off my back and I might not be so lonely.”








AUTHOR Bio and Links:


Megan Slayer, aka Wendi Zwaduk, is a multi-published, award-winning author of more than one-hundred short stories and novels. She’s been writing since 2008 and published since 2009. Her stories range from the contemporary and paranormal to LGBTQ and white hot themes. No matter what the length, her works are always hot, but with a lot of heart. She enjoys giving her characters a second chance at love, no matter what the form. She’s been nominated at the LRC for Best Author, Best Contemporary, Best Ménage, Best BDSM and Best Anthology. Her books have made it to the bestseller lists on


When she’s not writing, Megan spends time with her husband and son as well as three dogs and three cats. She enjoys art, music and racing, but football is her sport of choice. She’s an active member of the Friends of the Keystone-LaGrange Public library. Find out more about Megan and Wendi at: Sign up for the newsletter here: 



Fan Page

Amazon Author Page








Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Wednesday Briefs: Bad Karma and the Family Plan #33 (7.1)

 Good morning and Happy Hump Day! If it's Wednesday, then it must be time for more flash fiction from the Wednesday Briefers! We're a group of authors who bring you our finest flash fiction every week, 500 to 1000 words, inspired by one of our prompts.

Back on the road again, Vinnie can't stop thinking about the woman he saw at the rest stop, and how much she reminded him of certain evil actresses. Could she have gotten out? Only one way to find out! See what's going on in this week's chapter of Bad Karma and the Family Plan! Don't forget to visit the other Briefers and see what's up with them! Their links follow my tale! Enjoy!

Bad Karma and the Family Plan #33 (7.1)

I found I couldn’t stop thinking about the woman I’d seen at the rest stop. Her image haunted me, superimposed with memories of she-who-won’t-be named… okay, by she I do mean Caroline St. Clair—well known actress and major nutty bitch. An intense feeling of déjà vu had washed over me when I’d seen her, a sensation that would not quit.

So I did what any sensible person would do. You mean forget about it, you ask? Have you met me? Of course that wasn’t my first impulse. Instead I decided to call the person most likely to know if certain crazy actresses were still locked up or not. Troy McGarrett, of course. Handsome Hollywood heartthrob and good friend to aforementioned crazy actress.

As I pulled my phone from my pocket, I saw Ethan glance at me curiously, but he made no comment. I didn’t have that many people in my contact list and he knew all of them. Not to mention, he trusted me most implicitly. Still, I’m sure he wondered what I was up to, but I also knew my side of the conversation would quickly give me away.

“Hey there sexy!” My call was quickly answered by a familiar cheery voice. At one time I’d thought Troy might be coming onto me, although I couldn’t understand it. But having to room with him for a case seemed to bring out a never-before-seen jealous side of Mr. Thorne, which surprised me greatly. Now we were all three great friends. Four, counting Troy’s live-in boyfriend, Brendan Muldoon.

“Hey there Mr. Hollywood!” I teased.

I caught Ethan’s grin just before he said, “Tell Troy I said hi.”

I relayed the message even as I heard a gasp from the backseat. “Troy? As in Troy McGarrett? That Troy?” I ignored Sarah and focused on my call instead.

“I thought you’re supposed to be working,” Troy commented. Of course he knew what was going on with us since we’d dropped off our dog with Brendan just that morning.

“We are. Turned into a road trip,” I replied. “I’ll explain later. And Ethan says hi.”

“That’s cool. Tell Ethan hi back.” I immediately relayed the message.Troy was as laid back as Ethan. Nothing seemed to faze either one of them. And they actually resembled one another in a superficial, blond, blue-eyed way. Troy was handsome, yes, but Ethan was the better looking of the two, in my opinion. I might be biased, though.

“Are you still on location?” I asked.

“Just finished up shooting some interiors in Hollywood, actually,” Troy replied. “As soon as the director calls wrap, I’m going to get changed and head to the airport. I’m already checked out of the hotel, and my bags are in the car.”

His voice held that newlywed anxiety that told me he had Brendan on his mind. How cute was that?

“That director wouldn’t be Gordon Daimler would it?” I guessed. We’d run into him before while working a previous case, and he hadn’t made a particularly good impression with me. Mainly because he had the bad taste to date her.

“No, it’s not. This director is a woman, and a really good director, as well as being a friend.” Troy sounded amused at my question. “Why do you ask?”

“Oh, no reason,” I mumbled. I was trying to think of a clever and innocent way to ask my next question but I completely failed at that.

“Is that crazy witch still locked up?” I had debated using the b-word but deferred to a relatively less insulting term in view of the fact that they were still friends. Unless the status quo had changed. One could always hope. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Ethan shake his head, but he said nothing. Any recriminations he had might come later. Or he might have given up on getting me to change my opinion of her. Again, one could hope.

“Carrie is still recovering at the sanitarium,” he confirmed. “Doing quite well, from what I can tell.”

I didn’t bother to ask how he knew that because I already knew he visited her now and then. No comment on that. “Does she get out sometimes? Like on a day pass?”

“Vinny, you’re worrying me,” Troy responded. “And your questions are oddly specific. Before we continue with the interrogation, mind telling me why you’re asking?”

I immediately felt my cheeks warm. Damn, I hadn’t meant to sound so… I couldn’t think of a sufficient word to describe how I must have sounded to Troy. I really needed to let up on that front…once I was sure that it could not have been her I saw.

Before I could answer, Troy said, “Just for the record, I don’t think she goes anywhere, to be honest. But she does have visitors. Family, friends, fans… She’s happy with that, I think, and is working on getting better.”

I had my doubts as to whether that was even possible but for once I held my tongue.

“So, what’s going on, Vinnie?”

“Well, I just thought I saw someone who looks like her, that’s all.”


“Um… at a rest stop here in Virginia.”

“Carrie? At a rest stop? In Virginia?” I couldn’t blame him for sounding skeptical. It sounded as ridiculous to me when I said it aloud. And yet…

“She was dressed like she was in Roanoke, when she was incognito at the grocery store,” I continued.

“Vinnie, it has to be a coincidence, that’s all. Why on earth would Carrie even be there? You seriously think she’s stalking Ethan? You know that was just to make Gordon jealous, right?”

I knew that. Damn, I felt stupid.

“Yeah, you’re right. I’m sorry to bother—”

“You’re never a bother, don’t say that. Call us later, okay? Gotta go.”

He clicked off and I returned the phone to my pocket. Guess I should find a better theory, huh?

 to be continued

Now go see what's up with the other Briefers!

Cia Nordwell

J Ray Lamb


Virtual Book Tour: Within by Peter Gribble

 Good morning everyone! Please welcome author Peter Gribble to Full Moon Dreaming! He is here to tell us about his new release, Within. Peter will be awarding a $15 Amazon/BN GC to one randomly drawn commenter via Rafflecopter during the tour. The more you comment, the better your chances of winning. To find the other stops on his tour, go here. Don't forget to look for the Rafflecopter at the end of this post!



by Peter Gribble




GENRE: Fantasy






Purdu, the barbarian invader, has arrived! How can the pacifist, nonviolent City of the Magicians contain him when one faction appeals to his heart, the other to his ambitions?


Sas and Lalya are envoys of opposing camps, but Purdu throws them together to isolate them from their enclaves and assert his own authority. Yet two others decide to oppose him their way. Hyur, foremost metallurgist, secretly forges a magical weapon to tempt and subvert him. Gleswea, an astronomer, flees south to view skies she has never seen, but is swept into a culture that judges women of ability as necromancing witches deserving death.


Shoan, City strategist, reconstructing his wrecked plans, is unaware these four have slipped his calculations. Sas, Lalya, Hyur and Gleswea are unknowingly inching the City toward an unseen, perilous fate. Will anyone catch it in time?


Within, the second book in The City of the Magicians series, exposes how even as the City's old dream of a rebirth in Magic seems to be happening, traditional institutions are failing. With Purdu spearheading the revival, some Citizens fear the purposes their Magic may soon be turned to.


Praise for Threat, the first book in The City of the Magicians series.


"An exquisitely crafted, richly textured world of magic and mystery, with settings and mood so exceptionally well visualized that fans of science fiction and fantasy should not pass up the chance to walk inside." – IndieReader


"Apart from the beautiful writing, the robustly written characters, and the strong setting, Peter Gribble has the ability to immerse readers in a world that is well-imagined and sculpted. Having enjoyed Threat immensely, I am looking forward to the next installment in the series." - Readers' Favorite






It was unnerving having Purdu absent. The men, already ill at ease with the ominous lake and their commander on the inaccessible Magicians’ mountain, chafed at the too quiet afternoon. No one wanted to practice riding drills or play competitive war games anymore. Those who tried did so in desultory fashion. Nor did Purdu return in the evening.


Late afternoon of the second day of Purdu’s absence, Hakl, the engineer, entered Purdu’s tent (with the guards’ perfunctory permission) to re-examine the maps the first scouts had sketched to determine if upper courses of the cursed river had possible fording spots.


His search never went beyond the side room where the strange metal balls lay haphazard on a saddle blanket spread out on the floor.


Finely wrought designs on their surfaces were Plateau embroidery in metal thread—exotic work by a master artisan. Only Klebur, Purdu’s second in command—away securing and rebuilding the ravaged city of the aristocrats—had been allowed to see them. Hakl, like most everyone, had only seen the long red leather box they came in, but never their contents. The balls, siblings identical


to one another, had been rolled out onto the blanket as if Purdu had taken—they were divining tools!


Of course. A gift from the Magician would be nothing less.


He always scoffed at the credulous, those far too willing to hang their lives and fates onto intangible superstitions, yet he had never quite been able to shake his own sister Kakla’s last private comment to him as they parted. A respected shaman of the Haptukatl, her word, however suspect, had lodged persistent in his mind: “Success there is along the way, yet at the end he will be stopped by fire.” Despite her irritating habit of referring to people in the third person, Hakl was sure she had meant Purdu and not himself and, against such an event, had quietly kept fire retardants on hand and quietly close to the Commander whenever possible. Though before him now, these exquisite crafted balls of the Magician were eerie tangibles compared to utterances to quail the spirit.


Almost all of the ball’s images had a wavy-lines icon uppermost. Three were different: a simple depiction of a horse; beside it, a man icon; and in front of those two, an image of a woman. All those wavy lines surrounding them, though . . .


They meant “river.”


River, river, river . . . the Magician’s prophecy coiled and tightened around every heart in the Earth-Scorching Wind: It will claim three of your best people. Hakl thought he could very well be one of them.







AUTHOR Bio and Links:


Peter Gribble has written for NUVO and other magazines in British Columbia.

For over ten years he wrote a monthly gardening column for a local Vancouver paper.

The City of the Magicians is his first published series.



CONNECT WITH Peter Gribble


WEBSITE - Peter Gribble – Author


GOODREADS - Peter Gribble (Author of Threat) | Goodreads


PURCHASE LINKS Book One - Threat                   












PURCHASE LINKS Book Two - Within















Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Book Review: Bleach, Vol 67 by Tite Kubo


Bleach, Vol 67     

Author: Tite Kubo

Publisher: Viz Media

American release date: March 1, 2016

Format/Genre/Length: Paperback/Manga/Supernatural/192 pages

Overall Personal Rating: ★★★★★


And now on the scene we have Askin Nakk le Vaar – Stern Ritter “D” for Death Dealing. He can calculate the lethal dose of any substance for any person and adjust it accordingly, as he explains to Oh-etsu Nimaiya, but perhaps he has underestimated the Soul Reaper. Some of the Stern Ritter are dismayed to learn that Yhwach has gone above… without them. Does this mean they are unnecessary and rather expendable?  It appears that one of Yhwach’s powers is the Consecration – “collecting the lives and powers of unnecessary Quincies and distributing them to those who need it”. Hmmm, seems as though Yhwach is not exactly a humane ruler, is he? Can someone explain why these fools are following him?

Meanwhile, back at the Seireitei, Shunsui speculates about whether the broken structures will return to the way they were once the enemy is defeated. Ukitake says if not, they will rebuild them. Shunsui then tells Ukitake not to push himself, but he is just going to go to Room 46… whatever that means.

In the Reiokyu,  Zero Squad member Ichibe Hyosube is up at bat. He tells Yhwach that he shall contain him within certain parameters. The Quincy predicts the Soul Reaper will die three steps short of his goal.  Hyosube tells Yhwach not to say his name so lightly and proceeds to slap him with Thousand Ri Heavenly Hand.

The Visoreds, including Yoruichi’s sister, arrive to find only Uruhara, Yoruichi having left with Ichigo and the others. Yushiro is dismayed as she has brought items she thought might be of assistance to her sister. Nothing to be done about it now. Yelling at Kiskue might feel good but gets them nowhere. Hyosube has a power he calls paint it black and involves a sword with no name. Yhwach seems dismayed… until he announces he has just opened his eyes. What does that even mean? And what is this power The Almighty? Will Ichigo and the others arrive in time, or is all doomed?

It’s hard to tell where the balance of power lies at this moment. While it seems as though the Quincies hold all the good cards, and the Zero Squad is putting up a valiant fight, yet we know that somehow Ichigo will save the day – he’s the hero, it’s what he does. The only question is how. And again, I repeat, what part will Uryu play in this? Right now it appears as though he has totally gone over to the Quincies. However I believe that appearances are quite deceptive. Uryu is often hard to read and somewhat of a stubborn cuss, but I think that in the end, he will not betray his friends.

Also, what is Shunsui up to?

Just gotta wait and see! Next volume coming up!




Virtual Book Tour: Renegade's Lady by Bobbi Smith

 Good morning everyone! Please welcome author Bobbi Smith to Full Moon Dreaming today! She is here to tell us about her new release, Renegade's Lady. Bobbi will be awarding a $10 Amazon/BN GC to one randomly drawn commenter via Rafflecopter during the tour. The more you comment, the better your chances of winning. To find the other stops on her tour, go here. Don't forget to look for the Rafflecopter at the end of this post!


Renegade’s Lady

by Bobbi Smith




GENRE: Historical Romance (Western)






Hi! I had soooo much fun researching Renegade’s Lady. The heroine is a dime novel writer who goes West to research her new book. If you’re not familiar with dime novels, they were the original paperback books from the 1800s. I even managed to find a few at antique stores. One I bought is titled The Golden Belt, and it was published by Beadle and Company in 1866. What a treasure! I can’t believe it’s held up this long. So I hope you enjoy Sheri and Brand, the half-breed scout, in Renegade’s Lady!


Looking For a Hero


Sheridan St. John was a successful writer who had no need for a man in her life…as long as she had one between the pages of her dime novels. But when her editor told her sales were off, Sheri set out for the Wild West in search of the perfect hero for her new book.


Brand, The Half-Breed Scout


The man Sheri found fulfilled her every requirement for a fantasy lover—half Apache, a tall, dark, and dangerous male—but he was completely wrong for a real-life mate. On the run from the law, Brand guarded his heart as the attraction between them destroyed her reservations, leaving Sheri with one burning need—to become the renegade’s lady.







Sheri sat watching Brand as he stood near the cave entrance. He was a tall, lean, broad-shouldered silhouette in the soft moonlight, and she shivered as she remembered the power of his touch. Strange feelings besieged her. For that one breathless moment in time when his lips had been on hers, she had been in ecstasy, and now… He had abandoned her without so much as a backward glance, leaving her unsure, confused…and a little angry.


“Do you want me to help you keep watch?” she finally asked, knowing the raiding party could be near.


“No. Stay there, where you’ll be safe,” Brand told her, knowing the last thing he wanted was to have her near him.


Brand stared out into the night, forcing himself to concentrate on keeping watch. He had to ignore the woman behind him. He knew now that he should never have kissed her. He wished there was some way to get her back to the fort tonight. The sooner he was away from her, the better.


Alone…He liked being alone. Then he had no one to worry about except himself.


He glanced back at her, and emotions he had long denied tore at him. They were under attack by renegades, and she was depending on him to keep her safe. He would not fail. He had to keep watch. He could allow himself no lapse. He’s made two mistakes that day already—missing the renegades’ tracks and kissing Sherri. He wasn’t about to make another.




AUTHOR Bio and Links:


After working as a department manager for Famous-Barr, and briefly as a clerk at a bookstore, Bobbi Smith gave up on career security and began writing. She sold her first book to Zebra in 1982. Since then, Bobbi has written over 40 books and several short stories. To date, there are more than five million of her novels in print. She has been awarded the prestigious Romantic Times Storyteller of the Year Award and two Career Achievement Awards. Her books have appeared on numerous bestseller lists. When she's not working on her novels, she is frequently a guest speaker for writer's groups. Bobbi is mother of two sons and resides in St. Charles, Missouri with her husband and three dogs.







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