Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Wednesday Briefs: Moving Forward #54 (13.3)

Good morning and Happy Hump Day! If it's Wednesday, it must be time for more flash fiction from the Wednesday Briefers! We're a group of authors who bring you our finest flash fiction every week, from 500 to 1000 words, inspired by one of our prompts.

Marshall and Lee and Denver and Dustin join the Captain of the Wandering Star at his table for dinner in this week's episode of Moving Forward. Don't forget to see what the other Briefers are up to. Their links follow my tale! Enjoy!

Moving Forward #54 (13.3)

The dinner invitation was for eight o’clock. Lee didn’t believe in being fashionably late, so they arrived a few minutes early. They weren’t the first ones there. Four other couples were already seated. Denver and Dustin came just after they did. Promptly at eight o’clock, the Captain took his seat.

“Good evening,” he said, offering a friendly smile.

Captain Merrill stood well over six feet tall, with a strong physique. He looked to be about fifty, with dark wavy hair, and a well-trimmed beard and moustache. When he smiled, Marshall thought he resembled a giant teddy bear.

“Thank you for joining me this evening,” the captain said. “Why don’t we start by introducing ourselves? I’m Captain Isaac Merrill.” He looked at the first man on his right, and introductions were made all around, as drink orders were quietly taken.

“I hope everyone is enjoying the cruise,” Captain Merrill said, and his guests responded in the affirmative with great enthusiasm.

“Do you do cruises like this very often?” one of the guests asked.

“You mean to the Virgin Islands? Often,” the Captain replied.

“No, actually I meant gay cruises,” the same man said with a smile. “My husband and I would like to come back, if you do this again. We’ve been having the time of our lives.”

“This is one of our regular cruises,” Captain Merrill confirmed. “You should come back often. There is so much to see, more than you can explore in a single week.”

Marshall considered that a great idea, but he also knew there were other places he wanted to see. They’d always have the memory of this vacation, though. This was one trip he knew he’d never forget. He reached for Lee’s hand, their eyes meeting. Lee’s smile confirmed what Marshall was thinking, how happy they both were to be there.

The dinner was a fabulous success. The food was fantastic, starting with the appetizers. Each dish was better than the one before. Marshall was more of a meat and potatoes kind of guy, but he thought the fresh fish was great, and it was served with some delicious sauces. There was a veal Oscar dish, served with lobster, which he loved. Everything was accompanied by a choice of drinks, so he sampled different kinds of wine, according to the course. Some were more to his taste than others. He found the red wines a little sour, but the Prosecco was scrumptious. And the desserts were beyond description.

Conversation was lively, although he listened more than he spoke, but he enjoyed hearing what the others had to say. Lee had always said that Marshall had two ears and one mouth, so he should listen more than he talked, and he liked to follow Lee’s teachings as closely as possible.

After everyone had eaten, the couples began to disperse, but the Captain requested that Marshall and Lee, Denver and Dustin wait for just a moment, so they did.

“On behalf of the cruise line, I would like to apologize for what happened,” he said, addressing Marshall and Dustin. “I assure you, we don’t usually have some problems on our cruises.”

“Stuff happens,” Dustin said, and Marshall nodded.

“Nonetheless, I appreciate your understanding, and the cruise line would like to make it up to you. Your next cruise is on us. Any ship, any destination.” He handed each man an envelope. “This contains a number for you to call when you’re ready to sail with us again. I look forward to having you on my ship again.” He gave them a sharp salute, before heading off, greeting other guests as he left the dining room.

Marshall was floored. He certainly hadn’t expected that. One look at Lee, and he knew Lee hadn’t either.

“Looks like we’ll be taking another cruise,” Lee commented with a grin.

“Looks like,” Denver agreed. “You think they’re doing this to prevent being sued or something?”

Lee shrugged. “Maybe. Does it really matter. You weren’t planning to sue, were you?”

“Nah, I don’t think so. You?” Denver asked.

“Got better places to be and better things to do than worry about getting tied up in court.” He turned to Marshall. “Want to head up to our room, set for a few minutes, then head out to the pool?”

“Sounds perfect to me!” Marshall exclaimed.

Lee reached for his hand, then impulsively pulled him close for a quick kiss.

“I think that sounds good,” Denver said. “We’ll meet you guys out there.”

The two couples separated, heading to their own cabins.

to be continued

Now go see what the other Briefers are up to!

Monday, September 26, 2016

Virtual Cover Reveal: On Fire

I want to share a big thank you to my host for featuring the cover reveal today for my latest Dreamspinner Press release, On Fire, made by Garrett Leigh. Without further ado...

A fun tidbit: I actually took the picture of the mountain (it was not on fire at the time, lol)

A picture is definitely worth a thousand words when it comes to a cover, and these guys are hot, but I bet you'd like to know more about their story, so here goes!

Nothing beats getting out of the concrete jungle and into the quiet of the forest. Website designer Scottie Ness is taking a well-deserved vacation from the grindstone, and he plans to spend it in the solitude of Washington’s Gifford Pinchot National Forest around Mt. Adams. He’s prepared for everything—except the lightning storm that traps him in a wildfire.

The firefighter who rescues him sustains serious injuries and ends up in the hospital. Jax Quintero might be abrasive, but the guy saved his life, and Scottie wants to thank him. As they spend time together during Jax’s recovery and exploring the state’s landmarks when he’s released from the hospital, Scottie discovers there’s more to Jax than a smart-ass adrenaline junkie. Jax reassesses his opinion of Scottie as an arrogant city boy who has no business in the mountains. Though Jax’s wounds prevent them from taking things as far as they’d like for a while, they can’t deny the heat building between them—and this is one fire they don’t want to put out.

Where can you pick up your copy?
On Fire is available for pre-order at Dreamspinner Press now!

Because I love my fellow readaholics, I'm giving away a $5 gift card to Dreamspinner Press to celebrate finally being able to share On Fire's awesome cover and my photo inspiration for Jax and Scottie.

About the Author:
The number one question folks ask Alicia when she shares she's a MM romance author: "Why gay fiction? Why write men when you're a woman?" and her answer is: "Why the hell not!" Alicia Nordwell is one of those not so rare creatures, a reader turned writer. Striving to find an interesting story one day, she decided to write what she wanted instead. Then the voices started... Yep, not only does she talk about herself in the third person for bios, she has voices in her head constantly clamoring to get out.

Fortunately, with the encouragement of her family and friends, she decided for her own sanity to keep writing. Now you can find her stories both free and e-published. When she’s not on the computer typing away, she's a wife and a mom of two in the dreary, yet ideal for her redhead complexion, Pacific Northwest. Except for when she disappears into one of the many worlds in her head, of course!

She can also be found quite often at her blog, where she has a lot of free fiction for readers to enjoy or working hard, or maybe hardly working, as an admin on under her online nickname, Cia.

Friday, September 23, 2016

Virtual Book Tour: The Last Ten Pounds

Please welcome author Lina Sage, here to tell us about her new release, The Last Ten Pounds. Lina will be awarding a $20 Amazon/BN GC to one randomly drawn commenter via Rafflecopter. The more you comment, the better your chances of winning. To find the other stops on her tour, go here. Don't forget to look for the Rafflecopter at the end of this post!

The Questions
1) You’re marooned on a small island with one person and one item of your choice—who is that person and what item do you have?
This will probably upset my husband but I have to say I choose my dog, Bobo. He’s a 2-year-old Shih-Tzu and the love of my life. I can’t stand to be away from him for more than a week so if I was stuck on an island than I would most definitely have to have Bobo with me. As for an item, probably something practical like a lighter or matches so that I can start a fire to cook or to keep warm at night because I know that there is no way I can start a fire on my own by rubbing two sticks together.

2) Which musical would you say best exemplifies your life – and which character in that musical are you?
I’m not a big fan of musicals and have only seen a few. Based on the three that I’ve seen - The Lion King, The Producer and Phantom of the Opera, I would have to say that none of them exemplify my life. I wish I could give you a better answer but I can’t.

3) Take these three words and give me a 100 word or less scene using them: hammer, saucer, traffic lights
The man was speeding through most of the traffic lights to beat the storm that was coming. He had to get home and hammer all the windows shut before the heavy winds would rip them out. Just as he rounded the corner the blinding lights up ahead made him slam on his breaks. Hovering not too far from him was a flying saucer.

4) You’ve just been let loose in the world of fiction, with permission to do anyone you want. Who do you fuck first and why?
Wow! How does one even answer this question. There’s so many out there that I’ve fantasized about sleeping with. Since I’m Canadian, I would like to say The Ryan’s (to which I’m referring to Ryan Gosling and Ryan Reynolds). Then there’s the Hemsworth brothers (Chris and Liam). But let’s not rule out the Brits with Charlie Hunnam and David Gandy. To pick one is impossible! Can I have a buffet of them all?

5) What is your idea of how to spend romantic time with your significant other?
This one is simple. A nice dinner and afterwards I like to curl up on the couch and snuggle while watching a movie.

6) When you start a new story, do you begin with a character, or a plot?
For myself personally, I think it’s more important to start a story with the plot and you can weave the characters around the plot. You can have strong characters but without a strong plot than the book will fall flat.

7) If they were to make the story of your life into a movie, who should play you?
I have no idea who would play me. It’s always hardest to cast yourself. But I can easily cast the four men I had relationships with during my days working as an escort. I’d cast Jake Gyllenhaal to play Coin Boy, Bryan Cranston or Richard Jenkins to play Rock Boy, Mark Ruffalo to play Lover Boy and Daniel Craig to play GQ Boy.

8) Who’s your favorite horror villain and why?
I don’t have a favorite horror villain because I don’t like the horror genre. However, if you were to ask me who my favorite marvel comic character is I would have to say The Incredible Hulk. I love how Bruce Banner is constantly trying to suppress his anger to avoid The Hulk from surfacing. Bruce Banner is human like all of us in every way. How many times do we find ourselves suppressing our anger only to explode when we can’t stand it any longer? The only difference is we don’t turn enormous but some of us do certainly turn green.

9) Do you have an historical crush and if so, who is it?
I would have to say Tesla. No one can doubt that this man was a genius. His invention of electricity itself was enough to change human civilization. Where would we be today without electricity? This is not to mention the other hundreds of patents he had. The man is like a science God.

10) Is there a story that you’d like to tell but you think the world isn’t ready to receive it?

Yes. I have this great idea for a fiction trilogy that has been brewing in my mind for some time now. At some point I will write this trilogy but I feel like I’m not fully ready yet and I’m not sure how it will be received. I’m still panning out the details and hope to be able to write this trilogy soon. In the meantime, I’m focusing on writing non-fiction. I’m currently writing my second book which is an extension of the last quarter of my memoir. It is in the genre of self-help/spiritual.

The Last Ten Pounds: One Woman's Journey to Love (by shedding Fear, Anger, Hatred...and Everything In-Between)
by Lina Sage


GENRE: Memoir



Shortly after I was born, my family left Vietnam’s strict Communist regime by escaping on a tiny fishing boat in the middle of the night.

Luckily, Canada accepted us as refugees and we were excited for a new beginning. However, any hopes of a brighter future vanished before an abusive alcoholic father who’s repeated physical violence against my mom left me screaming for any stability. Sexual, physical and emotional abuse clouded my childhood years leaving me so damaged that it changed who I was meant to grow up to be.

In my early twenties, I bought a house and converted it into a full blown marijuana grow op.

Soon after, I entered into the world of elite call girls and became one of the most sought after girls in my agency. By my late twenties, I was on top of the world and the proud owner of a multi-million-dollar luxury day spa.

Just when I thought I had it all, I made the ultimate mistake that ended in me losing everything and hitting rock bottom.

I was spiritually broken and in desperate need of healing. I had no choice but to reconcile with my past. This decision brought me down a miraculous journey that opened me up to consciousness and enabled me to exist in the space I do today; that of uninhibited peace.

The Last 10 Pounds: One Woman’s Journey to Love (by shedding Fear, Anger, Hatred…and Everything In-Between) is my personal journey and a testament that it is possible to heal and transform. To be the person you were born to be.


“Uncle Quinn… please stop. Please stop Uncle Quinn! Stop it you’re hurting me!” I wailed loudly.

“Shhh… I’m just playing with you,” he replied with a sly look on his face, as he continued to grope me with both hands.

This had happened many times before, the constant touching and fondling of my private parts every time Uncle Quinn saw me. See the thing is, I didn’t make it easy for him because of my feisty nature. Usually I would be able to run away before he could really get a hold of me and on the times that I couldn’t get away, his inappropriateness would only last a few minutes until I would squirm so hard that he would finally release me from his grasp.

But today was different and I felt it immediately. His huge hand pinned down both my tiny wrists and with his other hand he proceeded to maliciously rip off my summer jumpsuit. His weight crushed my petite frame to the floor so much so that I couldn’t move. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t create enough wiggle space to escape his 6’2 lanky stature. With his free hand he pushed his fingers inside me with such ferocity that a loud scream escaped my mouth before I could even discern what was happening.


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Lina Sage is a writer, speaker, producer and entrepreneur. She is the creator and founder of Chic Spirituality; a movement whose philosophy is to live your life with heightened awareness by surrounding yourself with things you deem beautiful. Lina believes balance of mind, body and soul, is the key to unlocking all things beautiful. Therefore, she enjoys physical activity to maintain a strong body and meditation to calm the mind. But she especially cherishes time spent with her beloved husband and dog because they are what brings her soul the greatest joy. Lina also likes to surround herself with great food and exotic travels around the world.

Social Media Links:




Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Wednesday Briefs: Moving Forward #53 (13.2)

Good morning and Happy Hump Day! If it's Wednesday, then it must be time for more flash fiction from the Wednesday Briefers! We're a group of authors who bring you our finest flash fiction every week, from 500 to 1000 words, inspired by one of our prompts.

Getting invited to the Captain's table is an honor indeed for Marshall and Lee and Denver and Dustin. Watch them find something to wear in this week's Moving Forward. Don't forget to see what the other Briefers have been up to! Their links follow my tale! Enjoy!

Moving Forward #53 (13.2)

The store looked as though it had been stocked with this cruise in mind, including clothing for the man who liked to go out in drag. Lee guided them past the racks of glittery dresses to the more conservative part of the store.

 Marshall was hoping fancy didn’t mean having to wear a tuxedo. No offense to the guys who liked to wear them, but they weren’t really his style. Luckily, he didn’t see any of those here. What he did see were some pretty nice suits, though.

He’d never really needed a suit before. He liked to dress up, sure, but usually that meant Western style, with maybe some expensive boots to go with the clothes. These suits had matching vests and everything.

He fingered the material of one of the jackets. It felt nice to the touch. But he had no idea what might look good on him. He watched Lee as he went through the racks. He knew Lee had good taste, and he trusted his judgment.

There were some bright-colored suits, Marshall noticed, but he wasn’t sure how well they would look on him. When he touched a bright blue jacket, Lee shook his head and moved his hand away from the offending suit.

“No,” he said simply, “that is not a good look for you.”

Marshall had known that, he was just yanking Lee’s chain. “So maybe yellow?” he countered with a grin.

“Only if you’re planning on being a rodeo clown,” Lee snorted. “I think you should wear something more like an earth tone. It’ll compliment your hair. And if we get the right shirt and tie, it’ll make your green eyes pop, and show off the color.”

Marshall was impressed, as always, with how much Lee knew about things. It wasn’t surprising that Lee knew what to do. He’d been making clothing choices for Marshall his whole life. If it wasn’t for Lee, Marshall would have only known second-hand clothes. When his mother had stolen him from Lee, that’s all he got from her, if he was lucky. Otherwise, he depended on donations, and those didn’t always fit.

Lee moved to a different rack, Marshall close behind. He noticed Denver and Dustin were nearby. Denver was holding up a gray suit to Dustin, but he shook his head so Denver put it back. Personally, Marshall had to agree that the color didn’t suit Dustin, but he didn’t say anything, turning his attention back to Lee.

“What do you think of this one?” Lee asked.

“What color’s that? I kind of like it,” Marshall said.

“It’s a kind of rust,” Lee said. “This particular shade is cognac. It has a matching vest. Like it?”

Marshall nodded. He did like the color. Lee held it up to him, and Marshall saw the approval in his eyes.

“Suits you,” Lee said. “Let’s pick out a shirt and tie and you can try them on.”

Just then, they were approached by a well-dressed man of indeterminate age. He looked critically at the suit in Lee’s hand and then at Marshall, as if assessing them both, then gave a vigorous nod. “That will look very good on him, I agree. Can I show you our selection of shirts? I’m sure you’ll find something to you taste.”

“Lead the way,” Lee said agreeably.

Marshall was surprised at the selection the shop had.  The helpful clerk found a white shirt with green and silver threads running through it, and a patterned tie that he called mauve. At first Marshall wasn’t sure, but he took everything into the dressing room and tried it on. It all fit well, he had to admit, but the real test would be Lee’s reaction.

He got his answer when he stepped out of the dressing room and watched Lee’s eyes light up. Confidence boosted, Marshall did a slow turn, so Lee could see it from all sides. “What do you think?”

“I think you look amazing,” Lee said frankly. “Do you like it?”

“I do. Should I change back into my clothes?”

“Yeah, go ahead. We have a little time before dinner. Don’t want to get it mussed up.”

A few minutes later, Marshall came out of the dressing room, casually dressed once more. “Your turn,” he said, and they began to hunt for something for Lee. Lee ended up choosing a black suit, as he tended to be more conservative than Marshall, but he got the same shirt that Marshall had, along with a maroon tie. When he came out of the dressing room, he took Marshall’s breath away, he was so handsome.

While they waited for Denver and Dustin to find something for themselves, Lee and Marshall browsed about the shop, and ended up getting some black socks as well. Lee charged everything to their room, and the clerk who had waited on them was more than happy to wrap their purchases.
Once Denver had done the same with their purchases, they stood just outside the shop for a moment. 

“Guess we’ll see you at dinner,” Lee said.

“You betcha,” Denver agreed, and the two couples parted company for a little while.

to be continued

Now go see what the other Briefers are up to!

Virtual Book Blast: Sinners & Saints

Please welcome author Kristina Garlick, here to talk about her new release, Sinners & Saints: A Patriot's Manifesto. Kristina will be awarding a $15 Amazon/BN GC to one randomly drawn commenter via Rafflecopter. The more you comment, the greater your chances of winning. To find out where the other stops on the tour are, go here. Don't forget to look for the Rafflecopter at the end of this post!

Sinners & Saints : A Patriot's Manifesto
by Kristina Garlick


GENRE:  YA Fantasy



My name is Zoey Major and I live in Fort Star, New Jersey. I am also a survivor in the zombie apocalypse. Seems very cut and dry but I have been hiding something- like really huge. My secret is game changing. I am not like the others... I know, what a surprise twist! Unfortunately, I can’t tell you why I am different. If you really want to know, you have to figure it out. Hey, even in these dark times, a girl needs her secrets.



United we... united we... we were supposed to stand together as a society but it did not work out like that. The United States and much of the world, actually went to sh*t for a little bit when the zombies came. Perhaps the only saving grace was the fact that man learns to adapt. We always do. A prime example would be the invention of the wheel, the television or even a toaster pastry because why the f*ck not eat something bad for you?
For you see, if man has a want or desire, it may take years, but he'll invent it. One thing I am still waiting on is that damn time machine. I am looking at you, Doc Brown. Ha! However, not all inventions should ever leave the paper. Sometimes an idea is just an idea as biological weapons rarely ever make anything better. Yeah, perhaps not every weapon should be tested or even used, as the results can't always be contained. United we... united we... we were supposed to stand together.

Present Day, June 30, 10:25 pm

Catey: "So is it cool that I sign you up for speed dating?"

Zoey: "What? No, f*ck no."

Catey: "Why not?"

Zoey: "There should be no speed dating in the zombie apocalypse."

Catey: "It's post apocalypse so get it right."

Zoey: "For now."

Catey: "And this is why you are single. You are so negative."

Zoey: "Huh, I didn't know that was the reason. I just thought it was because every eligible bachelor who isn't a toad has been either taken or eaten but hey, maybe I am wrong."

Catey: "I think it's because you put up a wall."

Zoey: "Stop analyzing me, or at the very least give me a Rorschach test or at the very least a crossword puzzle to pass the time then."


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Kristina Garlick lives in Warren County, New Jersey. She holds a Masters in Parks & Resource Management from Slippery Rock University. While she loves the outdoors and has many hobbies such as soap making, writing has always been her passion. Kristina wrote her first full length fantasy story at ten and had her first book published when she was fourteen. She has a unique style of writing, which she calls Diary-Play format. Kristina is also available for book signings, panels, discussion groups and other special functions.

Sinners & Saints is $0.99 cents during the tour.

Website: (Where you can buy Kristina’s Books)
Twitter: @KristinaGarlick



Monday, September 19, 2016

Virtual Book Blast: Christmas Cookie Shop

Please welcome author Ginnie Baird, who is here to tell us about her new release, Christmas Cookie Shop. Ginnie will be awarding the Complete Christmas Brides Collection (volumes 1 through 5) to five randomly selected commenters via Rafflecopter. The more you comment, the better your chances of winning. To find out the other stops on her tour, go here. Don't forget to look for the Rafflecopter at the end of this post!

The Christmas Cookie Shop
by Ginny Baird


GENRE: Contemporary Romance



Come home this Christmas to…


Where everyday dreams come true!

New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Ginny Baird brings you the start of a brand new holiday series…


(Christmas Town, Book 1)

Hannah Winchester is down on her luck and disillusioned with love, but her fortunes are about to change. When Hannah inherits a defunct bakery in East Tennessee, her first thought is to sell it and settle her substantial debt. Then the townsfolk welcome her warmly and she’s taken with the joyful spirit of the place, where stores employ holiday themes and residents have surnames like Christmas and Claus. After a handsome lawman comes to her aid dressed as Santa, Hannah learns he’s more than a hot guy in a red suit and shiny black boots. Sheriff Carter Livingston has joined in the cause of rejuvenating the town, and he’s encouraging her to do her part. Hannah’s great-grandmother, Lena, sold special holiday cookies that brought hope and renewal to the people of Christmas Town. Yet Hannah has plans elsewhere and isn’t looking to stay. Can she possibly reopen the shop known for kindling romance—without sacrificing her heart?



The last turn she took was supposed to lead straight to the town roundabout, the one that connected with South Main Street. Hannah had been told to watch for a flagpole, the courthouse, a library, and a big town sign. But all she saw ahead of her in these near-whiteout conditions was more snow! That’s when a flashing blue glimmer in her driver’s side mirror caught her eye. Thank goodness! Help has arrived. It had to be a cop figuring her for a distressed motorist. Hannah certainly couldn’t get any more distressed than this.

Hannah hadn’t journeyed to Tennessee for a leisurely visit. She’d inherited a business she knew absolutely nothing about, and she was determined to sell it at the first opportunity. She tried to imagine herself running a cookie shop, but just couldn’t. The only picture that came to mind involved huge plumes of black smoke curling out an open doorway. Where some people had a brown thumb in the garden, Hannah wore a charred oven mitt in the kitchen. She couldn’t even microwave popcorn without the bag catching fire.

Hannah spun in her seat to better view the approaching figure in dark clothing. No, wait. It’s a matching red tunic and slacks worn beneath an open field coat. The full silhouette of a man emerged from a snowy swirl and Hannah’s heart thumped. It wasn’t just any outfit; it was a Santa suit. Though she’d never seen Old Saint Nick looking quite like that. Rather than being short and stout, he was tall and built, with an obviously solid chest and a manly jaw thinly disguised by a fake white beard. A Santa hat sat slightly askew on his head, partially covering short brown hair. He strode to her driver’s side window in shiny black boots and tapped on the glass. Hannah goggled at the apparition, then lowered her window a crack.

Evergreen eyes peered in at her and Hannah caught her breath. She didn’t even know eyes came in that color. They reminded her of Christmas trees: the really fresh kind, not the plastic sort that normally stood on an end table in the corner of her apartment.

“Everything okay in there? I saw that you’d pulled over. No wonder, really.” Little lines crinkled around his eyes, lending them warmth beneath the wind’s chill. “Given the weather.” He tugged off his fake beard and stuffed it in his pocket, exposing a rugged face.

Whoa, he was a good-looking Santa. She judged him to be a few years older than her but not more than five. As if his age mattered! Hannah wasn’t in Tennessee to stay and she certainly wasn’t in the market for a man. She’d had enough boyfriends to last her, thank you very much. And every…single…one of them had let her down. Love. Just one more four-letter word that had been canned from her vocabulary.


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Romance writer Ginny Baird has published novels in print and online and received screenplay options from Hollywood for her family and romantic comedy scripts. Whether writing lighthearted romantic comedy or spine-tingling romantic suspense, she delights in delivering heartwarming stories.
She is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author, a Top 10 Best Seller on Kindle, NOOK and iBooks, and a #1 Best Seller in several Romance and Women's Fiction categories. When she's not writing, Ginny enjoys cooking, biking and spending time with her family in Virginia. Ginny loves hearing from her readers! She invites you to visit her website and connect with her on social media.



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Thursday, September 15, 2016

Virtual Cover Reveal/Book Blast: Barrier

Please welcome author D.C. Renfroe, here to reveal the cover of her new book, Barrier. The author will be awarding a $10 Amazon/BN GC to one randomly drawn commenter via Rafflecopter. The more you comment, the better your chances of winning. To see where the other stops on the tour are, go here. Don't forget to look for the Rafflecopter at the end of this post.

by D.C. Renfroe


GENRE: Romance Thriller
RELEASE DATE OF THE BOOK:  October 10th, 2016.



When Claire Luna is kidnapped and taken to a remote island, her predictable life is torn to shreds. She thought she understood grief, loss and loneliness. But nothing prepared her for the island.

Tucker Knight had his world turned upside down when he was a young teen. He’d known love, security and normality. But things changed, and somehow he lost his innocence along the way.

Barrier takes you on a compelling, thrilling and sometimes brutal journey of Claire and Tucker, who in a bid to control their destiny, must learn about trust and submission. And also about love.

The island is under the control of Dr. Stephen Bell, a scientist obsessed with the secrets of humanity through genetic engineering. Claire is part of his obsession, and quickly comprehends Bell’s twisted intentions. She is forced to decide between submission and life-altering consequences. In her desperate attempt to survive, Claire surprises Bell and Tucker with her strength to fight.

But, can she trust Tucker? Is he her enemy or her savior? Claire understands that to surrender means to survive, but can she endure? Tucker can’t help but be enamored by the spirited and determined Claire, but to survive, he must face and overcome his haunting past. Up until Claire’s arrival on the island, he had never thought himself capable, or deserving, but perhaps this was his chance to finally do the right thing.



AUTHOR Bio and Links:

I began writing many years ago and put it aside to raise a family. I put myself through college working toward a Bachelor’s Degree in Communication, which I have almost completed. I took every writing class that was offered and finally put pen to paper after dreaming of completing a novel for almost twenty years. In the meantime, I worked as a freelance journalist for a local newspaper briefly and wrote a personal blog while living in south Florida. I currently work as an Instructional Designer based in Austin, Texas. I am a mother of four and truly believe they are my greatest creation! Two of my children inherited my love of writing and I encourage them to write every chance they get!



Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Wednesday Briefs: Moving Forward #52 (13.1)

Good morning and Happy Hump Day! If it's Wednesday, then it must be time for more flash fiction from the Wednesday Briefers! We're a group of authors who bring you our finest flash fiction every week, 500 to 1000 words, inspired by one of our prompts.

After a wonderful afternoon at the nude beach, Marshall and Lee return to the ship, only to find a surprise in their cabin. What can it be? Find out in this week's episode of Moving Forward. Don't forget to visit the other Briefers and see what they've been up to. Their links follow my tale! Enjoy!

Moving Forward #52 (13.1)

They took a brief nap, sleeping just long enough to feel refreshed before the mile hike back with the others. It had been an idyllic afternoon, and everyone was in good spirits and looking forward to the evening.

When they entered their cabin, Marshall and Lee found an envelope waiting for them from the ship’s first officer, who had slipped it beneath the door.

“We’re not in trouble, are we?” Marshall frowned as Lee slit the envelope, pulled out the contents and scanned them.

“No, not in the least,” Lee reassured him. “The cruise line is apologizing for the trouble you and Dustin had with that passenger, hope that you’re well, and they’ve invited us to sit at the captain’s table tonight.”

Marshall’s eyes grew wide. “The captain’s table? Seriously? Isn’t that like a big honor?”

Lee nodded. “Yeah, I’d say so. It’s up to you. Do you want me to say we’ll come? They’d like us to RSVP as soon as possible.”

“Wow.” Marshall was impressed, and his estimation of the cruise line went up even higher. He’d never thought to blame them for what happened, that was all on Cody. But it was really nice of them to want to make things right.  “Would you mind if we went?” They hadn’t exactly firmed up their plans for dinner yet. Besides, it wouldn’t be as though they wouldn’t be together, ‘cause they would. It sounded like an occasion to remember, one among many on this cruise.

“Of course I don’t mind. It’ll be fun. And the food will be good.” Lee grinned. “Then I’ll call them and say yes.”

As Lee reached for the house phone, Marshall frowned and Lee froze, looking at him with concern. “What’s wrong?”

“I just remembered. We didn’t bring anything really fancy, did we? I mean, in the way of clothes. Nothing good enough to sit at the captain’s table.” He didn’t want to embarrass Lee or himself in front of the others by looking out of place. Still, it would have been fun.

“Not to worry, I got you covered. If that’s all you’re worried about?”

Marshall nodded, and Lee placed the call to confirm they’d be there. Marshall couldn’t help but wonder what Lee had in mind.

He became even more curious when Lee placed another call, this time to Denver, speaking in a low voice. All Marshall could make out was ‘meet you there in a few minutes’.

Lee checked his watch. “We should have time to have dinner, do a little swimming, and then get in some dancing. If you’re still up to it by then.” He maintained a straight face, but Marshall knew good and well Lee was teasing him.

“That’ll be the day when I can’t last as long as you, old man,” he joked in return. “So where we going now?”

“You’re going with me, of course. That’s all you need to know until we get there. Comprende?”

“Loud and clear,” Marshall said. “Ready whenever you are.”

Marshall had no clue where they were going, or what their purpose in going was, but he trusted Lee implicitly. They ended up on the deck where he’d noticed a few shops were located. Marshall hadn’t paid much attention to those until now. It looked like one of them carried men’s clothing. Not surprising on a gay cruise.

Just as they reached the shop, Denver and Dustin walked up.

“Hail, hail, the gang’s all here!” Denver quipped. Dustin looked as clueless as Marshall felt.

“What are we doing here?” Marshall asked.

“Well, since we’re all dining at the captain’s table tonight, I thought we should look our best, and Denver agreed, so this is on us.” Lee grinned at Marshall. “Let’s go find something nice to wear, shall we?”

He took Marshall’s hand in his and led him into the store, Denver and Dustin following.

to be continued

Now go see what the other Briefers have been up to!