Thursday, July 28, 2016

Virtual Cover Reveal: Wide Open Spaces

Please welcome author Renee Stevens, who is here to reveal the cover to her upcoming release, Wide Open Spaces.


Publisher: Dreamspinner Press
Cover Artist: Maria Fanning

Pre-order Release Date: 7/28/2016
Official Release Date: 8/31/2016

Genre: Contemporary
Series: States of Love
Length: 35,659 Words
Rating: Adult/Mature


Devon fled Wyoming as soon as he turned eighteen, leaving behind his high school love, Levi. After six years in the big city, Devon returns to his hometown. Not much has changed, except that Levi is no longer in the closet. He’s also single and living his dream—managing the local wild horse population. Both of them are very interested in picking up where they left off, but Devon is no more ready to reveal his orientation than he was as a teenager.

No one is going to shove Levi back in the closet—not even Devon. For a relationship to work, they’ll have to put the past behind them and find the courage to face the future as who they really are—a couple in love. But Devon doesn’t know if he’s strong enough. Maybe Levi would be better off without him—and his hang-ups.  

States of Love: Stories of romance that span every corner of the United States.


Devon sank down on his couch as exhaustion swamped him. Most of it was from moving in, but the change in elevation didn’t help. He’d gotten used to being closer to sea level, so going back to the dry air at over six thousand feet was going to take some getting used to.

Bloody noses had become the norm while he stayed with Blake. Devon didn’t want to deal with them repeatedly and considered getting a humidifier until he managed to acclimate.

He looked around his living room. Boxes were scattered everywhere, and he should be unpacking, but he was too tired. At least he hadn’t had to carry everything in himself. Blake, Travis, and Seth were waiting for him when he pulled into the apartment complex. They shrugged off his objections and insisted they had nothing better to do. Devon appreciated it, but he wasn’t comfortable around them anymore. He managed to be a proper host, but damn, he was glad they left after a couple beers each. They made noise about getting together again soon, but Devon had used getting settled in as an excuse to keep from committing to anything.

He stood and wandered into his small kitchen. He didn’t bother opening the fridge or any of the cupboards. He knew they were empty. His stomach growled, reminding him he hadn’t eaten for a while. Devon dug his keys out of his pocket and headed for the door. He’d get something to eat and then maybe stop at the store to pick up a few staples. Paper plates, sandwich fixings, some chips, and he’d be good for a couple of days. At least it would give him time to get a few things—like pots and pans—unpacked. Then he could do a full grocery shop.

An hour later he was comfortably full from a greasy burger, fries, and a shake. He’d never eaten a lot of fast food, but he had few other options. He headed to Walmart, determined to stick to his list of sandwich stuff and maybe some eggs. Surely he could dig out some pans before the food expired. He headed to the chips first and scanned for the familiar bag of Cheddar and Sour Cream Ruffles. They were his all-time favorite, though he also knew he’d want something else after a day or two. So he grabbed a couple of other bags and headed for the eggs and then the freezer aisle.

Sandwiches and chips would get old fast. He found some frozen breakfast sandwiches he could microwave, tossed them in the cart, and moved on. Frozen lasagna quickly joined the few other items in his cart, followed by some potpies, a few TV dinners, and a bag of chimichangas. So what if he wasn’t sticking to his mental list?

He was more focused on getting groceries for the next few days than on the people around him.


He froze when a familiar voice spoke his name. He closed his eyes briefly, ducked his head, and steeled himself. He knew it would happen eventually, when he found out Levi still lived there. He thought he’d have more time to prepare. He swallowed—hard—and turned to face the man who had at one time meant everything to him. The man he’d risked being found out for. He lifted his head and gazed into the moss-colored eyes.


About the Author

Renee Stevens first started writing in her teens but didn’t get serious about being an author until her mid-twenties. Since then she’s written a number of contemporary stories, as well as delved into the paranormal. When not writing, or spending time in the outdoors, Renee can usually be found working on in her capacity of Admin, Blog Coordinator, and Anthology Coordinator.

Renee resides in Wyoming with her wonderfully supportive husband and a menagerie of four-legged critters. Making the most of the nearly constant negative temperatures and mounds of snow, Renee spends much of the winter months in hibernation with her laptop, the voices in her head keeping her company while her husband works.

When she needs a break from writing, Renee takes to the sewing machine to design, and make, beautiful quilts. When the snow finally disappears, usually around May or June, Renee can be found in the great-outdoors. She spends her time on the mountain, at the lake, and just anywhere that she can do some camping, take some photos, and ride the four-wheelers with her hubby. Once back at home, it’s back to writing.

Virtual Book Blast: A Gentleman and a Rogue

Please welcome author Stephanie Burkhart, who is here to talk about her new release, A Gentleman and a Rogue. Stephanie will be awarding a $10 Amazon/BN GC to one randomly drawn commenter via Rafflecopter. The more you comment, the better your chances of winning. To find the other stops on her tour, go here. Don't forget to look for the Rafflecopter at the end of this post!

A Gentleman and a Rogue
by Stephanie Burkhart


GENRE: Steampunk romance



Lady Keira Russell is destined to bring compressed natural gas to Britain. Her inner courage and mental toughness rarely falter – except when Prince Edmund Windsor is involved.

Edmund of Wales is from the future. His last jaunt through history muffed up the time line. Now, he's here to set it straight and win Keira's heart.

For Keira, if it isn't one obstacle, it's another. Queen Victoria has sponsored a competition to find a cleaner fuel source than coal. Keira's father is trying to build a windmill and the Ridgecrofts are working with gasoline. Then there's Edmund, whose sensual kisses and heated stares distract her down to her bones.

Keira has a choice: trust Edmund's notorious mischief-making or put her faith in Queen Victoria to make the right decision, but if Keira makes the wrong choice, the future of Great Britain will be changed forever.



The song ended and Edmund grabbed her hand, tugging her toward the nearest hallway. At first, she wanted to protest; call out for her father and defy Edmund's wishes, but then reason kicked in. She wanted -- no, needed -- answers. And, she had plenty of questions.

They entered the main wing, and passed two rooms before Edmund opened a door and dragged her inside. Books littered the shelves. The library. A beam of light from a full moon shined through the window, casting Edmund's features in sharp, contrasting shadows. He leaned against the door and crossed his arms. His eyes narrowed, giving his expression a dark, hard edge. He looked like a devil in this moment. She steeled her shoulders, ready to do battle with him.

Silence grew between them as they both set their postures. Damn Edmund. She wanted to kiss the devil senseless. Thankfully, she still had her wits.

"What are you doing with Jonas Byron?" Edmund's voice was cold and exact.

"Dancing." She surprised herself with the ease of her retort.

"Looked more like flirting to me."


A muscle twitched in his jaw. "No."

"You are a horrible liar."

"Keira, you can't trust him."

She placed her hands on her hips. "Curious, you're the second man tonight to tell me that."

"Grayson has your best interests at heart. You need to listen to him."

"He's been missing for four years." She paused, glaring at him. "Like you have. And I thought you weren't coming back."

"I'm here now, and I'm not leaving you again."

She tilted her head and laughed. Oh, yes, he'd leave her again, and she had no intention of letting her heart get broken.

Edmund lunged forward, placed his hands on her waist, and pulled her against the length of his hard, muscled body, trapping her arms between them so her hands rested on his chest. His emerald eyes flamed with desire. Her heart turned over in response. His unique scent, spice and currants, weakened her resolve. As her memories flooded through her mind, her lips ached for his.

"God, Keira, don't test me like this."


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Author Bio: Stephanie Burkhart is a 911 dispatcher for LAPD.  She was born and raised in Manchester, New Hampshire.  After serving 11 years in the US Army she currently calls Castaic, California her home. Stephanie was married in Denmark in 1991 and has two young sons. She adores chocolate, is addicted to coffee and enjoys early morning walks.  She's also an assistant den leader for her son's Cub Scout den and is a Boy Scout mom. She writes paranormal, contemporary, and steampunk romance and has two children's books published with 4RV Publishing.















Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Wednesday Briefs: Moving Forward #45 (10.4)

Good morning and Happy Hump Day! If it's Wednesday, it must be time for more flash fiction from the Wednesday Briefers! We're a group of authors who present our finest flash fiction to you every week, from 500 to 1000 words, inspired by one of our prompts.

Last week, Marshall and Dustin confronted one another in the ship's laundry room. But another player has taken the stage. Will this end well? Find out in this week's episode of Moving Forward! Don't forget to see what the other Briefers have been up to! Their links follow my tale! Enjoy!

Moving Forward #45 (10.4)

Caught off guard, both men fell heavily to the floor, Dustin on top of Marshall. He quickly rolled off and regained his feet, offering Marshall a hand to rise.

“Aren’t you two so cute?” Cody sneered.  He gave Marshall a contemptuous glance. “You ain’t nothing. Don’t know what he sees in a young punk like you. Maybe I should find out for myself what makes you so special this guy can’t seem to get over you.”

“You’re wrong, Cody,” Dustin quickly interjected. “He doesn’t even like me. We’ve never been together. He’s got a boyfriend, he doesn’t want anything to do with me. It’s me you’re mad at, don’t take it out on him.” He stepped toward the angry redhead. Marshall tried to haul him back out of harm’s way but he shook Marshall’s hand off.

“Let him go, and you can do anything you want to me,” Dustin continued. “Fuck me, suck me… beat the shit out of me…anything your little old heart wants. Why don’t we go back to your room and party, just the two of us? Who needs him?”

“What, do I look stupid? I let him go and he goes running to his sugar daddy and he gets security involved. That kind of trouble I don’t need. I’d rather fuck him stupid, then maybe beat him up like I did that other guy. Maybe I’ll let you have a turn at him too, if you like. Would you like that, Dustin? Have your dreams come true?”

Marshall was trying to make sense out of what was happening. He couldn’t believe Dustin had just tried to sacrifice himself to keep this guy off Marshall. That was a surprising development. Or was it just a ruse, and was he planning to take him up on this new offer?

Dustin turned toward him and what he saw in Dustin’s eyes was not lust, it was a steely determination. He was just trying to survive, and Marshall made up his mind he was going to help him do it.  They were both going to leave this place unharmed, if he had anything to say about it.

The important thing, he realized, was not to leave this room; they couldn’t let Cody take them anywhere. If they could hold on right where they were, it would just be a matter of time until Lee came down to find out what was keeping Marshall. And probably not very long, knowing Lee.

Marshall exchanged glances with Dustin just before he took another step closer to Cody. Something in Dustin’s eyes, something about his body language, led Marshall to believe he was going to let himself get hurt in order to save Marshall.

Damned if Marshall was going to let that happen.

“What about two of us?” he blurted out the first thing that came to mind. Both Dustin and Cody swiveled their heads toward him. “Think you can handle both of us?”

“Why would I want—” Cody began but Marshall quickly interrupted.

“I was talking to Dustin, not you. You probably have a puny dick. No wonder Dustin didn’t want seconds. He’d rather have a real man, like me.”  As he bluffed, he scanned the room for any sort of a weapon.  The room was sparsely furnished and little that would of any use. He couldn’t exactly use the individual packages of detergent to brain him, even if he could get one out of the dispenser fast enough.

“Why you little punk!”

Cody sounded more than a little indignant. He lunged at Marshall, and only Dustin throwing himself between them kept him from reaching his goal.

“Who the hell do you think you are?” Cody roared. Marshall wasn’t sure which of them he was yelling at and he didn’t care.

Suddenly Cody slammed Dustin against the wall of washers, hard. He groaned as he slid to the floor and Cody turned his attention to Marshall. He leapt on top of him without warning, ramming his head painfully against the floor.

“You little shit!” Cody bellowed. His hands ringed Marshall’s neck, choking him. Marshall clutched at him desperately, thrashing as he struggled to get Cody off him. The other man was damn strong, though. Stronger than he’d realized until it was too late. Marshall’s head hurt from where it had made contact with the floor, but that wasn’t the worst of his troubles. He was finding it harder and harder to breathe, and his vision was growing darker. He flailed his hands, feeling behind him for something, anything he could use to hurt this monster, but coming up empty.

Hold on, hold on… Lee….

The world began to fade away…

to be continued

Now go see what the other Briefers are up to!

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Virtual Book Blast: Night Magic

Please welcome author Kathleen Ann Gallagher, who is here to tell us about her new release, Night Magic. Kathleen will be awarding a $20 Amazon/BN GC to one randomly drawn commenter via Rafflecopter. The more you comment, the better your chances of winning. To find out where the rest of the stops on her tour are go here. Don't forget to look for the Rafflecopter at the end of this post!

Night Magic Book 1, Moonlight & Jasmine Series
by Kathleen Ann Gallagher


GENRE: Contemporary Paranormal Romance



Krista Winter is in need of legal counsel. Several years ago she was forced to flee her life as a teacher in New Jersey after being shunned for practicing witchcraft, and her past is about to catch up with her.

Jon Bartolo is a dedicated attorney. His days are spent helping his clients with their struggles, and his nights are spent in agony, lost in a world between life and death. His mother, who died three years ago, lurks in his house, suffering from a curse for eternity, without a final resting place.

A smoldering fire ignites between Jon and Krista almost immediately, however, he’s sure his secret would frighten any woman away. An afternoon escape brings them closer, but doubts linger between the love-struck couple.

Burning questions about how to fuse their futures together with so much of their past still clouding the future becomes a heavy burden that they’re both trying to bear on their own. It will take a touch of magic if there’s any hope in sight.



Steadying herself, Krista stared into his eyes with her heart racing. As Jon moved in again and plunged his tongue deep into her mouth, he caressed her back, and she surrendered mercifully to his touch. Each passion-filled kiss felt as if he was a long lost lover who had reappeared and claimed her heart’s desire. There was no telling what might happen next. Her whole body relaxed as he nuzzled her ear, teasing her with playful nips at her neck. All rules had been broken, but it didn’t matter. His hard shaft rubbed up against her, and she swayed back and forth, unable to break away from temptation. Jon’s breathing sped up as his hands traveled up and down her back. She quietly moaned, lost in another world. Every movement brought her one step closer. Was she lonely enough to have sex with a man she’d just met? Each kiss weakened her guard. Maybe it was fate. As his hand trailed across her back, her body rocked with his. Each flicker of his tongue along the sides of her mouth was electrifying, as if he wanted to devour her, and she found herself in a trance-like state. This was what she’d been missing. Running her hand across his firm bicep, the room spun. The warmth of his body was raising her level of arousal. Here, in the middle of his office, she experienced a passion like no other. Everything seemed right. Lust took control of her senses, and she let herself go with it. With each kiss, he cradled her in his arms, his embrace warm and protective like a warrior of love. How did this happen? Had she found the man she was destined for, or was it all a dream?


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Kathleen writes contemporary and paranormal romance in her home in New Jersey, where she lives with her husband and their two fur babies, Luc and Chaz. She spent years working as a registered nurse in an emergency room. She is also active in Community Theater. She has three children and three lovable grandsons. Her favorite romantic getaway is Cape May, New Jersey. You might find Kathleen on a beach down the Jersey Shore, wearing a straw hat and sipping on an iced tea as she plots her next romance novel.
You can find Kathleen at the following places:

Buy Links:




Monday, July 25, 2016

Virtual Book Tour: Cosmic Inception

Envisioning Alien Worlds Part 2

Sometimes when you’re creating something, you’re really destroying it. One of the planets Nick and Fieo visit is inimical to all life. Not from any natural means, but because it was destroyed by the dominant life form. The cycle of life was broken, from the smallest organism to the largest creature. The extinction level event wiped out every planet and every creature who called the planet home.
What happens when there’s no plant life? Erosion... there goes the soil! The air becomes a poisonous mix without the purifying miracle of photosynthesis leading to rapid climate change. The land quakes, volcanoes erupt, and storms rage without pause until only the dead, fossilized forests remain to hint at once was a paradise.
Could anything survive this planet? It doesn’t appear to be so, and without the wondrous technology of the Caeorleians, it wouldn’t be possible. But not even the most advanced bio filters can keep the toxic mix of chemicals in the atmosphere at bay forever or prevent the damage from a concentrated lightning storm.
The true question is why Fieo and Nick must go there and if they will find a way to survive... or fail in their mission and die. I’m sharing this photo inspiration so you can catch a glimpse of the hell that hubris (and my imagination) wrought. Dun-dun-duh!

Their journey will span the universe and back, but there’s no guarantee they’ll make it together.

Though Nick and Fieo are drawn to each other, their relationship has never been easy. Their differences go beyond their races, but they’ve managed to work together to prevent the spread of corruption, growing closer along the way. Nick still battles the effects of years of loneliness, fear, and pain but surprises everyone when he refuses to stay behind when Fieo is sent on a vital mission to find the Collectors. Fieo objects, but there’s no stopping Nick when he sets his mind to something. Over the course of their mission, it becomes clear Nick is more than anyone ever imagined, but the mystery of his past threatens to derail his future.

The search for the truth will take Fieo and Nick far from Caeorleia, to worlds both familiar and completely alien, and put stress on their already tenuous relationship. It’s a journey that will either tear them apart or finally bring them together. 

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press  Cover Artist: Christine Griffin
Length: 288 Pages, 110.5k

Buy Links:

Barnes & Noble:

Where to Find More from Alicia Nordwell
Alicia Nordwell is one of those not so rare creatures, a reader turned writer. Striving to find something interesting to read one day, she decided to write what she wanted instead. Then the voices started ... Yep, not only does she talk about herself in the third person for bios, she has voices in her head constantly clamoring to get out.
Fortunately for readers, with the encouragement of her family and friends, she decided for her own sanity to keep writing. Now you can find her stories both free and e-published!She can be found quite often at her blog, where she has a lot of free fiction for readers to enjoy or working hard, or maybe hardly working, as an admin on under her online nickname, Cia.
Oh yeah, she's a wife, mom of two, and lives in the dreary, yet ideal for her redhead complexion, Pacific Northwest. Except for when she disappears into one of the many worlds in her head, of course!    
Social Media:

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Virtual Book Tour: Endings and Beginnings

Author Names: K.C. Wells & Parker Williams

Book Name: Endings and Beginnings
Series: Collars & Cuffs
Book: Eight
This is the final book in the series, which should be read from Beginning to End. ;) (See what we did there?)

Release Date: July 18, 2016
In all his relationships, Darren Fielding never found the level of intimacy he witnessed between Thomas Williams and his sub, Peter, the day of Peter’s “rebirth.” Not only that, he never realized such intimacy was possible. For two years, Thomas’s business card has been burning a hole in his wallet. When Darren’s lover moves on, maybe it’s finally time to see where that card takes him.
Collars & Cuffs’s new barman, JJ Taylor, is really conflicted right now. He went to the club with a very specific purpose, already convinced of what he’d find there. Except it’s not what he expected at all. He certainly didn’t anticipate finding himself drawn to the new wannabe Dom. Nor could he have guessed the direction that attraction would lead him.
Old love, new love, vows, pain, rage, moving in, moving on…. The members of Collars & Cuffs face an event that touches some of them deeply, but it will only reinforce what they already know: together they are stronger, and some bonds cannot be broken.

Pages or Words: 121,429

Categories: Contemporary, BDSM, Fiction, M/M Romance

“Honey, I’m home.”
Alex laughed and came out of the kitchen to greet his husband. “We’ve talked about this, right? You do not walk into this apartment and talk to me like I’m the little wife.”
Leo kissed him soundly on the cheek. “Aw, but you’d look great in an apron, holding a glass of beer out for your weary, hard-working hubby.” He smirked. “And besides, no one in their right mind would call you little.”
Alex quirked his eyebrows. “One, you don’t drink beer, which is why there’s a glass of chilled chardonnay on the living room table, waiting for you. Two, excuse me—weary? Hard-working? You’ve been standing around in leather chaps and a harness, watching while guys do all manner of things to each other, which probably included a lot of fucking, because, hey, it’s Saturday night, right?”
Leo sighed happily. “What can I say? I love my job.”

Buy the book:

Meet K.C. Wells:

Born and raised in the north-west of England, K.C. WELLS always loved writing. Words were important. Full stop. However, when childhood gave way to adulthood, the writing ceased, as life got in the way. K.C. discovered erotic fiction in 2009, when the purchase of a ménage storyline led to the startling discovery that reading about men in love was damn hot. In 2012, arriving at a really low point in life led to the desperate need to do something creative. An even bigger discovery waited in the wings—writing about men in love was even hotter…. 
K.C. now writes full-time and is loving every minute of her new career. The laptop still has no idea of what hit it… it only knows that it wants a rest, please. And it now has to get used to the idea that where K.C goes, it goes.  
And as for those men in love that she writes about? The list of stories just waiting to be written is getting longer… and longer…. 

Where to find K.C. Wells:
Twitter: @K_C_Wells

Meet Parker Williams (or at least his voices):

Good day! We are the voices that live inside Will’s head. The ones who whisper to him constantly, beckoning him to speak of our adventures, to tell of our love, and perhaps, if we’re in a mood, kill a person or two.

We guide his hand as he tells our tales where love is the most powerful force, but must be worked for, molded, and finally, embraced. There can be no shortcuts or substitutions on the path to a happily ever after.

We hope you will join with us as Will fulfills his obligation to ensure our stories are told and, we hope, enjoyed.

Where to find Parker Williams:

Connect with Parker on: Twitter: @ParkerWAuthor
Or you can visit his website:

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press
Cover Artist: Paul Richmond

Tour Dates & Stops:


Rafflecopter Prize: Kindle Fire 7”