Monday, February 29, 2016

Virtual Book Tour: A Kiss in the Shadows

Please welcome authors Eve Kincaid and Lily Danes, here to talk about their new release, A Kiss in the Shadows. The authors will be awarding a $20 Amazon/BN GC to one randomly drawn commenter via Rafflecopter. The more you comment, the better your chances of winning. To find out where the other stops on their tour are, go here. Don't forget to look for the Rafflecopter at the end of this post.

A Kiss in the Shadows
by Eve Kincaid and Lily Danes


GENRE: Contemporary Romantic Suspense



Erin Grady is used to taking care of people. That’s why she’s thrilled to finally realize her dream of opening a clinic…and why she’s willing to overlook where the money came from—until a determined prosecutor comes sniffing around.

Will Patton is desperate to leave the small fogbound town of Lost Coast Harbor and build a real career for himself. But to do that, he’ll need to expose the dirty police chief—and betray the woman who makes him wonder if he’s leaving town too soon.

But the corruption in Lost Coast Harbor runs deep and wide—and exposing the truth will require Erin and Will to expose their hearts…no matter the risk.



Erin studied Will in the pale illumination from the street lamp. The overhead light brought out his cheekbones and cast his eyes into shadows. The fine mist settled on his thick dark hair.

God, he was really good looking. Objectively, she’d recognized this fact from the moment he’d fallen in front of her, and again when he was lounging in the hospital, trying to charm the nurses. But now, standing in the dark and cold night, alone… she couldn’t take her eyes off him.

His lips turned up slightly and her stomach fluttered. She’d been staring too long, too intently. The heat burned up her neck to her cheeks.

 “How about the dinner I promised?” he asked.

Erin shook her head. “You don’t have to do that.”

As soon as the words slipped out, she wanted to take them back. His gaze intensified and the flutters in her stomach grew to tremors. She didn’t even like cops, and though he wasn’t in uniform, that’s basically what he was. He was the end result of law enforcement.

“I want to.”

She shivered and tried to tell herself it was the chill from the fog, but knew it wasn’t. It had been way too long since a man had looked at her like that.

Oh, what the hell.

“I have to get Colin home,” she said.

“Tomorrow then,” he said. He still held her hand, his thumb casually stroking the inside of her wrist. The touch was intimate, familiar. Long-dormant parts of her body woke in a wave of longing and heat.

“I can’t tomorrow. I, uh, have to—I have plans,” she said, with genuine regret.

Will raised an eyebrow and Erin realized she was brushing off the only man who’d taken her breath away with a touch in, well, forever.

“It seems that an awful lot of your vocabulary revolves around what you have to do,” he said, his head tilted slightly as he watched her. “How about this? I’m going down to the Crab Shack for dinner in about an hour, because it’s the only place open on a Monday night in this town. I’ll get a table for two. If you want to join me, I’d love the company.”

What she wanted was a nearly foreign concept, something Will seemed to have picked up on. She could defend herself, argue that she did what she wanted. That would be a lie, though. And she did want to meet him later.

“I’ll be there,” she said.

It was a good opportunity to take Jerry's advice and talk to a prosecutor about the donation to the clinic, her rational mind said. It was just dinner.

But with a man whose slightest touch sent her reeling, her body reminded her. So don’t be late.


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Like so many good ideas, Lost Coast Harbor was inspired by a few rounds of margaritas. One sunny afternoon, Lily Danes and Eve Kincaid went to a Mexican restaurant for snacks and tequila and left with the idea for a new series. Inspired by their love of noir movies and 1940s crime novels, they imagined a gritty small town full of crime and corruption, where intrigue and mystery can lead to love and passion.

Eve Kincaid is a lapsed lawyer who decided that fictional crime was more fun than the real deal. When she’s not writing about mysterious women and the dangerous and sexy men who love them, she’s probably shopping for books, lipstick, or imported cheeses to complement a nice California pinot noir.

You can keep up with Eve’s new releases by signing up for her reader newsletter. She’d love to hear from you. Just don’t be creepy about it.



Friday, February 26, 2016

Virtual Book Tour: Finding His Home

Author Name: Thianna Durston

Book Name: Finding His Home
Series: Men of Falcon Pointe
Book: Two
Can be read as a standalone

Release Date: February 26, 2016

Sebastien Cather moves to Falcon Pointe with a dream to live life his way. Offered a room at 959 Brenton Street, he discovers how liberating it can feel to live among accepting people, especially in a household where they practice loving physical discipline. And he quickly gains a boyfriend in Avery, a fellow student. Unfortunately Avery isn’t his first choice. His roommate David is fascinating and good-looking, and Bastien would do anything to have him—but he doesn’t think the attraction is returned.
Tensions rise as his roommates’ wedding is threatened and his present and past lives clash. Outed by the national media, Bastien knows he will never be able to return home again. Just as he’s sure he can’t handle any more stress, David shows his interest. Bastien slowly makes his way forward, trying to find firm footing in the minefield that is his life. But when his landlord makes an announcement about the future of the house, it may change all of his dreams.
Pages or Words: 205 pages

Categories: BDSM, Contemporary, Gay Fiction, M/M Romance, Romance

“Can I ask you something?”
“I know you say you’re straight. Ever wondered if you weren’t?” The moment the words were out of his mouth, he wished he could bite them back. “No. That came out wrong. What I meant was—” David lifted a hand to forestall whatever he was going to say. Which was a good thing because Bastien had no idea what was about to pour out of his mouth.
“I don’t think anyone is completely het or homosexual. Kinsey made a scale to place someone as to their sexual preference. Of course that was before more genders became acceptable. The chart’s divided into seven possibilities—everything from completely straight to completely gay. It’s my personal belief that we all slide along the scale. At different times in our lives, we may move one or two spots to the left or right. Some have been known to slide from one side to the other.” He shrugged. “In college I was a lot more experimental than I am today. I’ve been with men as well as women. For me it has more to do with the person than the sex they are.”
“What do you mean?”
“Some call it pansexual. But I don’t use the term because people tend to think of it as bisexual. And it’s not.” He paused a moment to take a drink of water. “For me… my sex drive is tied more to the person than their sex. Sure. I notice if the person is male or female or queer, but it’s the person inside who jogs my interest. Intelligence turns me on. I’ll admit I’ve dated women exclusively since I graduated law school, and I was engaged to a wonderful woman for several years. But that had more to do with the fact I did not want my sexuality to affect any job offers I might get. Being intersex and finding a partner who I find exciting both mentally and physically is a challenge. Because at some point, I have to explain that my body is a bit different.”
“You’ve been rejected.” It was as clear as day.
“Yep. Women who were horrified I had a vagina and men who were disgusted at the same thing.” David shook his head and grinned ruefully. “Strange, huh? That the side that bothers both sexes is the female part?”
“That seems kind of stupid,” Bastien said. “I mean, if you care for someone, why should that extra be a problem?” Of course until a couple nights before, he had never found himself attracted to anything having to do with the female body. Until he imagined it right next to a dick.

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Meet the author:

Thianna Durston is a writer by day and supernova by night. Or at least that’s what the faeries tell her. And who is she to deny those pesky *cough* lovely little creatures?
She lives in the Pacific Northwest, though her heart belongs elsewhere. In the meantime, until she can return to the place she calls home, she happily lives in a city that still thinks it’s a small town. Thankfully, it has given her muse lots of amusing places to start a story.

Where to find the author:

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press
Cover Artist: Catt Ford

Tour Dates & Stops:

Rafflecopter Prize: $5.00 Amazon gift card

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Virtual Cover Reveal: 6 Days to Get Lucky

The Questions
  1. 1)            You’re marooned on a small island with one person and one item of your choice—who is that person and what item do you have?
  2. Oh man.. it’s a tie between Bear Grylls to you know… keep me alive… and Daniel Craig because, beach - and man/woman cannot live by bread alone. (sorry Bear). So maybe Daniel is my item? Yeah. That works.
  3. 2)            Which musical would you say best exemplifies your life – and which character in that musical are you?
  4. Hair. Because I have a lot of it. And Berger. I grew up in my uncle’s old army jacket and irreverent humor and fuck off and then stepping up because you can when someone else shouldn’t.
  5. 3)            Take these three words and give me a 100 word or less scene using them:  galaxy, jet, cream
  6. I smoothed a glob of Galaxy Jet Cream across my face, feeling the tingle dissolve  the micro beard I’d grown since this morning. You like your man smooth, the skin silky, the muscles hard. Who am I to deny you? You’re already in my bed and I don’t even have to look to know you’re stroking your fingers  across my thousand thread count sheets, your hazel eyes  closed as you fantasize about what I will do when I slide next to you, will I run my fingers over your chest, tease your lobe with my teeth, or just run my tongue only your hard throbbing…
  7. 4)            You’ve just been let loose in the world of fiction, with permission to do anything you want. What’s the first thing you do and why?
  8. I’ve sort of tempered my enthusiasm for this concept after reading the Inkheart series, however I would love to live in a world where there were shifters…I think I’d go and find myself some elegant big cat shifter and make myself at home.
  9. 5)            What is your idea of how to spend romantic time with your significant other?
  10. Honestly, a nice long road trip - it’s just the two of us without the busyness of real life. We spend all our time bonding and reconnecting - it’s a great way to remember why we got together in the first place.
  11. 6)            When you start a new story, do you begin with a character, or a plot?
  12. I actually start with the first two or three lines of a scene - it could be dialog or character - whatever pops into my head… capturing those words and phrases on paper before they dissipate is a game changer when it comes to my writing.
  13. 7)            If they were to make the story of your life into a movie, who should play you?
  14. Bugs Bunny. Seriously he can do it all. And his snark is brilliant. I want him.
  15. 8)            Who’s your favorite horror villain and why?
  16. Cruela de Vil. She was always such a stylish dresser.
  17. 9)            Do you have an historical crush and if so, who is it?
  18. Mr. Darcy, Mr. Darcy, Mr. Darcy.
  19. 10)          Is there a story that you’d like to tell but you think the world isn’t ready to receive it?
  20.  Yes, but if I told you I’d have to kill you. (I’m assuming this is the answer you usually get, though it’s a hint nonetheless.)

 Author Name: LE Franks

Book Name: 6 Days to Get Lucky
Series: A Nick Valentine Story
Book: Two
Series should be read in order for maximum enjoyment

Release Date: March 2, 2016

Mixologist Nick Valentine never thought love was in the cards, but after a scorching Valentine’s Day kiss from bouncer Davis “FatBoy” Newman, he’s beginning to think it’s possible. After four weeks of dry spell, Nick’s losing patience—it’s time FatBoy stop acting the gentleman and just throw him over the bar or Nick may just change his mind.

All FatBoy wants is a shot at winning Nick’s heart. As long as meddling bosses, an Irish hurling team and a bar riot don’t ruin his chances forever, he might just get lucky and take the man of his dreams, home.

Pages or Words: 72,000 words

Categories: Contemporary, Gay Fiction, Humor, M/M Romance, Romance

Reaching across the empty bed next to me, I rode out the last waves of my dream alone. I could still feel his phantom kiss on my lips and the sensation of a hand stroking along my thigh.
The rest of it was just a blur of emotions and sticky residue on my sheets—though I could guess at it without much effort. FatBoy Newman had been a specter haunting me at work so it was no great leap to assume he’d shouldered his way into my dreams as well.
In fact, he was at the root of my problem: I’d been having a hell of a dry spell.
Four weeks of near misses had done nothing but stoke my bad mood and turn my balls a lovely shade of indigo that matched my jeans…
Four weeks of dashed hopes…
Four weeks since the most romantic kiss of my life…
Four weeks of nothing.
Fuck the South and its mythology of the Southern Gentleman—if FatBoy Newman didn’t stop treating me like a delicate flower and throw me up against a wall soon, I was going to explode.
It was six days until St. Patrick’s Day, and FatBoy had until then to make his move, or I was moving on.

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Meet the author:
                        LE Franks lives in the SF Bay area and writes M/M Romance in a unique mix of humor and drama with enough suspense to produce fast paced stories filled with emotion and passion and featuring characters that are quirky and complicated and sometimes a little bit dark. LE Franks is a best selling author and finalist for 2013 & 2014 Rainbow Awards. Her books are available through her publishers at MLR Press, Dreamspinner Press and Wilde City Press and Pride Publishing and online bookstores.

Where to find the author:

Twitter: @boxtersushi

Publisher: Wilde City Press
Cover Artist: Wilde City Press

Tour Dates & Stops:

Rafflecopter Prize: 6 Days to Valentine e-book

Virtual Book Tour: Wolf Becoming

The Questions
1)      You’re marooned on a small island with one person and one item of your choice—who is that person and what item do you have? Brock O’Hurn and a hairbrush. Also known as a Multi-Purpose Tool.
2)      Which musical would you say best exemplifies your life – and which character in that musical are you? Probably Funny Girl, with me as Fanny Brice. If only I could sing like Barbra!
Take these three words and give me a 100 word or less scene using them:  galaxy, jet, cream (sorry, the numbering got messed up here and I can’t fix it)
Olivier Oenophile, chef to the stars, was hired to cater a party for twelve aboard Jefferson Galaxy’s private jet. It was one of his less culinarily successful outings, but one of his most memorable, and both for the same reason: Olivier’s inability to keep his hands off his sous-chef, Dash O’Spice, and his creative use of the heavy cream that was supposed to have graced the tiramisu.

3)       You’ve just been let loose in the world of fiction, with permission to do anyone you want. Who do you fuck first and why? Well, I’m asexual, so chances are fucking wouldn’t be on the agenda… but I’d love to curl up on a big plushy sofa with Captain Jack Harkness and a giant bowl of cheesy popcorn. Because… well, Captain Jack, dammit.
4)      What is your idea of how to spend romantic time with your significant other? See #4.
5)      When you start a new story, do you begin with a character, or a plot? I’ve started with both, but I’d say more often the characters come to me, and then I figure out what kind of a story they have to tell.
6)      If they were to make the story of your life into a movie, who should play you? Emma Thompson. Or Judi Dench. Depending on how long they take to make it. I think I’m still in Emma territory.
7)      Who’s your favorite horror villain and why? I am a total wimp when it comes to horror movies. I thought Alien was a sci-fi flick, and I spent pretty much the whole movie in a fetal position in my seat begging to be told when it would be safe to open my eyes.
8)      Do you have an historical crush and if so, who is it? Probably Rob Roy MacGregor. Provided he actually looked like Liam Neeson.
9)      Is there a story that you’d like to tell but you think the world isn’t ready to receive it? I don’t think so, no. One of the tenets I live by, and write by, is that for every story, there’s always someone out there for whom it’s perfect.

Author Name: Rory Ni Coileain

Book Name: Wolf, Becoming

Release Date: February 24, 2016
Volyk learns very young that he has to hide what he is—oboroten’, shape-shifter—after his father is killed and skinned by a hunter, and the pack that takes in his pregnant mother is hostile to his kind. When Volyk is ordered to fight the pack’s beta to prove his fitness, but instead obeys his hormones and tries to mount him, he’s declared an abomination and forced to flee.
Ilya, too, hides a secret. Being young and gay in modern Russia is dangerous, and he knows it. But the truth eventually gets out, and his brothers lure him into the forest to kill him. They’re stopped by Volyk, who hides the mortally wounded Ilya in his den. The only way to heal the human is to turn him into an oboroten’.
Unfortunately, Ilya’s gentle nature is ill suited to the life of a wolf. But when Volyk’s old pack returns, seeking to take away Volyk’s magickal den, Ilya will have to embrace – truly become – the wolf Volyk made him, to save both his mate’s life and his own.

Pages or Words: 28,871 words

Categories: Erotica, Fantasy, Fiction, M/M Romance, Paranormal, Romance, Wolf Shifter

And the angel said unto them, be not afraid…
Ilya was not afraid. Enraptured, yes. Entranced. But not afraid. He had been ready for death when he closed his eyes in the wolf’s embrace. Instead, he was whole, and awake, and in the arms of a man more handsome than any angel. Volyk’s long thick hair was the brown and gray of the wolf’s pelt, his cheekbones angular, his lips full. And his eyes were the same beautiful fiery amber as the wolf’s.
Maybe he had only dreamed the wolf. Or maybe he was still dreaming. Surely he had done nothing in his life to earn the gift this moment would be if it were real.

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Meet the author:
Rory Ni Coileain majored in creative writing, back when Respectable Colleges didn’t offer such a major. She had to design it herself, at a university which boasted one professor willing to teach creative writing: a British surrealist who went nuts over students writing dancing bananas in the snow, but did not take well to high fantasy. Graduating Phi Beta Kappa at the age of nineteen, she sent off her first short story to an anthology that was being assembled by an author she idolized, and received one of those rejection letters that puts therapists’ kids through college. For the next thirty years or so she found other things to do, such as going to law school, ballet dancing (at more or less the same time), volunteering as a lawyer with Gay Men’s Health Crisis, and nightclub singing, until her stories started whispering to her. Currently, she’s a lawyer and a legal editor; the proud mother of a budding filmmaker; and is busily wedding her love of myth and legend to her passion for m/m romance. She is a three-time Rainbow Award finalist.

Where to find the author:
Facebook Author Page:
Twitter: @RoryNi
Facebook Author Group (Rory’s Three Rs):

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press
Cover Artist: Maria Fanning

Tour Dates & Stops:





Rafflecopter Prize: $10 Amazon Gift Card