Friday, August 28, 2015

Blue Exorcist, Book 2 Review

Blue Exorcist, Book 2   

Author: Kazue Kato
Publisher: Viz Media
American release date: June 7, 2011
Format/Genre/Length: Paperback/manga/paranormal/200 pages
Overall Personal Rating: ★★★★

Rin is sleeping through his classes at True Cross Academy, and drawing the ire of one of his fellow students, Ryuji Suguro. Suguro, whose two sidekicks—Renzo and Konekamaru—call him Bon, is outspoken in his criticisms of Rin. Rin’s grades are not very good. Atrocious, in fact, so perhaps someone might wonder why he’s there. Shiemi has become a student at True Cross, but her shyness causes her to wonder if she should be there either. When the teacher takes Suguro aside for a moment, Renzo and Konekamaru tell Rin something of Suguro’s tragic background. Rin is dismayed to learn what Suguro’s goal is, and boasts that he will achieve it himself, not Suguro.

Yuki informs the students that Exwire certification exams are coming up soon, so they are to go to study camp. Each students needs to decide what sort of meister they will become. They must achieve one in order to become an exorcist. There are five types of meisters: knight, dragoon, tamer, aria, and doctor. Each meister has its own skill sets. For example, the aria recites the Bible and sutras, the knight uses a sword, and the dragoon firearms.

The students receive a lesson on summoning from an instructor named Neuhaus, the object being to see which of them possess the ability to summon a familiar.  Some of the students end up with familiars, while others find themselves unable to summon.

Rin notices that some of the girls are treating Shiemi badly, but when he tries to tell her, she insists they are her friends and nothing he can say will convince her otherwise. Yuki has to leave the school for a few hours, so they’re on their own. Naturally, that is when all hell breaks loose. How will they stand up to the challenge of fighting demons without their teacher’s help?

In the second volume, I feel like we’re getting somewhere and things are getting interesting. I still have questions regarding Yuki as Rin’s twin, and these aren’t being answered, but I’m hopeful in the future they will be. Suguro is a good foil for Rin, someone to butt heads with, but I have a feeling they will turn their mutual antipathy into friendship at some point. It will be interesting to see how Suguro reacts when he learns the truth about Rin’s parentage.

Although these students are special, insofar as their unique abilities are concerned, they’re still also teenagers, and that shows in their interactions, especially between Shiemi and some of the girls. We learn something new about Mephisto, who is still somewhat of an enigma at this point, and I’m wondering whose side Neuhaus is actually on.

There’s also a cute bonus at the end of this volume.

I look forward to reading more of this series and see where the author takes it.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Summer Knight (Dresden Files #4) Review

Summer Knight (Dresden Files #4)  

Author: Jim Butcher
Publisher: Roc
American release date: September 3, 2002 (reprint)
Format/Genre/Length: Paperback/sci-fi fantasy/371 pages
Overall Personal Rating: ★★★★★

Harry Dresden is in deep doodoo—the fact that it’s raining frogs on him is the least of his problems. His girlfriend Susan Rodriguez, ace reporter for a supernatural rag mag, is on the cusp of becoming a vampire all because of a little altercation Harry had with the Red Court. The White Council is coming to sit in judgment on him, and to say he doesn’t have a lot of friends there would be an understatement. They’re miffed because of Harry’s fiasco with the Red Court and the looming threat of war, which threat can be easily assuaged—if the Council gives up Harry Dresden. Harry has been a bit of a recluse ever since the incident which ruined Susan’s life, but now everyone seems to want him. Queen Mab (yes, that Mab, the Fairy Queen, or one of them) wants to employ Harry, which isn’t exactly on Harry’s bucket list. But circumstances force him to change his mind, and he agrees to her terms. First up, he has to figure out who killed the Summer Knight, and who’s trying to inflame a war between the Summer and Winter Fairy courts.

Harry’s walking a thin line here, things are not looking good, and the odds are certainly stacked against him. All he has on his side is a skull named Bob, and the able assistance of some young werewolves. Will that be enough to save his life, help Susan, and keep the White Council from turning him over to the vamps, not to mention preventing an Armageddon of a war whose possible outcomes include a new Ice Age?

Not to mention there’s the reappearance of someone who by rights shouldn’t be able to reappear,  and who completely throws Harry’s equilibrium out of whack?

I think this may be my favorite Dresden File book yet. Harry begins the book about as low as he can get, out of step with himself and the world around him. He has to draw on those strengths which make him who he is to overcome this slump and figure out how to save the world.

There are some very interesting new creatures in this volume, as well as some familiar friends. It was interesting to watch Harry’s interactions with the White Council, as well as with the various Fairies. This action never stops. If it’s not one thing, it’s another, and Harry doesn’t always come out on top. And yet he perseveres.

I believe by the fourth book, the author has definitely found Harry’s voice, and it’s deep and rich, and quite powerful. The more you write something, at least in theory, the better you get, and so it is here. Much as I enjoyed the first three books, it’s as though the fourth book kicked the character of Harry Dresden into overdrive and took us along for the ride.

This is a can’t-be-missed addition to the series. I look forward to reading more.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Wednesday Briefs: Don't Look Back #60 (11.5)

Good morning and Happy Hump Day! Welcome to more flash fiction with the Wednesday Briefers. Every week we offer you our finest flash fiction, between 500 and 1000 words, inspired by one of our prompts.

Every journey has a beginning... and an end. Today we come to the end of a journey that began over a year ago, when I first started writing Don't Look Back. I've had an incredible time getting to know Marshall and Lee, and I hope you've enjoyed getting to know them too. Today is the last chapter in this story. But don't despair. I've decided to start another story with them in it! I'm going to start a new flash next week, and Marshall and Lee will be my second offering, so you will get two stories from me every week. I am going to take Don't Look Back, make a cover, and offer it as a free read in its entirety. I'll keep you posted on that. I've decided to name the series Love Without Boundaries. I'd love to hear from anyone who's enjoyed reading about my guys, and hearing your comments. Don't forget to go visit the other Briefers and see what they've been up to. Their links follow my tale! Enjoy!

Don't Look Back #60 (11.5)

Lee continued to suck on Marshall’s balls until he thought he couldn’t take any more, but before he lost control, Lee released them and moved back up to lap at his hole. Shivers crisscrossed Marshall’s frame as Lee slid one finger inside. Marshall’s channel was aflame with desire. The more Lee touched him, the more he wanted. Nothing was enough. He had an itch that only Lee’s cock could scratch sufficiently to satisfy his need.

He pushed back against Lee, grinding against Lee’s face. Lee added a second finger and leaned back, spiraling his digits inside Marshall. When he brushed against his prostate, Marshall yelped. “God fucking damn,” he moaned.

Lee rose to his knees and leaned his body over him, his breath warm on Marshall’s neck as he added another finger and thrust in and out of Marshall’s heated hole. He wound his arm about Marshall, sliding his hand beneath, tweaking his nipples until they hardened.

“Oh damn, oh damn…” Marshall writhed beneath Lee, feeling as if he might burst at any moment.

“Tell me what you want.” Lee licked along the shell of Marshall’s ear.  “Want another finger… or something else?” He pressed a kiss into the corner of Marshall’s mouth.

The idea of taking another finger was tempting, but it wasn’t what he wanted. “Want you, just you. Inside me.” He turned his head so their lips met with a heated urgency.

When they drew apart, Lee pulled his fingers out. He shifted his weight, reaching toward the nightstand. Marshall knew what was coming and shivered in anticipation. Lee settled atop him again, his lips claiming Marshall’s neck as he slid inside of him, their bodies clamped tightly together.

Oh yes, this was just what he wanted. Marshall met Lee’s thrusts with his own, wanting him inside as deeply as he could get. Lee’s cock fit him perfectly, setting his very nerve endings on fire. It didn’t matter how often they made love, the feeling never dimmed.

Their bodies fused in perfect harmony, long languid strokes building into hot, quick thrusts, following the progression of their desire. Marshall’s cock rubbed against the sheets beneath him. He reached for it, to relieve the ache, and Lee’s hand covered his, which only served to increase the friction. Their mouths met even as Marshall felt himself explode into Lee’s hand, soaking the sheets while he cried out inside Lee’s mouth. Lee never eased the intensity of his thrusts until he too came, filling Marshall until he was spent.

They cleaned up and changed the sheets, then spooned together in their bed. Lee softly caressed Marshall’s chest as he nuzzled his hair.

Marshall drifted bonelessly, basking in the glow of Lee’s love. He was half asleep, but his mind refused to shut down long enough to finish the job. There was something he needed to know. “You gonna make me wait ‘til morning?” he asked sleepily.

He heard Lee’s lazy chuckle, and he knew Lee knew exactly what he was talking about. The question was would he torture him about it, or would the spirit of this night carry through?

Lee’s answer surprised him. “It’s under the tree now.”

What? How?

“It wasn’t there before.”

“I put it there when you were in the bathroom.”

Wasn’t he just the sneaky one?

“You ready for sleep, or do you want to see it now?”

Was that even a question? Marshall slid out of bed and was pleased to see Lee was right behind him. It wouldn’t have been near as much fun without him being there. When they reached the family room, Lee plugged in the tree, and Marshall took advantage of the flashing lights to scan the ground for some sign of the mysterious gift. But he didn’t see a single box. All that lay there was a long, slender envelope.

Marshall gave Lee a puzzled look, but Lee’s face was the picture of innocence. So Marshall lifted the envelope. His name was written across it in Lee’s familiar script. He carefully opened it and reached inside, pulling out what appeared to be tickets of some kind. Baseball? Football? Or something else?
His eyes grew wide as the words on the tickets began to sink in.

“A cruise?” he said, in awestruck tones. “Two tickets for a cruise? To the Virgin Islands?” His voice rose an octave in sheer disbelief. He looked to Lee for some sort of explanation. Surely not a business trip, not that far.

“I thought you should see something of the world,” Lee said softly. “Plus I figured we deserved a vacation. I heard about this gay cruise to the Virgin Islands, and it sounded perfect on both counts.”

“You and me? On a gay cruise to the Virgin Islands?” Marshall repeated, not sure if he’d heard Lee correctly. Lee nodded.

Marshall threw himself at Lee and hugged him tightly. He didn’t trust his voice at this moment, too choked with emotion to attempt any semblance of a coherent thought. He raised his face to Lee’s, gazed deep into Lee’s beautiful eyes. “This is the best Christmas ever,” he finally said.

“Best ever,” Lee agreed. “Do you know how very much I love you?”

Tears prickled Marshall’s eyes, tears of utter joy and happiness. “As much as I love you,” he solemnly replied in a heartfelt voice.

“Merry Christmas, Marshall.”

“Merry Christmas, Lee”

Their lips came together, and nothing more needed to be said.

The end… for now

I hope you enjoyed the ending of this part of the tale. Now go visit the other Briefers and see what's up with them!

Chris T. Kat        

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Virtual Book Tour: Apple Bites Anthology

I am pleased and proud to announce the culmination of a joint project I understood with my friend and fellow author, Denise L. Wyant - the Apple Bites anthology. Hopefully this will be just the first of more to come! Denise had the idea to have authors submit short pieces, no more than 3k in length, around a common theme. The theme for this anthology is Back to School, with the added proviso that each story must feature an apple in some way! I was fortunate to have been able to edit these stories, along with Denise. I hope you will enjoy them!

My story in the anthology is called Rivals. Here is the blurb:

It’s the start of a new school year at upscale Westover College, nestled in entitled seclusion in the mountains of western Pennsylvania, and the fraternities are competing with one another to swell their ranks. John Stewart McMillan III is the popular and devilishly handsome president of Alpha Lamda Chi. The host with the most, he’s confident his house will lure the highest number of new recruits.

To his dismay, a rival fraternity’s president is bent on crashing the Alpha Lamda soiree. Sexy blond Bryce Lorenzo Hart is always up for a challenge. And besting John is the best challenge he can think of. Their rivalry is legendary, both in and out of class.

When Bryce pushes John’s buttons, the challenge is on—and winner takes all. 

And now for a little excerpt:

The open house was in full swing. Raunchy jokes and raucous laughter resounded through the frat house. Tonight all six of the fraternities at Westover College had thrown open their doors, hoping to induce as many new fish—aka freshmen—as possible to pledge. Of these six, Alpha Lambda Chi was one of the two most prestigious, as well as being wildly popular among the student body. That was due, in no small measure, to its charismatic president.

John Stewart McMillan III glanced at his watch and smiled appreciatively at the audible evidence of enjoyment below. He smoothed down his hair—although it was never truly out of place—and gave a tug to his tie, his fingers gliding across a diamond-encrusted onyx tiepin in the shape of the frat’s Greek letters.

Showtime, folks.

Right on cue, as he made his measured descent, the thrumming techno beat was exchanged for a tinny rendition of ‘Hail to the Chief’. Corny but apt. Enthusiastic applause greeted his arrival, swelling as each inch of his well-tailored body came into view.

I hope you enjoy the anthology! They're all great stories!

Apple Bites Anthology Media Kit
Title:  Apple Bites: A Romance Anthology
Editors:  Julie Lynn Hayes and Denise L. Wyant
Release Date:  August 25, 2015 
Genre:  Contemporary Romance (both M/M and M/F)
Heat Levels:  Gala to Red Delicious (sweet to spicy)
Foreword:  Includes a foreword written by Author Lisa Kessler
Blurb:  Back to school takes on new meaning in this collection of eight mini-stories which run the gamut from sweet to spicy! No children in these tales, they’re for adults only! And each one features an apple in some way.
In this mixed bag of apple bites, you’ll find seasoned authors as well as newcomers. Teachers and students. Both M/M and M/F. There’s something for everyone’s taste.
Going back to school has never been so naughty!
JC Wallace – An Officer and a Gentleman (and an Apple)
Holden isn’t sure how much longer he can survive without the man he loves, whose return from a six-month deployment has been delayed. On the first day of classes, Professor Holden finds a shiny, red apple on his desk, mocking him. A cruel joke? Or something much more shocking…

Carol Pedroso – Have a Break, Have a...
Kevin is acting principal of another troubled school filled with idiotic teachers. His new husband had been sent half way round the world. Kevin is lonely, hungry, horny, and pissed off at life.
A surprise visitor at lunch time offers Kevin the break he so desperately needs…
Julie Lynn Hayes – Rivals  
John and Bryce are heads of competing fraternities at upscale Westover College, as well as fierce rivals. On rush night, John finds Bryce has crashed his soiree, seeking recruits. Verbal swords are thrust. When Bryce pushes John’s buttons, the challenge is on—and winner takes all.

Nephy Hart – Apple for the Teacher
Going back to school is difficult for Rage. He has no reason to think this year won’t be filled with more marginalization and abuse. When his boyfriend gives him an apple for the teacher, Rage has no idea what difference an art project will make, or who will get the apple.
Perry’s Cherry – Avery Dawes
An unfortunate earthquake shakes Perry from a freshman room to sharing with a grumpy senior. Too bad Nick is so sexy… and sullen. Labor Day finds them both on campus. Nick suggests a trip to a private club. Perry is about to get a college education of another kind…


Elyzabeth M. VaLey – Good Teacher, pet
Ready to start the new school year, Anais’ boyfriend and Dom, Ian, plants the seeds of doubt in her mind. He tells her she’s forgetting something that only the best teachers receive. Ian gives Anais a lesson and shows her how to earn herself a juicy treat.

Cynthia Dawn Griffin – Gatekeeper
Kate loves her job as Head Secretary. The students adore her, calling her Gatekeeper. Kate’s job may be in jeopardy because of her passionate affair with one of the staff, who acts as though it never happened.
Will she be able to focus on her job and win her man back?
Renee Rose – Hot for Teacher
Lucy's nerves have her wound up for her first Biochemistry 101 lecture. Fiancé Dr. Todd gives his T.A. a wicked distraction. While he tortures Lucy with edging and public arousal, she must somehow get through her class without losing all control.

Facebook Ready Post (just copy & paste if you are willing):
It's back to school with eight authors who are dying to show you just how naughty they can be! Read to find out if the characters in these stories can survive their back to school surprises.
#RomanceAnthology #BacktoSchool #MM #MF
Apple Bites: A Romance Anthology

Virtual Book Tour: Overly Dramatic

Author Name: Rebecca Cohen

Book Name: Overly Dramatic
Series: Treading the Boards
Book: One

Release Date: August 19, 2015
Andy Marshall moves to London looking for a fresh start after breaking up with his long-term boyfriend. To stave off boredom from his day job as an accountant and to meet new people, Andy joins a local amateur dramatics society called the Sarky Players based in Greenwich, South London. Despite his best efforts to avoid it, Andy is cast as one of the leads in a truly dreadful play called Whoops, Vicar, There Goes My Trousers, written by a local playwright.
The play might be bad, but the Sarky Players are a friendly bunch. Andy quickly makes new friends and finds himself attracted to Phil Cormack, a local artist helping with the props. But life doesn’t run to a script, so Andy and Phil will have to work hard to improvise their own happy ending.

Pages or Words: 120 pages, 40k words

Categories: Contemporary, Humor, M/M Romance, Romance

The handout turned out to be a few pages of the play stapled together. Andy had expected the script for Cold Comfort Farm—this definitely wasn’t that.
“Er, Derek, have you given us the right play? This says it’s from Whoops, Vicar, There Goes My Trousers.”
“You old dog, Derek,” said Ryan with a guffaw. “You’ve lured in this poor man on the promise of a proper play.”
“It is a proper play, Ryan. Just because it was written by a local doesn’t make it any less credible.”
Dear God, what had he gotten himself into? He quickly checked the flyer and saw for the first time that the date for Cold Comfort Farm audition was the year before. Derek must’ve used the flyer to scribble down the audition times, but whether he’d deliberately meant to mislead Andy was another matter. Andy skimmed through the partial script. Instead of the gentle comedy based around a young woman who arrived in an airplane and something nasty in the woodshed, he had a 1920s farce involving a runaway goat, a vicar, and a large quantity of stolen French brandy. And that was just the scene in front of him.

About the author:
Rebecca Cohen is a Brit abroad. Having swapped the Thames for the Rhine, she has left London behind and now lives with her husband and son in Basel, Switzerland. She can often be found with a pen in one hand and a cup of Darjeeling in the other.
Where to find the author:
Publisher: Dreamspinner Press
Cover Artist: Paul Richmond

Tour Dates & Stops: August 19 – September 1


Rafflecopter Prize: $20 Dreamspinner Press gift certificate plus copy of choice of ebook from author’s back catalogue

Monday, August 24, 2015

Virtual Book Blast: Immortal Matchmakers

Please welcome author Mimi Jean Pamfiloff, here to talk about her new release, Immortal Matchmakers. Mimi will be awarding a signed copy of Immortal Matchmakers, plus all 5 of the Accidentally Yours books, a Saddlebag leather tote, bookmarks and magnets to one lucky winner via Rafflecopter. Four winners will win a signed copy of Immortal Matchmakers, bookmarks and magnets. The more you comment, the better your chances of winning. To find the other stops on her tour, go here. Don't forget to look for the Rafflecopter at the end of this post!

by Mimi Jean Pamfiloff




Once the most powerful immortal assassin ever to exist, this demigod now spends his days pining for the girl who got away: Helena. Doesn’t help that he’s also Helena’s full-time nanny slash bodyguard. But now that the apocalypse is over and her husband, the vampire general, has returned home for good, it’s time to move on.

But can Andrus let go of the woman he secretly loves?

Cimil, Goddess of the Underworld and owner of Immortal Matchmakers, Inc., knows the solution is finding another gal. The right gal. But getting a woman to date this callous, unrefined, coldhearted warrior will prove to be the biggest challenge of her existence. Good thing they’re in L.A.

When aspiring actress Sadie Townsend finds herself one week away from being thrown out on the street, the call from her agent is like a gift from heaven. But when she learns the job is teaching the world’s biggest barbarian how to act like a gentleman, she wonders if she shouldn’t have asked for more money. He’s vulgar, uncaring, and rougher around the edges than a serrated bread knife. He’s also sexy, fierce, and undeniably tormented.

Will Sadie help him overcome his past, or will she find her heart hopelessly trapped by a man determined to self-destruct?



She pressed her ear to the door.


The sound was deep and throaty, almost like the sound of a man…well, getting off.

He cupped her hands over her mouth. I can’t believe this guy. The clock was ticking and it was really rude to keep someone waiting so he could wank it.

She gave the door another hard knock. “Listen, buddy, if you’re doing anything but dying, you’d better open this door, or I’m leaving. And I’m pretty sure you don’t want that.”

The man groaned again, but this time the sound was so deep and hard, it sent shivers up her spine and down to her nether region. His voice was just so damned sexy.

What? Sadie. What’s wrong with you?

“Oh. Come on, buddy!” Knock. Knock. Knock. “Can’t you do that later?”

She suddenly heard some rustling and then the sound of something large thumping on the floor. The door flew open and a huge man, wearing partially unzipped leather pants, stood panting in the doorway, no underwear, his pants barely holding to his hips and slung low on his muscular torso. She could see a dark patch of hair and the base of his cock, which looked hard as hell, straining against the inside of his pants.

She gulped. The man was hung.

Her eyes moved up over the snug fabric of his black T-shirt, the muscles of his chest and arms stretching it to its limits. She was sure this guy was some sort of weight lifter or martial arts enthusiast. Or the next Thor. Just like Bob had said.

When her eyes finally got to his face, two intense turquoise eyes burned right through her, stopping her breath for several heartbeats until her brain registered the fact that it was the same face who’d visited her the last two evenings in two unwelcome, very erotic dreams.

“So we meet again, meat wench.” His sinful lips flashed a smug little smile. “Why am I not surprised to see you here begging for more?”


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

New York Times and USA Today bestselling Romance author, host of the radio talk show, Man Candy, on

When San Francisco native Mimi Jean went on an adventure as an exchange student to Mexico City, she never imagined the journey would lead to writing Romance. But one MBA, one sexy husband, and two rowdy kids later, Mimi would trade in corporate life for vampires, deities, and snarky humor.

She continues to hope that her books will inspire a leather pants comeback (for men) and that she might make you laugh when you need it most.

She also enjoys interacting with her fans (especially if they're batshit crazy). You can always find her chatting away on Facebook, Twitter, or saying many naughty words on her show MAN CANDY on !

Find out more about Mimi and upcoming books at

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Tsu -
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Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Wednesday Briefs: Don't Look Back #59 (11.4)

Hello and Happy Hump Day! Another Wednesday, so it must be time for the writers of the Wednesday Briefs to present you with their flash fiction! We offer our best stories, between 500 and 1000 words, inspired by one of our prompts.

Last week, Marshall and Lee found out who their friends are, and Christmas Eve continues in this chapter of Don't Look Back. Only one more chapter to go until we reach the end of the story. Don't forget to see what the other Briefers are up to. Their links follow my tale. Enjoy!

Don't Look Back #59 (11.4)

The Christmas Eve shindig at Milly’s officially broke up at midnight when Milly reminded everyone, with a wink and a smile, that she had grandchildren in Tucker Falls who liked to get up at the crack of dawn to open their presents. Of course the diner wasn’t open on Christmas Day. Nothing in Burnham was, although Roy remained on duty, ready to take calls if needed. Generally, that didn’t happen.

Some people called it a night and went home, while others lingered in the parking lot, finishing conversations, and discussing what an unqualified success the evening had been. Marshall and Lee stood with Sarah and Craig, beside the Fergusons’ pick-up.

“You should come by sometime soon and see Ritsu’s litter,” Sarah said. “Their eyes are open now, and they’re all so adorable.” Ritsu was Sarah and Craig’s cinnamon and cream Chow Chow. She’d recently given birth for the first time. Marshall loved Ritsu, and would often bring her little treats as an excuse to play with her. Whenever the couple had to be gone overnight, Marshall gladly volunteered to look after the little dog.

“We’ll do that, for sure.” Marshall knew Lee wouldn’t object. They had the same love of animals, even if they didn’t own any.

“You know, Lee, they make lovely companions. And they’re so affectionate! You could always pick out the one you like best and I’ll hold him or her for you until they’re ready to leave their mama. Or two even. One for each of you.”  She gave Lee a knowing look. Marshall couldn’t help but laugh. He couldn’t see them taking one dog, much less two. That was a whole lot of responsibility. It was one thing to take care of one as a favor, but ownership was a much more serious matter.

“I appreciate the offer, Sarah,” Lee replied gallantly, “but I have my hands full with this one as it is.” He winked, even as he ruffled Marshall’s hair. Sarah and Craig both laughed, and Lee grinned. Marshall didn’t mind. He knew it was all in good fun.

He stuck out his tongue at Lee. “At least I’m housebroken,” he quipped.

“Most of the time,” Lee riposted, earning him a swift punch in the arm which he laughingly accepted.

After exchanging a few more pleasantries, they bid Sarah and Craig a Merry Christmas, amid promises to come see the pups soon, caught up with Roy and told him they’d see him for dinner the next day, then returned home.

They curled up on the couch together in comfortable silence. The lights on the tree blinked off and on, the only illumination in the room.

Marshall laid with his head against Lee’s chest, listening to the comforting rhythm of his heartbeat. He felt more relaxed now than he had just a few hours ago. Then he’d thought it was the end of the world. Now he knew better.

“I was sure we were going to tell everyone good-bye tonight.” He turned his face up to Lee’s. “I didn’t think anyone would want to have anything to do with us again, and we’d have to leave town.  But I was wrong. Everyone was absolutely wonderful.”

“That they were,” Lee agreed. “Roy was right. He had more faith in the town than we did.  Looks like we found ourselves the best people in the world. I think we’re home to stay. What do you think?” He softly caressed Marshall’s cheek, gazing into his eyes.

“I think so too.” He’d follow Lee anywhere he chose to go, but he was glad they weren’t going anywhere.  Not for a good long while. And not until they were ready.

Marshall reached up and claimed Lee’s lips, kissing him with a growing urgency. Lee’s touch only served to inflame him, to whet his appetite. He knew he’d never get tired of being with Lee, not if he lived to be a hundred. “Let’s go to bed,” he whispered against Lee’s mouth.

“You tired?”

“Not at all.”

Lee responded by slanting his mouth over Marshall’s, kissing him long and hard until they both had to draw apart to breathe. They disentangled themselves momentarily. Lee took Marshall’s hand and led him into the bedroom. There they undressed quickly and fell together on their bed, mouths meeting and melding, hands caressing and stroking.

“Get on your hands and knees,” Lee instructed, “I want to taste you.”

Marshall gladly complied. They’d already kicked the blankets and top sheet from the bed.  He positioned one of the pillows beneath him and wiggled his ass enticingly. He was rewarded by a slap against his cheek, followed by a gentle caress. Just what the doctor ordered.

Lee stroked along the back of Marshall’s thigh, sending tingles shooting through him. First one, then the other. Softly, sensuously. Marshall started to twist his head to look at Lee.

“Keep it down,” he was told, and he obeyed. “Feel, don’t see.” Marshall shivered in anticipation.

Lee’s strong hands soothed a path up the back of Marshall’s legs, cupped his cheeks and squeezed the firm flesh. Marshall pushed back into his hands, wanting more.

“Don’t be impatient,” Lee chided in a voice that was as much of a caress as his touch. Marshall loved Lee’s voice all the time, but especially at moments like these when he pitched it even lower, reflecting his love and desire for Marshall. Every note resonated inside of Marshall’s soul.
Marshall could wait forever, if he had to.

Lee’s lips brushed over Marshall’s ass, caressing the dip at the base of his spine for just a moment before heading south again. “Spread your knees a little more,” he said, and Marshall complied.

Lee’s fingers gently separated Marshall’s cheeks. He felt cooler air against his hole just before Lee swiped at it with his tongue, eliciting a moan. Lee licked downward, across the perineum  to Marshall’s balls.  He took them into his mouth, one at a time, and sucked.

“Oh God,” Marshall moaned.

to be continued

Now go see what the other Briefers are up to!

Virtual Book Tour: Buchanan House

Author Name: Charley Descoteaux

Book Name: Buchanan House

Release Date: August 19, 2015
Eric Allen, thirty-three-year-old line cook, moved in with his grandmother, Jewell, after a disastrous coming-out when he was in middle school. She raised him, and he cared for her when she fell ill. When Jewell died she left everything to Eric—angering his parents and older brother. The inheritance isn’t much, but Eric and his bestie Nathan pool their money and buy an abandoned hotel on an isolated stretch of the Central Oregon Coast. The hotel isn't far from Lincoln City—a town with its own Pride Festival and named for a president—so they christen it Buchanan House after James Buchanan, the “confirmed bachelor” president with the close male friend.
Eric and Nathan need a handyman to help them turn Buchanan House into the gay resort of their dreams. Eric finds Tim Tate in the local listings and over the months leading to opening weekend Tim reveals himself as a skilled carpenter with many hidden talents. Eric falls hard for Tim, but before he can see a future with the gorgeous handyman he has to get over twenty years of being bullied and shamed by his birth family. It would be much easier if Eric’s brother Zach weren’t trying to grab part of the inheritance or ruin opening weekend.

Pages or Words: 45,000 words

Categories: Romance, Bisexual, Contemporary, Fiction, Gay Fiction, M/M Romance

Timothy Tate knocked on the front doors at eight o’clock sharp. Eric had barely been up long enough to start coffee, and Nathan had yet to emerge. They’d slept in one of the rooms on the first floor. The official reason was to avoid having to clean two rooms, but the unofficial reason was to talk into the night like they had back in middle school. Slumber parties for thirtysomethings. Somehow that didn’t make Eric feel any better about meeting this Tim person.
But opening the door sure did.
Tim Tate was as tall as Nathan, so six one, and he had curly black hair and eyes so dark you could get lost in them.
“Morning.” He wasn’t much for smiling, though.
“Good morning. Please come in. I’m Eric.”
Tim nodded and seemed to be looking at something behind Eric’s right shoulder. As soon as Eric remembered to step aside, Tim came in. “You bought this place?”
“Yes. Isn’t it lovely? The inspector said the bones are solid, and someone did amazing work on the rooms. Right now, we need help with the kitchen and some reno on the public areas.”
“Should tear it down and start fresh.”
“I beg your pardon. That’s a horrible thing to say. You don’t discard something just because it’s not perfect. With a little love—maybe this isn’t going to work out.”
Tim shrugged and looked around the room. His face seemed to soften into… nostalgia? It held a wistful quality, of that much Eric was certain.
“Have you been in this room before?”
Tim had turned away a little, so the left side of his face pointed toward Eric.
Is that his best side?
He didn’t answer, so Eric repeated the question, a little louder.
“Huh? Oh, yeah. When I was a kid. Sometimes the local clubs would use it for summer camps. It’s been empty for over ten years.”
“Why? I mean, did something happen here?”
“No. The owners died, and their kids didn’t want to live out here. Can’t blame ’em. Entertainment isn’t easy to come by.”
Nathan chose that moment to enter, in his pink robe with the ostrich-feather trim. He spoke quickly, almost dancing through the room and toward the aroma of coffee. “Good morning. You don’t mind I borrowed your robe? And this must be Tim. Lovely to meet you, sweetheart. Coffee, then business.” He flounced into the kitchen.
Eric and Tim watched him go. The silence in his wake stretched out a little too long for Eric, mortified by the thought Tim might believe the robe belonged to him.

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About the author:
Charley Descoteaux has always heard voices. She was relieved to learn they were fictional characters, and started writing when they insisted daydreaming just wasn’t good enough. In exchange, they’ve agreed to let her sleep once in a while. Charley grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area during a drought, and found her true home in the soggy Pacific Northwest. She has survived earthquakes, tornadoes, and floods, but couldn’t make it through one day without stories.

Where to find the author:
Publisher: Dreamspinner Press
Cover Artist: LC Chase

Tour Dates & Stops: August 19, 2015

Rafflecopter Prize: Backlist book of choice from Charley