Friday, July 31, 2015

Virtual Book Tour and Review: Breeding Stations

My good friend and fellow author Chris T. Kat is back to talk about Breeding Stations, and I've written a review of her new book!

Author Name:  Chris T. Kat

Book Name: Breeding Stations
Series: Alliances
Book: One

Release Date: July 27, 2015
Spunky commander Berit Turner is known for two things: his huge libido and his lack of a filter—he says what he thinks. Berit sets his mind on being part of the mission to Ligador, to make sure the planet is habitable for humans. He’s ecstatic when his team is assigned to the task force. A delegation of Nadisc, a humanoid alien race, accompanies them, and passion ignites between Berit and their commanding officer, Tom. But Berit is determined that Tom is just another notch on his bedpost, as he doesn’t do relationships.
The excursion to Ligador goes wrong from the beginning, when they discover Ligador has been established as a breeding station by their worst enemy: the Tash’Ba. Dinosaur-like creatures become the team’s worst nightmare, and staying alive is going to take everything they’ve got… and then some.

Pages or Words: 204 pages or about 65,000 words

Categories: M/M Romance, Science Fiction

Excerpt from Chapter Two

Several alarmed shouts warned me of something going on, but I had no time to process what happened. Something roped around my waist and yanked me over to the side. I crashed into Tom’s chest as a harsh growling sound erupted from his throat.
I tried jerking myself free, but he held onto my wrists with one hand, while his tail kept me tethered to his body. “What the hell?”
Niyara squared off in front of Tom, her dark eyes gleaming with an eerie, demonic red glint where her pupils should’ve been. Her long tail swished from one side to the other and her arm muscles flexed.
“What the ever-loving fuck is going on?” I asked.
“Quiet!” Tom hissed.
My mouth fell open, and I gaped at him. Okay. Enough was enough. I caught the tip of his tail in my hand and pinched it—hard. He roared, but I used the chance to slip free. A Nadisc’s tail tip was the most sensitive part, which came in handy during sex but was a real disadvantage in a fight. Or maybe not. I’d never heard of someone winning a fight against a Nadisc when—
Niyara’s fist closing around my shirt stopped all my pondering. She lifted me off my feet, hissing and boring her eerie gaze into mine. Maybe I should’ve stayed with Tom. He’d felt slightly less dangerous than she did.
Carson appeared next to Niyara’s side, eyes as large as saucers but an equally determined look on his face. He reached out. As soon as he touched her arm, her head whirled around. I held my breath. Would he be able to save me from Niyara’s wrath? She’d seemed rather taken with him earlier. What the hell had I done, anyway, to agitate her?
As I wracked my brain, Carson and Niyara gazed at each other. The next instant he rose on tiptoes and placed a gentle kiss on her lips.
She let go of my shirt, and I would’ve landed flat on my ass if Tom hadn’t snatched me around the waist. Niyara rested her head on Carson’s shoulder, which meant she had to stoop because of her height. No one said anything, and no one moved for what seemed like a long time. When she lifted her head, several people—including me—hissed, afraid of what she’d do next.
Niyara bowed her head toward Tom. “I apologize for my outburst. I’ve never encountered a jealousy spell before.”
“Jealousy spell?” I echoed.
She gazed at me, suddenly looking sheepish. “Feeling such a strong connection is new to me, and I didn’t like Carson using an endearment toward you.”
I blinked, then looked over at Carson. He gawked, and his eyes were the same size as before. Would they stay like that forever?
Niyara swept an arm around to include everyone in her proclamation, which resulted in startled jerks and coughs. “I’m claiming Carson as my mate. Anyone who’d like to object has to fight me.”
No one objected. Everyone seemed busy inspecting their boots or the ceiling. I never noticed before how very ugly the hatch’s ceiling was.
“Berit!” Carson wheezed out.
I sighed and transferred my gaze from the ceiling to Carson. “Congrats?”
Someone cheered and the others followed suit, clapping their hands to add to the noise. Carson was so pale I feared he’d faint, but Niyara cupped his face in both hands and kissed him. After that, he didn’t seem to mind that much, not anymore.
Chuckling, I told the others to open the hatch and take up their position. The hatch opened with the usual buzz, but when I started to walk, Tom’s arms around my waist tightened to an almost painful level.
“Tell them to secure the area and wait for further instructions,” he whispered into my ear.
“Dream on. I won’t do—” My words ended abruptly when the steel bands around my waist left me no room for breathing.
Tom allowed me more breathing room, and I gave the desired order. No one looked twice or questioned my instruction, for which I’d have been grateful on any other day, just not today. Ticking off a Nadisc was a bad idea. One of the worst, really.
We waited until everyone had cleared the hatch’s area. Tom spun me around in his arms and lifted me up until we were face-to-face.
“You accepted me as your leader on this mission, remember? That means no punching me,” I said, “or doing anything that would harm me.”
Tom’s gaze intensified, and my mouth went dry when he spread out a red and orange speckled frill around his neck. I’d read about this display, but had never seen it before. Only a few Nadisc still had those frills—most opted for surgery because it gave away their emotions too easily—and those that did had a very tight control over it.
“But it’s okay for you to hurt me?” he rasped.
I tried to reason with him. “I… look, I’m the commander here. You can’t just order me around or hold me captive, okay?”
“Niyara could’ve killed you.”
I shrugged. “She didn’t, and she’ll just have to get used to the way Carson and I talk to each other.”
The frill around his neck unfolded even more. He said, “I’m not fond of the way you talk to each other.”
I had an inkling where this conversation was headed. I had an even bigger inkling that I’d panic if Tom said anything, so I closed my eyes, wrapped my arms around his neck—over the frill, which was kind of awkward—and sought his mouth with mine.
He opened up immediately, and I dipped my tongue into his mouth, licking along his teeth and eliciting an approving hum from him. Somehow I ended up with my legs wound around him and one of his hands steadying my ass.
When we broke apart for air, he said, “I won’t forget what you did.”
“I’ll make it up to you,” I replied. His eyes lit up with interest, so I added, “Deal?”

Sales Links:

About the author:

Chris T. Kat lives in the middle of Europe, where she shares a house with her husband of many years and their two children. She stumbled upon the M/M genre by luck and was swiftly drawn into it. She divides her time between work, her family—which includes chasing after escaping horses and lugging around huge instruments such as a harp—and writing. She enjoys a variety of genres, such as mystery/suspense, paranormal, and romance. If there's any spare time, she happily reads for hours, listens to audiobooks or does cross stitch.

Where to find the author:

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press
Cover Artist: Anne Cain

Tour Dates & Stops: July 28, - August 10, 2015

Rafflecopter Prize: $20 Amazon gift card

Breeding Stations (Alliances: Book One)
Author: Chris T. Kat
Publisher: Dreamspinner Press
American release date: July 27, 2015
Format/Genre/Length: E-book/M/M Sci Fi/Romance/204 pages
Overall Personal Rating: ★★★★★

Commander Berit Turner is a free-spirited kind of guy who makes no bones about enjoying sex, moving from partner to partner at will, never settling down with any one man. He’s also known for speaking his mind, mostly because he lacks any sort of filter between his brain and his mouth. Sometimes that gets him into trouble.

He and his best friend Carson are being sent on a mission to the planet of Ligador, to see how suitable the planet is for colonization. The concern is the possible presence of the Tash’Ba, a vicious alien species who don’t know how to play nice. Along with Carson and the other members of his crew, Berrit is to be assigned three aliens called Nadisc. Berit knows just how much fun the Nadisc men are sexually, so this idea is to his liking. Although he is surprised when one Nadisc male in particular, Tom, takes a liking to him, and asserts that he and his group will go with Berrit’s team, rather than waiting to be assigned. Tom has this mistaken notion that Berit is his mate. Silly Nadisc. And another Nadisc named Niyara seems to have set her sights on Carson.

When the Nadisc are introduced to Berit’s crew, they accept Berit as their leader, an unexpected event, and hugs are exchanged, except for Berit and Tom.

“What? No hug from you?” I asked.
He held out his broad muscled arms for me, grinning. My mouth went dry and my damn cock pressed heavily against the fabric of my pants. It had to be visible to everyone. For the first time in many years, heat rose into my cheeks. Tom’s grin expanded before he laughed. I stepped into his arms, bracing myself for another painful embrace. Instead, I found myself leaning against a hard chest with equally hard arms around me, fencing me in but without hurting me.

Things don’t go well on Ligador, and a simple mission of exploration goes horribly wrong. The Tash’Ba have turned the planet into one of their breeding stations, playing genetic roulette with some vicious creatures, a blend between Tash’Ba war beasts and dinosaurs. Now survival is the name of the game, and making it out alive is seriously in question.

This is one fascinating sci fi book. It’s very creative, and well-told, and I enjoyed getting to know Berit and Tom, watching their courtship as it unfolded. I like that Berit isn’t perfect, and he doesn’t pretend to be.  He can act silly, and sometimes he makes some bone-headed moves. But the heat between him and Tom is palpable, and the sex scenes are great.

I also enjoy the relationship between Berit and Carson. They’re as close as two men can be without being lovers, and they make no apologies for that, and expect their mates to live with it. The Tash’Ba war beasts are indeed terrifying, and certainly nothing I’d care to go up against.

Ms. Kat did a great job of world-building, and making her aliens believable, and not cartoonish in any way. As an added bonus, Tom has a tail. ‘Nuff said lol

The action is fast-paced and intense, the sex is hot. This is a book you won’t want to put down until you reach the end. Luckily, there is a second book in this series, continuing the story of Berit and Tom. I can’t wait for it to come out!

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Wednesday Briefs: Don't Look Back #56 (11.1)

Happy Hump Day one and all! If it's Wednesday, it must be time for more flash fiction from the Wednesday Briefers? We're a group of authors who offer you our flash fiction on a weekly basis, stories from 500 to 1000 words, inspired by one of our prompts.

In last week's chapter of Don't Look Back, it looks like they've seen the last of Rhonda, and Christmas is almost here. Will there be something special under the Christmas tree?Or will she find a way to ruin their holiday? The saga continues! I have to tell you, though, the journey is almost over, but more about that another time. Don't forget to see what the other Briefers are up to. Their links follow my tale!

Don't Look Back #56 (11.1)

By December 24th, everything that needed to be done before Christmas had been done. Everything else could wait. Marshall and Lee slept in after a late night of setting up the new stereo system that had arrived the day before. Once it was assembled, both men were pleased with the way it sounded.

“Those are some kick ass speakers,” Marshall commented for the hundredth time. They sat together in the family room, eating toasted bagels and drinking coffee, surrounded by the mellow sounds of Miles Davis.

After they ate, they put up a few decorations. There was a wreath for the front door—a circle of greenery with a teddy bear in the middle that held a sign wishing everyone a Merry Christmas. There were assorted Christmas candles, pillars of varying sizes, scents, and colors. And of course the tree, which they’d cut down at the tree farm the day before.

Once the tree was fully decorated, and the angel set reverently in place on top, Marshall began to give Lee furtive glances.  He was trying not to be too obvious about it, but he didn’t quite manage to pull that off. Lee looked up from his newspaper, cup of coffee poised to drink. “You look like you’re waiting for something. Did we forget anything?”

Marshall furrowed his brow in pretend thought, although he knew damn good and well what he was wanting to know about. And damned if it didn’t look like Lee intended to torture him about it as long as he could. “I don’t think I did,” he said at last. “Did you?”

Lee smirked, not even bothering to conceal his grin. “I haven’t forgotten a damn thing.”

Well, hell. That could mean one of two things, Marshall reasoned. One being he hadn’t been good enough to deserve that extra little something Lee had mentioned. Somehow, Marshall didn’t believe that was true.

Or two, Lee was drawing it out as long as he could, prolonging the suspense because he knew it would rile Marshall up real good. That was undoubtedly the truth of the matter.

Now, Marshall knew he could respond to Lee’s teasing in a couple of different ways. He could poke out his lower lip and pout, demand to know what Lee was keeping from him. That would probably just earn him a snort from Lee. And he’d probably tell Marshall to quit acting like a whiny child.

On the other hand…

Marshall rose from his seat on the couch and padded over to Lee’s chair. They hadn’t dressed yet, not seeing the point, since it was just the two of them, so they were both buck naked. Once they’d become a couple, the sleep pants had been relegated to the back of their closet and were never touched.

Marshall took the cup from Lee’s unprotesting hand and set it on the table beside him. Lee gave him a questioning look.

“Wouldn’t want to burn any tender bits, now would we?” Marshall explained as he slid onto Lee’s lap, deliberately rubbing their cocks together. He was gratified to feel Lee’s cock stir at his touch and begin to fill.

“No, we wouldn’t,” Lee agreed, rocking his hips so their cocks made greater contact.

This was going just the way Marshall had hoped. He skimmed his fingertips lightly across Lee’s chest, brushing against his nipples.

“What did you have in mind, cowboy?” Lee asked in a sultry voice, as he increased the friction between them.

“Just wanna make you feel good,” Marshall responded breathily. He placed a soft kiss on Lee’s chin, then one on each cheek. His eyes never left Lee’s.

“You feel pretty good right where you are,” Lee said, “doing what you’re doing.” He rubbed his face against Marshall’s, nuzzling him. Marshall could feel the traces of early morning stubble graze his skin. Neither one had taken the time to shave yet.

“You feel pretty damn good yourself, handsome.”

Lee slid his tongue along the side of Marshall’s face. When he reached his ear, he took the tip of the earlobe between his teeth and tugged. Marshall responded by increasing the urgency of his frottage.

“It won’t do you any good,” Lee murmured. “You won’t get a damn thing before tomorrow morning.”

By this time, Marshall didn’t care. He was too consumed by Lee, and his rising desire, to worry about anything else. Their mouths met of mutual accord, and they rubbed against one another to their hearts content, until they found the release they sought.

 Afterward, they didn’t stir for a while, content to cuddle. But nothing good lasts forever. And they knew they had to get ready for the coming evening. Christmas Eve at Milly’s. They wouldn’t miss it for the world.

They took a shower together and indulged in a little water play. Once they toweled each other off, they put on their favorite party clothes, because this was a special occasion.

Just looking at Lee made Marshall’s mouth water, and his heart expand with love. He was proud to be seen with Lee, proud that people knew they were together, and proud to be a part of the community that was Burnham.

Lee looked up from buttoning the cuffs of his dark green silk long-sleeve shirt. “What?” His eyebrows arched in question.

“Nothing.  Just thinking about how good you look.”

Lee’s lips relaxed in a smile. “You look very good yourself,” he returned the compliment. “You gonna wear your hair up or down tonight?”

“I dunno, which do you prefer?”

“You look good both ways. How about you tie it in a tail? I can always let it down later.”

“I like the sound of that.” Marshall gathered his long tresses and passed a black scrunchie around them.

“We about ready to go—”

A sudden knock interrupted Lee’s words. They looked at one another, perplexed, just as Roy appeared in the doorway. He held a piece of paper, his face grim.

“Gentlemen, we have trouble.”

to be continued

Now go see what the other Briefers are up to!

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Virtual Book Tour: Shoshanna's Short Shorts

Please welcome author Shoshanna Evers, who is here to talk about her new release, Shoshanna's Short Shorts.  Shoshanna will award a $25 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn commenter via Rafflecopter. The more you comment, the greater your chances of winning. To find the other stops on her tour, go here. Don't forget to look for the Rafflecopter at the end of this post.

by Shoshanna Evers



If you’re in the mood for a quickie (ahem), you’ll love this collection of eleven sexy short stories from New York Times and USA Today bestselling erotic romance author, Shoshanna Evers —“Queen of the erotic novellas.” (Fandom Fanatic). This collection pulls Evers’ published stories together from nine different anthologies into one volume. Includes a never-before-published story, plus the bestselling Overheated!



Excerpt #3: from Forced Orgasms
Copyright 2015 Shoshanna Evers. All Rights Reserved.

Tonight, he was paying to make his dream a reality, a reality that would last for exactly one hour once his doorbell rang. The escort service called the woman “Genevieve,” although as far as Ivan could tell she seemed more like a Jenny trying to look worth her sticker price.

She seemed very friendly, and calm, although Ivan was looking forward to seeing the desperation on her face he knew the evening would bring. Was that sick? Probably. But she’d love it. At least the first fifteen minutes of it, anyway. His cock hardened, straining against his slacks.

“Jenny,” he said cordially, kissing her cheek.

She didn’t correct him on the name. Maybe he’d been right about her, or maybe she was smart enough not to start off an evening with a client by correcting him. Maybe she’d let him call her whatever he wished.

“Take off your clothes, please,” he said.

Jenny gave him a saucy smile and pulled her expensive dress over her head, leaving a matching black-and-red lace brassiere and thong.

“Beautiful,” he said appreciatively. “But those need to go too.”

“Wow, get right down to business,” she said, laughing. “I’m surprised.”

She sat down on the couch, but he shook his head.

“I have a special chair for you. Why are you surprised?” He nodded over to the corner, to the bondage chair he’d pulled out of the garage and shined with leather cleaner and stainless steel polish. The chair had cost more than she had.

“I was told you weren’t interested in sleeping with your escorts,” Jenny said, eyeing the leather straps attached to the chair and sitting in it anyway.

“No, I’m not,” he replied. It was the truth, after all. “I just want to watch you be pleasured with my vibrator, over and over. Does that sound good to you?”

She laughed. “Sure! I never get to come during these—” Jenny stopped speaking suddenly, as if someone had put the mute switch on her. More likely, she’d remembered a rule the escort service had given her. Ivan imagined it went something like: Don’t complain about other clients. It makes the man you’re with now feel like he’s not the only one, and it makes him wonder if you’re complaining about him to the other men.

“Good. Spread your legs.”

Jenny complied, spreading her thighs wide so that her ankles touched the straps on the bottom of the chair. Ivan made quick work out of restraining her.

“Hands behind your back, gorgeous,” he said, and she obeyed, silent now. He used fuzzy red cuffs to handcuff her wrists. The cuffs looked cute and playful, but their bondage was real.

“I’m going to make you come until you pass out. Does that sound like a good idea?”

She laughed again, and Ivan recognized it for what it was—nerves. “Yes. I’m yours for the next…” she looked up at the large metal clock ticking above the fireplace, “forty-three minutes.”

Ivan stifled a groan of desire. Forty-three minutes. Forty-three minutes to watch her come, and come again, and squirm, and scream. Then beg…and beg. And come again.

The memory of this evening would fulfill all of his masturbatory fantasies for the rest of his life. Which was good, because after this he’d probably be cut off from this particular escort service.

Ivan plugged in the long white vibrator, pressing the thick round head against her. Frowning, he dipped his fingers down and spread her nether lips until the vibrator nestled directly against a tender spot. His fingers came back shiny.

“This turns you on?” he asked, surprised.

“Yes,” she admitted shyly.

He flipped the switch to Low and watched her face, her reaction as the vibrator buzzed to life.

“How’s that feel?”

“Amazing.” She tilted her head back, a look of ecstasy on her face.


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

New York Times and USA Today Bestselling author Shoshanna Evers has written dozens of sexy stories, including The Man Who Holds the Whip (part of the NYT bestselling MAKE ME anthology), I Am Not Your Melody (from the NYT bestselling Cowboy 12-Pack), Beauty & the Beast: an erotic reimagining (from the USA Today bestselling Wicked Hot Reads), The Enslaved Trilogy and The Pulse Trilogy from Simon & Schuster Pocket Star, and the national bestseller, The Tycoon’s Convenient Bride...and Baby.

Her work has been featured in Best Bondage Erotica 2012 and Best Bondage Erotica 2013, the Penguin/Berkley Heat anthology Agony/Ecstasy, and numerous erotic BDSM novellas including Chastity Belt and Punishing the Art Thief, originally from Ellora’s Cave Publishing.

The non-fiction anthology Shoshanna Evers edited and contributed to, How To Write Hot Sex, is a #1 Bestseller in the Authorship, Erotica Writing Reference, and Romance Writing categories.

Shoshanna is also the cofounder of, the largest selection of one-of-a-kind, premade book covers in the world.

Shoshanna is a New York native who now lives with her family and three big dogs in Northern Idaho. She welcomes emails from readers and writers, and loves to interact on Twitter and Facebook.

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Monday, July 27, 2015

Virtual Book Blast: Breeding Stations

Another winner by my good friend and co-author Chris T. Kat!

Author Name:  Chris T. Kat

Book Name: Breeding Stations
Series: Alliances
Book: One

Release Date: July 27, 2015
Spunky commander Berit Turner is known for two things: his huge libido and his lack of a filter—he says what he thinks. Berit sets his mind on being part of the mission to Ligador, to make sure the planet is habitable for humans. He’s ecstatic when his team is assigned to the task force. A delegation of Nadisc, a humanoid alien race, accompanies them, and passion ignites between Berit and their commanding officer, Tom. But Berit is determined that Tom is just another notch on his bedpost, as he doesn’t do relationships.
The excursion to Ligador goes wrong from the beginning, when they discover Ligador has been established as a breeding station by their worst enemy: the Tash’Ba. Dinosaur-like creatures become the team’s worst nightmare, and staying alive is going to take everything they’ve got… and then some.

Pages or Words: 204 pages or about 65,000 words

Categories: M/M Romance, Science Fiction

Excerpt from Chapter One:

After a five-minute standoff with our Nadiscs, I rolled my eyes and squared off in front of them. “Look, I know you have a rule about not giving your name out to anyone, so why don’t we cut it short. You”—I pointed at the woman—”will be R1.”
She narrowed her eyes at me, which I ignored, even though my hands began to perspire. I pointed at the man standing on her left and said, “That’ll make you R2.” I leveled my finger at the remaining one and added, “So you’ll be R3. We should all be able to remember R1, and if we get it wrong when there’s an emergency, we’ll only have to shout for R2 and R3 together and one of you will help us out.”
R2’s eyebrows knitted together very closely, and in the background feet shuffled. Someone cleared his throat. R3 came forward, one step at a time. I could’ve sworn the floor vibrated with every move. All my instincts screamed at me to leg it, but if I’d learned one lesson well, it was not to show fear. Not too much, anyway.
R3’s arm shot out before I had a chance to see it coming. His large hand clasped around my neck and all my hairs stood on end. I kept completely still, waiting for the blow to come.
He gazed at me from dark brown eyes, then lifted his other hand. The atmosphere around us thickened, and my poor confused cock perked up with interest. The Nadisc laid a hand against my cheek, left it there for a while, before he eventually pulled it away.
He pointed at his comrades. “Niyara.”
The Nadisc woman inclined her head.
“This is Xevon. And to make it easier for you and your people, you may call me Tom.”
“Tom?” I blurted. “Don’t you have a fancy name like the others?” The grasp around my neck tightened, and I hastened to add. “Short is cool, though. Really cool.”
“Thought so.”
Tom released my neck, but didn’t step away. Slightly wary, I glanced up at him. He grinned at me, showing a full line of well-tended white humanoid teeth, then beckoned to Niyara and Xevon. They bridged the distances in two long strides and formed a circle around me.
“Um, guys, what’s going on?” I asked, mulling whether I could slip past them or not.
They intertwined their hands and closed the circle around me. Someone—I think it was Carson—muttered something fierce, and a moment later three large bodies crowded me. I opened my mouth to tell them off, or maybe to ask them very politely to back off a little—same difference, really—when an eerie shout resounded through the hangar.
My eyes had to be circular by the time they finished. You could’ve heard a pin drop, it was that silent around us.
Niyara, Xevon, and Tom took one step backward, and I breathed more freely. Niyara smashed her fist against her chest, declaring, “We accept you as our leader on this mission.”
I gaped at her. The Nadisc helped and supported humans, but accepting leadership from a human? They very rarely did. Niyara smiled at me, a genuine smile that showed a prettiness I hadn’t seen before, then she engulfed me in a rib-creaking embrace. I was stumbling to find my footing once she’d set me down when Xevon lifted me off my feet and hugged me too.
He and Niyara turned around and advanced on my crew members, eliciting a few terrified squeaks. I peered at Tom, who showed no inclination of moving.
“What? No hug from you?” I asked.
He held out his broad muscled arms for me, grinning. My mouth went dry and my damn cock pressed heavily against the fabric of my pants. It had to be visible to everyone. For the first time in many years, heat rose into my cheeks. Tom’s grin expanded before he laughed. I stepped into his arms, bracing myself for another painful embrace. Instead, I found myself leaning against a hard chest with equally hard arms around me, fencing me in but without hurting me.
I mumbled into his leather vest, “Do you by chance happen to like blond humans?”
“I do.”
I would’ve screamed hallelujah if Baker’s voice over the loudspeaker hadn’t demanded we get going.

Sales Links:

About the author:

Chris T. Kat lives in the middle of Europe, where she shares a house with her husband of many years and their two children. She stumbled upon the M/M genre by luck and was swiftly drawn into it. She divides her time between work, her family—which includes chasing after escaping horses and lugging around huge instruments such as a harp—and writing. She enjoys a variety of genres, such as mystery/suspense, paranormal, and romance. If there's any spare time, she happily reads for hours, listens to audiobooks or does cross stitch.

Where to find the author:

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press
Cover Artist: Anne Cain

Tour Dates & Stops: July 27, 2015

Rafflecopter Prize: E-copies of Seizing It and the sequel Too Good to be True? by Chris T. Kat

Virtual Book Tour: What No One Else Can Hear

Author Name: Brynn Stein

Book Name: What No One Else Can Hear

Release Date: July 27, 2015
Young Stevie Liston is diagnosed with autism, but is really an overwhelmed empath who mentally called out for help. Jesse McKinnon heard him in a dream from clear across the country, and that dream sent him on a six-year search to find Stevie. Once they meet, they think everything will work out and Jesse will help Stevie cope.

Stevie does improve immensely, but a disgruntled coworker of Jesse's conspires with Stevie's estranged but politically powerful father to keep Stevie and Jesse apart with trumped-up legal charges claiming Jesse sexually abused the boy. Jesse must watch helplessly as Stevie loses all the advances he's made.

If it wasn't for his growing relationship with his coworker Drew Ferguson, Jesse knows he wouldn't have the strength to fight for his rights and Stevie's future. Drew just might be the real thing, but with the very real possibility of serving jail time for a crime he didn't commit, Jesse's hopes for a future with Drew might be doomed

Pages or Words: 220 pages

Categories: Contemporary, Crime Fiction, Fiction, Gay Fiction, M/M Romance, Paranormal

I COULDN’T believe it. I stood in the doorway of a child’s room on the third floor of the Lynneville Center for Children with Autism after having been hastily hired and sent up here. At first I was shocked to see dozens of expertly drawn pictures of me taped up all over the walls. Then I noticed the four worried-looking adults in the room, their attention focused on the bed. In that bed, seemingly catatonic, was the very boy I’d been seeing in my dreams for almost six years.
I had been looking for Stevie all that time, but now that I had found him, I realized that until that moment I’d always had the smallest doubt that he was real—almost a hope that there wasn’t a suffering child who needed me, whom it had taken me so long to find. All my energy for six years had been focused on finding him, yet a niggling doubt had remained … until I stepped through that doorway.
“Stevie,” I whispered. “I finally found you.”

He didn’t move; he only blinked on reflex. He simply lay on the bed, so still, and stared at the ceiling. I knew I could help him. I moved to his side, nudging the doctor out of the way, and touched his hand.
 “Come on, man. Come on back now.” I put my hand on his head, and Stevie immediately turned his head toward me. Though his eyes were still a little unfocused, he had no trouble recognizing me.
“Hi, Bear,” he said and reached out to be hugged, as he always had in my dreams.
It was so natural for Stevie to talk to me and hug me that it didn’t occur to me it might be strange for the staff gathered in Stevie’s room. They were suddenly doing the best imitations of goldfish I had ever seen. The doctor and the other man had comically wide eyes, while the two women looked almost ready to cry from shock or maybe just relief.
The older one, a lady in her forties, seemed to recognize my confusion. She came to stand close to me and said in a hushed voice, “That’s the first time we’ve ever heard him speak.”
He always could, of course.
He spoke to me all the time in my dreams.
He finally let go and looked at me. “Bear, you’re here? You’re really here?” His gaze scanned the room. “Not in the forest?”
“No, buddy.” I laid him back down and rubbed his hand as I spoke. “Not in the forest this time. We’re right here, in your room.”
Stevie yawned and looked exhausted.
“Go to sleep, big guy. I’m working at the center now, so I’ll be waiting for you when you wake up.”
He smiled and was asleep almost immediately.
By that time the staff’s shock had worn off and curiosity had set in with a vengeance. We barely stepped out of Stevie’s room before the never-ending string of questions began.
“Bear?” “Forest?” “Stevie can talk?” The questions bombarded me simultaneously.
We all took seats in the living room area and I set about answering their questions. I was hoping what they had just witnessed would keep them from laughing me out of the room. The story I had to tell them was pretty spectacular.
Dottie, the lady in her forties, started things off by introducing me to the others. Dr. Brown was the physician on staff and had been watching Stevie decline over the last several months with no idea how to help him. Hank and Stacy were the other staff members who had been in Stevie’s room. They, along with Dottie, were support staff for the students who lived here, providing whatever assistance they needed, with supervision and compassion. Other people working on the hall that night wanted to hear as much of the story as possible, so they came and went, working when needed, listening when they could, as did Dottie, Hank, and Stacy.
“I don’t even begin to know where to start asking questions,” Dr. Brown finally admitted.
“The beginning is always nice,” Stacy said.
I smiled and thought Stacy had a good idea, so I told them about my first meeting with Stevie.

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About the author:

Brynn has always loved to write about strong male characters and their close friendships. When she found the world of m/m fiction, she fell in love. Finally, a way to bring those strong male characters together and let those emotional connections spill over into deeper relationships. Sometimes her characters go through the emotional wringer, but they always have each other.

Where to find the author:

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Publisher: Dreamspinner
Cover Artist: Reese Dante

Tour Dates & Stops: July 27, 2015

Rafflecopter Prize: Autographed copy of “What No One Else Can Hear”; Two electronic copies of “What No One Else Can Hear”.