Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Wednesday Briefs: Don't Look Back #31 (6.4)

Happy Hump Day! Hope everyone is doing well and those back East have weathered the storm! I'm grateful for the 40 degree weather we have here in St. Louis, even if I might wish it were a little warmer lol

If it's Wednesday, it must be time for the Wednesday Briefs! Flash fiction brought to you by the friendly authors of our group, between 500 and 1000 words, utilizing one of our inspiring prompts!

This week, in Don't Look Back, Marshall is preparing for a night he's long dreamed about - topping Lee. Don't forget to see what the other Briefers are up to. Their links follow my tale. Enjoy!

Don't Look Back #31 (6.4)

Dinner was an unqualified success. Marshall prided himself on his ability to grill any piece of meat to perfection. So rare, it practically mooed, just the way they liked it. But then he’d had a great teacher, hadn’t he?

Everything he knew, he’d learned from Lee.

Afterward, Marshall cleaned the kitchen, rinsed the dishes and set them into the dishwasher, eyeballing everything to make sure it was clean before turning out the light. Lee was kicked back in the family room, a bottle of ale in hand. Marshall carried in his own and took a seat on the couch, but jumped up almost immediately and set the bottle on the end table. He paced into the bedroom. The bed was made, everything was straight. The lube sat out, on his side of the bed. Nothing to be done there.

He padded back into the family room and took his seat again. He crossed and uncrossed his legs before jumping back up to his feet.

“There’s no reason to be nervous,” Lee commented.

“Nervous? Who said I was nervous?”  Marshall assumed an air of nonchalance he was far from feeling.

“I think I know better than that,” Lee said softly. “Especially since you’re playing with your hair, and that’s a definite sign you’re not sure of yourself. You shouldn’t be. You’ll do great.”

Marshall guiltily removed the hand that had been twisting strands of his long hair. Yeah, that was a bad habit he had. And yes, he was nervous. Both on his account, and Lee’s. He wanted everything to go right, and he didn’t want to do anything to hurt Lee, despite Lee’s protestations that he wouldn’t and couldn’t.

Lee set his ale aside and rose from the chair. He pulled Marshall toward him, wound his arms about his waist. “Don’t overthink things,” he said. “Just think about how good it’s gonna feel when you’re inside of me. For both of us.”

That thought was dizzying indeed. Marshall felt his cock react to the words alone. How much more excited would it be when it became a real and happening thing, when he was buried balls deep inside of Lee, fucking him for all he was worth.

He needed to get over himself and take charge. He was in control tonight, and he needed to act like it.
“I think we should take a shower first,” he decided. “Separately,” he quickly added as Lee quirked a brow. Lee nodded his approval. If they got into the shower together… well, that might end things before they ever got to the bed, since they couldn’t seem to keep their hands off one another under hot running water.

“Who goes first?” Lee asked. Marshall realized Lee was not contesting his right to be in control, and he felt his confidence rise from the boost to his ego.

“You first,” Marshall decided. Then he wouldn’t have to worry about Lee taking a cold shower. They’d installed an extra large hot water heater not too long ago, but they did both love their hot water.

Lee’s hands strayed across Marshall’s ass, stroking it, while his lips claimed Marshall’s. “Goddamn you’re sexy, boy,” he murmured, taking a breath. “I think I’ll take that shower now.” He disentangled himself from Marshall, left a last kiss on his lips, and sauntered toward their bedroom.

While Lee was otherwise engaged, Marshall put the next part of his plan into effect.

Sometimes they liked to make love by candlelight. Marshall dug into one of the drawers in the bedroom and retrieved several partially burned pillars in assorted colors. He placed each one on a small saucer and lit the wick as he set it in various spots about the room. Then he pulled out the wooden incense holder, set several sticks of sandalwood incense beside it and one in it. He lit the end, watched it burn for a few seconds, then blew out the flame. It continued to glow, exuding the sensuous aroma of sandalwood.

Lost in contemplation of the scene, Marshall was taken by surprise when Lee strode out of the bathroom buck naked. Marshall’s mouth dropped at the sight. Oh damn, but that man was fine. Even soft, his cock was a sight to behold.

At times, Marshall had tried to persuade Lee to shave his chest and legs, but Lee’d always refused. Not while he had breath in his body, he would say. Today, Marshall was glad Lee hadn’t given in to his request. There was something incredibly sexy about Lee’s dark hair. It felt good to Marshall’s touch, and yet it wasn’t overpowering either.

“I left a towel for you on the rack.” Lee’s words pulled Marshall out of his reverie. “Candles are a nice touch,” he added. “Incense too.” Marshall warmed at his praise.

“I won’t be long,” he promised.

“I’m not going anywhere.” Lee laughed softly and made shooing motions toward the bathroom. Marshall grinned and hurried inside. Lee had deliberately left the door open so Marshall wouldn’t have to contend with steam. He quickly stripped and threw his clothes in the hamper, then started the water and jumped in.

He washed every body part he possessed thoroughly, shampooed and conditioned his hair. When he was certain he could do no more, he exited the shower, pausing only long enough to brush his teeth, gargle with mouthwash, and splash on some aftershave.

He re-emerged into the bedroom feeling almost brand new. Time spent in grooming had managed to quell some of the fire which had threatened to consume him earlier with Lee’s touch, but the spark was rekindled when he caught a glimpse of Lee. Lee reclined on their bed, long legs stretched out comfortably, a book in one hand, apparently caught up in his reading.

The other hand rested on his crotch, not quite covering his cock.

Marshall debated whether he should suck Lee off first and then fuck him, or jack him off while he fucked him.

Decisions, decisions, decisions…

to be continued

Now see what's happening with the rest of the Briefers!

Virtual Book Tour: Come To My Window

Book Name: Come to My Window
Series? No
Release Date: January 2015
Author Name: Mia Kerick
Author Bio:
Mia Kerick is the mother of four exceptional children—all named after saints—and five nonpedigreed cats—all named after the next best thing to saints, Boston Red Sox players. Her husband of twenty-two years has been told by many that he has the patience of Job, but don’t ask Mia about that, as it is a sensitive subject.

Mia focuses her stories on the emotional growth of troubled young people and their relationships, and she believes that physical intimacy has a place in a love story, but not until it is firmly established as a love story. As a teen, Mia filled spiral-bound notebooks with romantic tales of tortured heroes (most of whom happened to strongly resemble lead vocalists of 1980s big-hair bands) and stuffed them under her mattress for safekeeping. She is thankful to Dreamspinner Press, Harmony Ink Press, and CreateSpace for providing her with alternate places to stash her stories.

Mia is a social liberal and cheers for each and every victory made in the name of human rights, especially marital equality. Her only major regret: never having taken typing or computer class in school, destining her to a life consumed with two-fingered pecking and constant prayer to the Gods of Technology.
Where to find the author:
Publisher: Mia Kerick
Cover Artist: Reese Dante

Justine Laraby and Kemina Lopez are intimate acquaintances yet they have never exchanged so much as a single word. For months, high school senior Justine, and famed model, “Kemina, the Baby Vixen” of Nightingale Lingerie, have been peering at each other across a narrow alley between brownstones in the Upper West Side of Manhattan. This mutual observation soon turns into the exchange of handwritten messages on signs they hold up whenever they come to their bedroom windows. Via this “sign language,” a friendship grows, and Justine learns that Kemina is, like her, a high school senior, but with a controlling mother and a modeling career that requires her to maintain an unnaturally thin physique. And through the window, she also witnesses her new friend exercising fanatically, hoarding food, and being physically and emotionally abused by her ambitious mother. 

Window messages evolve into clandestine meetings and soon a tentative romance blooms. But Justine must come to terms with her own “mommy issues,” as well as accept her gender identity and sexual orientation, before she can provide Kemina with the support she needs to survive a family life that resembles a ruthless business transaction. 

Will Justine be strong enough to throw open the window so Kemina can escape society’s suffocating expectations?

Categories: Contemporary, Fiction, Lesbian Romance, Romance, Young Adult

But it’s not until the screen fills with the image of this baby seal,
all white and fluffy with dark vulnerable eyes that we both gasp a
little bit and then turn to look at each other. I can feel her breath on
my lips and my nose is nearly touching hers, and, well, I don’t know
about Kemina, but I’m all kinds of spellbound by this moment. She
reaches up and touches my jaw, just below my ear, with this soft
brush of her fingertips, and I have no choice but to lean down and
kiss her. Not that I was looking too hard for another option. Cuz I

I kind of thought that my first kiss would be like an electric
shock or the sharp poke of cupid’s dart or fireworks exploding in a
dark night sky, but it’s not like any of those things. The way it feels
when my lips touch Kemina’s is soft and gentle and tender. It’s a
yielding of her mouth to mine, and then mine to hers. It’s an intimate
moment that’s breathy and warm and sweet and just ours.

“Ummmm….” She lets out this sound that makes me think of
how it feels to sink into a hot bath after a long afternoon of ice
skating in frigid temperatures. “That was my first real kiss.”

“Real kiss?” I ask. Our lips are only about an inch apart. I have
a strong feeling that her second real kiss is only a moment away. 

Pages or Words: 182 pages

Hi, it’s Mia Kerick and I’m here to talk about how I use humor to better illustrate my characters. First, read this segment of my new release, Come To My Window:

I cannot freaking believe I’m doing this.
So after the fiasco that was Sunday dinner, Dad told me he “gently suggested” to his lady friend Pamela that she “put herself out there” a bit more with his kids. So the suddenly playful Pamela starts her attempt to “put herself out there” with me—the little doll.
Anyway, here I am at Pampered and Polished Nail Salon in Soho, my feet soaking in a bucket of warm sudsy water and the fingers of my right hand fanned out under this probably-cancer-causing-supersonic-nail-drying contraption. But I have struggled through my fight-or-flight-response and I’m proud to say that I’m still here in the beauty trenches. With newly French tipped fingernails and, I’m thinking, maybe I’ll get some shade of blue on my toenails. I’m not going to commit to it yet, but there’s one color called “Lady Sings the Blues” that isn’t half-bad.
What I do for love…well, for Dad’s lover.
I don’t cry like I did during my last manicure experience at Lani’s first grade girly birthday party that I bailed out of, and neither do I call Dad and plead with him to come pick me up and return me to the safety of my OKC Thunder-themed bedroom. Instead, I grit my teeth, spread out my fingers, and let Filippe, the manicurist, have his way with me.
Joey, Bart, and the other guys are gonna laugh their asses off later at the YMCA when I attempt to palm the basketball with French tipped nails.
This one’s for you, Dad. I hope you and the twins appreciate my sacrifice.
“So, Justine, tell me… have you set your sites on a nice young fellow? You are a very pretty girl. We just need to do something with your hair.” She turns and gawks at me—and yes, she wrinkles that tiny freckled nose—right from her foot-soaking throne beside mine. “With your hair as it is now, you resemble that troublemaking boy pop vocalist, um, what’s his name?”
Filippe chimes in with, “Justin Bieber.”
I fight with every ounce of my inner strength not to roll my eyes. And I still fail.
“Yes, that’s the one.” She reaches over and pulls the hair up off one side of my face and I feel so exposed. “Maybe a pretty up-do would make a boy lose his eyes for you… You have lovely high cheek bones, doll—you really shouldn’t hide them.”
“’Tis a crime to hide fine bone structure such as this.” Filippe is not being helpful here.
But I’m here on business, I remind myself, just as newly-playful, freshly-polished Pam is. This is not a social event, contrary to Filippe’s naïve understanding of this apparent mother-daughter salon trip. I am on a mission to save my brothers from heartache; she is on a mission to trap a man. “So Pam, next time the boys make you food… um, my suggestion is that you find a way to choke it down.”

This was one of my favorite scenes to write in Come To My Window because I was able to employ Justine’s dry wit and unique way of looking at the world to demonstrate her steadfast character. I was also able to slide in the humorous Justin Bieber comparison that pops up randomly throughout the book. And while using Justine’s sarcastic humor, and situational humor, as well, I was able to show how far Justine would go in the interest of helping the ones she loves.

In this scene, Justine’s father’s girlfriend is making an attempt to better get to know Justine, which was requested by Justine’s father. As it turns out, Pam invites Justine to a nail salon so they can bond over manicures and pedicures. Justine’s last time having her nails polished was at a slumber party back in first grade, and it had left her with some emotional scarring, as Justine has long been highly uncomfortable with all things girly. But for her father, and more especially for her younger twin brothers, she makes a sacrifice and agrees to the date.

At first, Pam addresses Justine’s “lacking” physical appearance, simply assuming that Justine, like her, is interested in looking pretty in order to catch a male’s interest. This couldn’t be farther from the truth, but Justine maintains her composure in the face of this suggestion, as she is here on business—the business of taking care of her family. Justine’s hope is that during this afternoon spent together, she will have an opportunity to point out the errors of Pam’s ways when dealing with the boys, and to give her some much-needed ideas for how to better relate to them. Justine, though, is highly intuitive, and she realizes that Pam is here on business, as well. Pam is here on the business of catching her man, who just so happens to be Justine’s father.

Upon the recognition that they are both at the nail salon with specific goals in mind, Justine continues with her plan, and she bluntly instructs Pam on ways in which to improve her relationship with the twins, that will, in effect, also improve Pam’s romantic relationship with Justine’s father.

This partial scene shows that the use of humor, when combined with a deep understanding of my characters, is an excellent tool in providing the reader with a unique and informative perspective of a character’s personality.

I hope you check out Come To My Window, my first YA lesbian romance because the rest of Chapter 12 is even better.

Tour Dates/Tour Stops:






Rafflecopter Prize:  $25 Gift Card

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Virtual Book Blast: In For the Kill

Please welcome author Shannon McKenna, here to tell us about her newest release, In For the Kill. Shannon will be giving away a $20 Amazon/BN GC to one randomly drawn commenter from the Rafflecopter. The more you comment, the better your chances of winning. To find the other stops on her tour, go here. Look for the Rafflecopter at the end of this post.

In for the Kill
by Shannon McKenna



Years ago, the McClouds and their friends rescued little Sveti Ardova from ruthless organ traffickers. Now she’s all grown up, and getting into some scorching trouble of her own . . .


The risks ex-cop Sam Petrie has taken have turned his life into a train wreck. So he has nothing to lose by doubling down as the elusive Svetlana Ardova’s unwanted bodyguard on her ill-advised trip to Italy. Her crusade against modern slavery has blazoned a bullseye on her chest, but when one of the death threats against her almost hits the mark, Sam’s protective instincts go into overdrive. Every lethal obstacle and trap they encounter ups the stakes—and the undeniable heat between them.

Now they’re spiraling in on a deadly and explosive secret—one that could either redeem them or destroy them … and the closer they get, the shorter the fuse …

Praise for Shannon McKenna
"The McCloud series is an auto buy for me." --Maya Banks
"McKenna writes intense, sensual stories." --The B&N Review
"Shannon McKenna makes the pulse pound." –BookPage


Excerpt One:

All yours. Sam's fantasy head rush was swiftly quenched when Sveti lunged for the door. He blocked her way. "No way."

Her golden eyes widened, shocked. "You don't think you're keeping me in here, do you? You're not serious!"

"You heard Tam," Sam replied. "You leave this room, and she comes after my balls with the bolt-cutters."

Sveti's chest heaved, which highlighted her excellent nipple hard-on. "What Tam might do to you is nothing compared to what I will do to you if you try to stop me from walking out that door."

Sam reached, and flicked the knob lock. "I'll take my chances."

She crossed her arms over the nipple jut. "Wrong answer."

"Yeah? What are you going to do to me? You got a pair of bolt-cutters under your skirt, too?"

She snorted. "Most guys seem to think so."

He admired the hot flush staining her cheekbones. "I don't."

"Good for you. Congratulations. You're very brave. Now get out of my way. I can't stand being confined. Not after what happened to me."

He waved that away. "Don't play the captive-waif-in-the-dungeon pity card with me. It's old and tired. Move on."

Her jaw sagged, in utter shock. "You asshole!"

"Yeah, sure," he agreed. "I have nothing to lose. You already think I'm a dickhead. Why not say whatever I damn well please?"

Curling wisps of hair swayed around her chin as she shook her head. "I have bigger problems than your unrequited crush, Petrie!"

"Burrrrrnnn," he murmured. "Tell me about those big problems, since we're shut in here together. You can start with the death threats."

Her eyes slid away. "I do not want to discuss that."

"Too bad. I say we do."

A tense silence followed that statement. She flicked him a wary glance from under those long lashes. "You can't bully me," she said.

"You think not?" he said. "Let's see about that. Spit it out. Who, what, where and when. Was it that sweatshop bust, six months ago? Those piece of shit snakeheads Helen Wong and Him Goh?"

Her eyes went wide and startled. "How do you know about them?"


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Shannon McKenna is the NYT bestselling author of over ten action packed, turbocharged romantic thrillers, among which are the stories of the wildly popular McCloud series. She loves tough and heroic alpha males, heroines with the brains and guts to match them, villains who challenge them to their utmost, adventure, scorching sensuality, and most of all, the redemptive power of true love. Since she was small she has loved abandoning herself to the magic of a good book, and her fond childhood fantasy was that writing would be just like that, but with the added benefit of being able to take credit for the story at the end. Alas, the alchemy of writing turned out to be messier than she'd ever dreamed. But what the hell, she loves it anyway, and hopes that readers enjoy the results of her alchemical experiments. She loves to hear from her readers. Contact her at her website,, or join the newsletter by signing up here:

Connect with Shannon:
Additional info about the book:
Publisher: Kensington Books
Print Length: 416 pages
Publication Date: January 27, 2015
Buy Links:
Amazon print:
B&N print:
Book Depository:
Google Play:


Monday, January 26, 2015

Virtual Book Tour: Enticing Hart

Please welcome author Mae Hancock who is here to talk about her new release, Enticing Hart. Mae will be giving away a $10 Amazon/BN GC to one randomly chosen commenter from the Raffle copter. The more you comment, the better your chances of winning. To find the other stops on her tour, go here. Look for the rafflecopter code at the end of this post.

by Mae Hancock



Hart Emile is tired of cruising for guys, living a soulless existence. He needs a change; so when an acquaintance gives him the number of the gay friendly Red Fox Ranch that’s hiring for staff, he heads south.

Oak Redman is eighteen years old and desperate to explore his awakening sexuality. The moment Hart lays eyes on the handsome young rancher he’s smitten. Not only is Oak hot, spirited and very persistent, he is also the ranch boss’s son and strictly off limits. Hart tries to fight his feelings and to respect his boss and the family who quickly become dear to him, but after Oak's Grandma suggests he gets with Oak he can't deny himself the most exciting and enticing man he has ever met.

Hart’s not the only man to have noticed how sweet and charming Oak Redman is. A family friend, Steve, is also anxious to have the affections of the young rancher. Can Hart work out Steve’s dark secrets before it’s too late and keep his job, his lover and his life?


The following morning, Bay took Hart into town to pick up supplies. The boss had shown a lot of hospitality to him since he’d arrived two days before, and Hart wanted to work hard and prove Bay’d made the right decision in employing him.

Dark sunglasses hid Bay’s eyes, but the look suited him. Hart guessed Bay must be about thirty-five, and then he added a few years to account for Oak’s age. The man didn’t appear gay, but none of the other cowboys on the ranch did either—not even Oak with his pretty, elfin face. Hart had always believed he could spot gay guys, but now he wasn’t so sure.

As they approached town, Bay turned the radio down. ”Understand you and Oak are planning a fishing trip next week.”

Caught off guard, Hart searched for words. “Yeah…we arranged to go huntin’ and fishing sometime. I didn’t know Oak planned on next week, but it’s fine if we can get the time off.” He cringed. He’d only been in the job five minutes, and now Bay knew he wanted time off.

“I need to make one thing clear to you before you go anywhere with my boy.”

Hart glanced at him with caution. “Okay.” He took a deep breath.

“Now, I don’t know anything about you or your sexuality, and I don’t want to know. Those things are your business. I will say this, though. My son…is not available.”

“I understand.”

“I hope you do, Hart. There are few things can make a man angry, and one of ’em’s messing with his family. Same goes for my daughter. She's not available either.”


“I’m not saying you can’t go fishin’ or nothing, and I know it’s Oak pushing me to give you time off and not the other way around, so I’m not worried about that.  It’s fine if you want to be friends, but remember what I said.”

“Yes, sir. I understand.” Hart swallowed hard, feeling nauseated. He stared out of the window, having second thoughts about going because he didn’t trust himself. He’d intended to finish what Oak had started in the barn, but now? Hart didn’t want to put himself into a situation where something might go wrong—or right, as the case may be.

He’d thought about nothing but Oak since he’d first seen him on the porch, strong muscles moving with easy grace, and with each move Hart had felt the slamming in his chest. He wanted to trace each curve with his tongue and sate the urgent need to satisfy the young man. With his body as powerful and mature as his father, Oak didn’t seem like an eighteen-year old.  Nevertheless, it didn’t make Hart feel any better about taking advantage.

The last thing he wanted was to see an angry Bay coming after him for messing with his son. It would be ungrateful and disrespectful to get involved with his boy. Hart had to try to think of a way to keep the two happy.

Hart loved being in Oak’s company—he was open, trusting, inquisitive, and intelligent—a real turn-on, but an obvious combination for trouble. Oak complemented Hart’s own quiet persona well. At least their friendship could continue.

He admired the actions Bay had taken to protect his kids. His own father had always been distant with him. On the other hand, at almost nineteen years old, Oak should be able to make his own mistakes. Would it be a mistake? The ranch was a workplace, and most employers discouraged relationships between employees.

“How’re you settling in?” Bay asked in a lighter tone.


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

I enjoy writing both academic and fiction material. My research interests include focus on people who experience marginalization, both in historical societies and modern. Themes include disability, neurosis, homosexuality, addiction, mental illness, slavery and prostitution. The most important part of my work is creating multi-dimensional, believable characters that are able to build lasting romantic relationships against the odds. I want all my readers to laugh, cry and enjoy the erotic journey towards a happy ending.

Link to my web site:

Link to my blog:

Twitter: @Hancockfiction


Buy link

Virtual Book Tour: The Adventures of Cole and Perry

The Questions
1)      You’re marooned on a small island with one person and one item of your choice—who is that person and what item do you have?
I feel like I’m supposed to say my husband because he’s the love of my life and I’m supposed to want to be with him all the time. But reality is if we were stuck on an island together and that’s it, we’d both die. So I want to be stuck with someone that knows how to make shelter, and fire, and find food. Yup, that person. I’ll call him Bob because he’s a strapping sexy man, who of course understands that I want to be alone sometimes to write since we’ve got nothing but time. But also that snuggling is just as nice of a way to pass the time.
As for the one item, the biggest blank book in existence so I can write. Don’t worry about writing implement. Bob knows how to take a feather, from the bird he killed for our food, and turn it into a pen for me to use. The ink is berries of some kind that are smashed up and put into some kind of fruit gourd Bob fashioned into a jar.
2)      Which musical would you say best exemplifies your life – and which character in that musical are you?
So many good musicals out there. However, I don’t think any of them are as boring as my life. Is there a musical with a character that’s a mom trying to find time to get it all done? And still stay sane as well? That’s pretty much my life. I can just picture the musical numbers now. Dancers in pajamas with bad hair singing about having to wash the same load of laundry four times because they forgot to put it in the dryer. I’d see that musical the second it comes out.
3)      Take these three words and give me a 100 word or less scene using them:  stamp, exam, key
Only 100 words? Oh wow. Ok, here goes:
“Where’s the key?”
Joe frantically looked around his office hoping to find the answer key to the final exam he was supposed to grade. He only had two days to grade 500 exams. It wouldn’t be a problem if only he could the stupid key.
Paper flying around the more anxious he got, Joe hoped he didn’t have to create a new one. All those multiple choice answers, true and false, matching. He was going to break out in hives just thinking about it.
With a stamp of his foot he gave up. Nothing for it, he’d just have to start over.
“Baby, are you looking for this?” His boyfriend’s voice startled him and he looked up. The answer key dangled from two fingers.
“Thank you! I’ll figure out why you had it later. Now to start grading all these stupid exams.”
Ok, so that’s more than 100 words. But we’ll just pretend it’s not.
4)      You’ve just been let loose in the world of fiction, with permission to do anyone you want. Who do you fuck first and why?
That’s kind of hard since I’ve got entirely too many book boyfriends to count. I’m going to have to go back to the time when I read het romance and choose David from David’s Angel by Stephanie Beck. He’s the right amount of husband, dad, and Dom that is just what I want.
5)      What is your idea of how to spend romantic time with your significant other?
As long as it’s quiet, and no little one running around, it’s time well spent. If we can cuddle some too, it’s even better.
6)      When you start a new story, do you begin with a character, or a plot?
I tend to begin with a scene. Most of my books come from a vivid scene in my head. It’s also usually the defining scene in the story. It grows from there in the way a story tends to grow.
7)      If they were to make the story of your life into a movie, who should play you?
I’d love to have Melissa McCarthy play me. If I were even a fraction as funny as she is I’d be a happy girl.
8)      Who’s your favorite horror villain and why?
I don’t actually watch any horror if I can help it. Gives me nightmares. So I’m going to give my favorite comic book villain, because I’m a nerd like that. Lex Luther for his cunning intelligence and always finding a way to keep Superman on his toes. However the original Catwoman is pretty amazing in her villain-ness as well. She was never truly bad, but played Batman so well. She always seemed one step ahead.
9)      Do you have an historical crush and if so, who is it?
Not really a crush, but I’ve always been fascinated by Abraham Lincoln and John Kennedy. Especially all the conspiracy theories surrounding both of them. Wait, is my tin foil hat crooked? *fixes hat*
10)   Is there a story that you’d like to tell but you think the world isn’t ready to receive it?
So far none of my stories are things I don’t think people would get upset about or aren’t ready to read in some way. Some of them are going to be highly emotional that will be, in my opinion, hard to read. But I’m hoping they will be well received. We’ll see how it goes.
Thank you so much for having me on your blog! I loved all the questions

Book Name: The Adventures of Cole and Perry
Release Date: Mid-January
Author Name: Amanda C. Stone
Author Bio:
Armed with her Batman notebook, fourth grade Amanda C. Stone was ready to start writing stories about unicorns, family members, and her imaginary friends Pink Amanda and Blue Amanda. Today, Amanda is armed with a new notebook, along with a laptop, and a never ending supply of caffeine. Her stories are about all kinds of things, but the most important aspect is people falling in love.
Where to find the author:
Newsletter Signup:
Publisher: Self-published
Cover Artist: Amanda C. Stone
It all started when Cole met Perry in a bar. Over three years they had some exciting adventures, and misadventures. The six stories included in this book are all about their journey from bar to wedding.
The Anniversary
Another cancellation of plans by his boyfriend forces Cole out to the neighborhood bar. Not long after arriving he meets Perry. Even as exciting as Perry is, he's unsure how the night will end.

The Fight
Cole and Perry are struggling to make time for each other and constantly at each other’s throats. A fight to the death will decide who is right or wrong in their arguments. But Cole really doesn't want to shoot Perry.

The Threesome
Deciding they want to spice up things in the bedroom, Perry wants to have a one-time threesome. Cole's nervous and doesn't want to ask any of their friends to join them. Perry finds the perfect solution.

The House
After two and a half years together, Cole and Perry want to buy a house. Once they find the perfect house, they get to spend their first morning together in their new space. Perry will have to help Cole decide which room is his favorite.

The Baby
Both Cole and Perry are exhausted. Taking care of a three month old is hard when she's up all night and is always hungry. If only they could find where they put the bottle warmer.

The Wedding
Cole is ready to make his commitment to Perry life-long. After careful planning, they created the perfect event. What could possibly go wrong? If only Cole didn't ask the same question.

Categories: Contemporary, Fiction, Gay Fiction, Humor, M/M Romance, Romance

“Cole. I have a surprise for you. I want you to close your eyes and keep them closed until I tell you to open them.”
Cole looked up from his magazine at the doorway Perry’s voice drifted in from. He put the magazine on his nightstand and closed his eyes.
“They’re closed,” he called out. He wasn’t sure where Perry was in their apartment, but he sounded close.
Rustling and a strange squeaking noise reached his ears. Cole furrowed his brows trying to figure out what Perry was up to and what he was hearing.
“Okay. Go ahead and open your eyes.”
Cole popped his eyes open. He closed them and then re-opened them again. Nope, he still was seeing what was in front of him.
“Perry. Why is there--?”
Perry cut him off before Cole could finish his thought.
“So, we had talked about fantasies and things like that. I told you this was mine. So I’d like to introduce you to Freddy. Freddy, I’d like to introduce you to my boyfriend, Cole.”
Cole smiled at how nervous Perry was. His boyfriend was adorable trying to be brave with his ideas.
“Nice to meet you, um, Freddy. Perry, where did you meet Freddy?”
Perry had a small smile on his face that showed Cole he appreciated he was alright with what was happening.
“Online. I found Freddy on some website. Can’t remember the name now.”
Cole was stunned. His boyfriend didn’t go to those types of websites for any reason. Just meant Perry wanted to have the threesome and was willing to do it without asking one of their friends. Cole was so happy Perry had found a way to have his fantasy.

Pages or Words: Around 17,000 words

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Rafflecopter Prize: $10 Gift Card to Amazon or AllRomance