Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Wednesday Briefs: Dracula #30(6.7)

 Good morning and Happy Hump Day! If it's Wednesday, then it must be time for more flash fiction from the Wednesday Briefers! We're a group of authors who bring you our finest flash fiction every week, 500 to 1000 words, inspired by one of our prompts.

Dracula decides to take advantage of Andrei's absence to take a walk on dry land, to Avram's chagrin. But why? See what's going on in this week's chapter of Dracula. Don't forget to visit the other Briefers and see what's up with them. Their links follow my tale. Enjoy!

Dracula #30(6.7)

Avram saw no use in arguing with a stubborn vampire. “If you say so,” he muttered under his breath. Although there was no such thing as whispering around Nico. He had the heightened senses of his kind and heard everything.

They strolled in silence for a few moments. Perhaps this walk was a good thing. Nico spent far too much time shut up in the castle, seldom venturing outside for any reason. Avram understood his need for privacy, all things considered, but such a lifestyle was not healthy. Even for a vampire. The thought made him chuckle. Dracula would be amused to hear him express such a concern.

“Something is funny?”

Avram coughed, waving his hand as if to show his struggle with his breathing. “No, no, just a little bit of a cough. Nothing to worry about.” He surreptitiously glanced at the vampire, who did not look as though he believed him. Time to change the subject.

“I imagine, once we reach Vienna, that you will wish to go straight to the Palace?” He tried to keep his voice as neutral as possible, as if their destination was of little matter to him, when the truth was he hated going there. But they had little choice, at the moment.

Nico said nothing immediately. Avram focused his attention on the forest they were passing through instead. Scots pines and Norway spruce in abundance on either side of the road, the latter redolent of Christmas. German settlers had brought the tradition of decorating the tree to Transylvania, and the inhabitants had embraced it with enthusiasm.

Except for Nico, of course. He was never known to do anything that might be considered traditional. But Gunther’s family had, and Avram had come to appreciate the rich, sweet scent of the beautiful trees. Gunther’s mother had been a wonderful cook, and he could still remember dinners with the family. Especially he loved the sarmale, cabbage rolls filled with pork and cooked alongside pickled cabbage, then served with a helping of polenta and sour cream and pickled hot peppers.

And of course, there were the desserts. Avram especially loved the lamaita cake she made, so light, so delicate, filled with the most delicious lemon cream and vanilla. She always gave him an extra big piece, convinced that Dracula was starving him, although she would never speak such apprehensions aloud. She, like most of the villagers feared him. Those who said they didn’t were either lying or fooling only themselves, as none dared to cross him and most did their best to avoid him if they saw him during his rare sojourns to the village. He, and before him his family, had a reputation that went back many years, and the villagers had long memories.

How long ago those days of innocence. How joyful time spent in the bosom of Gunther’s warm and loving family. Life at the castle was… different.  Nico chose not to celebrate holidays and Avram never questioned his choice. But he often wondered what had happened to cause him to be the way he was.

 to be continued

Now see what's up with the other Briefers!

Cia Nordwell

J Ray Lamb


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