
Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Wednesday Briefs: Dracula #20 (5.3)

  Good morning and Happy Hump Day! If it's Wednesday, then it must be time for more flash fiction from the Wednesday Briefers! We're a group of authors who bring you our finest flash fiction every week, 500 to 1000 words, inspired by one of our prompts.

Gunther has dealt with the villagers, at least for now. But he's telling Avram and Dracula to stay put until he returns, and he'll be as quick as possible. Dracula is definitely unhappy. See what's going on in this week's chapter of Dracula. Don't forget to visit the other Briefers and see what's up with them. Their links follow my tale! Enjoy!

Dracula #20 (5.3)

“It’s only me.” Gunther’s disembodied voice came floating down to them from above. Moments later, his black-robed body came into view as he plodded down the steps and joined them, one of the candles from the altar in his hand.  He set the candle into a wall sconce that Avram hadn’t even realized was there until that moment. It wasn’t much, but it was a definite relief from the previous gloom. Avram searched his friend’s countenance by the light of the flickering flames, hoping his expression would reveal the result of his encounter with the villagers, but Gunther’s face betrayed nothing.

Avram shot a quick glance at his employer.  He noticed that Nico seemed to be a little less uneasy than he’d been before, which must be a good thing. So why was he still concerned about him? Maybe because he was too familiar with his habits to believe all was now well.  He knew this slight change in his demeanor had nothing to do with Gunther’s arrival, as he clearly didn’t care for the man, and he also knew that the vampire held no fear of the dark, so it wasn’t just the presence of the light, although he himself found that to be a relief. Not that he feared anything with Nico by his side. There must be another reason for Dracula’s anxiety, but what it was he couldn’t begin to imagine. And he didn’t think this was the time to ask.

“The villagers? They are gone?” Dracula snapped. Apparently, he still retained a certain amount of tension.

Avram felt guilt well up inside of him—guilt that the man was even there with him at all when he could have easily escaped by himself and been far from here by now. Instead, he had voluntarily chosen to stay with Avram. He felt like such a burden. Nonetheless, he was grateful for Nico’s presence as well as his company. Whether he liked to admit it or not, he worried when Nico strayed too far from home. Never mind he was a hundred-fifty-year-old vampire with a mind of his own, Avram cared about what happened to him. And yes, he cared about Dracula… about the man who had virtually saved his life. That was not something easily forgotten.

It was a complicated situation.

“They have gone,” Gunther confirmed, remaining calm despite the obvious antipathy of the other man. “They have taken Doina and Bogdan back to their home to prepare them for burial and to administer the last rites.”

“If you need to go, we can make our own way,” Avram offered, but Gunther shook his head.

“No, that’s not necessary. Their priest shall do so.”

Avram understood immediately. He should have realized such would be the case, as most of the village were members of the newer church. Perhaps it was that fact which was helping to keep them safe in this less-visited place. But for how long?

“But I do really have to go now. I must insure your safe journey, remember? It’s imperative that you leave Bistritz as soon as possible.” He glanced sharply at Dracula and raised his hand, as if to ward off any arguments the other might make, but the vampire remained silent, so he continued. “I will make those arrangements and return with food as soon as I can. I’m not sure how long you must wait here—”

Dracula’s previously suppressed anger could no longer be contained as his silence came to its inevitable end, much to Avram’s chagrin.

“And who are you to tell me what I can and cannot do? You seem to forget whom it is you are speaking to, priest. You think you have the right to keep us detained in this… this detestable dungeon?” Dracula started to move toward Gunther and Avram quickly grabbed his arm, although he knew his strength alone would not suffice if Dracula did not wish it to be so. Dracula made no move to shake him off, but his anger was not to be allayed. “It is bad enough that we cannot return to the castle, perhaps for a long time to come, but you expect we should skulk beneath the earth like vermin? Trapped at your whim? And what if you do not come back, what then? Perhaps that is your plan? You wish for us to die, and this is to be our tomb? This shall be your revenge for the death of the idiot blacksmith?”

Verdammte Arschloch.”

Avram heard Gunther swear under his breath. If he heard, then of course Dracula did too.

Gunther threw up his hands in exasperation. “I have put up with much from you, Dracula. Mostly for Avram’s sake. He is a good man, and I trust his judgment, even when it comes to you.”

“What do you know about me?” Dracula hissed. “You know nothing, that is what you know.”

“I know that Avram works too hard for too little appreciation. Trying to allow you to live the fancy life you enjoy. Let me ask this, what do you do to deserve this… this frippery.” He waved a hand at Dracula’s expensive suit. “There are people who are grateful to have a roof over their heads and food to eat, while you… you…” Breathing heavily now, he turned away from the vampire in disgust. “I have no time for this. Avram, I shall return. Please be safe.” He dashed up the stairs with surprising speed and the floor closed above them once more.

 to be continued

Now go see what the other Briefers are up to!

Cia Nordwell

J Ray Lamb




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