Saturday, June 1, 2024

Saturday is Horror Day #168 - Talk to Me

 Talk to Me

Mia (Sophie Wilde) hasn't had it easy, especially since the death of her mother. But luckily she has the love and support of her friend Jayden's (Jayden Davison) family to fall back on, including her little brother Riley (Joe Bird) and her mother Fiona (Sarah Brokensha). And oddly enough, Mia's ex, Daniel (Otis Dhanji) is now dating Jayden, but he and Mia have stayed good friends.

Some of the kids at their school have gotten into something new. Instead of using a Ouija board to speak with the dead, they use a hand. The person whose turn it is to invoke said spirits, sits in the center, and grips the hand before chanting "Talk to me". When they can see a spirit that no one else can see they invite them to come into them, and the rest sit back and watch what develops.

One night, Mia and Jayden go to one such party, and Riley blackmails his way in as well. Mia volunteers to go first with the hand, and has quite the experience. Then the other want their turns and they have a ball. But when Riley wants a go, Jayden puts her foot down, no matter how much he begs. However, when she has her back turned for a few minutes, Riley gets his way, and the results are not pretty. Mia is blamed for allowing him to be in this position. To make matters worse, she has begun to see her dead mum. She feels obligated to save Riley before he can become permanently ensnared as a torture victim by those on the other side forever.

I read a few reviews that complained that the movie wasn't scary, maybe because of a lack of jump scares. But I have to disagree. I think it's scary because it's more realistic. The teenagers are typical in that they are focused on their own desires and what they want to do and don't ever really consider the consequences of their actions; Typical teens, they feel immortal and act accordingly. I saw Mia as being a tragic character from the beginning, because of what she has gone through, and because of that, I think she is more vulnerable to what happens. There is a scene at the beginning, when she picks up Riley because Jayden forgot, that showcases what a sensitive person she is.

I liked the unusual premise, and watching Mia struggle with what she has inadvertently done. You never know if what she sees is real or if her own overwrought mind is playing tricks on her and us. I think it's definitely worth watching. I'll give this film 4 Stars.

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