
Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Book Review: One Piece, Vol 14: Instinct by Eiichiro Oda


One Piece, Vol 14: Instinct        

Author: Eiichiro Oda

Publisher: Viz Media

American release date: April 3, 2007

Format/Genre/Length: Paperback/Manga/Action Adventure/192 pages

Overall Personal Rating: ★★★★★


Princess Vivi is appalled that the giant Dorry was tricked into drinking exploding ale, but she assures him they had nothing to do with that! Luffy is forced to overpower him, for the giant’s sake as well as their own, and now he is angry that this happened to Dorry. Meanwhile, Mr. 5 and Ms. Valentine seem to be in trouble with their superiors over their failure. But they can redeem themselves by obtaining the heads of the two giants, Broggy and Dorry, which are worth 100 million berries each!

Luffy, Vivi, Zolo, and Usopp end up running into each other, only to learn that Nami has disappeared and Usopp thinks a dinosaur ate her! Turns out that the two bosses are Mr. 3 and Ms. Goldenweek – he works in wax and she is an artist of gravity. Mr. 3 interferes in the giant’s battle and helps to bring one down and capture the other. Mr. 5 and Miss Valentine capture Vivi, Zoro, and Nami and bring them to Mr. 3, who intends to make them part of his huge candelabra!

Luffy arrives with Usopp and Karoo, but it’s unclear whether his presence is more of a hindrance than a help. Can he use the powers of the wax against their owner? And will Miss Goldenweek overcome him with her Colors Trap ability? Meanwhile, back at the ship, Sanji is wondering what is taking everyone so long, and maybe the girls need him to rescue them. He decides to search for them and runs across the other wax camp, now abandoned. Naturally, he decides to have some tea.  Unexpectedly, though, he hears a phone ring. In the middle of the jungle? Of course he answers it and receives a surprising reply from the other end.

These Baroque Works people just seem to keep coming out of the woodwork! Apparently, the lower their number, the higher in the hierarchy they are. And now we meet Mr. 3 and Miss Goldenweek (It seems the number system just applies to the men, although each is partnered with a woman). The lower the number also translates to greater abilities, it seems, as well.  Zolo’s suggestions as to how they should accept the inevitable and pose as candles are hilarious, but Nami is not so quick to embrace that particular Fate - not even the suggestion they cut off their legs.

This volume contains a mix of comedy, tragedy, and mystery.  Always something in the Grand Line, am I right? Looking forward to the next volume!



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