
Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Wednesday Briefs: Bad Karma and the Family Plan #90 (19.2)

 Good morning and Happy Hump Day! If it's Wednesday, then it must be time for more flash fiction from the Wednesday Briefers! We're a group of authors who bring you our finest flash fiction every week, 500 to 1000 words, inspired by one of our prompts.

Vinnie and Ethan spend a pleasant time with Ethan's family, but it's time to go now. However, Vinnie is surprised at the route they are taking. Where are they headed, and why is Ethan acting strangely? See what's up in this week's chapter of Bad Karma and the Family Plan. Don't forget to visit the other Briefers and see what's up with them. Their links follow my tale! Enjoy!

Bad Karma and the Family Plan #90 (19.2)

I admit that there are times when I can be somewhat oblivious to the world around me, especially when I’m with Ethan. But even I couldn’t help but notice that we were not headed in the direction I had assumed we’d be traveling. I shot Ethan a confused glance. “Aren’t we going home?”

Ethan didn’t answer immediately, which sent a chill creeping down my spine. Was something wrong that I was unaware of? What now? Hadn’t we been through enough already?

“Not right away,” he finally answered. “I meant to talk to you sooner, but with one thing or another…” His voice trailed off. Now I was getting frightened.

After what felt like a long moment, I found my voice and hoped it didn’t come out as shaky as I felt. “I don’t understand. Did we get another assignment already?” I didn’t think that was likely, though, as I would have known if Anderson had called. And he hadn’t. Unless he’d told Ethan during their last conversation? But no, that was the night before. Ethan would have told me by now. Besides, we had Benny with us, and we would have needed to know so we could make accommodations for our pup’s presence. So no, that couldn’t be it.

“Vinnie, how about we stop for coffee?” Ethan said, which was definitely an answer to the question I’d asked. I felt my heart begin to beat erratically and I told myself to calm down. How bad could it be as long as we were together? I trusted Ethan. Whatever it was, we could handle it.

“Coffee sounds good,” I replied. When did coffee not sound good?

A sign alongside the highway indicated a chain coffee shop was located off of the next exit. Within a few minutes, we were sitting outside, grasping our hot coffee in our hands, admiring the overcast day. A slight chill permeated the air, but nothing we couldn’t manage.

I waited patiently for Ethan to find his words, sipping at my mocha latte, trying not to panic. I kept my eyes on the table so he couldn’t read the fear in them. Finally, he began.

“Vinnie, I think it’s time we got to the bottom of what’s going on.”

Didn’t that go without saying? I made no immediate comment.

“When I talked to Anderson last night, and he assured me Chip is still very much behind bars, I asked where he’s being held.”

My entire body came alive with tingles, but not in a good way. Surely he wasn’t trying to say what I thought he was trying to say? Knowing how much the thought of being anywhere near that man… I couldn’t even complete that thought.

“I think Chip holds all the answers,” Ethan continued. He reached for my hand, but I didn’t respond with my usual alacrity, still cradling my drink. Ethan didn’t seem surprised at my reaction.

“Go on,” I said in a stiff voice I barely recognized as my own.

“You don’t have to go with me. I wouldn’t put you through that. You can wait somewhere else. I don’t plan to stay very long. I don’t even know if he’ll talk to me—” His words cut off abruptly. Probably because I had risen from the table and was slowly backing away. Whether from Ethan or the situation, I wasn’t sure. But my flight instinct had definitely kicked in, and I just knew I was about to run. Not to mention, I was filled with anger.

“How could you do that?” My voice was rising in volume with each word. “After what he did…what he tried to do…what he…” Words failed me just then. Frustrated, I threw my cup at Ethan, but thanks to being suddenly blinded by hot tears, my aim was way off and I missed him by a mile.

“Goddammit, Ethan!” I roared.

Ethan turned pale. No wonder. I don’t think I’d ever actually yelled at him before. Or tried to hit him with a projectile of any sort.

My brain was frantically trying to shut down, to not think about what was happening, what had happened, what had almost happened. I needed time, I needed space.

“Vinnie…baby…” Ethan’s voice was gentle and soothing but I was in no condition to be pacified. I had to get out of here, had to get away… I knew he wouldn’t take this lying down, he would try to reach me but I had to go. And there he was, moving toward me, trying to stop me.

I tried to turn, to escape, but found myself on my knees instead, sobbing my heart out as Ethan wrapped his arms around me.

to be continued

Don't forget to visit the other Briefers and see what's up with them!

Cia Nordwell

J Ray Lamb

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