
Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Wednesday Briefs: Rose and Thorne 6 #9 (2.5)

 Good morning and Happy Hump Day ! If it's Wednesday, then it must be time for more flash fiction from the Wednesday Briefers! We're a group of authors who bring you our finest flash fiction every week, 500 to 1000 words, inspired by one of our prompts.  

Vinnie and Ethan unexpectedly find Anderson waiting for them, along with a new mission. What's really surprising is that it involves Ethan's Uncle Benny! See what's happening in this week's chapter of Rose and Thorne 6. Don't forget to visit the other Briefers and see what's up with them! Their links follow my tale! Enjoy!'

Rose and Thorne 6 #9 (2.5)

Anderson hesitated before responding to Ethan’s question. I could tell he wanted to say yes, but his Southern gentleman manners were holding him back from doing that, and I suspected I knew why that was. “I know your sister’s visiting,” he began instead. Told you. That man was nothing if not polite.

Ethan held up one hand immediately even as he said, “Sarah will understand. She was going home tomorrow anyway. I’ll explain what’s going on to her. There won’t be a problem.”

Especially since she’s mad at you right now.

Of course I never said that aloud. But I’m sure the same thought was flitting through Ethan’s brain.

“Thanks, Ethan. I appreciate that. More than you can imagine.” Anderson sounded relieved. “All things considered, I knew I could count on you. On both of you.”  He rose, just as Alex made an unexpected appearance. He ran into the room, giggling, his frazzled mother just a few steps behind.

“I’m sorry, he got away from me,” she apologized.

“No worries, I was just leaving,” Anderson said. He leaned down and offered his hand to Alex, along with a warm smile. “It was nice meeting you, young man.”

“Nice meeting you,” Alex dutifully echoed as they shook hands. I couldn’t help but think how cute he was. One glance at Ethan’s face and I knew he was thinking the same thing. My mind went back to the unfinished conversation of this morning and instantly doubts began to beset my mind.

Ethan obviously loved kids, so much he was talking about having them. I, of course, was not equipped to give him any. Maybe he was regretting our relationship. Maybe I was holding him back from his true destiny as a father. I didn’t want Ethan to finish out his life with regrets for what might have been, and I didn’t want to be the reason why he didn’t have progeny of his own.

Was I selfless enough to give him up to some woman who could fulfill his need for a child? I’d do just about anything for Ethan, but I didn’t think I could do that.

Lost in my own somber thoughts, I was surprised to glance up and realize Anderson was gone, and Alex was once again in his mother’s loving arms. Whether he liked it or not.

“I understand completely,” Sarah was saying. “Don’t worry about it. Do what you have to do.”

At least she didn’t sound angry. “Let me know what’s going on when you can,” she continued. “And tell Uncle Benny I love him and miss him.”

“I will, don’t worry. Hopefully when this is all over, we can all of us get together and do some serious catching up. We’re past due for that.”

Did all of us include the two Josephs, I couldn’t help but wonder.

“Amen to that,” Sarah fervently agreed. “It’s been too long, hasn’t it?”

“It certainly has.”

A moment of silence followed.

“Ethan, I…”

“Sarah, I…”

Must be that twin thing.

They both laughed, and just like that the tension between them was broken. At least for now.

“You know I only want what’s best for you,” Ethan said. “Both of you. I love you.”

“I know. And I love you too, Ethan.” She hefted Alex up a little higher on her hip as he tried to wriggle out of her grasp.

“Benny!” Alex insisted, pointing toward the kitchen. I suspected Benny was taking a nap, lying in what sun he could find. Part of his daily agenda. But he’d be up for playing if awakened.

“Okay, just a minute,” Sarah soothed her son, before adding for her brother’s benefit, “I won’t do anything foolish or stupid, I promise. Okay?”

“Okay,” Ethan replied. “Just know you can call me any time, day or night, okay? Vinny and I are always here for you, no matter what.”

My heart warmed at his inclusion of me, but I should have known better. That was just how Ethan was. Thoughtful and generous. No wonder that I loved him so very much. Which made the idea that I was potentially holding him back from attaining his heart’s desire all the more painful.

“I know, and I will,” Sarah promised.

“If you like, I can stay at the hotel tonight and you can stay here,” I said. My offer was sincere although I didn’t really want us to separate, even for one night, but I could understand his wanting to spend what time he could with his sister. I was determined to do the right thing, no matter at what cost.

Sarah surprised me by enveloping me in a big hug, one that included Alex apparently, who thought it was funny and hung onto me as well. “You’re so sweet, Vinny, no wonder my brother loves you so much. We’ll be fine, don’t worry. You two just go do your job and watch over Uncle Benny.”

“I’ll call you later,” Ethan promised. “Maybe we can drop you at the airport tomorrow.”

“Okay, if you can,” she agreed. “If not, that’s why they make Ubers, right?” She gave him a quick wink before heading toward the kitchen with the excited Alex.

And now we were alone. And now Ethan was giving me a… look. The kind that meant trouble because I just knew he was going to ask me something tricky. Something I wouldn’t care to answer.

“I think I forgot to make the bed.” I plotted an escape route to the hallway, one that would dazzle Ethan with my speed of execution. But he was faster and blocked my way rather handily, his beautiful blue eyes boring into mine. How could I resist?

“Vinny, what’s the matter?’ he said gently.

 to be continued

Now go see what's up with the other Briefers!

Cia Nordwell

J Ray Lamb


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