
Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Book Review: Bleach, Vol 49 by Tite Kubo


Bleach, Vol 49       

Author: Tite Kubo

Publisher: Viz Media

American release date: October 2, 2012

Format/Genre/Length: Paperback/Manga/Supernatural/192 pages

Overall Personal Rating: ★★★★★


Aizen has been dealt with, Ichigo is back at home—sans his soul reaper powers—and life goes on. Karin has picked up  some of Ichigo’s former duties, while Yuzu does her best to win words of praise from her older brother, and Isshin is… well, Isshin. All that Ichigo has to remind him of his time as a deputy soul reaper is his old badge, which is rather worthless, and he doesn’t know why he is holding on to it… but he is. He still has his strength, though, which he exhibits by foiling a robbery by some punk teens. He returns the property to the owner, who is grateful, of course. But once Ichigo is out of earshot, the man reveals that he knows very well who Ichigo is. What can that mean?

Ichigo has been selling his abilities to various sports teams, in order to make some money, besides having a part time job, although he is unsure where his actual future lies. When a gang of miscreants come seeking Ichigo, they mistake Uryu for him, which irritates the Quincy to no end. Although a fight ensues involving both Ichigo and Uryu, that comes to a halt when Ichigo finds himself kidnapped… by his boss! A new client arrives, who turns out to be the man who was the victim of the robbery Ichigo thwarted. He offers Ichigo ramen. Meanwhile a distraught Orihime approaches Uryu with the news that Ichigo has been kidnapped, but he assures her Ichigo is in no danger, that was only his boss.

The man tells Ichigo he wants him to run a background check on someone… on Isshin Kurosaki. Say what?  The man already knows of his relationship to Ichigo, and more. He tells Ichigo that he doesn’t really know much about his family, or Uruhara, and suggests Karin should probably not spend so much time at his shop . Ichigo isn’t impressed, and the man returns to his colleagues, seemingly having failed at whatever mission he was on.

Both Uryu and Orihime want to question Ichigo, but Orihime reaches him first. While waiting outside, Uryu sees something strange, and pays the price for his curiosity. While visiting Uryu in the hospital, Orihime reveals she hasn’t seen Chad in a while, as he hasn’t been to school, and she is concerned. Ichigo ends up calling the number on the card the strange man gave him, and agrees to meet with him. But what the man has to say is… too good to be true, surely.

The Aizen arc is now bagged, tagged, and put away, so it’s time to move on to something else. Ichigo is coping with the loss of his powers, although he won’t let his friends see that it bothers him, trying to convince them that it’s business as usual. But he is disturbed and, whether he’ll admit to it or not, he misses Rukia and maybe some of the others. But what can he do?

Or is there something he can do?

Is this the lull before another storm? Have to read the next volume to find out.




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