
Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Virtual Book Tour: Ghosts of New England by Lisa Olech

 Good morning everyone! Please welcome author Lisa Olech to Full Moon Dreaming! She is here to talk about her recent release, Ghosts of New England. Lisa will be awarding a $25 Amazon/BN GC to one randomly drawn commenter via Rafflecopter during the tour. The more you comment, the better your chances of winning. To find the other stops on her tour, go here. Don't forget to look for the Rafflecopter at the end of this post!

Ghosts of New England: Skullery Bay





An anthology unlike any other...

4 Different Centuries

4 To-Die-For Romances

The Same 2 Ghosts!




Widow’s Walk (1737)

RITA nominee & Best Selling Author, Lisa A. Olech

He’s the infamous pirate, Captain John Jacob Wilder.
She’s the daughter of his fiercest enemy.

Their love is the beginning of the legend.


Captain John Jacob (Jake) Wilder wanted the estate known as Fairwinds at any price. Like any pirate worth his share, maybe he’d just steal it. He had grand plans to build his private pirate domain and hide his wealth and mysteries beneath the sprawling grounds of Fairwinds. But soon the magic of the grand house and a kiss of a beautiful woman had him planning a life, a home, and a passion-filled future with a treasure he never dreamed of having—a wife!


Lillian Grace Langdon lived in the shadowed edges of her family, surrounded by memories of a charmed life that had tarnished and faded in the sea air after her mother died. Meeting the dashing Captain Wilder had been like stepping back into the sunshine. The fact that he was a rogue and a pirate despised by her father only added a rebellious heat of that light. Together they grew to deeply love one another as well as the treasured estate, and soon returned Fairwinds back into the magical place it once was. Full of love, happiness, and a brilliant future.


But the winds of fate shifted like the tide, and one stormy night Jake and Lily were cast apart and blown from each other’s arms forever. Anguish and sadness filled the halls of Fairwinds and threatened to return the estate to an empty shell. But Lily and Jake proved their love was stronger than death, their souls immortal, and their story became the breath and heartbeat of the grand estate. They became the legend of Fairwinds. It was their haven. Their heaven. Their port in every storm. A fierce blow might have ultimately taken their lives, but it took those same wild winds to unlock the secrets and open the door to their impassioned reunions for eternity.



Widow’s Walk – Excerpt



Skullery Bay, Mystic Point, 1737


“Jake, all is secured.”


“Good work.” Captain John Jacob Wilder clapped his brother on the shoulder. The raid had taken more effort than expected, but the spoils were twice as rich. The five chests of silver alone would more than cover the slight damage to The Phantom’s mainsail and the surgeon’s fee to stitch the few minor wounds of the crew—and the sail. A goodly store of gun powder and shot, chests of spice, hog heads of rum. Aye, the crew was due a chance to crow and had well earned their drink tonight.


Jake tipped his head toward their prisoners. “Finish lashing those bastards to the gunnels, and we can take our leave.”




A scrawny lad fought against his captors. “Capt’n! I beg ya. Take me wit ya.” He kicked at the two men trying their best to keep hold of him.


“Shut yer hole an’ git wit the rest.”


“Capt’n,” the lad insisted. “I’ll fight n’ scrape hard fer ya, I will.”


Jake turned and appraised the boy. There was nothing to the lad. He was all elbows and knees beneath the rags he wore. “What’s yer name?”


“Oliver. Oliver Sharp, Capt’n.”


Jake narrowed his eyes at him. “Tell me why I should take on a sorry specimen like you?” His men still held the boy as he shook shaggy hair out of his face and stuck his chin out in defiance. As he did so, Jake noticed the swollen, discolored skin around the boy’s eye and along his jaw. His lip had been split. He’d taken quite a beating, and recently.


“I told ya. I’ll fight hard. Work harder. Ye won’t be sorry.”


“Release him,” ordered Jake. The men did, and the lad rubbed at his shoulder and shot a sneer at their backs. “Who beat you, boy?”


The lad stuck his thumbs in his pockets and held his ground. “Are ye takin’ me wit ya, or not?”


Impertinent whelp. Jake raised his voice. “Answer the question.”


“No sense if yer just gonna leave me here with the ruttin’ bastard.” Oliver glared over his shoulder.




“Rasher,” the boy spit out the name.


“Captain Rasher?”


“Ye ken another Rasher?”


“What’d he beat ye for?” Jake asked.


The lad folded spindly arms across his narrow chest. “What ya think?”


Jake had heard rumors of James Rasher’s penchant for young boys. “I take it you didn’t share his…interests?”


“I did not.” Young Oliver notched his chin.


Jake pointed at the boy’s face. “He give you that eye?”


“He did.”


“Go.” Jake jerked his head in the direction of the mast where Captain Rasher was currently lashed. “Give it back to him. Then secure yerself aboard The Phantom.”



Book Links:

The anthology will be on sale for 99 cents during the tour.

Custom Purchase Link:



Trailer Info:

Direct Link:


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Author Bio & Links:


LISA A. OLECH—loves art, pirates and a cranky curmudgeon she affectionately calls the Wizard of O. Currently the author of eight Romance titles in both the contemporary and historical genres, she uses witty dialog with a side order of sexy to bring to life multi-faceted, adventurous, smoldering characters you’ll not soon forget.


A 2018 RITA Award nominee for her book, Within A Captain’s Soul, the final book in her Captains of the Scarlet Night series, Lisa’s won a variety of writing contests and achieved the ranks of Amazon Best Seller with her debut book in 2014.


Living on the shores of On Golden Pond, Lisa shares a drafty, old Victorian house with a wizard and two schizophrenic cats she brought into the house in an attempt to fill her empty nest and keep her from talking to herself in a British accent. As an author, artist, Justice of the Peace, and aspiring beekeeper, Lisa finds true inspiration in the beauty and love that surround her. And, she takes full credit for three homes on her quiet New England street now proudly flying the Jolly Roger from their flagpoles.

Website ~ Facebook ~ Twitter ~ Instagram ~ Pinterest

Amazon Author Page ~ Goodreads


The Questions – please choose at least 5
1) You’re marooned on a small island with one person and one item of your choice—who is that person and what item do you have?

Such a good question….hmmm…let me see. I should probably say my darling husband and a rowboat, but if this is just between you and me….  I’d be marooned with Sam Heughan from Outlander anywhere! And if you could manage a working coffee maker complete with a lifetime supply of coffee, I’d be a very happy woman!

2) Which musical would you say best exemplifies your life – and which character in that musical are you?

It’s funny you asking me that, as I’ve had a song circling around my brain for the last couple week. It’s Defying Gravity from Wicked. So does that make me Elphaba? I’m certainly not the ‘good’ witch.

3) Take these three words and give me a 100 word or less scene using them: hammer, saucer, traffic lights

Green, yellow, red. Green, yellow, red. The color changing glow of the traffic lights outside her window cast an eerie tint to the scene inside. Giselle slipped her tea cup into the gentle resting place of its saucer and sighed. Her soothing green tea beginning to ease her tension. The hammer resting next to the yellow sugar bowl left a bloody red stain on the flowered table cloth. Green, yellow, red. Green, yellow, red. Green, yellow, red.

4) What is your idea of how to spend romantic time with your significant other?

Not with tea and hammers, I promise you! My significant other has been with me for forty years, bless him. Romantic time is as simple as holding hands while we watch a movie together, or perhaps a walk along a beach or a gentle wooded trail. Just quietly being together. Laughing over a stupid joke. Dancing in the kitchen. Enjoying the easiness of being in each other’s company.

5) When you start a new story, do you begin with a character, or a plot?

It does depend on the story. I began one story with a smell! But, I generally begin with dialogue. How a character speaks and communicates tells you a lot about your characters and how they are going to interact with others. I always drop in the dialogue of each scene first. Then I build the character’s dimensions, their goals and conflicts and that naturally leads to creating the story plot.

6) If they were to make the story of your life into a movie, who should play you?

The popular opinion on this question is Kathy Bates….  Maybe tea and hammers are a thing!

7) Who’s your favorite horror villain and why?


8) Do you have an historical crush and if so, who is it?

Historical ‘FICTION’ crush? See the comment above….James Alexander Malcolm Mackenzie Fraser from Outlander. If we’re talking about a real life historical figures, I’ve always loved Cary Grant.

9) Is there a story that you’d like to tell but you think the world isn’t ready to receive it?

The world is such a minefield right now so there are many stories that would test the edges of comfort for a lot of people. I believe that there is no story I wish to tell that can’t be told in a responsible, respectful, caring way. Certainly there are subjects I wouldn’t care to write about, but I take my job of storyteller very seriously. It is my job to do complete research to fully understand the people, cultures, and history of my characters so that I don’t fall into the laziness of presumptions and stereotypes. And above all, I have chosen to write romance for one simple reason, to spread love and light in the world. Yes, many of my books contain battles, villainous characters and conflict, but at their heart, my novels are a love story, between strong, passionate people who always get their happily ever after. The world is always in need of more love so I guess I’ll keep writing.


Thank you so much for having me here today. You asked some great questions and I’ve had a wonderful time! XOXO Lisa

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Good morning! Thanks so much for having me. I happy to be here and answer any questions your followers have about me, my writing, or this wonderful anthology. I'm planning to pop back several times today, so ask away! XO Lisa

  2. Thanks so much for hosting my fellow author and friend and for showcasing Ghosts of New England! SUPER-FUN Q & A to start the day! (I love coffee and laughs with Lisa O. :D) Trust me, she doesn't disappoint as an author, kicking off this one-of-a-kind anthology with Widows Walk. It's a fabulous book!

  3. Thank you for hosting our anthology, and for featuring Lisa's wonderful kick-off story. This project was such a great experience, both from a writer's standpoint and as someone who loves pirates, ghosts, sexy solicitors, a man with secrets, and of course the uber-sexy professor types! Our heroes have it all and our heroines are just the women who can tame them!

    1. We did pick amazing heroes, didn't we!?! And awesome heroines to bring a great mix to four great stories.

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you. We're very proud of them. Almost as much as we are of the anthology itself.

  5. They are, aren't they! All the praise for our gorgeous covers goes to Nancy Fraser!

  6. I LOVE these covers! print books just came in the mail. *happy dance* They're even nicer in person!

  7. Great excerpt and giveaway. :) Great authors.

    1. Thank you so much for the nice compliment! I agree, I'm in fine company with this one. Given I've never done a project like this before, I lucked out with two great authors like Kathryn and Nancy!

  8. The book sounds very intriguing. The covers are absolutely gorgeous!

    1. Thank you. We were definitely hoping each would define the individual book.

  9. I love my cover! Isn't it perfect? Nancy Fraser did an amazing job!
