
Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Wednesday Briefs: In Pieces #62 (15.3)

Good morning and Happy Hump Day! If it's Wednesday, then it must be time for more flash fiction from the Wednesday Briefers! We're a group of authors who bring you our finest flash fiction every week, 500 to 1000 words, inspired by one of our prompts.

Lunch with Marge was great, Ryan really likes her. But now everyone is going to take a break before they regroup and decide what to do. Some alone with Ben is just what Ryan wanted. How will they spend their time together? Check out this week's chapter of In Pieces and find out. Don't forget to visit the other Briefers and see what they've been up to! Their links follow my tale! Enjoy!

In Pieces #62 (15.3)

The sated group walked back to the motel together, then drove the two vehicles around the building to where the clerk had said their rooms were.  Turned out Marge’s room was close to theirs as well.  Ben handed out the key cards to the other members of the band and they separated with promises to meet up in an hour or so. Ryan and Ben then got their things from the trunk, and walked Marge to her room before heading to theirs.

Alone at last.

Ryan felt almost giddy once Ben had closed the door, leaving the rest of the world outside.    
“Why don’t we just throw our suitcases on the extra bed?” Ben suggested. “We’ll only be here a couple of nights, why unpack?”

“That’s a good idea,” Ryan agreed. “Save us some trouble. Which bed should we use?”

“How about we sleep in the one closest to the bathroom?” He tossed his own suitcase onto the other bed, and Ryan quickly followed suit. He set his laptop on top of the dresser. He had a feeling he wouldn’t be using it anytime soon.

“Did you really want to take a nap?” He didn’t want to assume anything, although he was pretty sure he knew the answer to his question. And if Ben was tired, then they would rest, no argument there.

“Maybe afterward.” Ben gave him a knowing wink which made his heart lurch. “Actually, I was thinking we should take a shower. Cool down a little, you know?”

Ryan knew that if he and Ben were naked in the shower together, things were more likely to heat up than cool down. But he certainly appreciated the sentiment.

“Good idea,” Ryan agreed. “Together, right?”

“Absolutely together,” Ben replied. He began to strip, tossing each piece of clothing on the floor in his wake as he headed toward the bathroom. Ryan took a moment to enjoy the view before following him, hastily discarding his own clothing.

The bathroom was not much smaller than the one they were using at Cameron’s house, with the added luxury of not having to be shared with two other guys. Ben was adjusting the water temperature. “Okay, come on in,” he beckoned to Ryan. Ryan stepped inside the tub and held his hand up to the spray.

“Feels good,” he commented. “Not too hot, not too cold…”

“Just right.” Ben grinned. He pulled Ryan into a gentle kiss, his hands lightly skimming up and down Ryan’s back. “We can pretend we’re playing house and this is our home,” he said. “At least for the next couple of days.” He stepped closer to Ryan, so close their cocks rubbed together. Then he turned, facing the spray, giving Ryan a most spectacular view of his ass.

Ryan couldn’t resist. He cupped those gorgeous globes and pressed soft kisses to Ben’s neck. No need to rush, he just wanted to enjoy their closeness. Spotting a small bottle of shampoo on a ledge inset against the wall, he got an idea.

“Would you like me to wash your hair?” he offered.

Ben turned his head to regard him.  “Really?” He sounded incredulous.

“Really,” Ryan said. “You sure it’s okay with you?” He didn’t want to do anything Ben wasn’t willing to do, not ever.

Ben nodded shyly. “Promise you won’t laugh if I tell you something…”

Ryan caressed the nape of Ben’s neck, intrigued to know what he was going to say. “I never would,” he assured him.

“I’ve had this fantasy for a long time, of you washing my hair. I know it sounds silly…”

“It absolutely doesn’t,” Ryan said. “Besides, I offered, didn’t I? I wouldn’t have if I didn’t want to. 
C’mon, let’s get your hair wet first. Too bad this shower doesn’t have a handheld. We’ll have to do it again sometime, in a better bath.”

Ryan had never even thought about doing this for anyone before, but with Ben it felt natural. He turned Ben so that his back was to the spray, and made sure every strand was dampened. Ben closed his eyes as Ryan worked, allowing him to feast on the sight of him. Ben was so beautiful, he made Ryan’s heart ache. He thought he’d loved him before, but he knew that was the love of a teenager. What he felt now had only matured with time, ripened and blossom into something much stronger.

He took Ben’s hands and led him out of the water, then turned him around again, taking the bottle of shampoo in hand. There were a couple to choose from. The one he picked was marked hibiscus. He squeezed the gel onto one hand, replaced the bottle on the shelf, then rubbed his hands together before running them through Ben’s wet hair. He massaged his way through the strands, making sure to spread the shampoo everywhere.

“You have a fantastic touch.” Ben’s voice was almost a moan. He leaned back toward Ryan.

“I love touching you,” Ryan said. “Everything about you is beautiful. You’re so gorgeous, you could get any man you want.” Where had that come from? Maybe it was because Ben’s back was to him so he felt emboldened to speak his mind.

Ben slid in his arms to face it, a frown marring his forehead. “You’re the only man I’ve ever wanted,” he said. “You’re perfect for me, you’re amazing… I’m the one who’s not—”

“Don’t say that, don’t even think it,” Ryan protested. “You’re everything I’ve ever wanted. You’re beautiful, you’re talented, you have so much charm it should be illegal…”

Ben stilled him with a kiss, and Ryan lost himself in the moment, allowing Ben’s lips to sweep away his perceived inadequacies. Ben loved him, nothing else mattered.

to be continued

Now go see what's up with the other Briefers!

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