
Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Wednesday Briefs: In Pieces #51 (12.5)

Good morning and Happy Hump Day! If it's Wednesday, then it must be time for more flash fiction from the Wednesday Briefers! We're a group of authors who bring you our finest flash fiction every week, 500 to 1000 words, inspired by one of our prompts.

If Ryan disliked Brandon before, that's nothing compared to what he's feeling now after Brandon shows up at Salvation's gig and has the nerve to make certain accusations regarding Ryan and Ben. Can Ben make everything right again, and what will they do to Brandon? See what's going on in this week's chapter of In Pieces. Don't forget to visit the other Briefers and see what's up with them!  Their links follow my tale! Enjoy!

In Pieces #51 (12.5)

Leaving the bar, they noticed some of the customers had also gone outside. They stood in a cluster, cigarette in one hand, drink in the other. Obviously because smoking wasn’t allowed in the bar. As they passed, Ryan thought he heard someone say “goddamned president”, but he didn’t have the time or inclination to worry about politics at this moment.  Rounding the corner of the building, out of sight of the others, they came to a stop by mutual consent. Ben immediately wrapped his arms around Ryan and held him tightly against him. For this moment, not a word was spoken between them. Ryan closed his eyes and rested his face against Ben’s neck, closing out everything and everyone else.

Ryan felt Ben’s fingers stroke his hair gently, felt Ben’s lips caress his head. He felt himself on the verge of purring like a contented can when Ben drew back slightly, looking into Ryan’s eyes. “What’s wrong? Did something happen in there?” he asked in concern. “You don’t usually drink like that, you scared me.”

Ryan took a long shuddering breath, willing himself to calm down. “It’ll be okay,” he said, not wanting to upset Ben any more than he already seemed to be, but unwilling to withhold the truth either. “I know I shouldn’t let him do it, but that man just gets to me.”

“What man?”

“Abby’s boyfriend. Brandon.” Ryan breathing began to even out as he began to relax, now that he was away from the cause of his upset. Being out in the fresh air didn’t hurt either, but mostly it was the influence of Ben’s presence, and he knew it.

Ben’s brows drew together angrily. “What did he do? He didn’t touch you, did he?”

“No, but I think he would have if I’d agreed to come outside with him.” The very idea was disgusting. “It’s the comments he made… about you and me. Talking about us, about incest, like we were…  I mean ….” Ryan stumbled over the words he hadn’t expected to say, ever. “Ben, I never wanted to punch someone so badly in my life. I had to walk away.”

Ryan quickly glanced at Ben to gauge his reaction to his words. There was an expression in Ben’s eyes that he couldn’t quite read—disgust? Shame?—but the next moment it was gone and Ryan couldn’t swear he’d seen anything at all.

“Ben,” he began, hesitantly. “I’m… sorry I upset you… I’m sorry—”

“Don’t be sorry!” Ben said fiercely. “You didn’t do anything wrong. And neither did I. We’re not wrong, and neither is our love.” He claimed Ryan’s lips in a passionate kiss that quelled any lingering doubts Ryan may have had. He knew Ben loved him, with all his heart. They were meant to be. Mere words couldn’t hurt them, if they didn’t let them. Especially since they weren’t true.

They clung together, leaning against the weathered brick of the building for support. Occasional bursts of music reached them from time to time as people wandered in and out of the bar, reminding Ryan of his previous plans to dance with Ben. Right this minute, he didn’t care if they got to dance here in this place or not.  What mattered was that they were together.

“I guess I never thought of us that way,” Ryan said at last. “You were always more of a friend than a brother.”

“After you stopped hating me for not being a dog?” Ben teased. Ryan was glad to see that he had calmed down as well. The storm had passed… at least, for now.

“I was horrible, I know,” Ryan said with a small laugh. It was easy to laugh about it now, but he’d certainly been angry at the time as only an eight-year-old boy can be angry when he doesn’t get what he expects. “And stupid. I got something much better than a puppy. I got you.”

“Oh God, Ryan, I needed to hear that so much.” Ben squeezed Ryan tightly, and this time he buried his face against Ryan’s chest, holding onto him for dear life.

“And I need you, Ben,” Ryan assured him. “And if there’s ever—” But the thought went unfinished, their solitude broken by an ill-timed arrival. Ryan turned his head to find Abby making a beeline for them, skirts lifted from the ground to reveal her black stiletto boots. Hot on her heels was Brandon. He tried to grab her arm, but she brushed him aside, never slowing.

She drew up to Ben and Ryan. Ryan had never seen her so angry. Her eyes blazed with fury, but he suspected her anger was not directed at them. When she spoke, her voice was far more contained than he’d expected.

“Tell me what he did,” she demanded. Ryan wasn’t sure if the question was for him or Ben until she finally fixed her gaze on him. Maybe she had seen something of what went down inside?

“I’m telling you, you’re overreacting,” Brandon interrupted before Ryan had a chance to reply. “I was just flirting a little, that’s all. Teasing. No need to get so bent out of shape.”

Ben stiffened in Ryan’s arms. He drew himself up and turned to face Brandon, his own anger beginning to show. “You… how dare you talk about us like that? You don’t know us and you have no right to accuse of… of things that aren’t true. And you dare to say you  were teasing?”

Brandon narrowed his eyes at them, his mouth tightening into a thing line, but he made no reply.

“What did he say?” Abby looked between Ryan and Ben. “Please tell me!”

“Incest,” Ryan spoke up quickly. “Accused us of incest.”

Abby turned without another word, and threw a balled fist directly at Brandon’s jaw. He staggered backward, almost losing his balance. His hand flew to his jaw and he stared at her in disbelief.

“Get the fuck away from us,” Abby said.

to be continued

Now go see what's up with the other Briefers!

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