
Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Wednesday Briefs: In Pieces #50 (12.4)

Good morning and Happy Hump Day! If it's Wednesday, then it must be time for more flash fiction from the Wednesday Briefers! We're a group of authors who bring you our finest flash fiction every week, 500 to 1000 words, inspired by one of our prompts.

Salvation is playing at a small bar in New Orleans, last gig before they go on the road. Ryan is looking forward to having a good night with Ben, but will something disrupt those dreams? See what's going on in this week's chapter of In Pieces. Don't forget to visit the other Briefers and see what's up with them! Their links follow my tale! Enjoy!

In Pieces #50 (12.4)

The first two sets went very well. The audience was small but appreciative. Some had even dressed as the various members of the band, including a couple of priests and nuns and even one pope. When Ryan had attended concerts with Cassie, he’d often worn that band’s T-shirt as a symbol of unity, but he’d never gone so far as to imitate their dress.  Then again, most bands didn’t dress quite as distinctively as Salvation. At least not in his experience. Maybe New Orleans was more open to that sort of thing than St. Louis.

Earlier in the day, while Ben and the others were rehearsing, Ryan had found a few minutes to call Cassie and say hello. They didn’t get to talk long, but he promised her a longer call as soon as he could. It was good to hear her voice, see how she was doing… and tell her about Ben and him. She practically squealed over the phone, she was so pleased at the news that they were together at last. She said she was doing well and keeping busy but she missed him. She told him they would definitely have to find time to come visit her, which idea Ryan seconded. He couldn’t wait to show Ben off, and for Ben and Cassie to get to know each other. Hopefully Ben wouldn’t mind.

Between sets, the band signed autographs and posed for pictures. Ryan stood proudly by, watching. Ben was certainly in his element, smiling and charming and gracious to everyone. They didn’t get a chance to dance, but Ryan still had hopes that might happen after the last set. The bar had a juke box that was kept busy when the band wasn’t playing. He was pretty sure he could find something on it that was slow and romantic if he looked hard enough. If not, they could always improvise.

He took a few photos for the book  , but Ben had told him not to worry about taking too many —they’d be playing New Orleans again at least once or twice before the tour was done—so he kept the number down. Afterward he claimed a spot against the wall where he could stand and watch the band to his heart’s content. Ben had warned him that this gig would run later than usual since bars stayed open all night here. It might be past two before they got out, but Ryan didn’t mind. They could always sleep in a little tomorrow.

“Hey, tiger, how’s it going?” a voice broke into his thoughts.

Ryan glanced over to find Brandon standing beside him, drink in hand, cheesy grin firmly affixed. Ryan wasn’t entirely surprised. After all, Abby had warned them he might be there. He’d hoped that wouldn’t happen, but now all he could do was make the best of a potentially bad situation.

“Good,” he replied politely. “You?”

“Never better. How about we go outside? Get a little fresh air? Kinda stuffy in here, don’t you think?”

Ryan pushed down his annoyance at the other man’s presumption. “Thanks, I’m good right here,” he said, keeping his eyes fixed on Ben. Maybe Brandon would catch a clue…

“Ah, afraid lover boy will be jealous? I get it. He does tend to be possessive when he’s in love, doesn’t he?”

Ryan turned startled eyes in Brandon’s direction.  Brandon was openly smirking. Was he deliberately provoking Ryan? To do what? And why?

“So tell me something, is incest like legal now? I mean it seems to be all the fashion. You see it on TV, in books… and in real life.”

Ryan’s cheeks heated. He clenched his fists, resisting the urge to punch Abby’s boyfriend in the mouth. What did she even see in this guy? Whatever it was, he couldn’t see it.

He also wasn’t going to let Brandon get the better of him, either. He took deep breaths until he felt calm enough to respond without anger. “Ben and I were stepbrothers ten years ago. We have no blood ties. If you’ll excuse me…” He pushed off from the wall and walked away from Brandon, still seething internally. The bar was right in front of him, as he maneuvered across the room. Why not?

He stood at the bar for a few minutes before the bartender was able to get him, wiping his hands on a cloth around his waist. “What can I get you?”

“Shot of whiskey,” Ryan responded. When the bartender set it in front of him, he bolted it, feeling the liquor burn along his throat as it went down.

“Another one,” he said, pushing the empty glass forward. The bartended obliged. This time, Ryan sipped at it, determined to keep his wits about him. “What do I owe you?”

“Nothing,” came the immediate response. “I know you’re with the band. It’s all good.” He gave Ryan a gap-toothed smile. Ryan tried to smile back, but it felt stiff.

“Thanks,” he said. Just then, he felt an arm about his waist and he started to stiffen until he realized the band was no longer on the stage. When had they stopped playing?

“Hey, what’s going on?” He heard Ben’s familiar voice in his ear and realized Brandon hadn’t followed him to the bar, as he’d first thought. He directed his gaze to Ben’s beautiful blue eyes which were  perturbed.

“Can we go outside?” Ryan asked.

“Sure. We just went on break before the last set.”

Ryan knocked back the remnants of his drink just before Ben drew him close and kissed him, long and hard. By the time the kiss ended, Ryan felt better. “I needed that.” He took Ben’s hand in his and led him out the front door, never looking around to see where Brandon might be. He didn’t really give a shit.

to be continued

Now go see what's up with the other Briefers!

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