
Thursday, October 13, 2016

Virtual Book Tour: The General's Wife

Please welcome author Sara R. Turnquist, who is here to tell us about her new release, The General's Wife. Sara will be awarding a $50 Amazon/BN GC to one randomly drawn commenter via Rafflecopter. The more you comment, the better your chances of winning. To find out where the other stops on her tour are, go here. Don't forget to look for the Rafflecopter at the end of this post!

The General's Wife
by Sara R. Turnquist


GENRE: Historical Romance



“Go home!” Ismene is speechless as she reads those words written in blood on the walls of her new home. The young, raven-haired Grecian beauty had traveled all the way from her homeland to marry the Pharaoh’s top general. But she never expected this. The hatred of the Alexandrian mob for their Greek rulers is right in front of her. It is the first of many threats she will receive.

Things are escalating out of control. Damaged crops and horses turned loose at night are one thing. But when Ismene receives a death threat, it becomes clear that there is a spy within her own household. She would turn to her husband to deal with this issue, except he left for battle by order of the Pharaoh. Not knowing whom to trust, she fears for her safety as well as the entire ruling class of Egypt.



“Can you please take this blindfold off?” Ismene loved surprises, but couldn't stand the waiting. Alistair had risen early to prepare a special breakfast for them and served her in bed. Then he had told her that he had something special planned for them today—a special place for them to visit.

“Not yet,” Alistair said as he gripped her waist. Their chariot went over a bump which caused him to pull her to him even more tightly. She smiled at the feel of his secure embrace; even after this short time it still caused butterflies in her stomach.

She felt the chariot continue to move down the smooth path with a little rocking here and there as the wheels found imperfections in the road.

“We're almost there, I promise,” he assured her. His voice was close to her ear and it gave her warm chills. She thought of the feel of those lips on her neck. There wasn't much time to daydream, though, because, true to his word, it wasn't much longer before she felt him slow the horses and still the chariot.

“Ready for your surprise?” he asked.

“Yes!” She feigned exasperation.

Only then did he reach up, untie her blindfold, and let it fall. “The great Library of Alexandria.”

What is your idea of perfect happiness? To belong. To be loved and cherished.

What is your greatest fear? To be a disgrace, and thus live out my life alone

What is the trait you most deplore in yourself? My flights of fancy. My idealism. I forget the world has rules and that I am bound by those rules.

What is your current state of mind? I am sad. I have just left my family and my love. Will I ever see them again? I fear not.

What do you consider the most overrated virtue? Duty

What do you most dislike about your appearance? My hair is often difficult for me to tame. Thick and curly. It is heavy and often frizzy in the humidity.

Which living person do you most despise? Right now? My father. How could he send me away? Doesn’t he care?

When and where were you happiest? In Greece, with Thelopolis

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? That I am a woman. Bound to the decisions of men. Unable to chart my own destiny.

What is your most marked characteristic? Probably my loyalty. My mother says I am loyal to my own detriment. Perhaps that is true. Maybe that is why being removed from my home and sent to a foreign land is so difficult for me.

What is your greatest regret? That I fell in love at all. This would be so much easier if I had not.



AUTHOR Bio and Links:
Sara is originally from middle TN. After a short stint in Memphis, where she earned a degree in Biology and began a career as both a Zoo Educator and a Sleep Technician, she then followed a dream to work for a large zoo in Orlando, FL as an Educator. Once she and her husband started their family, they moved back to Tennessee. Sara and her husband now enjoy a full life with their three beautiful and very active children. Sara enjoys many creative outlets – singing, piano, drawing, drama, and organizing anything. And even though she has enjoyed her career as a Zoo Educator, Sara's great love of the written word continued to draw her to write. She has always been an avid reader and, for many years, has been what she terms a “closet writer”. Her travels and love of history have served to inspire her to write Historical Fiction. Sara has made several trips overseas to the Czech Republic. Her time among the Czech people and the landscapes of the country inspired her and greatly influenced her work on her debut novel, The Lady Bornekova, set in Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic. Sara is also a member of the ACFW.

How to reach me:

Twitter: @sarat1701
Facebook: Sara R. Turnquist, Author -

Buy Links:


Barnes & Noble:





  a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. It's been a great tour!


    1. Thanks, Trix! I've enjoyed "seeing" you along the way. Thanks for following the tour!

  2. I would love to read this book, and I love the cover.

    1. Thanks, Bridgett! Wish I could take more credit for the cover, but that's all Cora Graphics. She is phenomenal!
