
Saturday, August 15, 2015

Virtual Book Tour: Places Like Home

Please welcome author April Kelley, who is here to talk about her new release, Places Like Home!


Running away from his problems isn’t an option anymore.

For three years Dakota Weaver has done nothing but run from a man that wants to hurt him. He changes his name and takes a job as far away from the last place he lived as he could get. The Heath’s are great people and he loves his job. It reminds him of the home he left behind all those years ago. Dakota has looked over his shoulder for far too long and has come to the end of his rope.

The first time Jackson sees Dakota on his best friend, Travis Heath’s farm, he wants the man. All of Jackson’s flirting gets him nowhere with the man though. Jackson overhears a telephone conversation Dakota has with his brother and gets a whole new perspective on Dakota’s life and what it’s really like.


"Hey there," Jackson whispered and pulled on his arm gently, hoping Dakota would bridge the gap on his own. Jackson let out the breath he didn't realize he was holding when Dakota did and was surprised when he hugged him tightly around his middle, his head buried in Jackson's chest. Dakota was several inches shorter than Jackson which meant Dakota fit perfectly against him.

Dakota had been fairly successful at avoiding Jackson the past few months. So the voluntary hugging said more about the level of stress Dakota was feeling in that moment than just about anything could.
Jackson rubbed a hand up and down Dakota's back, holding him as close as possible. "It's all right, baby. We've got your back now."

Andrew talked about how Fullman was dangerous and had raped in the past, although he didn't say who got hurt. By the way Dakota stiffened up his body Jackson figured out really quickly who it was.
"You want to lie down, Dakota?" Jackson whispered to him.

Dakota nodded against his chest but didn't let up his hold.

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About the Author
Living in Southwest Michigan, April resides with her husband and two kids.  She has been an avid reader for several years.  Writing her first story at the age of ten, the characters in her head still won't stop telling their stories.  If April isn't reading or writing, she can be found outside playing with the animals or taking a long walk in the woods.   If you wish to contact her, email  Please visit her website at


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