
Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Virtual Book Tour: Claimed by Desire

Character interview
Today we welcome Aeron to the blog to tell us a bit about himself.

1)      What do you find attractive in a man?
I like rugged men. Guys who look like they make a living with their hands.

2)     The first thing that went through your head when you saw Dylan?
Honestly? Wow! That was all that went through my head at first. Closely followed by some pretty filthy thoughts. He was incredibly hot, but also had this really intense charisma. He intimidated me but turned me on at the same time. It was actually a pretty uncomfortable experience in some ways. I wasn’t used to feeling so overwhelmed by a person, certainly not on first meeting them.

3)     Do you think you’ll insist the author visits you again?
I bloody well hope she visits us again. We’ve got more stories to tell.

4)     Before you met Dylan, what was your ideal man?
I had a fair few. Most of them people I would never, ever get to meet. I live in a very small village in the mountains and so didn’t get chance to meet many amazing men in real life. I did have a particular soft spot for Brad Pitt in his Fight Club days.

5)     You’re going out for dinner. What’s your favorite food?

I love all sorts of food. I’d find it hard to pick a favorite. I do like hearty Welsh food, but I also love Asian food, and Italian. I have Italian heritage so love to make and eat good Italian cooking. 

Author Name: Skye Jones

Book Name: Claimed by Desire
Series: Wild Hunters
Book: Two

Release Date: July 27,2015
Dylan Roberts returns to the Wales of his birth a changed man after the violent death of his mate. Having turned his back on being a bounty hunter and sworn off love for life, all he wants now is revenge.
When he meets Aeron Lombardo, his new farmhand, Dylan resents the intense attraction that blossoms between them. But Aeron won’t stop pushing and soon things take a hot and sexy turn.
As passions rise, danger rears its ugly head. Now Dylan and Aeron must choose whether to separate or commit to one another totally. Will Dylan take the final step and claim his new mate?

Pages or Words: 148 pages

Categories: Erotica, Fiction, M/M Romance, Paranormal, Romance

“Turn around.” Dylan’s low voice echoed in the bathroom.
He did as instructed, skin goose bumping in the chill air. Thick fingers touched either side of his torso and gently pressed down into his lower back. “Does it hurt?”
He shook his head.
“Turn back around.”
He faced the front and watched as Dylan moved large hands over his torso, gentle but firm. He pressed a little more on the right hand side. “What about here? Hurt at all?”
“No.” He exhaled a shaky breath. No matter how much he told his dick not to take interest in the proceedings, he became more and more aroused at every touch.
Then Dylan did something so strange it snapped him out of his fog of desire. The man leaned in towards Aeron and sniffed him.
“Jesus.” Aeron took a step back, butting up against the sink behind him. “Did you just smell me?”

Sales Links:
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About the author:
Skye Jones is an erotic romance author who likes to write about that moment when lust and love meet and head on.

Where to find the author:

Twitter: @skyejromance
Goodreads Link:
Publisher: Liquid Silver Books
Cover Artist: Liquid Silver Books

Tour Dates & Stops:




















Rafflecopter Prize: $25 gift card to one winner, two e-copies to two other winners
a Rafflecopter giveaway

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on your new book! It look great =) Thank you for the character interview and giveaway chance!

